•rfw^^íp '¦'''' '¦ **'"- . 7^^'ãÊéJJi v.' -. ¦ V í&»aHaw-^í--^«''¥Í'' • ' '•¦^iEfsi'lT*V&ít%f*+¦ ífiV' >''¦^'^•-'-iT''-''- '¦¦ j^*'*^»®ifflpHB --âf*' - a ¦-*" ¦• ¦y.-*^-fa^«^'-am*3i^VKSHlJ .'¦ft:"..íf. ¦¦ri '¦¦ é tífwinlp Redactor Responsável. • æ1" *-Sà-**??> ¦• ¦-'•»»'.'' Rpdacção, Administração ÍHÍF. ¦R ."';¦''. Rua Camerino 55-57, Río de Janeiro, íi WILEMAN. '¦¦•.•r \. .¦ . -*W7JJ*m "¦«jj* IleuieRi*'''¦'' "'-ftf v. - A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, ECONOMICS, AND SIIIPPINO ... i *. .... t._____ ,. B__.=r^_..._ ^ VOL. 19RIO DE JANEIRO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1928N. I .'; .,:. ¦ ¦""'l'¦ »'¦'¦¦., -,I J. Ml III,, ,I, ¦«-.¦„ „ ² r-.,¦ 1 , hJ&. ^ Br»-. •^¦¦T |K ^^^p a lfff,»»^^m VllIJIllflII Ifafaraf ã S^t^Amà ^A^A^LM §ã Mt' Mr/Sa ^^^«^aiWâito^^M A.^^^*™*^««'j ^*^1^^^-V»*t«^*»a»h^fc_'^^^^^¦m.lwVSí ^w _.»-'**^^*"^E'«^^ka«»'l^^»»-*-^^^^^^^^^ *»*«W.#~,"r ** at w^\X. -I' ¦¦ ....*-^ .--a-alC ¦ jT^^a«MlTl^^^'>"^^^^B 22,000 TONS GROSS M V. ALCÂNTARA MAIL & PACIFIC LINES '*t*sT*T+S THE ROYAL 7^^ REGULAR SERVICE OF MAIL & CARGO STEAMERS. à{7**r*í5/ BETWEEN BRAZIL/EUROPE PLATE & PACIFIC PORTS. K.1S ALSO TO RIVER THE LARGEST AND LATEST BRITISH MOTOR LINER 44 ALCÂNTARA" ¦»?*•.* iP TONS DISPLACEMEN1 22,000 OROSS TONS32,000 TO EUROPE FROM SIIIIÍOS, 11 lan. 1928 -- FROM RIO, .2.1 Jan. 1928 INFORMATION FROM. •Jl /Á r*m»wÊkwW Si".-* , PASSAGE RATES AND FURTHER JlftflW Ã'âK"V.' *--&^---> c^HBJr I RIO DE JANEIRO SUL Steam Packet Co. RIO CRANDE DO The Royal Mail VIÒTORIA ' SANTOS BAHIA J|ljB--^i-'--*99< The Pacific Steam Navigation Co. PERNAMBUCO SÀO PAULO {JNl.&Zt^?^ i-*-*>^,>-tã •''*v..'* •.•">'.*;"• k.1- ¦ - »áâ* -.- .'¦ • •' ,.,.f?*; ü.-.t.i ¦ ? ,-..;."-ií.,i" ''"•',/ • "'' v-'-CV--,-•'," >' '.,'s"" ',. ¦ - -: .¦¦'¦1l;'!;-.- ¦.-:¦¦.¦¦ '- ' "* - ¦ .'" ¦"' SK ••/^Ispp' * -S£." II WILEMAN*S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 5# 1928. LONA '. "LocemotlYa" ¦\ Marca Registrada l^w, WATBB PROOF CANVAS aotpgoor. FOR ÂLL PÜRP08E8 AWNINQS, HATOH CQVERg, SAIL8, TEyiTB, f QAT qOVgBg, RAILWAY WA99QN OQVERfl, ÇA&T QQVgSB, TftMWA» BLIKDB, MOTQR-OAB HOODS, SUNBUNP9, FILTEBS for 8ÜGAR FAOTOBIE8, ITO^ MANUFACTURED BY »:¦ The São Paulo Alpargatas Company SOLE SELLING AGENTS EPWARD ASHWQRTH à QQ. BUA *. 8EHT0, 26. gjjg SJS, RIO DR JANglRQ. SÃO PAMIsPPAHIApoeto intm Rua do Carmo, 13Rua Portugal, 5-1/ Anciar Rua doa Andradas, 259-MI CAIXA 559 CAIXA 43 CAIXA Booth Liné, Liverpool %& *a Regular Service of Passenger and Cargo Steamers Between NEW Y0RK,N0RTI1,/v\IPa«(50UTI1 DRAZIL (calling at Barbados) also between LIVERPOOL, HAMBURG, ANTWERP, HAVR VIGO, OPORTO, LXSBON, MADEIRA, PARA', MANÁOS, K MARANHÃO, CEARA', PARN AH YB A, IQUITOS. Ag©nts for NORTH mü SOUTH AMERICA PARA PERNAMBUCO Juiius von Sohaton 1 BAHIA MftNAOS NATALIRIO DB JANEIRO MARANHÃO Booth & Co. LtJ, CABEDELLOS. A. Wbarton Pedrosa SANTOS GEAR A (l/don) MACEIÓR. B. Pàtenam. RIO GRANDE DO 6DL PARN A HY BA VICT.ORIAArbuckle & Co. PELOTAS IQUITOS FLORIANÓPOLIS GáUhcrm* H. Chaplín PORTO ALEGRE PARANAGUÁ x Emprczd do Melhoramentos Urbanos áe Peranâtfná. ÊÃÔ F3AJ?CISCO DO SUL* R. ®^. &§áafi*?a. BARBADOS : LouHe à Co.. Ltd. OGTH AMERICAN SHIPPING CORPORArw% N 1T Baítery Placo - "U •ii '- * .' :;*V .\-íi.Vi._.v', ' ... -,.-.. O ¦ris:<ys," '¦ ....,,_. .,-¦ REVIEW. III January 5, 1928. WILEMAN _ BRAZILIAN \ww ¦•¦ HIME & CIA. t 52, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 52 Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Co., Ltd. (esquina da Rua da Quitanda). 1 Postal 593 — Endereço telegraphico MFERRO." Caixa Lighterage Contractors, Stevedores, Telephone 6075 Norte. Tug and Launch Owners, Saivage Operators. Import. de Ferro, Aço, Ferragens, Cimento, Tintas, Óleos, etc. Fleet—Over 200 Lighters: 22,000 total tons capacity. t Depositários dos productos da COMPANHIA BRAZILEIRA DE RAPID HANDLING OF CARGO GUARANTEED. UZINAS METALLURGICAS—com grande laminação de ferro "Emily" em barras, vergas e cantoneiras, fundição de ferro e bronse, Saivage Tug equipp<_ with Modern fabricação de parafusos, rebites, pregos para trilhos, ferros Saivage Appliances. de engommar, balanças, louça de ferro fundido estanhado e de ferro batido estanhado, de canos de chumbo, etc, etc. RIO DE JANEIRO — FABRICAS : — NOVA INDUSTRIA—Pontas de Paris, tachas para sapateiro, em ferro e latão, louça de ferro batido e esmaltado, etc. 75, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, "_• 75 EMPREZA PROGRESSO — Fogões, caixas d'agua, ferraduras, portas de aço, gradis, etc. P. O. BOX 1164. "SOL." Phosphoro» marca — Metal Deployé. TELEGRAMS — "LIGHTERAGE RIOJANEIRO "JACARÉ." — Cimento "Saccadura," white Brothers. Coalho "NOBEL'S Codes—BENTLEVS, A.B.C. 4th Ed., LIEBER'S, A. 1 Dynamite e Gelignite da EXPLOSIVES Co., Ltd." LONDON — Dashwood House, New Broad Street, E.C. 3 Depositários do ferro guza das Uzinas Morro Grande ESPERANÇA, BURNIER, RIO ACIMA. ENQUIRIES INVITED. -MK> THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED, Central Office, RUA DA GLORIA, 36— RIO DE JANEIRO Telephone Central 2404 — Cable Address: LATESCENCE Direct communication between the States of Rio, Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes, Length of Line, 1,856 miles, with 292 stations serving an área of 200 000 square miles. TRAFFIC IN 1926. Passengers, No. 21,636,170Parcels and Luggage, Tons, 107,911Goods. Tons, 1,747,756. TRATNS LEAVE FOR THE TNTERTOR. From Nictheroy. 6.30—Express—Campos, Miracema, Itape_iirim, Porciuncula and branche lines, daily. 7.00—Express—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily. 15.35—Passeio—Friburgo, Cantagallo Saturday. 16.40—Express—Rio Bonito, daily. To Macahé Mondays Wednesdays, Thnrsday, and Saturdays. 21.00—Night Express—Campos, rtap.jvrim and Victoria, Mondays and Fridays, Return from Victoria Sundays and Thursdays. 10.15—Electric illumination and ventüation. Single fare N:ctheroy/Victoria 59$400 Return fare, 938700, Sleeping cars bet- ween Nictheroy and Campos, Upper Berth, 22$40ü, Lower Berth 28$000. Lunch and dinner served on restaurant cars bet- ween Campos and Victoria. 21.00—Night Express—Campos only, Wednesdays until further notice. From Campos, Tuesdays 21.50. Single, 34$900; return ^l 558700. From Barão de Mauá. 20.10—Night Express—Petropolis, Entre Rios, Bicas, Furtado de Campos, Ubá and Ponte Nova, Mondays and Thursdays. Return from Ponte Nova Wednesdays and Saturdays 15.10 Single fare Barão dc Mauá Ponte Nova 54*000. Return fare 858.'500. Sleeping car between Petropolis and São Geraldo, upper Berth 228400, Lower Berth 288000. RTO — PETROPOLIS. WINTER. SUMMER. 'ils! From lst May to October. From lst November to 30th April. WEEK DAYS. WEEK DAYS. A. B. A. B. Barão de Mauá, Dept. 0.00 8.35 12.00 13.30 10.30 17.30 20.10 B. de Mauá, Dept. 6.00 8.35 12.00 13.30 15.30 16.30 17.S0 20.10 Petropolis, Dept 6.10 7.35 8.40 10.10 15.55 19.30 — Petropolis, Dept . — 6.10 7.35 8.40 10.10 12.50 15.55 19.30 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Barão de Mauá, Dept. 6.00 7.30 8.35 10.30 15.30 17.30 20.10 '>. de Mauá, Dept6.00 7.30 8.35 10.30 15.30 17.30 20.10 Petropolis, Dept. ...0.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19.30 20.30 Petropolis. Dept. .... 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19.30 20.80 A. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. B. Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays only. EXCURSIONS SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. Petropolis.— 2.700 feet nbove sea levei, magnificent climate, beautiful views during trip; 1 hour, 40 minutes, lst class return 78500. SI one ballast no dust. Friburgo,—2,800ft. above sea levei, 3h. 25min. by passeio train. Fare 138300 lst class return, single 88300 (Saturday lo Monday.) GUIDE BOOKS AND TIMETABLES published half-yearly:—Price $300—containing useful information re: mileage books and prices; reduced fares for excursions, pxires, etc.: Company's Agencies in Rio; free storage time and demurrage charges on timber; illuslration and price of model poultry .coops; rates of advertising at stations and in this Guide; Deli very to dwelling*; map of L. R. system; advertisements, views, and sundry other articles of interest. r_t_ a__ __-»»l^_»iiB*_a™*U«_M!B&«_U<«P^JKt3sgB>Ç____*K&______<E2I&Stfit&3^^ '" ". "'"'.'¦¦' ¦.. tri'. ¦'.".' 7, "; "- -¦ • ,-':,tí'.'.'-'->è'',:Jíi , ¦ ,:;- -"tiTvH«H :w9 ¦ '¦ ..* January 5, 1928. IV WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE I "DE THE LUXE" SERVICE KEW YCRK, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE FAST MAIL AND LUXÜRIOÜS PA$SEN€ER STEAWERS BETWEEN ind Scuth America, ani '¦ V " fleet were ali spectaily dealgned and bullt for travai between Horth ¦ h. animara farwlni fts famous bro,tf ""« "e'"' ¦»•¦••'¦¦•¦ »•'¦»•¦« «•"'• "urto- '•¦¦•••. *'¦"¦• »«|00B,< •¦"•"• li,.,•f" ^TTrtM»rocma, ••»••«• "••'•• •"» «•"'"•• and varanda* caias are parttcularly atíepicd fer trcpl"» cruislnç. "VAKLUK" "VCL1AIRE". "VAIBAN" CE "VESTRIS" TRAVEI TO NEW YOFK VIA TRINIEAD AND BAI EAlt£ CM UE %»*•>.*¦ SAILINO EXPECTED ¦•.¦^•'.'ivi-v-'-.-'4"'^'.-;.'• FOR NEW YORK PROM NEW YORK -¦- •--•v-í-'-.-*:' *»,{•.*•¦ - -*¦: & $&&mm i*l VESTRIS .. 8th Jan. .. 23rd Jan. -*>'U VAUBAN ¦K&4- 7Me.-r'\, ;.;''v-'.;;'-H,.-^ VOLTAIRE . 22nd Jan. VANDYCK. 6th Feb. fr _1_a1 «fi ^-l.'1-.l;. i^BíX, VAUBAN.... 19th Feb. 20th Feb. VESTRIS... VANDYCK.. 4th Mar. 4th Mar VOLTAIRE. VESTRIS.... 16th Mar. 2nd April. VAUBAN.. VOLTAIRE.. I April. VANDYCK. .. 16 Feb. 'VOLTAIRE" and "VANDYCK" call at Pernambuco Northbound. Lamport & Eolt, Ltd* Síe Paulo: F.S. HAMPSHIRE I Co. Ltd. Peraimbuc : WIUIAHS I Oo. RIO DC JANEIRO Montevldco: tfl. REAL DE AZUA ¦ ahla : F. BYSVENSON S Sc, MO. Avenida Rlo Branco, 21-23 Suemos Aires 1 LAMPORT t HOLT, LTD. lulu ; 7. 8. HAMPSHIRE 9 C©., LIS. TEL. M. 1171 THE KOKWKGIAN SOUTH AMERICA LINE HegulBr nerrite between, & vice versa Norway, Denmark, Finland, Ealtic Forts, Brazil, River Plate *^T^*^—ammtm—^H—w^^^^^**^^- FOR DENMARK, NORWAY, FINLAND & FOR RIVER PLATE: BALTIC PORTS: 7th Jan. m/s BORGLAND—loads Rio abt. m/s COMETA—loads Santos/Rio abt. Aires. for B. 23rd January. abt. 15th Jan. m/s PARÁ—loads Rio m/s SALTA—loads Santos/Rio carly for B. Aires. February. Fop furthep paptieulara apply to the Agent FRPITRIK FNÍiFI HARTRUA ohsAopedro no. o, rio de janeiro, I ÜLUIUIY LnULLlmlllpraça DA REPUBLICA 51, SANTOS.
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