2 - Editorial by Monica Cotfas 2012 Spiru Haret by Eufrosina Oltăcan Venus-my Love by Tzvetan Kostov Benjamin Franklin by Teodora Denisa Maria Popa Bicycles and society by Andra Tudor Consoles and Nintendo by Gabriele Trovato History of the GUI by Timothy Dakin Fun Pages by Emanuela Feldiorean and Mădălina Marton Brain and computers by C. Manolescu and V. Enache 29 Thoman Alva Edison by Teodora Spataru Evolution (Part 2) by Keiron Pain Colegiul Tehnic Mircea Cristea E. Boggio Lera Experimental High School Brasov, Romania Catania, Italy Thessaloniki, Greece Transilvania University Colegiul Nicolae Titulescu Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Brasov, Romania Brasov, Romania Brasov, Romania Grupul Școlar Dr. Ioan Șenchea Colegiul National Doamna Stanca FAGARAŞ, Romania FAGARAŞ, Romania EPMagazine Editorial Boards BRASOV Editorial Serban Gorcea, Andra Tudor, Alexandru Elena Helerea, Monica Cotfas, Neaga, Emanuela Feldiorean, Denisa Pavăl, Board Marius Benţa Brasov, Romania Madalina Marton, Dorin Racolţa FAGARAŞ Editorial Tudor Popa, Claudiu Dragu, Florin Mihai Luminiţa Husac, Corina Popa, Stoica, Botar Marian, Mihai Caludiu, Dobre- Board Laura Oancea anu Rares Fagaras, Romania Experimental High School Konstantinos Kardamiliotis, Koralia Kontou, Nikos Georgolios Victoria Datsi, Loukas Mettas. Marilena Zarftzian Thessaloniki, Greece Boggio Lera High Vittorio Iocolano, Laura Patanè Angelo Rapisarda Andrea Zhang, Gabriele Trovato School Viviana Dalmas Catania, Italy Mattia Famoso, Angelo Tambone Cooperators Kastamonu Valiliği Kastamonu, Turkey Senol Karabaltaoglu School 127 I. Denkoglu Sofia, Bulgaria Tzvetan Kostov Colegiul Tehnic Mihai Bravu Bucuresti, Romania Crina Stefureac Suttner-Schule, Biotechnologi- Ettlingen, Germany Norbert Müller sches Gymnasium Liceo Classico “N. Spedalieri” Catania, Italy Giuseppe Privitera Ahmet Eren Anadolu Lisesi Kayseri, Turkey Okan Demir I.P.S.I.A “E. Fermi” Catania, Italy Danilo Guglielmino Priestley College Warrington, UK Shahida Khanam Liceul C.A. Rosetti Bucuresti, Romania Elisabeta Niculescu Australian Catholic University Brisbane, Australia Natalie Ross Gh. Asachi Technical College Iasi, Romania Tamara Slatineanu Escola Secundária de Amares Amares, Portugal Rui Manuel Vila Chã Baptista Multimedia Team Official Site Web Master Rick Hilkens Official Site Web Assistant Andrea Zhang Online Magazine Manager Vittorio Iocolano CD Collection Manager Vittorio Iocolano Theme IMPACT designed by Vittorio Iocolano [email protected] Cover Picture: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/files/2012/08/ Curiosity-ready-to-roll.jpg Contents Editorial 6 Monica Cotfas Spiru Haret 12 Eufrosina Oltăcan Venus, my love! 17 Tzvetan Kostov Benjamin Franklin 19 Teodora Denisa Maria Popa Bicycles and society 23 Andra Tudor 4 History of Science and Technlogy Technlogy for Green Energy Consoles and Nintendo Editorial Gabriele Trovato 27 Monica Cotfas History of the GUI Spiru Haret Timothy Dakin 31 Eufrosina Oltăcan Fun pages Emanuela Feldiorean, Mădălina Marton 40 Venus, my love! Tzvetan Kostov Brain and computers Cosmin Manolescu, Vlad Enache 42 Benjamin Franklin Teodora Denisa Maria Popa Thomas Alva Edison Teodora Cristina Spătaru 47 Bicycles and society Andra Tudor Evolution (part 2) Keiron Pain 51 5 Monica Cotfas Colegiul Tehnic “Mircea Cristea”, Braşov, Romania [email protected] Curiosity Rover Curiosity Rover (En) (Ro) This second issue of EPMagazine on 2012 Acest al doilea număr al revistei EPMagazine salutes the success of NASA’s project pe anul 2012 salută succesul proiectului NASA “Curiosity – science lab on Mars”, aiming to “Curiosity - laborator de ştiintă pe Marte”, analyse samples of soil and rocks on Mars care încearcă să analizeze mostre de sol şi roci with the Curiosity rover, in search of proof de pe Marte cu ajutorul robotului Curiosity, în that Mars could be a favourable environment căutarea dovezilor că Marte ar putea fi un for the existence of mediu propice some forms of life. dezvoltării People have always unor forme de EDITORIAL been curious to un- viaţă. veil the mysteries Omul a fost about the Universe c u r i o s they are part of. dintotdeauna From ancient times, să dezlege when everything had tainele legate mystical or super- de universul natural explanations, din care face to our present days parte. Din din when science has cele mai vechi put aside many of timpuri, când the previous beliefs totul era and opened new ho- Curiosity Rover explicat prin rizons, one thing re- supranatural şi mained ultimately unchanged and that is legendă, până în ziua de azi, când ştiinţa a man’s curiosity. The thought that there are înlăturat multe din explicaţiile supranaturale şi other forms of life that developed in other a deschis noi orizonturi, curiozitatea parts of the Universe still stirs many people’s oamenilor a rămas aceeaşi, şi gândul că există imagination. This is one of the main reasons viaţă în alte forme, în alte părţi ale universului, why this project of NASA benefitted from such stârneşte imaginaţia multora. Acesta este unul a large mediatisation and such a huge interest din motivele pentru care acest proiect al NASA from the audience. este unul dintre cele care se bucură de o largă The robot which landed in the Gale crater on mediatizare şi de un imens interes din partea the 6th of August 2012 has the objective to publicului. analyse the climate and the geology of Mars Robotul, care a aterizat în craterul Gale pe 6 and to find scientific proof of life in any forms. august 2012, are ca obiective analiza climei şi Among the most interesting technical details geologiei marţiene şi găsirea de dovezi ale that could be mentioned here, there are the existenţei unor forme de viaţă. Câteva detalii 17 high resolution cameras that the robot is tehnice interesante: este dotat cu 17 camere endowed with, the infrared laser, the mi- de înaltă rezoluţie, laser cu infrarosu, croscope, the X ray spectrometer, the microscop, spectometru cu raze X, 6 several analytical labs, the various com- laboratoare analitice, mulţi alţi senzori şi munication and mobility systems. As far as its analizatori şi sisteme multiple de comunicare dimensions are concerned, it is 2.9 m long, 2.7 şi deplasare. Are o lungime de 2,9 m, o lăţime m wide and 2.2 m high. de 2.7 m şi o înălţime de 2.2 m. Unlike the rovers previously sent on Mars by Spre deosebire de ceilalti roboţi trimişi pana NASA- Mars Pathfinder in 1997, Spirit Rover in acum de NASA pe Marte (Mars Pathfinder - 2010, and Opportunity in 2012, Curiosity was 1997, Spirit Rover - 2010, Opportunity – active even from its successful landing on 2012), Curiosity a fost activ încă de la Mars, minimizing the preparation time to a aterizarea cu success pe Marte, neavând few seconds. nevoie de niciun timp de pregătire. The rover has already taken, analyzed and Roboţelul a preluat deja mostre de sol şi a photographed many samples of soil and other fotografiat anumite particule luminoase care bright particles that were initially believed to iniţial au fost considerate bucăţi dezlipite de la be leftover pieces from equipments used in alte echipamente din expediţii anterioare, dar previous missions, dupa analiză s-a but after careful ex- constatat că sunt amination they were făcute din materie proved to be made marţiană. of Martian matter. De asemenea Curiosity rover has Curiosity a also photographed fotografiat niste white spheres on the sfere albe pe cerul Martian sky, ex- marţian, explicate plained by the spe- de specialişti ca cialists as dead pix- pixeli morţi, defecte els, flaws of photog- de fotografiere, dar raphy, but believed pentru cei care cred by those who be- î n e x i s t e n ţ a lieve in aliens to be extraterteştrilor, ele unidentified space- ar putea fi nave EDITORIAL ships. s p a ţ i a l e Amongst the most Jake Matjevic rock neidentificate. interesting images Dintre multele offered by the rover there is the large dimen- imagini inedite oferite de robot, amintim roca sions rock nicknamed “Jake Matijevic”, with a de mari dimensiuni poreclită “Jake Matijevic”, complex composition of silicon, sodium, po- care are o componenţă complexă: siliciu, tassium and aluminium that proves it as being sodium, potasiu şi aluminiu, fiind, se pare, resulted from the cooling of the magma after rezultatul răcirii magmei după o erupţie a volcanic eruption. The rover has also photo- vulcanică. De asemenea, roboţelul a surprins graphed an amazing eclipse on the Martian imagini minunate din timpul unei eclipse, când sky, when Phobos, one of the Mars’ „moons” Phobos, una din „lunile” planetei Marte, a passed in front of the sun. trecut prin faţa Soarelui. The outcome of this research and the edu- Rezultatele acestor cercetari si activitatea cational activity conducted by our magazine educativa a revistei noastre EPMagazine ne EPMagazine make us recall Albert Einstein’s aduc aminte de faimoasele vobe ale lui Albert famous words: The important thing is not to Eistein: e important sa nu ne oprim din a stop questioing. Curiosity has its own reason ne intreba, deoarece curiozitatea are for existing. propria ratiune de a exista. 7 Curiosity Rover Curiosity Rover (It) (Gr) Questo secondo fascicolo di EPMagazine Εκδοτικό σημείωμα del 2012 saluta i successi del progetto della Το όχημα Curiosity NASA Curiosity, laboratorio scientifico su Marte, che mira ad analizzare campioni di Αυτό το δεύτερο τεύχος του περιοδικού terreno e rocce del Pianeta rosso con la EPM για το 2012 χαιρετίζει την επιτυχία του sonda omonima, alla ricerca della prova che προγράμματος της NASA «Περιέργεια EDITORIAL Marte può costituire un ambiente favorevo- (Curiosity) – επιστημονικό εργαστήριο στον le per l’esistenza di alcune forme di vita. Άρη», που σκοπεύει να αναλύσει δείγματα χώματος και βράχων με το όχημα Curiosity, αναζητώντας αποδείξεις για το αν ο Άρης θα μπορούσε να είναι ένα ευνοϊκό περιβάλλον για την ύπαρξη κάποιων μορφών ζωής. Οι άνθρωποι πάντοτε είχαν την περιέργεια να ανακαλύψουν τα μυστικά του Σύμπαντος, στο οποίο και αυτοί ανήκουν. Από την αρχαία εποχή, όπου το κάθε τι είχε μυστικιστικές ή υπερφυσικές εξηγήσεις, μέχρι τις μέρες μας όπου η επιστήμη παραμέρισε τις προηγούμενες ερμηνείες και άνοιξε νέους ορίζοντες, ένα πράγμα παρέμεινε τελικά απαράλλακτο και αυτό ήταν η περιέργεια του ανθρώπου.
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