CASS CITY CHRONICLE, /,, I~A~H ....... 'I' , - , 2 ~ VOLUME 30, NUMBER 49. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, ....13, 1936." ;= EIGHT PAGES. ,,,, ,,, i Evergreen Twpo Co,4nle urpnsed co MAROON-AN i " w~ AVE CH n ~ ~. A~ i- UlflllWll PBaL NEW NATURALIZATION STEPS on 60th Wedding Anniversary THI AND Members of.the Cass City Home ROTARY , I Extension Group were instructed in PRE~ OF IP~~~.~.&N~g~ THAT / TO ENTERREGIONAL cane seat and rush seat weaving at ' " I their meeting in the high school building Tuesday. Mrs. J. I. Nier- WE'RE GLAD to have you notice Cass City Squad Will Play Big garth assisted the leaders, Miss Co. Clerl~ Morrison Explained i~.~:. the mistakes in the paper. It shows Lura DeWitt and Mrs. A. N. Bige- t;:~i!!'?'); us you are reading it. Rapids Thursday Night low. Naturalization Steps to i~!-i~!~!~ii~:~Niiiiii!!i!:~ii!i~i!i;!i~iiiii:i~i - = Luncheon at noon was served at Club Tuesday ................................... ~ ..... EVER NOTICE how much Sena- at Mt. Pleasant. i E~!!!{i~i!:~{~:': :"+" the home of Mrs. Willis Campbell, ~.:: ::::::..~............... tor Vandenburg resembles" Earl !;~:;:;~i!:;~!:i~!~ii;i[i;i.~":':""" J chairman of the refreshmefit corn- :;i~i~i~::ii!i~::~i~i~ii~:i;i~i;::~::~::;::~ig'Douglas. Both good looking fel- mittee. Mrs. E. A. Corpron, Mrs. t lows ! Cuss City will play at Mr. Pleas- E. W. Keating, Mrs. Mason Wilson Willis Campbell was elected pros- I~~~ ant in the Class B Regional tourna- and Mrs. Ben Kirton were her co- ident of the Cuss City Rotary club ;::~~ :~;~. IN SAGINAW they slapped on a ment .this week-end. workers, at a meeting of .that society Tues- ~x 15-mill tax limit and the city had The Maroon and Grey was de- A special meeting will be held day. Dr, H. T. Donahue was cho- to cut the police force in two. What feated in the finals of the district Monday afternoon to aid those who sen vice president; Stanley A. Strif- if we had to do that ,to Nightwatch- tournament at Lapeer last week by wish to finish the'ir samples, tier, secretary; Arthur C. Atwell, S.W. MORRISON man Tom Keenoy? Caro, 23-31. Both teams are al- treasurer; and M. B.Auten and Dr. lOwed to enter the Regional at Mr. P. A. Schenck, directors. The new- Tuscola county clerk, who gave ad- PERCY G. READ had lived on Pleasant as the state provides dress on "Citizenship and Naturali- for Village Ticket ly elected officers take their post- zation" before Rotary club at Cuss his farm in Novesta township for both winner and runner-up to go tions July 1. 35 years, the llth of March, 1936. from this larger district. Nominees Elected These officers were nominated by City TUesday noon. His wife says it is just too" Cuss City defeated the strong ____. a committee of which W. L. Mann long to live in one place. Mt. Morris team in a well-played The village ticket, as nominated was chairman and the repor~ of the cow was owned by William Wahl game in the ,second round by a at the caucus in Cuss City, was nominating committee was accept- of Macomb county, while Priehs WE HAVE carefully looked over 29-26 score. Caro won their sec- elected Monday. All were chosen ed and the selection made the choice Bros. of St. Clair county owned the pictures of the five women in MR. AND MRS. JULIUS WENTWORTH ond round from Midland by a very by votes of 44 or 45 except two of the club. both the under three and under all of Europe who rate as being eligible ,to marry the young king. close margin, and defeated Cuss Sunday, March 8, marked the was among the guests at the wed- trustees who had opposition by the County Clerk S. W. Morrison four year old leaders. City in the finals to gain a district 60th anniversary of the marriage of ding anniversary and the occasion slip method. The vote stood as spoke on thesubject of "Citizenship Our conclusion is that without half "championship. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wentworth, marked his 50th birth anniversary. follows: and Naturalization," giving the Ro- SCHOOL PROGRAM. trying we could find five better The pairings at Mt. Pleasant will and in honor of the event 38 rela- The doctor has been remembered President, George W. West, 45. tartans interesting information re- looking girls right here in the home town. put Alma against Caro, and Big tives and friends of the couple gave by the well wishes of 150 friends Clerk, C. M. Wallace, 45. yarding the steps which are neces- ~" Rapids against Cuss City Thursday them a genuine surprise at their Treasurer, A. N. Bigelow, 45. sary for an alien to take to acquire The singing school which has who sent cards of congratulations. H. PEARL LEE is one of the night. The Cuss City game is home in Evergreen township. They At the 60th wedding anniversary Assessor, H. L. Hunt, 44.' citizenship in this country. The been in progress at the Mizpah M. scheduled to start at 8:30. These Trustee, J. A. Sandham, 441 old age assistance law has made it B. C. church for the past three earliest risers in town. Getting up came from Rochester, Detroit, Dry- Sunday, there were present the fol- at 4:30 is no hardship in the good two Thumb teams can be depended den, North Branch and Cuss City. lowing: Mrs. Fred Palmateer and Trustee, Frederick H. Pinney, 28 necessary for county clerks to de- months will close with a program upon to give a good account of W. L. Mann, 16. vote much more time to the subject of vocal music on Monday evening, old summer time, but not so pleas- A bountiful potluck dinner was family of Rochester; Dorothy, Har- ant during the cold spell in Febru- themselves against teams from ry, Mack and Norma Wentworth Trustee, Audley H. Kinnaird, 27; of naturalization than ever before. March 16, commencing promptly at other parts ,of the state. served at 2:30 p. m., after which ary, he'avers. Pearl is the chef in of Detroit; C. E. Wentworth and Arthur C. Atwell, 18. Quite frequently persons who have 8:00. Everyone is cordially invit- .Cuss City has fought its way Mrs. Hazel Harbor of Dryden read a down-town restaurant, family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harbor, lived here and voted many years ed. ..through to its fifth consecutive re: an original poem composed in hon- are surprised to learn that they are gional tournament. or of the occasion and presented Gall Wentworth and family, Mr. IT WAS NEVER clear to us Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth with gifts i and Mrs. Henry Eoff and Mrs. The Disgruntled not 'really citizens .and must take BIBLE where the owl Was entitled to a from the group of celebrators. Jennie Drenling of Dryden; John steps for naturalization through Five Vindicated the county clerk's office. reputation for being wise. The on- Among ,the remembrances was a Wentworth and family and Elmer ly accomplishments we have ever Lady of Eighty° Beals of Noah Branch; Witma The naturalization laws keep lovely bouquet .of roses from the Wentworth of Saginaw; Ben Went- heard of that were attributed to the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. changing an d many more require- WILL BE HELD HERE owl were the fact that he stays three Is Source I-worth and family of Novesta; and This is the story of the vindica, ments are necessary to comply with Wentworth, all of whom were pres- tion of a neglected group of young the law than in earlier years. Mr. out all night and sleeps all day. We ent Sunday except two. House dec-Dr, and Mrs. F. L. Morris of Cuss Cuss City men whose names are Morrison explained in detail the know of two or three local young of Information orations were in pink and white. City. The celebration took place men addicted to the same practice at the Julius Wentworth farm now signed below. I.t seems that late several steps necessary for an Mien Representatives of Eight Bap- last fall, a group of the so-called to become a United States citizen but no one would think of calling Mrs. Alice Allured, 83, Evart, Juluis Wentworth, born in Shel- occupied by William Patch and of "star bowlers" .of our fair village and spoke of the benefits of citizen- them wise. mother of Rev. Paul J. Allured, by township, Macomb county, on family. tist Churches in Thumb Sept. 6, 1852, and Miss Estella Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wentworth organized two teams of five men ship, which included among others, pastor of the Presbyterian church each for the purpose of competitive protection by the government and THE APPROACH of spring sug- here, was recently honored by the Eoff, who first saw the light of day are the parents of five children, Convene March 20. gests gardens and home and lawn in Dryden ,township, Lapeer county, and have 18 grandchildren and one bowling. The self-termed "best the benefits secured by the right Woman's club of that village by bowlers" .of .the city were Guy Lan- of franchise. beautification Few things 'add being made a life member and will on Nov. 24, 1857, were united in great granddaughter. Their chil- ~more to a home than a neat well don, Cameron Wallace, Frank Reid, Any person who exercised the The first in a series of monthly be retained .on the active list. Mrs. marriage at Dryden on March 8, dren are: Ben Wentworth of Deck- kept lawn with judicious plan.tings Walter Mann, Frederick Pinney, right to vote u~der false informa- Bible conferences that are to be Allured has visited in Cuss City 1876, They have resided on their er, ClaNton Wentworth of Dryden, of shrubbery.
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