Polynesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002 Reviews of American Sämoa, French was overpaid; rather, those on the Polynesia, Niue, Sämoa, Tokelau, and lower scales were being underpaid Tuvalu are not included in this issue. (CIN, 3 July 2001, 1). Considering that inflation in the small nation was Cook Islands hitting a ten-year high, government For the Cook Islands, the period July workers who were generally on a 2001 to June 2002 was dominated by lower scale felt most of the pinch. The continued population decline, unpop- cost of a loaf of sliced white bread ular political party switches by mem- was reported as rising (in nz dollars) bers of parliament, cabinet shuffles from $2.80 to $4.20, and French and reshuffles, dengue fever, flooding, bread sticks from $1.20 to $2.40 ten-year high inflation, land contro- (CIN, 9 Feb 2002, 1). Economists versies, and immigration concerns. predicted that prices would rise even Political events in the country’s capi- further, while describing the govern- tal, Rarotonga, marked a year of ment’s B rating by Standard & Poor major challenges for its democratically as meaning that the country’s eco- elected government, great political and nomic outlook was fair (CIN, 8 Sept reorganization disappointments, and a 2001, 1). few guarded economic successes. Open criticism of the public ser- The country’s two banks, Cook vice compensation system continued Islands Savings Bank and Cook Islands throughout the year and extended Development Bank, merged as the to the superannuation system, which Bank of the Cook Islands (CIN, 2 July needed much improvement. By con- 2001, 1), and welcomed its first cus- trast, the country’s parliamentary tomer on 4 August 2001. As the new superannuation system was well estab- bank became an important arm of lished and overgenerous despite a par- government for many financial trans- liamentary select committee’s report actions, some public servants increas- calling for an urgent overhaul of for- ingly complained of being on the same mer parliamentarians’ superannuation annual salary of nz$11,000 for ten payments because of the cost to the years. They argued that disparities country. The government matches within the public service reflected a the parliamentarians’ contribution fundamentally unfair system. Cook of 10 percent from salary, but payout Islanders generally observed that too eligibility occurs after only eight years much was being paid to heads of min- of continued service. This contrasts istries, whose salaries ranged between starkly with the much longer service nz$45,000 and nz$80,000 a year. required in the public service or Public Service Commissioner Jonah private sector. The parliamentarian Tisam received little support when he scheme alone cost the government pointed out that no public servant nz$525,000 in the 2001–2002 finan- 174 political reviews • polynesia 175 cial year. Other costs reflected parlia- which will take at least twenty-five ment and government’s continued years to pay off (CIN, 17 Aug 2001, 1). appointment of assistant ministers Much of that debt accumulated from under the new, disguised title of the legacy of the multimillion-dollar “undersecretary.” For a small country, Sheraton luxury hotel project—now there were clearly too many parlia- frequently referred to as the Vaima- mentary representatives and too many ‘anga “on-again-off-again” project cabinet ministers, and certainly there (CIN, 21 Feb 2002, 1). was no need for assistant ministers. A new nz$400,000 tugboat, Toa, Although the general public was con- was launched in July 2001, at the vinced of this, politicians seemed same time questions were being raised oblivious to their concerns. by the general public about govern- The public outcry about politicians ment waste. Government spending for fell on deaf ears. Indeed, cabinet even 1999–2000 represented 41 percent of contemplated increasing the number the nz$36 million total ministry bud- of ministers to 9, which meant that get. The 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001 out of a full parliament of 25 mem- period fared no better (CIN, 6 July bers, 18 (or 72 percent) of the House 2001, 1). Increased government spend- would be either ministers or assistant ing was predicted to total nz$54 mil- (undersecretary) ministers. Even the lion, with the total budget expected to current 6 cabinet members (48 percent exceed nz$75 million (CIN, 31 July of the House) must be among the 2001, 1). The Cook Islands Chamber highest in the world relative to the size of Commerce noted that government of the legislature and the population expenditure had increased by 20 per- as a whole. Apparently the proposed cent over the past two years (CIN, 13 change could not be justified without April 2002, 1). Ironically, some cham- infringing on the responsibilities of ber members also expressed anger that senior administrative department marketing dollars for the tourism heads. industry had been cut. Linked with Proposals such as this seem to tourism were proposed developmental the public to disguise crude bids for projects, including alterations to the increased salaries and extensive travel Rarotonga airport terminal expected privileges; free use of government to cost up to nz$9.5 million. vehicles, telephones, furnished houses; The largest industry, tourism, con- as well as free use of government tinued to maintain its prominent posi- laborers, and the opportunity to offer tion during the year, despite the legacy work opportunities to constituent sup- of the September 11th attacks in the porters. The fact that most ministries United States. A national memorial were reported to have failed to file on Maire Nui Drive for the September legally required reports to parliament 11th attack victims reflected the coun- during the year supported a general try’s general support for the United sense of their inefficiency and lack of States. However, there was a drop in accountability. Cook Islanders are also US and European visitors, most com- constantly reminded of the nation’s ing through Los Angeles. Some visi- debt of around nz$121.3 million, tors were stranded on Rarotonga by 176 the contemporary pacific • spring 2003 the US ban on flights, and more than increasingly expensive environment, 300 visitors later experienced the same the lack of effective unions for work- thing after Canada 3000 grounded ers, and a tendency for national politi- all its flights and later declared bank- cians to lash out at the media for crit- ruptcy. Some 74,541 people still vis- icizing official policy and action. ited the Cook Islands in 2001 com- During 2001–2002 wide public pared to the record-breaking 72,994 concerns increased over the number in year 2000 (CIN, 14 Jan 2002, 1). of permanent residents being allowed The target set by the Cook Islands into the country. Some foreigners have Tourism Corporation for 2005 had even been openly accused of coming already been broken by 2000. Visitor into the Cook Islands with nothing in counts were expected to continue to their pockets. “Like parasites they are rise with the completion of new tour- sucking the small facilities that are ist accommodations, including the available in our backs as resources large Aitutaki Pacific luxury resort for themselves,” reflected mp Norman scheduled to open in October 2002. George (CIN, 25 Aug 2001, 1). George On the surface, the booming industry also suggested that lax policies toward appeared to benefit local residents. foreigners led to increased numbers of However, many tourist-related work foreign investors operating in the Cook positions were filled by workers from Islands. No safeguards exist for local overseas. The importation of labor businesses, and reduced opportunities was encouraged by some assistant tend to fuel out-migration. George ministers, who accused Cook Islanders favored revoking the right of the Cook leaving the islands of being just plain Islands Development Investment lazy—all 4,000-plus of them. Board to grant immigration permits, Local resident Professor Ron Cro- leaving that responsibility to the immi- combe suggested that Cook Islanders gration officers alone. George also often leave because they lack confi- favored setting up a watchdog organi- dence in the government (CIN, 12 July zation to protect jobs, businesses, and 2001, 1). The high cost of living in the land rights for the people of the Cook Cook Islands, with prices more than Islands, to be called the Society for people can afford, adds much to the the Promotion and Advancement for incentive to move out. Although the the Cook Islands Employment and government acknowledged a continu- Business (CIN, 1 Sept 2001, 1). ing huge decline (with the population The once larger agriculture industry estimated to have decreased to 13,900 had now clearly slipped in earnings, from some 18,000 a few years earlier), although pawpaw, nono (or noni), leaders still expressed other priorities. maile, and other products continued Cabinet even dropped a campaign as notable exports. New challenges to designed to lure islanders home (CIN, the industry during the year included 23 Feb 2002, 1). The assistant minis- a coconut moth that invaded coconut ter declared that those who do not trees in Rarotonga, making the trees want to work in the country were brown and tarnished. The government fleeing the country to live off benefits declared a biological war on the flat in New Zealand, an explanation that coconut moth, involving the use of ignores poor salary conditions in an bio-agents that are natural enemies political reviews • polynesia 177 of the moth (CIN, 19 July 2001, 1). national arena showed some success. However, efforts to constrain the A Center for Development of Enter- problem in Rarotonga seemed hope- prise was established as part of Euro- less, and by June 2002 the moth had pean Union “antennae” to the Cook spread to the outer islands.
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