Recognized Tribes List LEGAL TRIBE NAME PER BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS (BIA) ICWA CONTACT ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP PHONE FAX ABSENTEE 0521 ABSENTEE - ABSENTEE-SHAWNEE TRIBE OF INDIANS OF OKLAHOMA Governor 2025 S. Gordon Cooper Dr Shawnee OK 74801-8648 (405) 275-4030 AKA: Part of Shawnee Tribe AKA: Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Indians AFOGNAK, VILLAGE OF (AK) Sharon Olson PO Box 968 Kodiak AK 99615-0968 (907) 486-5725 (907) 486-6529 AKA: Village of Afognak 0001 AKHIOK, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Melissa Barton 3449 E Rezanof Dr Kodiak AK 99615-6952 (907) 486-5725 AKA: Native Village of Akhiok 0002 AKIACHAK NATIVE COMMUNITY (AK) PO Box 51070 Akiachak AK 99551-0070 (907) 825-4626 (907) 825-4029 AKA: Native Community of Akiachak 0003 AKIAK NATIVE COMMUNITY (AK) Debra M Jackson PO Box 52127 Akiak AK 99552-0217 (907) 765-7118 (907) 765-7120 0004 AKUTAN, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Grace Smith 201 E 3rd Ave Anchorage AK 99501-2503 (907) 276-2700 AKA: Native Village of Akutan, Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Assoc 9001 ALABAMA 0312 ALABAMA - QUASSARTE TRIBAL TOWN, OKLAHOMA Lena Marshall PO Box 187 Wetumka OK 74883-0187 (405) 452-3987 Call first AKA: Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town 0005 ALAKANUK, VILLAGE OF (AK) Agnes Phillip PO Box 149 Alakanuk AK 99554-0149 (907) 238-3704 (907) 238-3429 AKA: Village of Alakanuk 0006 ALATNA VILLAGE (AK) Director of Social Services 122 N First Ave, Suite 600 Fairbanks AK 99701-4803 (907) 452-8251 AKA: Alatna Village, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc. 0007 ALEKNAGIK, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Lou Johnson, Soc. Serv. Dir. PO Box 310 Dillingham AK 99576-0310 (907) 842-4139 AKA: Native Village of Aleknagik, Bristol Bay Native Association 0008 ALGAACIG, NATIVE VILLAGE (AK) Joan Dewey, ICWA Soc. Wkr. PO Box 219 Bethel AK 99559-0219 (907) 543-7367 (907) 543-7319 AKA: Saint Mary's Village 0009 ALLAKAKET VILLAGE (AK) Director of Social Services 122 N First Ave, Suite 600 Fairbanks AK 99701-4803 (907) 452-8251 (907) 459-3883 AKA: Allakaket Village, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc. 0454 ALTURAS INDIAN RANCHERIA, CALIFORNIA Chairperson PO Box 340 Alturas CA 96101-0340 (530) 233-5571 (907) 445-2181 AKA: Pit River Alturas, Rancheria, CA AKA: Alturas Rancheria Modoc 0010 AMBLER, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) ICWA Coordinator PO Box 47 Ambler AK 99786-0047 (907) 445-2180 (907) 852-2105 AKA: Native Village of Ambler 0011 ANAKTUVUK PASS, VILLAGE OF (AK) Sharon Thompson PO Box 1232 Barrow AK 99723-1232 (907) 852-2762 (907) 852-2105 AKA: Village of Anaktuvuk Pass, Arctic Slope Native Assoc. Limited 0012 ANDREAFSKI, YUPIIT OF (AK) Elizabeth M. Joe PO Box 88 St. Mary's AK 99658-0088 (907) 438-2572 (907) 438-2512 AKA: Yuplit of Andreafski 0013 ANGOON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (AK) Marlene Zuboff PO Box 190 Angoon AK 99820-0190 (907) 788-3411 (907) 788-3412 AKA: Angoon Community Association, Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes 0014 ANIAK, VILLAGE OF (AK) Ruth Birky PO Box 349 Aniak AK 99557-0349 (907) 675-4349 (907) 675-4513 AKA: Village of Aniak, Kuskokwim Native Assoc. 0015 ANVIK VILLAGE (AK) Director of Social Services 122 N First Ave, Suite 600 Fairbanks AK 99701-4803 (907) 452-8251 (907) 452-3883 9002 AKA: Village of Anvik, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc. 0229 APACHE - APACHE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA Chairperson PO Box 1220 Anadarko OK 73005-1220 (405) 247-9493 (405) 247-7617 tribe list update.xls_2a.xls Page 1 1/23/2004 2:32 PM Recognized Tribes List 0232 APACHE - FORT SILL APACHE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA Chairperson RR 2 Box 121 Apache OK 73006-9644 (580) 588-2298 (580) 588-3133 0233 APACHE - JICARILLA APACHE TRIBE OF THE JICARILLA APACHE INDIAN Steven Stone, CPS PO Box 546 Dulce NM 87528-0546 (505) 759-3162 (505) 759-3588 RESERVATION, NEW MEXICO AKA: Jicarilla Apache Tribal Court 0234 APACHE - MESCALERO APACHE TRIBE OF THE MESCALERO RESERVATION, NEW Census Clerk PO Box 227 Mescalero NM 88340-0227 (505) 464-4428 (505) 464-9191 MEXICO AKA: Mescalero Apache Tribe 0235 APACHE - SAN CARLOS APACHE TRIBE OF THE SAN CARLOS RESERVATION, Terry Cross, Dir. Of TSS PO Box O San Carlos AZ 85550-1379 (520) 475-2313/2314 (520) 475-2567 ARIZONA AKA: San Carlos Apache Tribe of Arizona 0236 APACHE - TONTO APACHE TRIBE OF ARIZONA ICWA Director Tonto Apache Reservation #30 Payson AZ 85541 (928) 474-5000 (928) 474-9125 AKA: Tonto Apache Tribe 0237 APACHE - WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE OF THE FORT APACHE Cynthia B Ethelbah PO Box 1870 Whiteriver AZ 85941-1870 (928) 338-4164 RESERVATION, ARIZONA WICHITA AND AFFILIATED TRIBES, OKLAHOMA AKA: Wichita AKA: Keechi AKA: Waco AKA: Tawakonie AKA: White Mountain Apache Tribe XXXX APACHE - YAVAPAI-APACHE NATION OF THE CAMP VERDE INDIAN Chairman 2400 W Datsi St Camp Verde AZ 86322-8412 (928) 567-3649 (928) 567-6832 RESERVATION, ARIZONA See YAVAPAI . #0230 AKA: Yavapai-Apache Indian Community of the Camp Verde Reservation 0096 AQDAAGUX TRIBE OF KING COVE (AK) 401 E. Fireweed Ln, Suite 201 Anchorage AK 99503-2111 (907) 276-2700 AKA: King Cove Village AKA: Aqdaagux Tribe of King Cove, Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Assoc. 9003 ARAPAHOE 0239 ARAPAHOE - ARAPAHOE TRIBE OF THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION, WYOMING Chairman PO Box 217 Fort Washakie WY 82514-0217 (307) 332-6120 (307) 332-3055 AKA: Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation XXXX ARAPAHOE - CHEYENNE-ARAPAHO TRIBES OF OKLAHOMA Chairperson PO Box 38 Concho OK 73022-0038 (405) 262-0345 See CHEYENNE . #0420 AKA: Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma ARIKARA Jolyn Foote, ICWA Specialist 404 Frontage Rd New Town ND 58763-9404 (701) 627-4781 (701) 627-4225 See THREE . #0338 AKA: Three Affiliated Tribes AROOSTOOK BAND OF MICMAC INDIANS OF MAINE President 7 Northern Rd Presque Isle ME 04769-2027 (207) 764-1972 (207) 764-7667 AKA: Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians 0130 ASA'CARSARMIUT TRIBE (AK) Mel Lawrence PO Box 32249 Mountain Village AK 99632-0249 (907) 591-2814 (907) 591-2811 AKA: Native Village of Mountain Village AKA: Asa'Carsarmiut Tribe (Mt.Village) ASSINIBOINE tribe list update.xls_2a.xls Page 2 1/23/2004 2:32 PM Recognized Tribes List XXXX ASSINIBOINE - FORT BELKNAP INDIAN COMMUNITY OF THE FORT BELKNAP President RR 1 Box 66 Harlem MT 59526-9705 (406) 353-2205 (406) 353-2797 RESERVATION OF MONTANA See FORT BELKNAP . #0243 AKA: Fort Belknap Community Council 0242 ASSINIBOINE - ASSINIBOINE AND SIOUX TRIBES OF THE FORT PECK INDIAN Sheila Standing PO Box 1027 Poplar MT 59255-1027 (406) 653-2280 (406) 653-2138 RESERVATION, MONTANA Part of: SIOUX TRIBE AKA: Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Reservation of Montana 0017 ATKA, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Grace Smith 201 E 3rd Ave Anchorage AK 99501-2503 (907) 222-4237 (907) 279-4351 AKA: Native Village of Atka, Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Assoc. 0018 ATQASUK VILLAGE (AK) Sharon Thompson PO Box 1232 Barrow AK 99723-1232 (907) 852-2762 (907) 852-2105 AKA: Atkasook AKA: Atqasuk Village, Arctic Slope Native Assoc., Limited 0019 ATMAUTLUAK, VILLAGE OF (AK) Josephine Frye PO Box 6568 Atmautluak AK 99559-6568 (907) 553-5610 (907) 553-5216 AKA: Atmautluak Traditional Council BANNOCK XXXX BANNOCK - SHOSHONE-BANNOCK TRIBES OF THE FORT HALL RESERVATION OF IDAHO See SHOSHONE . #0244 0020 BARROW INUPIAT TRADITIONAL GOVERNMENT, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) ICWA Program PO Box 1130 Barrow AK 99723-1130 (907) 852-8906\4411 (907) 852-8844 AKA: Native Village of Barrow BEAR RIVER BAND OF THE ROHNERVILLE RANCHERIA, CALIFORNIA Chairperson 32 Bear River Loleta CA 95551-9646 (707) 773-1900 (707) 773-1972 AKA: Rohnerville Rancheria 0021 BEAVER VILLAGE (AK) Director of Social Services 122 First Ave, Ste 600 Fairbanks AK 99701-4871 (907) 452-8251 (907) 452-3883 0022 BELKOFSKI, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Grace Smith 201 E 3rd Ave Anchorage AK 99501-2503 (907) 222-4237 (907) 279-4351 AKA: Native Village of Belkosfski, Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Assoc. 0553 BIG LAGOON RANCHERIA, CALIFORNIA Pamela Kostos 2355 Central Ave, Ste C McKinleyville CA 95519-3613 (707) 839-1933 (707) 839-1726 0023 BILL MOORE'S SLOUGH, VILLAGE OF (AK) Nancy Andrews PO Box 20288 Kotlik AK 99620-0288 (907) 899-4236 (907) 899-4461 AKA: Village of Bill Moore's Slough, Association of Village Council Presidents BILOXI XXXX BILOXI - TUNICA-BILOXI INDIAN TRIBE OF LOUISIANA See TUNICA . #0245 0024 BIRCH CREEK TRIBE (AKA BIRCH CREEK VILLAGE) (AK) Director of Social Services 122 First Ave, Suite 600 Fairbanks AK 99701-4871 (907) 452-8251 (907) 452-3883 AKA: Village of Birch Creek, Village of Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc.B52 0246 BLACKFEET TRIBE OF THE BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION OF MONTANA ICWA Coordinator PO Box 588 Browning MT 59417-0588 (406) 338-7806 (406) 338-7726 AKA: Blackfeet Tribe of Montana 0594 BLUE LAKE RANCHERIA, CALIFORNIA Chairperson PO Box 428 Blue Lake CA 95525-0428 (707) 668-5101 0025 BREVIG MISSION, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Dick Kugzruk PO Box 85039 Brevig Mission AK 99785-0039 (907) 642-4301 (907) 642-2099 AKA: Native Village of Brevig Mission, Kawerak, Inc. 0026 BUCKLAND, NATIVE VILLAGE OF (AK) Flora Dorcas Swan, ICWA PO Box 67 Buckland AK 99727-0067 (907) 494-2169 (907) 494-2217 tribe list update.xls_2a.xls Page 3 1/23/2004 2:32 PM Recognized Tribes List 0247 CADDO INDIAN TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA Chairperson PO Box 487 Binger OK 73009-0487 (405) 656-2344 (405) 656-2892 AKA: Caddo Nation Of Oklahoma AKA: Caddo Tribal council 0462 CAHTO TRIBE OF THE LAYTONVILLE RANCHERIA, CALIFORNIA Deborah Sanders, ICWA Dir. PO Box1239 Laytonville CA 95454-1239 (707) 984-6197 (707) 984-6201 Part of: POMO TRIBE AKA: Laytonville Rancheria 9005 CAHUILLA 0249 CAHUILLA - AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS OF THE AGUA Exec Dir, Ind Child & Fam Serv PO Box 2269 Temecula CA 92593-2269 (909) 676-8832 CALIENTE INDIAN RESERVATION,
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