to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, June 13, 1988 TV/ITBKO/ iMmiMous Automotive CARS M f U M K a IFO R S M i FOR SALE School pay Zenith Circle of Sound ICAM FO R D Escort 1982. 1 Stereo with 3 extension FOR SALE owner. Excellent con­ soeokers. S9S. Coll 046- E N D R O L L 8 ta n . dition. $3300. Please Boss gets raise S7»«Mlli>SH BUICK Riviera 1981. Full telephone 743-7625. 1S«sMMi>SlorM« loaded, sunroof, white MUST pMwd lie ■< nw DODGE Arles 19M. 4 0000 THINOS with leather Interior. door, power steering, despite objection /3 HenM OMm Menew Itmi Asking $3,950. Financ­ EAT SI»n i< w > W«i« 11 am. only. power brakes, dir. 25k. Its ing available for ouall- Excellent condition. fled buyer. 644-0139. $58W. 659-1009.________ S h e w Com oro 1980. TOYOTA King Cob 1986. Mint condition. Excellent condition. CHAPONIS Brothers Loaded. Garaged win­ Stereo, bucket seats, Strowberries. Pick ters. $3M0. Call 646-8736 matching top, turbo. your ovm, Clork Street, days. 643-4593. South Windsor. Free NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ MUSTANG Coupe 1969. containers. Open Sdm- eral Statute 23-65 prohibits You finish restoration GAMPER8/ •pm or until picked out. the posting of advertise­ or use for parts. $750 TRAILERS No children under 14 ments by any person, firm or firm . 647-7622.________ allowed In tield. Coll corporation on a telegraph, I 53S-5741 tor telephone, electric light or CHEVY Mollbo 1972. C A M P E R 1964. Sleeps 8, ^ Information. power pole or to o tree, Hard top, 307, auto­ Stove and refrigerator. shrub, rock, or any other matic, stereo. Runs Excellent condition. natural oblect without o writ­ good. $450. Call 742- $2000 or best offer. ten permit for the purpose of 6537.________ 742-7814. protecting It or thepubllc and carries a fine of up to S50 for FORD Escort GL Wagon each offense. 1981. 4 speed, a ir , AUTOSRIR MISTRAL Windsurfer, power steering. $1000. RENT/LEA8E $750. 6 foot soil with 649-1326.______________ I battens, 12 foot board WANTED TO VOLKSWAGON Super with adlustoble nwst- FREE Mileage on low J SUY/TRAOE Beetle 1971. Excdlent cost auto rentals, vil­ track, foot straps and condition with spare skeo. Call 774-4a45 be­ I lage Auto Rental. 643- engine, tires and tools! 2979 or 646-7044. tween 5pm-10pm or 646- WANTED to buy. Old $1800, 643-5743.________ 0271. furniture, clocks, lumps, paintings and VOLVO Wagon DL 1981. rugs. Will pay cosh I Automatic, AM-FM It JCARS PETS AND stereo. $4,450. Please Neighbors unite Call 646-S496. I for s a le Baker quits SUPPLIES telephone 742-8171. I GARS AKC Collies, mole. Sable and Merele, Sable and FOR SALE to help police White. Shots, vet u checked, de-wormed, LIPMAN #1 CLYDE eyes checked. 684-^M. VOLKSWAGEN CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. Reagan staff, 89 Suzuki Simurl Conv. ROUTE 83, VERNON battle burglars IMISCELLANEOUS Sell Your Car 8100 ml.......................... iSSOS 84 Century LTD 4 Ur. »6995 87 Yugo 2 dr.. 18K ........... •2805 84 Century ltd 4 * . *5995 |fo r s a le 88 vw Golf dewl.............. *8205 85 Cavelier CS 4 <tr *5995 By Anita AA. Caldwell ‘ 15 ** 85 Celebrity 4 *. *6995 AAanchester Herald DECORATIVE 30" x 36" AM/FM Ctaa.. PMIr;......*0795 sg c ^o *8995 cites famiiy 4 Lines — 10 Days plate glass mirror, 88 Cutlaai Clerra brn..........*9305 88 Chevy C-10MJ *8995 N The “ extra eyes and ears" of the ManChester dated 1958. Best offer 509 charge each addi­ 89 0ldeDelte4d,. »9995 tional line, per day. You PoliCe Department are getting ready to help Combat 633-6164.0_____________ B3 JMn*W»nnnl«r............ 86 C«Vil»»r 4 d r M 9 95 By Terence Hunt can cancel at any time. what is traditionally an inCrease in burglaries effeCtively for the last 16 ATLANTA Cast Iron Pot .............8905 88 NOV. CL *5995 The Associated Press months,” Reagan said. “ He held Belly Stove with acces­ SORRV, 82 VW Rabbit DIaaal...........*2595 87 Calala 4 dr. townwide this time of year. NO REFUNDS OR Those eyes and ears belong to people who are a steady hand in the operation of sories. New, $125. Ev- 82 Bulek Skylark................ .2895 iia o O R enlngs, 646-2002. ADJUSTMENTS ______ 87 Pont 8000 81414 dr ‘ 14,995 members of neighboiliood CrimewatCfi programs, WASHINGTON - Howard the White House while the Iran- 85 Camaro IROC-Z *10.495 Cavalier 2 dr. *7995 <6,000 plus) 45 rpm re­ C A U HERALD „ said Larry Wilson, Community relations offiCer at Baker will resign as White House Contra investigations'were being cords and about 1,000 ’a iIi? ^ 48K*“ ‘-'*'^' .2«S95 87 Pont Grand Am *9995 the poliCe department. Chief of staff and be replaCed by Conducted and his wise Counsel albums. Most played CLASSIFIED 77 Camara. V8. AT.............."2405 ?! "Springtime aCtivity picks up in certain areas,” his deputy, Kenneth Duberstein, fostered the spirt of cooperation — __ 87 Monte Carlo '10,995 once to record. Make said Gary Wood, spokesman for the Manchester on July 1, it was announCed today. in which those issues were offer. Call offer 4pm. 643-2711 24 Tollaiid Tnpk, Rte. 83 0 7 0 0 1 1 1 In addition, White House Com­ presented to the AmeriCan Phil 742-7748._________ Voriioii, CT • 649-2638 0 7 2 - 7 1 1 1 PoliCe Department, citing the southeast section of town as one area hit by crime reCently. Burglaries munications direCtor Thomas C. people.” LIVING room set, extro Griscom intends to leave his post, Praise for Baker’s job came choir, G.E. refrigera­ have oCCurred on Oak Street, Spring Street, Spruce tor, Frlgldolre electric Street. Sunnybrook Drive and SyCamore Lane, but has not said when he will quickly on Capitol Hill. range, V* bed with m at­ police say. leave, said White House spokes­ “ He’s done a superb job as chief tress, cabinets, differ­ MORIARTY While there hasn’t been a rash of burglaries, man Marlin Fitzwater. of staff for the president,” said ent sixes, electric Im­ which poliCe define as four or five break-ins a night, Although Baker had promised Senate Republican Leader Bob pact wrench, sockets, THE BROTHERS there have been anywhere from five to eight Reagan to stay until the end of the Dole of Kansas. food server on wheels, ALL NEW 4 administration next January, he Dole said he has talked with dishes of all kinds, U S E D C A R S JUBURBAN burglaries in each of the seven poliCe districts in whole sets, propane SUBARU town within the last six weeks. None have been asked the president to be excused Baker and " I do know his wife, 88 Markur Soorpio *19,495 from that Commitment, Citing the Joy, has not been well and that’s hot water heater. 643- “Homo of Soturdoy Sonrieo" ■ VERNON. CT. solved. 9920. 87 Marc. G. Marquia *13,895 ill health of his wife and step­ another reason he’s indicated.” 87 Marc. Topaz *6795 In southeast Manchester, a meeting is scheduled soon between concerned residents, members of the mother, who are both hospital­ Dole, speaking on the Senate CARS 87 Marc. Cougar *11,095 MINIMUM TRADE ized, Fitzwater said. floor, wished Baker, “ God speed, 87 Ford Tempo *6995 PoliCe Department and Harry Reinhorn, volunteer FOR SALE *2000 ALLOWANCE Coordinator of the town's CrimewatCh program. Baker joined the White House best wishes and good luck.” 87 Lincoln T.C. *16,295 N mRT riiegm CUN M met staff on Feb. 27, 1987, in the Senate Majority Leader Robert 87 Marc. G. Marquia *11,395 Neighbors in the southeast section have been Foraa aftermath of the Iran-Contra C. Byrd, D-W.Va., said Baker had 87 Lincoln MK7 *21,995 notifed by leaflet of the time and place of the MANCHESTER na wMi ^9995 meeting. ReInhorn and Wilson have asked that the scandal. encountered “ rough seas” at the 87 Ford Cr. Vic. *11,695 85 SUBARU WW. AM/FM *4 W U In a statement read by Fitz­ White House. 87 Marc. Cougar *11,095 day and time not be published so burglars dre not ' HONDA Cbbb. Sunroof . ' — “ f ! tipped off as to when residents will not be home. water, Reagan said he accepted " I think he did muCh to help to 87 Mazda RX-7 *17,495 Auto. AM/FM AC Baker’s resignation with deep “ The bad guys read the paper, too,” Wilson said. Calm and quiet and make things USED CARS 86 Toyota Camry *9495 *7995 regret. more serene there,” Byrd said on 66 Mazda 628 Turbo *9895 "All neighborhoods are subject to a rash of SOChavyVan *15,586 '8495 IQAQC burglaries and break-ins,” Wood said. “ But it’s “ Sen. Baker has been a close the floor of the chamber. 66 Mare. Lynx *3995 friend and adviser who has 86 Honda Civic *6995 hard to catch them (the thieves). “ That’s why we 86 Dodge Lancer *7995 -2000 " » :r .m need the neighbors to give us a Call.” guided my staff deftly and See BAKER, page 10 4 84 Chav Camaro *5195 86 Marc. Marquia *5995 Through a CrimewatCh program, residents keep 84 Honda Accord *7995 86 Marc. Marquia *5995 an eye out for their neighborhood by designating a 65 Honda Accord *6996 86 Marc. Lynx *3995 88 Marc. Marquia *5995 street captain. They report unusual aCtivity to the 81 Chavy Monte Carlo *4995 82 FORD 87 HYUNDAI street captain, who notifies the police. Steep drop in imports 86 Marc. Marquia *5995 84 O ldt Cutlata *6995 MUSTANG EXCELL 85 Lincoln T.C.
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