iM^S^M!^!^^Misas^;f}^^i^,y^^;J^^ii;i sai«jat?5^^{gt^i.5asgj v: -V-. .^%.. i^''; THE NOTRE DAME "tn--^: ^ % a ••'.=;-i« f i. '•'m ..'^ifi yVBTV.'" •|5»'^). •~v^«;l" ?,V«.(.i_ I ^' ft' *, •<! is:^ •J1 IS mm^m^W<-:-^& ••&• ?in-=r-'jAii-^ -'••s >•<• ,. • ' ' z f 'i''••*•• I w--: f-?^&^^3« sS«S!:*2Sjy£-:isS . Iff-eRbXay^-sA^ ' January 14^ 195^ ^^^i^:^^^!^s^^s^^^^a^^^^^i, '•*'""'*?^\ Enjoy both f^j^^ ^ - y ^yy. sides of smokmg ^^:, f&SC ^Ot ^MSa^&4^ m^% "^4^ t^at-f&^ot- .-r5r>? -^••^r:- / LiiciiT UP a king-size Cavalier and you Ivavn why so many smart CJy^^i^^i^ college people are shifting to Cavaliers. Yes. Cavaliers give you iiii' mildness where it really counts . in the feel of the smoke. i^'^Sfa You know Cavaliers are extra mild because the smoke feels so mild, so light, smooth and easy-going. And tastes so good ... so fine and lastingly refreshing. Join the thousands who are enjoying extra mildness and superb flavor in king-size Cavaliers! Get some today! Off campus, or on . Try king-size don't agree Avith thousands of smokers Cavaliers, and feel thai Cavalier mild­ who compared king-size Cavaliers with ness, so smooth and light! See if yoii the cigarettes they'd been smoking. CAVAUER8 ARE KING-SIZE See why, among thousands of smokers interviewed yet priced no higher than leading regular-size brands. Why not graduate to Cavaliers? 8 OUT OF 10 SAID R. J. Keyiiolds Tobacco Company, Wiiistoii-Salem, N'. C. GAVAUER8 ARE MILDER! Scholastic Vol. 96 JANUARY 14. 1955 No. 11 Disce Quasi Semper Victiirus Vive Quasi Cras Mortiturus Founded 1867 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of # postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 23, 1918. Editor LAWRENCE J. BREHL Associate and Sports Editor PAUL FULLMER Associate Editor FRED C. ECKART ^OHN ADAMS News ROBERT KAUFMAN .... Assistant News PAUL J. LaFRENIERE Copy CHARLES McKENDRICK Assistant Copy DAVE COHEN Features KEN WOODWARD .. Business Manager JIM GALLAGHER „ Circulation PETER STURTEVANT Photo Editor One of the ^PAUL FITZGERALD ^ Photography Coordinator JOHN P. DEFANT .. Faculty Moderator Member of Catiiolic Scliool Press .Association.^ As­ midwest's sociated Collegiate Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the school year, except during vacation jind examina­ tion periods at the University of Notre Dame. Ad­ dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Bo.\ 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. fine NEWS ST/\FF: Joe .-\ccardo, John Boyle. Joe Con­ nolly, Buck Harriss. Jerrold Hilton, Jack Hough, Francis Hurley, Ed Joyce, David Kubal, James Lenox, Jim LoefHer, James McDonald, John Mc- Mahon, James Murphy, Arthur Price, Thomas Quinn, Dick Rust. Paul Underkofler, Ray Walsh, Mike \Vard. and Ronald ^Veirs. SPORTS STAFF: Dave Davin, Bob Early. Kit Eckl, men's stores John Glavin, Jim Goethals. Jack Guegucn, Jack Kirby. Ray Leschcr, Joe Madigan, Bob McDonald, Joe Norton. Bob Parnell, and Bob Ruhl. BUSINESS ST.AFF: Harr>- Conlon and Loran Sheffer. OUR COVER—Once again the campus 809-817 So. Michigan St settles down to the somber task of preparing for finals. There's always a lot of j'oking about the guys who goof off dui'ing the exam vigils . South Bend, Indiana Dave Discher and Tom Groden, a pair of seniors, in Alumni, are trying two different study methods. Photo by O'Brien. A January 14, 1955 Cramming for i Will Mike Ohatter Fish, Steiiks,Chops The last time this column was nestled and Oiicken all snug in its bed between the Aviation Mechanics Omnibus advertisement and At Prices You Will Appreciate some laxative promotion we dissected that particular animal known as the disk jockey. This week we'll concern ourselves with that sub-phylum knowTi as request announcer. Our Specialty Fight "Book Fatigue" Safely Chief among- these is, of course, "Chicken In the Rough" Your doctor will tell you—a "Elaine of Notre Dame." This sultry NoDoz Awakener is safe as an siren thrills the troops once weekly % Golden Brown Fried Chicken average cup of hoi. black cof­ from 8:30 to 9 on Sunday evening. Shoestring Potatoes fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener The actual title of her show is "Letters when you cram for that exam from Home" and the basic format of Jug of Honey ...or when mid-afternoon the show is made up of various and brings on those "3 o'clock cob­ nefai-ious epistles sent her way from Hot Buttered Rolls webs." You'll find NoDoz gives heartsick, or heartburned, females from you a lift without a letdown... various homefronts around the nation. $1.30 helps you snap back to normal Of course it isn't particularly the and fight fatigue safely! letters which give the necessary gla­ •c. u! . QC< large economy size mor to this show, but rather the tense .5 !cblets-«ni (for Greek Row end Dorms) 60 tablets — 98< torrid fashion in which the "Athena of the Airwaves" delivers these requests. However, the saccharine-sweet senti­ Joe Nabieht's NO[^OZ mentality of this show approaches the point of rivaling that of April Stevens' Restanrani; AWAKSNERS' monosyllabic mumblings of many moons ago. Yet, this is what the troops 213 N. Main Open Sunday SAFE AS COFFEE enjoy, or at least what they Avrite and say that they enjoy. As a matter of fact, the voices of opinion are quite OR enthusiastic concerning "Elaine of 1, TURBOW Notre Dame." VpOPTOMETRISi T As a matter of fact, they have been — OPTICAL REPAIRS — so enthusiastic that "Elaine's" identity LIBRARY aid has been a most guarded secret. Three Frames Repaired, Replaced newscasters had to be sacrificed in Broken Lenses Duplicated BOOK SHOP order to keep her anonymity a secret. "Bring in the Pieces" As a safety measure she tape-records — EYES EXAMINED — her broadcast from points unkno^vn. We Sell Truth New Catholic Books, Missals, and Last week it came fi*om the Gobi Des­ Prayer Books. Religions Articles. 207 W. Washington ert, and it is rumored that this week's 110 East LaSalle Ave., So. Bend " Oliver Hotel Phone 4-5777 broadcast should come from a batho- sphere located at the bottom of the Dead Sea. A request show of a different type is John McCullough's "Request Show" Passengers Wanted ROt^^ from 9 to 9:55 weekly. This show DRIVING FROM SOUTH BEND RCHV takes the requests as they come in from TO CHICAGO EVERY V/EEK-END i^Rlt*^_ the halls around campus. As a sort of LEAVE South Bend about 5:30 p.m. HOYMJ testament to the popularity of this por­ Friday night. fROl» tion of the programming day, we might LEAVE Chicago about 9 p.m. state that it is almost invariably filled Sunday night. lotamodeis. Avith requests before the program even Adjuil*d for new mochin* parform- DICK JULIAN goes on the air. cmw. Immadiote delivery. Special ratal 311 WEST MARION STREET to dudenlt. Likewise, it is the soft-spoken and ftm delivery, pick-up and lervice. Phone 2-9249 personal style which John employs that ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. gives this particular show one of the 309 E. Jefferson highest ratings in campus popularity. Diamonds Jewelry Watches South Bend The song selection typifies the popular Phone No, 2-3336 taste of the campus clientele of WNDU J. Trelhewey and almost without exception it proves JOE, THE JEWELER to be an enjoyable listening hour. 104 N. Main St. JMS. BIdg. —Bill Byrne The Scholastic^ dent Center . one called the Sno Ball. If you will notice on the second floor, in the side rooms, there is a marvelous supply of ash trays. Now on this particular night, upon seeing' these receptacles, I was inspired to light up a cigarette. Others nearby liked the idea, and promptly asked for cig­ arettes. After all were well lighted by John O'Brien up, a little man came ambling up, and Avithout hesitating long enough for one Top of the WEEK more drag, presented us with an ash tray and whispered "No Smoking." Ah, No finals for Seniors with 85 or better. life's darkest moment . four ciggies, After the Ball Is Over four drags, then right in the bloom of Well, here we are again, back in the wastelands after life, snuffed out! Now I ask all you anotlier gala Christmas season . back in the comfy white efficient administrators of the fire laws, bucks, the creaseless flannels and the snappy khakis, the dark why have ash trays and no smoking at mornings, icy blasts and . classes. But then, it's a long the same time? It is broke we are go­ time 'till finals . yeah, 159 hours. Guess it's time to dust ing with your paradoxical regulations! off the books and prepare for the worst. But there is a bright side to exam WEEK! Do you realize that with the exception Definition of vacation periods, there is no time of the year that you are ^ in class less? Consoling, isn't it? By now all the teiTn papers This one w^as overheard as a guy was ^should be finished (ha ha) and it won't trying to fold a handkerchief to put be long before the lines start foi-ming in his coat pocket for a big date: A senior is a guy with laundry marks on at the Bookstor-e and spring comes and all four comers of his handkerchiefs Easter's here and more exams and here for the . St. Mary's Winter ... on both sides. Many can claim Yipee!! (you know what) Carnival .
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