PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Tues., Jan, 14, 1975 OBITUARIES Manning To Talk To Art Group Mrs. Theresa Brozna Fred Sharis, both of Windsor; The Tolland County Art Mrs. Theresa Babula Brozna, and nine grandchildren. A B O U T T O W N Association will have Robert 84, of 49 Salem Rd. died Sunday Funeral services are Manning as its guest speaker at at her home. Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the the meeting scheduled for today Mrs. Brozna was born in John F. Tierney Funeral Home, at 8 p.m. in the Edith Peck 219 W, Center St. Burial will be Manchester Philatelic Socie­ meet tonight at 8 at the home of room of the Rockville Public iianrljPHtFr Eupninn fcalh Austria and lived in Hartford Mrs. Vincent Diana, 141 Pitkin most of her life, coming to in East Cemetery. ty will meet tonight from 7 to 10 Library. at Mott’s Community Hall. The St. Manchester several years ago. Friends may call at the Manning will present a slide program will include informa­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 89 t w e n t y -FIG H T p a g e s — TW O s e c t io n s Survivors are 3 sons, Charles funeral home tonight from 7 to program on "Recent Trends in Manchester A City of Village Charm PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS tion on basic identification, Brozna of Hartford, Stanely 9. Visual Fine Arts from Abstrac­ foreign countries and philatelic tion to Realism.” He is an Brozna of East Hartford and terms. Delta Chapter, RAM, will Walter Brozna of Windsor; a associate professor of fine arts meet Wednesday at 7:30 at the and chairman of the fine arts daughter, Mrs. Ann Lavine of Miss Mabel F. Waters Masonic Temple. David C. department at Manchester Manchester; 11 grandchildren Funeral services for Miss The executive board of Toomey, scribe, will preside Community College. He is al^o and 6 great-grandchildren. Mabel F. Waters of 333 Bid well Highland Park School PTA will during the Past Master Mason St., who died Monday at director of the Stairwell State of the Union The funeral is private. Burial Degree. Gallery at the college. will be in Mt. St. Benedict Manchester Memorial Hospital, will be Thursday at Cemetery, Bloomfield. mt#****'* The Talarski Funeral Home, 11:30 a.m. at Holmes Funeral 380 Maple Ave., Hartford, is in Home, 400 Main St. charge of arrangements. Burial will be in Old North Telephone There are no calling hours. Cemetery, Hartford. Once in a lifetime Not Good, Says Ford Friends may call at the Chosen but once to be cherished forever, your funeral home Thursday from 10 Michele Cugno Rate Hike engagement ring should be the finest. With to 11:30 a.m. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Conceding that Congress to enact them by April 1. constructing millions of new fuel- Michele Cugno, 56, of New Keepsake we offer both ^ ------------- Survivors include a step­ the "state of the union is not good,” Presi­ Among his new ideas were deregulation conserving vehicles. Britain died Monday at New perfect quality and IrrfS sister, Mrs. Ruth Grant of Requested dent Ford today formally asked Congress of new natural gas, opening the oil-rich In an obvious appeal lO bipartisan sup­ Britain General Hospital after fine white color. v IJ O d J V C Florida. 3 ^ ' to ease the recession with a $16 billion one- Navy properties at Elk Hills, Calif., to port, Ford recalled Democratic President a long illness. He was the father HARTFORD (UPI) - year rebate for 1974 taxpayers and a $16.5 commercial production, tapping the outer Harry S. Truman’s appearance before the of Tino C. Cugno of Manchester. Telephone rate increases billion permanent income tax cut funded continential shelf and naval oil reserves in 81st Congress in 1949 when Ford was a He is also survived by his ranging from $1.30 a month to by increased oil tariffs. Howard Ryan Alaska, extending the 12 per cent invest­ freshman congressman and Truman wife, a daughter, a brother, a $2, and averaging 21 per cent, Delivering his first State of the Union ment tax credits for public utilities from ROCKVILLE - Howard reported that the state of the union was sister, and two grandchildren. are proposed in the largest address before a nationally televised joint one to two years, a tax credit of up to $150 good. Ryan of 16 Gaynor PI. died this P The funeral is Wednesday at request put to the Public session of Congress, Ford reported the for home owners who install insulation morning at a Rockville con­ "Today." Ford said, “that freshman 9:30 a m. from the Donald D. Utilities Commission so far by "bad news" that citizens are upset with and storm windows. valescent home. He was the member from Michigan stands where Mr Sagarino Funeral Home, 109 Southern New England the economy. He predicted a federal Energy Program Truman stood and I must say to you that North St., New Britain, with a husband of Mrs. Leona Parker Telephone Co. deficit of about $30 billion this year and $45 Ryan. He also said his 10-year program to the state of the union is not good, Mass at St. Ann's Church, New WALLACE MONUMENT COt The highest monthly in­ billion next year pushing the national debt "Millions of Americans are out of work. Britain, at 10:30 Burial will be Mr. Ryan was born in Broad make America "invulnerable” to foreign creases are asked for in to more than $500 billion. energy boycotts envisioned 200 U.S. Recession and inflation are eroding the in St. Mary’s Cemetery, New Brook and lived in Rockville Connecticut’s most densely Ring* from HOO to 110 000 April 1 Target Dale nuclear power plants, 250 new coal mines, money of millions more. Prices are too Britain. most of his life. He was an populated areas, Bridgeport, Most of Ford’s energy conservation and 150 coal-fired power plants, 30 new oil high and sales are too slow. Friends may call at the Army veteran of World War II. Hartford, New Haven and sur­ 5 economic proposals were unveiled in his refineries, 20 new synthetic fuel plants, "Now, I want to speak very bluntly. I’ve funeral home tonight from 7 to Before his retirement seven rounding towns. Minimum radio-television speech Monday night and drilling "many thousands of new oil got bad news and I don’t expect any 9. years ago, he was employed at monthly rates in these com­ the U.S. Envelope Co. for 25 subsequently by aides. He called on wells," insulation of 18 million homes and applause. The American people want ac­ munities would rise from $7.30 tion and it will take both the Congress and years. He was a member of to $9.30. the President to give them what they Union Congregational Church. (Herald photo by Dunn I Edward . Kosky Should the commission ap­ want. Progress and solutions can be Edward W. Kosky, 65. of 49 Other survivors are a son, prove the $74 million in achieved and they will be achieved. Timothy R. Ryan, at home; two Trade Pact Is Rejected Hyde St. died Monday at his proposed rate increases, for­ Crossroads Open House Under Way Emphusis on jobs home. He was the husband of brothers, Herbert Ryan of Get the Messhge? mally requested Monday, WASHINGTON (UPI) - In a major set­ "The emphasis of our economic efforts Mrs. Frances Stone Kosky. Rockville and Raymond Ryan telephone customers would There was no immediate indication of A group of young people gather for an 50 teen-agers attended the coffee special times have been reserved for back to U.S.-Soviet relations, the Russians must now shift from inflation to jobs.” Mr. Kosky was born in of Windsorville; and a sister, begin paying their increased what the cancellation would mean to 15 This monument is a unique way of communicating an old but always needed message to informal sing-along during the coffee Tuesday night rejected a new trade agree­ Ford asked Congress for a one-shot tax Meriden and had lived in Mrs. Mildred Cheney of bills in June. house, one of the events planned for parents and concerned adults on American firms—ranging from banks to drivers. A photographer noticed the reminder monument while slowed by a traffic acci­ house for teen-agers Tuesday night at ment because Congress demanded the reduction of $16 billion in the form of cash Manchester for the past 30 Rockville. The PUC accepted applica­ open house week at the center. Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. and for all computers, chemicals and trac­ dent in the Texas Panhandle town of Clarendon, (UPI photo) Kremlin permit increased emigration of rebates to individuals up to $1,(X)0 per years. Before his retirement in Funeral services are tion for the rate ihcreases in the Crossroads, Manchester’s counseling Though people may visit Crossroads Manchester young people on Friday tors—located in the Soviet Union. Jews and other dissidents. return and to business. He said that if 1973, he was employed at Colt Thursday at 11 a.m. at the knowledge that Gov. Ella T. and drug advisory center. More than from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. through Friday, from 2 to 5 p.m. An American trade official said in White-Gibson-Small Funeral "The administration regrets this turn of Moscow that the Russian move probably Congress acts by April 1, the first checks Firearms Co., Hartford.
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