Ni!, I 0. - (.~ K WINTERSYILLE CITIZEN VOL. 4. NO. 43 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1966 - TWELVE PAGES $5.00 per year 10€ per copy Wayne Van Dine Hosts 11:00 PM News Jefferson County Police Investigate Accidents Wayne Van Dine, veteran WSTV- TV Newsman and Sports Direc- Republican Headquarters Wintersville Police were called shorter as the days go by-- tor, has been named Newscaster on to investigate a total of 33 and that headlights should be for Channel 9's 11:00 p.m. News, Officially Opened complaints including five traffic turned on 1/2 hour before dusk according to an announcement by accidents in the week just pass- and should be used for 1/2 hour Ted Eiland, Vice-president-gen- Jefferson County Republican ed. aiter aawn. eral manager of the Rust Craft .Headquarters was opened of- Two cars were involved in an Drive defensively, as other Station. ficially today at 183Northm Fourth accident on Main Street on Sep- drivers may not be as careful Wayne Van Dine is considered Street in Steubenville, Ohio by tember 8 when vehicles driven as you are. one of Channel 9's crack news Walter4 L. Myers, Jr., Chair- by Norma J. Medich of 444 Main reporter-photographers, and is man of the County Republican St., Wintersville and Joseph E. Convictions Posted unquestionably the best known, Central and Executive Commit- Saltsman of 1984 McCauslen most widely publicized television tees. Most of the County's key Manor collided as the car driven By Mayor's Court personality in the Wheeling-Steu- GOP leaders attended the cere- by Mrs. Medich was attempting benville area. He is much in de- monies. to make a right turn, struck Convictions listed in the Court mand as a speaker and toast- During the opening ceremonies, the Saltsman vehicle which was of Wintersville, Mayor Thomas master for a wide range of or- Myers announced the appointment passing on the right side. There L. Albaugh were: ganizations and functions. area chairmen who will assist were no injuries and only minor Wilbur Lucas, South Avalon- Although he has been serving precinct committeemen in carry- damage was sustained by either F alure to connect into the Sewer as Sports Director of WSTV- ing out the campaign plans. The car. System-$10.00 and costs - Fine TV for some five years, he has new Republican leaders are: Police were notified by Bruce Suspended always had his own regular news Bergholz Area, Mrs. Hazel Watson, an employee of the Mel- William M. Thompson-RD #1, program, a regular weather Featheringham; Brilliant, Mrs. lott Construction Company that Toronto - No License Plate- show, and has devoted more than John Shanahan; Dillonvale, two homes under construction $20.00 Bond Forfeited half of his time as one of the Wayne Van Dine Katherin Niehart; Island Creek, by that firm had been entered James H. Cox-106 Elaine St.- Station's principal News Report- Mrs. Chauncey Speaker; Mingo, by vandals who caused damage Passing in a Hazardous Zone- er-Photographers and News Wri- the top news figures in the tri- Mike Dodasovich; Mt. Pleas- to the interior of one of the $5.00 and Costs. ters. state region. His on-the-air in- ant, Mrs. Della Fox; North Coun- homes. A Chain Saw was miss- Edward Caniff-445 Lee Road, With a background of almost terviews rane from the late ty, Mrs. William Carlisle; Rich- ing from the other home. This Follansbee, W. Va.-Speed Ex- ten years in covering news and President Kennedy, President mond, Mrs. Charles Carmon; incident is still under investi- cessive for Road Conditions- sports events on both radio and Johnson, and other top politi- Smithfield, Mrs. Josephine gation by Wintersville Police. $25.00 and Costs. TV in the Upper Ohio Valley, cal leaders to such sports per- Harris; Tiltonsville, Mrs. Cur- On September 9, Wintersville Clifford L. Reed-RD #2, Bloom- Wayne also serves as on-the- sonalities as Sugar Ray Robin- tis Stillwell; Toronto, Mrs. John Police were notified to be on the ingdale, 0.- Passing on a Haz- air correspondent in this area son, Arnold Palmer, Jimmy Yocum; Wintersville, Mrs. look-out for a 1961 Model Ford ardous Zone-$5.00 and Costs- for KDKA Radio. Brown, and numerous others. Charles McConnell. He said that driven by Jack Thrift of Will- Fine Suspended An expert golfer, he could, and He is a native of Kittanning, the work of the area chairmen iamsburg, Kentucky, who was Henry Tingler-Box 11, Wells- does, match score cards with Pa., and resides in Weirton, would be headed by Mrs. Jean wanted in connection with an as- burg, W. Va.-Crossing Double many of the pros. Van Dine is W. Va. with his wife and three Barren, Jefferson County Chair- sault on Mr. Nelson of Nelson's Yellow Line-$15.00 Bond For- a regular paricipant in the an- children. woman. Motel on Route 22, west of Win- feited nual Ham-Am Golf Tournament Van Dine replaces Stan Red- Commenting on the campaign, tersville. The car was observed Paul Stead-Traffic Device Vio- in Pittsburgh, and has a first- mond, who has taken a TV news Myers explained to those present by Patrolman Nottingham in the lation-$15.00 Bond Forfeited. name relationship with many of job in Syracuse, New York. that the 1966 election is pro- parking lot at Jerry's Corner Thomas M. Haraczy- Traffic bably the most important of their on Canton Road. Wintersville Device Violation-$5.00 and Costs life-time because of the many Police notified Jefferson Coun- John N. Koehnlein-707 Railroad Jefferson Soil And Water Indian Creek Board critical decisions facing the ty Sheriff's Department and the Ave., Toronto-Excessive Speed- voters. He said, "Because of apprehension of Mr. Thrift was $11.50 Bond Forfeited Conservation Meeting Changes Meeting Night the United States Supreme made by both Departments. Lindsey D. Gump - 236 Spring- Court's decision affecting legis- Police were notified of an ac- dale Ave., Wintersville-Reckless The regular meeting of the Jef- Beginning in October, the regu- lative reapportionment, both hou- cident at the intersection of Main Operation-$50.00 and Costs. ferson Soil and Water Conserva- lar meeting of the Indian Creek ses of the 107th Ohio General Street and Fernwood Road at tion District Board of Supervis- Board of Education will be held Assembly will be drastically al- 10:50 p.m., Sunday Night. In- ors met recently in the of Paul on the third Thursday of each tered." "Therefore," he said volved were a car driven by Ramsey, Richmond. month at 7:30 p.m. The meet- Food And "we must be very sure that Elmer A. Eddy of Box 369, Jew- Bill Ramsey, who was spon- ings will be held in the board we send only the best man avail- ett, Ohio which had stopped for sored by the District to attend office, located at the O.W. Buch- Fancies Sale able to Columbus to represent the traffic light when it was A Food and Fancies Sale will 4-H Conservation Camp was a anan Junior High School, 100 guest at the meeting. He gave the interests of the people of struck from the rear by aMotor- be held Saturday, September 17 Park Drive, Wintersville, 0. Jefferson County, Eastern Ohio, at 10:00 an account of the time spent cycle operated by William N. a.m. at the Winters- men ville Methodist and thanked the District for mak- The next regular meeting will and the State. The best Travis HI of RD #2, Bantam Church Parking available, we believe, are Joseph Lot. ing the trip possible for him. be on October 20. Ridge Road. Damage to the Travis The sale will be sponsored i-bert Smith, Work Unit Con- A. Bell, our candidate for State cycle included the handle-bars, by the Active Adult Class. serivationist gave a report on the The telephone installation for Representative, and John R. front fork and front fender. There In case of rain the sale will the new board offices has just be held in the Fellowship Hall. Summer Supervisors School he Longsworth, our candidate for was no damage to the Eddy ve- been completed. The State Senator." attended at Ohio Wesleyan Uni- superinten- hicle. dent's office can be versity in Delaware, Ohio. reached by Commenting on the national The Wintersville Police and dialing 264-5536. The political Wintersville New Cooperators accepted were number scene, the County Chair- Wintersvllle Fire Departments for the administrative William Acton, Island Creek assistant, man said that the country is now were called to MainStreet in front the clerk-treasurer, and the fed- virtually under one-party rule Elementary PTA Township, 100 Acres; Donald of the First National Bank in eral programs coordinator is with all three branches of our Wlntersville to extinquish ablaze Stewart, Warren Township, 82 264-5589. Federal government dominated To Meet Acres; and Max Burris, War- in an automobile owned by Roland by the spenders and advocates D. Buccalo of 914 Virginia Ave., The Wintersville Elementary ren Township, 23 Acres. of big government. PTA will hold a Present for this meeting were Follansbee, W. Va. An estimated meeting on Walter N. Sutton, Joseph Rozsa, Myers said that the voters have $200 in damage was confined to Thursday. September 15 in the Baton to restore at least the engine and wiring of the Paul Ramsey, and Edgar Buch- Class Openings an opportunity cafeteria at 8:00 p.m. a partial balance of power at vehicle. anan. Also present were Robert Plans for the evening include the Federal level by sending On Monday, September 12, Mr.
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