East Omak Elementary STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK 2016-2017 with Information about Your School Omak School District Mission Statement Creating a Future for Every Child Omak School District Vision Statement Success Through Aligned, Intentional, and Meaningful Programs. East Omak Elementary Mission Statement Table of Contents Page 2 ………………………………… Table of contents Page 3 ……………………………… Introduction Page 3 ……………………………… East Omak Elementary School Covenant Page 3 ……………………………… Parent/Student/School Compact Page 4 ……………………………… Home School Communication Page 4 & 5…………………………. East School Description (English) Page 5 ……………………………… East School Description (Spanish) Page 6 ……………………………… Health and Safety Information (English) Page 7 ……………………………… Health and Safety Information (Spanish) Page 8……..…………………… Bicycles (English) Page 8 ……………………………… Bicycles (Spanish) Page 8 ……………………………… Pesticides (English and Spanish) Page 9 ……………………………… Emergency School Closures (English) Page 9 ……………………………… Emergency School Closures (Spanish) Page 9, 10, & 11..…………………. Support Services Page 11 ……………………………. Library Services Page 11 ……………………………. Behavior Management Page 11 ……………………………. Staff Consistency/Positive Recognition Page 12 ……………………………. East Eagles C.A.R.E. Page 13 ……………………………. Discipline and Behavior Plans/Contracts Page 13 ……………………………. Disciplinary Action and Due Process Page 13 ……………………………. Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying (HIB) Page 13 ……………………………. Alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs Page 14 ……………………………. Weapons Page 14 ……………………………. Discipline Page 14 ……………………………. Short Term/Long Term Suspension Page 14 & 14……..………………. Expulsion/Emergency Expulsion Page 15 ………….……………….. Campus and Classroom Expectations Page 16 ……………………………. Student Dress Expectations Page 16 ……………………………. Student Directory Information Page 16 ………………………… Attendance and “Becca” Law Page 17 ……………………………. Transportation Page 17 …………………………… Omak School District Bus Rules Page 17 ……………………...……. Bus Violations Page 17 ……………………...……. Parent Transportation of Students Page 18 ……………………………. Food Services Page 19…….……………………… Miscellaneous Information Page 20 ……………………………. Guidelines for Home Study Page 21 ……………………………. Reference Information & Phone numbers Page 22 ……………………………. Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) Page 23 ……………………………. Nondiscrimination-Students 2 INTRODUCTION Welcome to the elementary education programs of the Omak School District! We are proud of our schools and the education we offer our children. Omak has a tradition of supporting its schools and of offering quality education to its citizens. North Omak Elementary School and East Omak Elementary School both strive to maintain the tradition of quality education. This handbook is intended to familiarize you with the programs and services offered by East Omak Elementary and to provide you with information regarding our operation. Please keep it for reference throughout the year. It contains considerable information and consulting it may save you unnecessary phone calls to school. You may find the reference material at the end of the handbook useful. Please discuss the parts of this handbook dealing with student expectations with your child. EAST OMAK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COVENANT We believe that children learn best in a system that promotes a strong personal relationship between staff, students, parents and community through an environment of mutual respect, support and high expectations. Our purpose is to teach a meaningful curriculum with real life applications. “WE BRING LIFE TO LEARNING!” “WE BRING LEARNING TO LIFE!” We encourage all of our students to: 1. Be on time. 2. Tell the truth. 3. Treat others as you would like to be treated. 4. Be appropriate. 5. Be respectful. 6. Be responsible for your choices. 7. Expect to be held accountable for your choices. 8. Be focused; ask questions and seek solutions. 9. Give your best effort. PARENT/STUDENT & SCHOOL CONTRACT School contracts are voluntary agreements between the school and home to define specific goals, expectations, and shared responsibilities on the part of the school and family working together for the students’ success. Un Compact (contrato) de aprendizage, es in acuerdo voluntario entre la escuela y el hogar. Este contrato define metas especificas, expectaciones, y responsabilidades compartidas, por parte de la Escuela y la Familia, trabajando juntos para el exito del estudiante en su aprendizage. As a student, I will … Follow and obey school rules. Be ready to learn as much as possible. Complete my homework and bring it back to school. Take care of the school and my property. Como Estudiante, Yo … 3 Seguire y obedecere las reglas de la escuela. Estare listo para aprender en la major forma possible. Completare mis tareas y las traere a la escuela. Cuidare mi escuela y propiedad personal. As a parent/guardian, I will … Make sure my child comes to school on time and attends regularly. Support the school and my child on any school related issues involving my child. Encourage my child to read at home and read with my child at home. Como Padre/Guardian, Yo … Hare que mi nino sea punctual y asista a la escuela regularmente. Apoyare a la escuela y a mi nino/a en esfuerzos para asuntos relacionados con mi nino/a. Fomentare en mi nino la lectura en el hogar, y leere con mi nino. As a school official (teacher, administrator, pareducator), I will … Have high expectations for all students. Make learning as interesting as possible. Follow school rules. Provide support to students and parents on homework and keep communication ongoing with home. Como Representante Escolar, Yo … Tendre grandes expectaciones para todos los estudiantes. Hare el aprendizage lo mas interesante que pueda. Seguire tambien las reglas de la escuela. Provohere apoyo a los padres y estudiantes con el trabajo y comunicacion escolar. Home-School Communication Good home-school communication is vital to us if we are to provide the best possible education for our children. This handbook is one way to help provide more information to parents and students. Periodically we will be sending home school newsletters. It is our hope that parents will read and explain to children those areas pertinent for them. We also encourage phone calls, letters or conferences to discuss any suggestions or concerns parents may have. It is especially important that parents communicate with the school during any time of unusual stress at home. Home situations often affect schoolwork and behavior. We will be better able to deal appropriately with your child if you take time to let us know of anything that concerns you and your child. We encourage your input in the educational process. Please call your child’s teacher, the school secretary, the school counselor or the building administrator should you have questions or concerns. We will be happy to schedule a conference with you. SCHOOL DESCRIPTION East Omak Elementary School 715 Omak Avenue 826-3003 East Omak Elementary School educates approximately 310 students in grades three through five. Special emphasis is placed on increasing academic achievement and on developing problem solving skills among students. Remedial education programs, counseling and substance abuse prevention curriculums, curriculums emphasizing healthy living, and computer education classes are some of the special activities designed to meet individual needs of students. School Day Schedule East Elementary School begins at 7:55 a.m. Students are dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Students should not arrive at school before 7:40 a.m. as it is at that time that supervision begins. On Early Release days, the school day ends at 12:35 p.m. and busses run their regular routes at the earlier time. 4 The major part of the school day is devoted to instruction in reading, math, and language. Other subjects include social studies, science, art, music, computers, health and physical education. Specific schedules of classes and times may be obtained from the school. A thorough transition program assists incoming students with their adjustment to East Omak Elementary as they move from second grade. Students are supported in the transition again as they leave East Omak Elementary after fifth grade and move on to Omak Middle School. Since we strongly believe that reading, language arts and mathematics must be stressed at the elementary level, most of our school day is spent in these subject areas. We have also arranged instruction by levels at some grades for reading and math. Assessments of student achievement are given often to determine whether skills have been attained or to see if more work is needed in certain areas. A record of each child’s progress is kept and will be shared with parents at conferences. Parents ultimately make the most significant change in our children. We encourage parents to be involved with student activities and schoolwork. Also, we enjoy having parents volunteer in the educational process. Please check with your child’s homeroom teacher to see how you can support the learning environment of your child’s classroom. In addition, a survey will be sent home to allow parents an opportunity to select an area in which they wish to volunteer. The original structure of East Omak Elementary School, built in 1955, was completely renovated in 1989. One addition was added to the original structure in 1973 and another 14,000 square foot addition was completed in 1989. The 1973 portion of the building was remodeled in the summer of 1993. Escuela Elemental del Este 715 Omak Avenue 826-3003 La Escuela del Este educa
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