AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB OF LAUSANNE VOLUME 40 | NUMBER 7 APRIL 2009 AIWC NewslettSPReING r APRIL PROGRAM FUNDRAISER PLANT SALE 29 April • 9h30–12h00 (See page 5 for details) UPCOMING EVENTS 14 May Bowling Night at 19h 18 June End-of-Year Luncheon & Boat Cruise 12h –15h20 IN THIS ISSUE April Calendar 2 President’s Note 3 The Board Reports 3 Program Info 4 Community Services 5 La Maison de la Femme 6 Free Spirits 6 Picture Perfect Club Announcements 7 Photographer and Author Alistair Scott ____________________________ FEATURES Join us as professional phoTographer AlisTair ScoTT shows us a non-Technical way To make every picTure look perfecT. He is a firm believer ThaT The eye and brain behind The Hiking Group 8 The camera are more imporTanT Than The equipmenT being used. Breath of Fresh Air 9 Gardeners 10 , 11 Wednesday, 22 April • 9h30 –11h Buy Local 12 CHF 10 members / CHF 15 non-members (Please bring exacT change) Gardening Glossary 13 AIWC Clubhouse • Avenue EglanTine 6 • 1006 Lausanne ____________________________ Area Art & Music 14 ReservaTions and/or cancellaTions musT be received by Membership Info 15 Monday, 20 April before noon. There is a no-show policy in effecT Activity Groups 16 ,17 on all AIWC programs. More deTails abouT our speaker and abouT Classified s/Services 18 regisTraTion/cancellaTion can be found on page 4. AIWC Miscellany 19 April MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT / SUN 123 4 / 5 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis 09h30 LR AREA COFFEE Beginner Tennis 09h30 Board Meeting 13h30 Beginner Bridge Badminton 13h50 Business 10h00 French 14h00 Bridge Tennis Motivation 14h00 Needlepoint 10h00 Squash 15h00 Scrabble 14h30 Jewelry Design APRIL FOOLS’ POSSON D’AVRIL 678910 11 / 12 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis Tennis Hiking 09h30 MEET & GREET 13h30 Beginner Bridge Tennis 10h00 Squash COFFEE 14h00 Bridge 14h00 Dog Walking 10h00 French 14h00 Needlepoint SUNDAY 15h00 Scrabble GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SUNDAY VENDEDI SAINT PAQUES PASSOVER BEGINS (SUNDOWN) KARFREITAG OSTERSONNTAG 13 14 15 16 17 18 / 19 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 08h45 FREE SPIRITS: 09h00 Tennis Tennis Tennis DIJON 09h30 Literature 10h00 Squash 10h00 LC AREA COFFEE 09h00 Mah-Jong 13h30 Beginner Bridge 14h00 Dog Walking 10 h00 French 14h00 Bridge 14h00 Needlepoint EASTER MONDAY 15h00 Scrabble LUNDI DE PAQUES 15h30 Monthly Playdate OSTERMONTAG 20 21 22 23 24 25 / 26 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis 10h00 Dream Group II SATURDAY Tennis Hiking 09h30 AIWC PROGRAM: 13h30 Beginner Bridge ANZAC DAY (AU, NZ) Tennis 10h00 Squash Picture Perfect 14h00 Bridge 13h45 Business Music Appreciation Motivation 14h00 Needlepoint 14h00 Dog Walking 15h00 Scrabble EARTH DAY ST. GEORGE’S DAY (ENG) 27 28 29 30 31 09h00 Badminton 09h00 Downhill Skiing 09h00 Mah-Jong 09h00 Tennis Tennis Hiking 09h30 AIWC PLANT 13h30 Beginner Bridge Tennis 10h00 Squash SALE 14h00 Bridge 14h00 Dog Walking 19h00 French Readers WR AREA COFFEE 14h00 Needlepoint 15h00 Scrabble 20h00 Knit & Stitch APRIL DATES TO REMEMBER Fri 3 Lavau x/Riviera Area Coffee Mon 13 EasTer Monday / Lundi de Pâques / OsTermonTag Wed 8 AIWC MeeT & GreeT Coffee Wed 22 AIWC Program: PicTure PerfecT Sun 12 EasTer Sunday / Pâques / OsTersonnTag Wed 29 AIWC PlanT Sale / WesT Riviera Area Coffee EasTer / Spring Term School Holiday: 4 –19 April 2 AIWC NEWS I APRIL 2009 Behind The Scenes! (Part Two) PRESNoIDENtTe ’S by Anne Guyot, PRESIDENT Well, here we are in April—a wonderful and HospiTaliTy (Linda and CharloTTe). ParliamenTarian who, having been on The Time of The year. The gardens are coming From The firsT email enquiry of a prospec - Board for many years, is our reference inTo Their own, flowers are blooming and Tive member, Membership aim To build a concerning AIWC legal and procedural There is renewal in The air. I don’T know warm and helpful relaTionship. Once The maTTers. For example, she idenTifies Con- abouT you, buT I look aT my wardrobe and applicaTion is compleTed, biography deTails sTiTuTional issues ThaT need To be updaTed I know ThaT even if There are cold days, cer - are forwarded To The NewsleTTer for publi - or clarified and advises The Board how To Tain winTer cloThes won’T be worn—They caTion. The conTacT deTails are Then senT To proceed. Deirdre, our Corresponding Se- look Too dowdy, Too grey—noT spring-like HospiTaliTy who inform The area hosTesses. creTary, has recenTly inTroduced a “Board enough! DespiTe The facT ThaT April is They, in Turn, phone The new member, Tickler” which reminds The Board of ac- known for iTs showers, we feel in The air Thereby ensuring The conTinuiTy of The Tion sTeps from The previous minuTes, ThaT winTer is behind us and longer, war- “welcome process”! special Tasks by monTh, and recurring mer days are jusT around The corner. To furTher supporT our new members, Tasks. You see, we are kepT on our Toes! As promised, I am reTurning To my sec - CommuniTy Services aim To expand The This is jusT a TasTe of whaT goes on be- ond insTalmenT of “Behind The Scenes”. role of “service wiThin The communiTy”. A hind The scenes, buT as you can see, The Indeed, This monTh The Board has had group of ladies would give Their Time To Board spends much Time and ThoughT To some considerable decisions To Take. Due help new arrivals undersTand The Trans - make The AIWC a pleasanT, welcoming, To personal reasons, Karen and Sue co- porT sysTem, inform Them of medical ser- and forward-looking Club. Please don’T chairs of The NewsleTTer have given Their vices, and fill in a BV aT The posT office. As hesiTaTe To conTacT us if you have any sug - resignaTions, and Their lasT NewsleTTer will Joanne says, “The lisT is endless”. gesTions ThaT will help us respond furTher be This ediTion. I am sure for us all, such Brenda, our Treasurer, conTrols our To our members’ needs. Our nexT pro - news is quiTe a shock, and There has been expenses—jusT a phone call and Brenda gramme will be held on April 22nd in The a loT of acTiviTy To ensure The conTinuiTy of prinTs ouT a spreadsheeT giving us an im- Clubhouse. PhoTographer AlisTair ScoTT The NewsleTTer. We all enjoy reading The mediaTe updaTe on budgeT. I cannoT end will reveal To us some of The secreTs of Club evenTs and inTeresTing arTicles, buT This “Behind The Scenes” wiThouT men- a successful snapshoT. The Board and I don’T realize The hours spenT collaTing ma- Tioning GareTh and Deirdre. GareTh is our look forward To seeing you soon! Terial and doing The layouT: hours ThaT vol - unTeers give, only To know ThaT in a shorT THE BOARD REPORTS Time, They will be involved in The nexT monTh’s ediTion. We are so graTeful To Sue • CommiTTee chairs were asked To updaTe Their job descripTions and and To Karen who have given of Their Time submiT Them To The parliamenTarian by The end of March. so willingly—To Sue who has revamped • A Thank-you coffee for volunTeers and acTiviTy leaders is planned The layouT, benefiTing us wiTh her profes - for 22 April. sional experTise and To Karen who has noT • A lisT of consTiTuTional issues ThaT need To be invesTigaTed, updaTed, only been responsible for The ediTing buT or clarified was presenTed; These issues will conTinue To be addressed has also favoured us wiTh her liTerary skills. over The nexT few monThs. The Team have creaTed a NewsleTTer of • BudgeT forms for each commiTTee were disTribuTed ThaT are To be reviewed which The AIWC is so proud. and compleTed by The nexT board meeTing. A board subcommiTTee will meeT We are now looking for members who on 26 March To review The club’s overall budgeT for The upcoming year. have experience in ediTing, layouT, and • MosT posiTions for This year’s Living in Lausanne program have been filled. wriTing To come forward. This is a won - PosiTions yeT To be filled are playgroup coordinaTor, parTner evenTs derful opporTuniTy To pracTice your skills coordinaTor, and someone To coordinaTe The rewriTe of The LIL book. or learn new ones, and Karen and Sue • Gill Hibbs has joined Joanne Ray as co-chair of The CommuniTy have generously offered To be on hand To Services CommiTTee. help ensure a smooTh TransiTion. • Sue Niewiarowski and Karen RoberTs have resigned from The PublicaTions There is much collaboraTion beTween CommiTTee. The board will Take sTeps To ensure The conTinued publicaTion of The monThly newsleTTer and will look for members who are inTeresTed Board commiTTees. This is parTicularly True in leading The newsleTTer Team. wiTh Membership (Caroline and Sandy), CommuniTy Services (Joanne and Gill) APRIL 2009 I AIWC NEWS 3 PROGRAIM nfo PhoTographer and auThor AlisTair ScoTT was born in The UK and grew up in The counTryside norTh of London which he said, “gave me a love of naTure and a desire To Travel.” AfTer graduaTing as a Teacher in agriculTural science, he moved To Zambia To begin a Three-year Teaching conTracT. In The end, Mr. ScoTT sTayed in Africa for TwenTy years Teach - ing in governmenT schools, working as ExecuTive DirecTor of The Wildlife Con- servaTion SocieTy of Zambia, and serving as a licensed Trail leader in The Luangwa Valley NaTional Park. Mr. ScoTT was Thrilled To be given his firsT camera aT The age of nine. Though iT was basic, The camera led him To a lifelong fas - cinaTion wiTh phoTography. While living in Africa, Mr. ScoTT developed his skills by phoTographing wildlife, landscapes, and people. He also began wriTing and wenT on To win several awards in The annual BBC Wildlife Awards for NaTure WriTing compeTiTion.
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