/ : Z e L p 1 NR+ 4s. ) d f . l w q A 111 a # e 4. TH E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Ptxblished by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) .= - z. .w u.. = a=..=....-- ...-. c= .= = -= 'e ...-- . - 0.....= .-= .,- - ,.,.- U.<.-- ' . .-.-..-..--w..-..= = = J . D 'TCTLTC.. T.X-'C-J. irz= . iol. LXXXV- N O. 7 NM RO BI. 18th February. 14. :3 Price Sh. 6 = = = Tuv z-c.'u-rr = == z = = = . - ' = E ''L; l - - - ':- = '=.=. = ---= =.c-= = Co m N r: GA'D TI'E NOTICES SUPPLEM ENT No. 7 . Pxoll Legislative Supplement The Constitudon of Kenya-Appointment of A cting LEIML NoTIcE No. PAGB Jt/déle t)f aNJ)J)e:l1 ... ... ... -.. -.. .,. Tho Horticultural Crom D evelopmon't Authomity 15-Tho Priçe Control (Mi1k) O mendmelt) Order, lgW-Appginltment of tho Ghairman o,f the Order, 1985 , . .. Homticukuml Crcms Developmect Authority . , . 234 (Pufiylished as a Speoial lssue' o.n 16+ Fdbruary, 1983) The 'Counçy Counoil of M andera- Fees and Chargos 234 The Parliamentry and Presidenitial Elections Regula- tiom- Electod Memfber of ltihe National Assembly The Registration of Titles Aût- Registration of ?lnstru- l'nen,ts, e'tc. 234-2j5 SUPPLEM EM No. 8 The Advooates Aotw Examlnaltion Datos . 235 . Legislative Supplement , LEGAL Noerlcs No. luos The Advocatos (Admission) Regulatlons-u dmissîolu 235 16-The Privileges and lmmunities (commbn- Vacanoies Offored by- wealth Sooretariat) Orcler, 1983 , . .. 29 Public A rvice 'Commission of Kenya . 235-238 ' 17-The Trade Dlsputes Adt- RevocaXon Order 30 IFlzA.'IJ . - . 2.3 8-239 18--,The Wildlife (Iconservation ahd Managemont) M iuistry of Envitonmertt and 'Natural Resources-xLoss Act-e eolafration of National Park . .. 30 of 'Oëoial Receipt Book 239 19-Th'e 'Impoytws, Exporits and E' ssential Sappliw The Land Acqttistîon Ac$t- ' ' (lmpoytafion of Mtytor Icaars) (Restriction) lntention to Acquire lwand . 239 Order 1983 N' otli'co of Jnquitry ... .. .. - .. 739 ZO.-,TIY Exckange Control tspeeifiod Carrencyj The Regke red Land Act- lssue of New Land (. )rd e r , 1 9 8 3 . < . 3 1 C-egtifioate.s . 242-, 243 21-The :ales Tax (Remission) Olxlor, 1983 . 33 22-TH Customs and Excisd (Remission) The Agriculiur: 'lcrop Production) Rulos--Deolaration (lrder, 1983 . of 'Earlits't and Latest Phnting Datesj 4983 . 243, 273 23-The vcusktonks and Exoise (Remission) (,No. 2) Indus:ttial Court Awards , . , . 243-245 . ()7r'(1'C r, 1 98 3 ... ... ... ... ... Liquor Licensina . , . '. 245, 25,1 z4-The Customs and Exuiso (Remission) (No. 3) O' rder, 1983. .' . 39 Trade Marks . , . 246-25!1 Ptrobate and Adrninistraltion 251-260, 25-The Prke Cohtrol (Soaps and Det/rgents) 'tlrder, 1983 . .'. .. 39 273 26-The Brioi Conktrol (Rice) Ordor, 1983 . 46 The Bankruptcy Act--Hearing of Applimtion .. 26() 27-The Price Cxmtrol (M eat) Ordor, 1983 . 49 Tho 'Companios Act--Dissoludom, etc. 260, 269-273 28-The Priûo Icoatrol (Tea) (Amondmelt) Order, -1Ye lsocieties Rulos- Registration, etc. .. 260-267 29-=:710 Armed Foroos (Pensions and tGratuitiesl The Trade Unions Aot--aegietralitm Ref usal: . 262 (Oloers and Survieemen) (Amondmont) Tlle African Chrkgtian Marriage and Divorce Act- Rogulations, 1983 . , . 64 M inisters Lioensed to Celebrate Marriages . 262-263 The 'Co-opamltive Sxieties Act- orden 263 Loss of Policiees . 263-264 :IV CIAL NOTICE . Local 'Government Nofice.s . 264-267 NOTICE is heroby given to subscrlbers and advortisers that Tondo rs . 267-28. t! there will be an increase in %ubsoription and advertisemont charges for the Kenya 'Gazette with eiect 'from 1st March', 1983. Di.asolution of Paptnerqshi'p . 268 The new chargos appear at 'the back of this issuez Customs and Exciso-sale by Pufblio Auztion . 274-278 Change of Names . 278-279 S. W . S. M UCHILWA! t Mesaqs. Nem Kenya Auotioneers-e emoval of M otor , Goverm nent Pnnter. Alfhll.i4)lt) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... :r79 ; i tr a 234 THE KEW A GAZETTE 18th February, 1983 GU B'!'IZ NorncE No. 670 Clxzelqe 'fovlcM :40. 673 THE M STITUTION OF KFN YA THE M RLIAMENIWRY AND PRBKDENTIAL APBOINTMBNT oF ACTING Jullt?s oF APPSAL ELBCTIONS RBGULATIONS IN EXERCISE of the pywers conferred fby o tions 61 (j) fcap. 7, Sub. Leg.) and 64 (3) of the Conwituhon, 1, Daniel Toroitlch arap Mol, PURSUANT to regulation 37A (2) (bj of the Parliamentary Presideht and Commander-inAchief of the Armed Forcœ of the and Presidential Elections Regulatiops, the Sum rvisor of Eleo Republic of Kenya, acting in accordance with the advice of tions notifes tha't the person namod Melow has beon elected the Judicial Service Commission, appoint- memfber of the National Assembly for the constituency shown agailnst his name- THE HON. M It. JUSTICE SAKW O RlfmAkn CHRRONI Constituency Name to act as Judge of Court of Appeal with elfect from 18th Ugonya Mathews J'oseph ogutu. February, 1983. 'Dated the 'loth February, 1983. Dated tllo 14th February, 1983. D. T. ARAp MO'I, Z. N. NYARANGO, President . Supervisor oj Necfopa. GAZETR'E NoncE No. 671 GAZRI'I'E NoencE No. 674 THE HORTICULTURAL C'ROPS THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT DEVELOPM ENT AUTHORIW ORDER, 1967 fcap. 281, section 65 (/8) (L.N. 299 oj 1967) REGISTRATION or INSTRUMSNT APN INTMENT OF' CHAIRMAN OF THE HORTICULTURAL CROPS W HEREAS by virtue of a .certïcate of title registered as DEVBI-OPMENT AUTHORI'IY C.R. 9429/ 1 at the Land Title Registry, Mombasa in the IN .EXERCISE 'of the powers conferrdd by paragraph 3 (1) Republic of Kenya, Hemant Raojibhai Patel and Kokila Hemant of the Horticultural Crops Development Authorlty Order, 1967 Patel became. registered as proprietors of a leasehold interest in and also in consultation with the Oëce 'of 'the W esident, the all that parcel of land kntown as subdivision N o. 594 (Original Minister for Agriculture re-appoints for a period of three years No. 67/210) of Sootion 1, Mainland Nortb and whereas the with eiect frem 25th October, .1981- certzcate of title in respect of the said plot is lost. Notice is given that at the expirataon .of faurteen (14) days 'of the date of STANLBY K. KURGAT this notice, I shall procted with the registration .of a trausfer and to be Chairman of 'the .l-lorticultural Crops Development charge of the said plot provided that no objeotion is received Authority. within that period. Dated the 8th February, 1983 . Dated the 18th F'ebruary, 1983. M UNYUA WAIYACKI, J. M . NJERU, Registrar t?/ Titles, Minister jor Agriculture. ' M om basa. GAZE'M Norzcs No. 672 GAZE'I'I'S Norncs No. 675 'ITIB LOCAL GOVBRNVENT AG THE RrEGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (Cap. 265, zection 148) ' THE COUM 'Y COUNCIL OF M ANOERA (Cap. 281, section 71) ISSUE OF PRGVISIONAL CERTIFICATE FsEs ANo CHAXGP,S WHEREAS Heman't Raojibhai ,patel and Kokila Hemant Patel NOTICE is given for tllo inforznation of 'the geneml puiblic both .of P.O. Box 818.14, Mombasa are rogistered as proprietors that in exercise of the 'powers conferred byj section 148 of the in common in equal shares .of a leasehold interest ln a1.1 that Local Govcrnment Act, the ceunty Counczl of Mandera, lms parcel of land known as subdivision No. 594 (Original No. 67/ im.posed the following rates, with a'pproval of the Minister for 210) 'of Section 1, Mainland North, M ombasa, by virtue of a Local Government. The rates will be elective from 1st January, certilicate .o'f title registered at the Land 'htles Registry, 1983. Mambasa, as C.R. 9429/1 and whereas the said certiscate ef Approved lees title registered as C.R. 9429 / 1 has been lost. Notice is .given that JUJ chavges l shall issue a provisiortal certzcate in respect tboreof within K.Sh. ninety (90) days of the date this notice, provided t'hat no objection Bata shoe dealers licence 500 is received within that period. Building cozftrauor licence : Dated the 18th February, 1983. (c) Largo scale 2,000 J. M . NJBRU, (bj Srnnll scale 1,000 Regîstrar t# Titles, Carpentry licence 300 Mombasa. Kiosk lictnces : (c) Food . 100 Gxzz'nY NoTlcE No. 676 (b) Cosee and tea . 100 (t-) Vogetable's, frui'ts and greon grocer ., , 150 'I'HE RFJG'ISTRATJON OF TIR BS ACT Sale ot council's minuted per meoting 5 M arara feees per vehiclo . 100 fcap. 281, section 65 (hjj Hardware and building mntelials dealer liconce 600 RSGISTRATION' OF 'INST:IJMENT Hoytel montllly ront . 300 W HBREA'S by virtue of a certificate of dtlo Tegidtered at A11 other fees and charges not shown above remain Coa,at Re> tzy a.s C.R. 1859/1, MH ak bin Warshow (now unchanaod as per our 1982 ratts approved by tht Ministe,r deoeasetl) becyame orïtitled to one.fxmrth unqkvided shaa of a1) t'hat parcel of land known as plot No. 332 of Sxtion One, for Loca.l Government. Utange, M ainland Notth, M omfbasa, and whoreaG the ceptificale 'By order of 'tlw County Icouncil of M Andera. of title re#'stered 'as /C.R. 1859/ 1 1- been Iost. Notice is given 't hat 1 shall pzoceed with the rogistration of letters of adknimlvm- Dated the 10th November, 1982. 'tipn and transfer in rev ot of the estate of the adovomamed A. A. ABDULLA, Mbal'ak 'bin Warshow proWded that no oUjection is reœived Clerk to Council. wlfh'n fourf-n (14) fdays of the tlatf of lthis notice. Approved ltlle Kh December, 1982. Datod tho Il8th Fdvuary, 1983. MOSFJS MUDAVMX, Registrar oJ!. rM/r/. eNâ', JMBRoUmb,asa. Mirdster jor feori Government. 18th February, 1983 THE KENYA GAZE'ITE 235 GAZB'Iq'B No'ncE No. 677 GAZETTE NoTlcs No.
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