Morganville. Wall Men Die in Accidents SEE STORIES PAGE 2 The Weather Sunny and pleasant today; FINAL clear tonight, low around 50, Ked Bank, Freehold • Tomorrow sunny, little tem- l,ong Branch perture change. : EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PAGES VOL.95 NO. 50 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5^1972 TEN CENTS niiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimriniiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiHinnuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiwiimiiiiiimiiiiu m niiuuuiiimiiiininniciniiiiiniimiiuiiintiiniiii Holiday Traffic 'Light' as Season Ends Police in most county mu- night, the spokesman com- — Union Beach: "It wasn't nicipalities breathed a sigh of mented that the traffic really heavy. There was no relief last night as the last seemed "split up more" than congestion and no accidents." major holiday weekend of the on a normal two-day week- — Hazlet: "There were no summer came to a quiet close end. traffic jams. In fact, believe it after three days of relatively Police in municipalities in or not, traffic was lighter than light traffic and few incidents. the area concurred in the usual on a weekend." In Sea Bright, usually one of main with the State Police re- Holiday Crowd Average the worst traffic spots with port. Exceptions were report- Asbury Park, according to both its entrances guarded by ed in Atlantic Highlands, police, had "an average La- drawbridges and an in- where police said traffic was bor Day crowd" but police adequate two-lane road to "pretty heavy coining and go- noted that traffic was lighter handle all of its traffic, was ing" and described the munic- than usual. ''quiet, very quiet, almost too ipal yacht basin as "jumping* Bathing in the community quiet" according to Police like a madhouse;" and in was limited part of the week- Chief John Carmody. Highlands where police de- end to the edge of the surf He pointed to poor weather • scribed traffic as "quite with no swimmers allowed out Saturday, a surf so rough that heavy" but reported no acci- past the breaker line. borough beaches were closed dents. Rumson, which often sees and predictions of bad weath- Conditions Near Normal traffic backed up miles on er for Sunday and Monday as Other municipalities report- Rumson Road back from the the reason. ed near-normal weekend con- Sea Bright bridge was "like a Some of regular beachgoers ditions: ghost town" according to po- may have been drawn off by a — Matawan Borough: "Rt. lice. Labor Day first — open dis- 34 was busy, but the rest ot Business Is Solid "~ Rtglttir Stall Photd by Larry Ptrno count and department stores the borough was quiet. There In Long Branch, however, UNTIL NEXT YEAR — Long line of cars heads north on the holiday weekend at the shore comes to a close. Traffifc was re- in many areas of the county. were no accidents, no traffic oceanfront businessmen re- Garden State Parkway late yesterday afternoon as the last big ported steady but not heavy for most of the weekend. Little Impact jams." ported "a solid weekend of. The three-day Labor Day — Keyport State Police: business." weekend had surprisingly "There were no accidents. On Anthony Macaluso, presi- little impact on the Bayshore Rt 35, northbound traffic was dent of the Oceanfront Associ- and the area north of Red heavy, but moving — about ation, said last night that busi- Bank, police said yesterday. normal for a weekend. South- ness was "generally good" The key to the relative lack bound it was quiet." over the holiday weekend. Arabs Kill 2 Israeli of traffic and accidents was — Keyport: "It was normal, Despite Saturday's inclem- perhaps furnished by a even though this was Labor ent weather, he said, beachf- spokesman for the State Po- Day." ront businesses witnessed a lice at Holmdel.in charge of* — Matawan Township:, "It near-banner turnout of local traffic on the Garden State was all quiet. There were no and vacationing customers. Parkway. traffic jams, nothing at all." Reporting traffic light to — Middletown: "It's about Matthew Sowul, owner of Olympians, Hold 13 medium on the parkway, with normal, or even a little light- the Long Branch Fishing Pier, no significant congestion and er, so far. And we've had no agreed that paying customers no serious accidents as of last t serious accidents, either." See Rain, page 3 MUNICH (AP) - An Arab held in Israel be released and There was confusion over with them were "very, very out of,the village to a down- guerrilla squad armed with that a plane be made ready at names of the dead. difficult." town hotel as a safety pre- submachine guns and ex- Munich airport for their own Radio communication was Spitz Moved Out caution. plosives invaded the Olympic departure. opened between Munich and Marie Spitz, the American The teams from Hong Kong athletes' village today, killed The Arabs said they would Jerusalem, and Premier Jew who on Monday night be-, and Uruguay are quartered in two members of the Israeli kill the hostages by noon — 7 came the first man in Olym- the same building with the Is- Golda Meir met with her cabi- pic history to win seven gold team and held 13 other Is- a.m. EDT — if their demands net in the Israeli capital. raelis, and a number of those raelis hostage in their quar- were not met. medals, held a news confer- athletes and officials were re- ters. A police announcement gave The Bavarian Interior Min- ence as scheduled this morn- ported in their rooms. The ing without a security guard. The guerrillas demanded the number of dead and hos- istry'said there were five ter- Arabs, after establishing their rorists and that negotiations But afterward he was moved that JOO Arab terrorists being tages. identity, reportedly told them they could go, but Olympic security officials asked them to remain in their quarters. A.German postman who left State Prison Riot Quelled the village when he went off duty at 4:30 a.m. told police he saw "two groups of four or TRENTON (AP) - A five- The disruption began at 8:40 brief rampage, breaking the the transfer of the inmates hour uprising by 16 prison in- floor's television set, shatter- from the first floor. The trans- five men each" jumping over p.m. as a pair of inmates, who the fence. mates at the Vroom Building had been treated at the prison ing lights and ripping apart fer was ordered because of ef Trenton State Prison ended hospital for wasp stings, were their bedding. At one point, damage to the first floor dur- "But we didn't pay much at- peacefully early today after being returned to their cells, the spokesman disclosed, the ing the rebellion, said the offi- tention to it," one official state officials agreed to listen according to a department prisoners broke into an office cials. See Arabs, page 3 to inmate grievances. spokesman. The inmates be- where riot gear was stored The settlement was reached gan assaulting the two guards and grabbed batons and cans during negotiations between who were escorting them, of mace. The weapons were leaders of the rebellion and said the spokesman, and were surrendered when the rebel- Charge Against Robert L. Clifford, director of joined in the attack by the 14 lion subsided. the S$te Department of In- other prisoners on the first ' As. part of the settlement, stitutions and Agencies, floor, all of whom were out of William Schumann, news di- whose jurisdiction includes their cells for a recereation rector of radio station WHWH Smith Dropped penal facilities. Clifford, who period. in Princeton, N.J., was to be By ED WALSH bill of particulars — denied by remained outside the Vroom The two guards, who suf- allowed to listen to and tape Superior Court Judge Patrick Building during, the dis- fered head lacerations, were record the prisoners,', griev- HAZLET - One of five in- J. McGann — was granted by cussion;, talked to the in- ances. The session was to dictable offenses proffered treated and released at St. the Appellate judges. AP WlraplMt* mates through a wire-mesh Francis Hospital in Trenton. take place on the third floor of against suspended Police FIVE BEAUTIES — Five girls who want the title of AAlss America pose window. The inmates then went on a the Vroom Building following Chief William Smith has been dismissed. together at Atlantic City, yesterday. They are, from left: The Misses " Philip J. Blanda Jr., at« Pennsylvania, Linda Olson; New Jersey, Linda Carol Gialanella of Lake- torney for Chief Smith, con- wood; New York, Judith Ann Kelthley; Maryland, Kathleen Louise Neff; firmed last night that the Ap- Delaware, Catherine Lawton. Fair Haven Girl, 13, pellate Division of Superior Court has favored one of his five appeals and ruled that a charge of misconduct in office Has Winning* POW be dropped. Beauty Queens Gather FAIR HAVEN - Its been listed as a POW or missing. Mr. Blanda said the court ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - and doesn't consider herself a petition. She measures 36-25- quite a weekend for 13-year- Denise plans to write Lt. ruled that the state "failed to Sugar and spice and every- typical contestant. 38 and weights 135. identify the criminal event thing nice — that's what most Likes Jane Fonda old Denise De Sante of 221 Charles through VIVA and of- That's 25 pounds less than sufficiently", to warrant the Miss America contestants are "I'm anti-Nixon, I've dem- Oak Place. fer him the bracelet which she weighed last year. Her POW (prisoner of war) bears his name. In the mean- charge. made of. onstrated against the war, I Is coming home and she won a time, she has sent away for The attorney said the court There's a bit of salt in this supported Jane Fonda, and "I weighed 170 pounds in car she's too young to drive.
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