COMBAT SUPPORT Army Watercraft Systems (PD AWS), Prod- tons of deck cargo, has a beam of 60 feet and AND uct Manager (PM) Bridging, Product Man- a molded depth of 19 feet. It provides in- COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT ager Combat Engineer/Material Handling tratheater movement to remote, underdevel- Equipment (PM CE/MHE), Product Man- oped coastlines and inland waterways. The The Program Executive Office for Com- ager Force Sustainment Systems (PM FSS), LSV is the Army’s primary joint logistics bat Support and Combat Service Support and Product Manager Petroleum and Water over-the-shore (JLOTS) vessel; it also assists (PEO CS&CSS) directs and coordinates the Systems (PM PAWS). in unit deployment and relocation. The LSV efforts of project and product managers/ fleet service life extension program includes product directors managing more than 350 Product Director for Army Watercraft changes to command, control, communica- Army systems, including several joint ser- Systems tion, computers, intelligence, surveillance vice programs, across all phases of their life The Product Director for Army Water- and reconnaissance (C4ISR) and integrated cycles. Its core competency lies in the life-cy- craft Systems (PD AWS) is committed to bridge systems; hull and engineering sys- cle management of the Army’s force projec- developing, acquiring, fielding and sustain- tems; and force protection upgrades, as well tion equipment, joint combat support sys- ing highly capable equipment that meets as improvements to crew messing, living tems, mine-resistant ambush-protected emerging watercraft requirements. The spaces and deck equipment. (MRAP) vehicles, and tactical wheeled vehi- Army watercraft community provides a va- The Landing Craft Utility (LCU) 2000 cles. Striving to be agile for changes in mis- riety of systems and platforms that operate provides worldwide transport of combat sions, threats and technologies, its highly in geographical environments bounded, in- vehicles and sustainment cargo. It also sup- skilled workforce provides program man- fluenced, and accessed by ports, littorals ports intratheater and tactical resupply. The agement and acquisition excellence in order and waterways. AWS provides critical ca- LCU 2000 has a length of 174 feet, beam of to get urgent and combat-ready equipment pabilities that support full spectrum land- 42 feet and loaded draft of 9 feet, and it can to soldiers. PEO CS&CSS is committed to combat operations by extending the ground carry 350 tons of deck cargo. The LCU 2000 supporting the goals and performance of commander’s available maneuver space. fleet is nearing completion of a C4ISR up- joint and expeditionary forces, ensuring af- These functions include the capability to grade, which provides state-of-the-art com- fordable products are available to support conduct amphibious and riverine opera- munication equipment, navigational equip- current and future warfighters. tions, and providing logistics support to ment and safety of life-at-sea electronics, Program phases fall into the areas of: pre- joint operations and campaigns including and a service life extension program that systems acquisition (concept refinement or joint over-the-shore operations and in- will include power train and force protec- technology development), generally con- tratheater transport of time-sensitive, mis- tion upgrades. sisting of research and development pro- sion-critical personnel and materiel. The The Large Tug (LT) 128’ is used for trans- grams and before Milestone B; systems ac- watercraft solutions documented in the cur- ocean/coastal towing operations and for quisition (between Milestone B and full rent AWS strategy are designed to provide assisting with the docking/undocking of materiel release); systems after full materiel the capability to maneuver in all tactical large ships. The LT 128’ is outfitted to pro- release (in production and fielding phases); and operational environments; to rapidly vide salvage, rescue and firefighting assis- and two types of sustainment (operations switch between operations, missions and tance to other vessels and shore installa- and support)—systems that have com- engagements; to support decentralized tions on a limited basis. The LT 128’ fleet pleted fielding, are no longer in production forces; and to rapidly deploy and sustain recently completed an extensive modifica- and are managed directly by the Project forces, equipment and materiel to multiple tion program, which included lowering the Manager (PM), and systems that have com- locations worldwide. Efforts to develop pilothouse and upgrading the fuel tank sys- pleted fielding, are no longer in production Army watercraft capability for the future tems and bow fendering. and are managed by an Army Materiel will focus on the creation and maintenance The mission of the 900 Class Small Tug Command commodity command, but for of an Army watercraft portfolio that deliv- (ST) is moving logistical supplies and equip- which the PM is the life-cycle manager. ers the speed, agility and operational pay- ment in harbor and inland waterways. The While some project and product manager load needed to maneuver operationally small tug also provides the capability to as- realignment is scheduled for fiscal year (FY) ready forces and provide commanders with sist larger tugs in docking and undocking 2013, a representative sampling of current the ability to deliver combat power at the all types of ships and watercraft and can be programs follows. time and place of their choosing. used in routine harbor utility work. The Logistics Support Vessel (LSV) pro- The Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM8), Project Manager Force Projection vides worldwide transportation of combat used in utility work, features a specialized The Project Manager Force Projection vehicles and sustainment cargo. The 313- Mod 2 program. This provides additional (PM FP) encompasses the Product Director foot LSV class vessel, designed to carry 2,280 capabilities of command and control, per- sonnel transfer and light salvage. Logistics Support Vessel (LSV) The Modular Causeway System (MCS) provides a means of moving cargo from ship to shore across unimproved beaches in areas of the world where fixed port facilities are unavailable, denied or other- wise unacceptable. MCS sections are mod- ular, International Standardization Organ- ization (ISO)-compatible modules. Four configurations are derived from basic modules: roll-on/roll-off discharge facility, causeway ferry, floating causeway (FC), and the warping tug. The Barge Derrick (BD) Crane 115-ton is used primarily for discharging heavy loads beyond the capacity of a ship’s gear and as- sisting in salvage operations. The crane pro- 350 ARMY I October 2012 vides the lift and reach needed to discharge the heaviest of the projected Army cargo— the M1A2 main battle tank—from the cen- terline of the large ships. With an understated motto of “Sail Army,” the Product Director for Army Watercraft Systems (PD AWS) provides “a flexible and responsive fleet, projecting and sustaining America’s forces through the 21st century.” Product Manager Bridging The Product Manager (PM) Bridging is committed to develop, acquire, field and sustain gap-crossing solutions that meet the High-Mobility Engineer Excavator (HMEE-I) soldier’s requirements. PM Bridging inter- faces with other defense organizations on a range of existing and emerging bridging bridging capability to Stryker BCTs. HMEE-I provides an earth-moving ma- systems, including the Wolverine Heavy A recently emerging requirement to pro- chine capable of maintaining pace with the Assault Bridge (HAB), Armored Vehicle vide the Infantry brigade combat team Army’s current and future combat systems. Launched Bridge (AVLB), Improved Rib- (IBCT) with the capability to conduct as- The HMEE-I is a diesel-engine-driven, self- bon Bridge (IRB), Bridge Erection Boat sault gap crossing is the Light Assault propelled, four-wheel-drive vehicle with a (BEB), Common Bridge Transporter (CBT), Gap Crossing Capability (LAGCC). The hydraulically operated, front-mounted load- Rapidly Emplaced Bridge System (REBS), LAGCC will address three capability gaps. er bucket and a hydraulically operated, Dry Support Bridge (DSB) system, M3 The Type I Bridge will be a footbridge that rear-mounted backhoe bucket. The HMEE-I Medium Girder Bridge (MGB), Joint As- addresses an urgent need for assault/tacti- has a 1.5-cubic yard front-loader bucket, a sault Bridge (JAB), Assault Breacher Vehicle cal gap-crossing capability for dismounted 0.28-cubic yard backhoe bucket, a 14-foot (ABV), Improved Boat Cradle (IBC), Bridge soldiers in IBCTs. The Type II Bridge will digging depth and a climate-controlled cab. Adapter Pallet (BAP) and Line of Commu- provide a crossing capability up to 8 me- The HMEE-I was designed to maintain nication Bridge (LOCB). The Dry Support ters while mounted on a vehicle organic to pace with maneuver units and has a top Bridge system and the Improved Ribbon the IBCT. The Type III Bridge will provide speed of 60 mph. Bridge provide representative examples. a combination assault rafting/assault wet Another representative activity with a gap-crossing capability that can be used in broad range of engineering applications in- The Dry Support Bridge (DSB) provides full spectrum operations. The require- volves the development of Engineer Mis- the Army with assault and support bridging ments documents for these capabilities are sion Modules. Permanently mounted on for gaps of up to 40 meters, with testing un- currently under
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