4750 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 27, 2001 IN HONOR OF THE 180TH ANNIVER- and was earning a master’s degree in speech Day’’ to once again help restore public con- SARY OF GREEK INDEPENDENCE therapy at the time of her unfortunate death. fidence in and respect for the Internet. Heather’s death, a young 32, is especially f HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH tragic because she had so much ahead of her, including exciting new opportunities through PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF OHIO her upcoming speech therapy degree. She will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be missed by her mother, Judi Albright Meurer HON. ROB PORTMAN Tuesday, March 27, 2001 and father Fred Meurer, both of Salinas, CA.; OF OHIO Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to two sisters, Ashley Lafayette of Marina, CA., IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Marie Barfuss of Utah; three brothers, honor the nation of Greece on its triumphant Tuesday, March 27, 2001 180th anniversary of winning independence. David Meurer of Salinas, CA., and Steven and Throughout its glorious history, Greece has John Farnsworth of Utah; and her Korean birth Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, because I at- proven to be an inspiration to the United mother, Monica Tedrowe. I sympathize with tended the Conference of the Speakers of the States. the Meurer family and their loss, and I can G–8 Parliaments with House Speaker DENNIS The birthplace and cradle of democracy, only hope that the love and support of their HASTERT in Rome, Italy, I missed the following Greece’s long history of promoting the ideals friends and community are helping them Rollcall votes on March 22, 2001; Rollcall vote of justice and freedom now serves as a stand through this difficult time. No. 56, on the Motion to Adjourn. Had I been against which we measure all other nations. f present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ On Rollcall No. 57, passage of H. Res. 93, I would have The legacy of antiquity is still felt throughout INTERNET APPRECIATION DAY the streets of Athens today. It was the ancient voted ‘‘yea.’’ On Rollcall No. 58, passage of Greeks who first realized that the right of self- H.R. 1099, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ on Roll- governance was an essential foundation of HON. NANCY PELOSI call No. 59, passage of H.R. 802, I would OF CALIFORNIA any civilized society. Although such principles have voted ‘‘yea.’’ On Rollcall No. 60, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seem elementary today, their ideas were revo- Traficant amendment to H.R. 247, I would lutionary in their own time. We cannot dis- Tuesday, March 27, 2001 have voted ‘‘aye.’’ On Rollcall No. 61, passage count the influence that ancient Greece has Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to report of H.R. 247, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ had on our nation. that the Intenet economy is alive and well. f In the founding of our nation, Greece served In the past year, a perceived lack of public CLEAN SMOKESTACKS ACT OF 2001 as a model by which the framers of the con- confidence has hampered an industry, which stitution structured our government. The polit- has limitless potential. Despite the negativity ical and philosophical influence of Greece can reported in the media, let it be known that 350 HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN be felt throughout the institutions of our gov- million Internet users worldwide truly enjoy this OF CALIFORNIA ernment. After helping to author our Constitu- incredible medium. And that while the media IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, Thomas Jefferson referred to Greece as has reported that almost 300 dotcoms have Tuesday, March 27, 2001 ‘‘the light which led ourselves out of Gothic closed their doors since January 2000, more darkness,’’ That same light, still shining from than 7,500 Internet-related companies have Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, today I am the distant memories of ancient Greece, been funded by venture capital alone in the again joining with Representative BOEHLERT in guides our nation today. past 5 years. The Internet economy itself has introducing the Clean Smokestacks Act of Every year, the people of Greece come to- created some 3 million jobs worldwide. In light 2001. This important legislation will finally gether to celebrate Greek Independence Day. of premature pessimism, industry leaders are cleanup the nation’s dirty, antiquated power- Much like our own Fourth of July, Greek inde- calling on the 350 million Internet users world- plants. pendence Day is a time for people to put wide to remember why they embraced the When I originally introduced the Clean aside difference and celebrate the vision Internet in the first place by participating in Smokestacks Act with Representative BOEH- which they share. It is a time to honor all peo- ‘‘Internet Appreciation Day’’, on April 3d, with LERT in the last Congress, we had a modest ple who join in the struggle for freedom. This the launch of the ‘Back the Net’ campaign. beginning. I think we had a total of 15 cospon- year, it is important for all Americans to re- On April 3d, Internet users are being asked sors and little attention. But by the end of last member the history of independence and to to show their support by donating to an online year, the bill’s supporters had grown to over remember where the roots of our nation origi- charity, purchasing something online or invest- 120 House Members. nate. ing in their favorite online business. This year, the Senate is joining in our effort. My fellow colleagues, please join me in hon- ICONOLAST, the San Francisco based com- Senators JEFFORDS and LIEBERMAN have intro- oring the nation of Greece, on the 180th anni- pany spearheading this effort is asking Inter- duced a companion bill in the Senate, entitled versary of their independence. net users to alert at least 10 friends or their the Clean Power Act. I am hopeful that to- f customer lists by sending a ‘Back the Net’ let- gether we can get the job done. ter at www.iconocast.com/crusade. Electricity generation is our nation’s single IN HONOR OF HEATHER MEURER The Internet has become a vital tool in our largest source of air pollution and greenhouse information society. It has grown exponentially gas emissions. Nationally, power plants are HON. SAM FARR through the 1990’s and into the 21st century. responsible for about 40 percent of carbon di- OF CALIFORNIA This growth has fueled the economic pros- oxide emissions, 64 percent of sulfur dioxide IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perity of the last decade while giving busi- emissions, 26 percent of nitrogen oxides emis- nesses, consumers and more importantly the sions and 33 percent of mercury emissions. Tuesday, March 27, 2001 American family access to an unprecedented These four pollutants are the major cause of Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise amount of information. More Americans are some of the most serious environmental prob- today to honor the life of Heather Courtney going online to conduct such day-to-day activi- lems the nation faces, including acid rain, Meurer, a young woman who recently and ties as education, business transactions, per- smog, respiratory illness, mercury contamina- suddenly passed away at the age of 32. sonal correspondence, research and informa- tion, and global warming. If we are going to Heather was the daughter of my good friend, tion-gathering, and job searches. Each year, improve air quality and reduce global warming, and a dedicated public servant, Fred Meurer, being digitally connected becomes ever more we must curb the emissions from these pow- and her loss was felt immediately. critical to economic and educational advance- erplants. Born in Seoul, Korea, Heather was raised in ment as well as community participation. The President Bush was right when he promised Salinas, California, and graduated from Sali- family friendly Internet has brought happiness during the campaign to support legislation that nas High School in 1987. Since her high to America’s families by increasing and en- would reduce all four powerplant pollutants. school graduation, Heather had been working hancing communication across the country The Clean Smokestacks Act and the Clean at St. Agnes Medical Center while pursuing and across generations. Power Act embody this sensible approach. In her education. She had completed an ac- For these reasons friends of the Internet de- fact, prior to the president’s surprising reversal counting degree at Fresno State University, clare April 3d, 2001 ‘‘Internet Appreciation last week, I had hoped we could win the VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:16 Feb 16, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E27MR1.000 E27MR1.
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