t 12 PACES- 1 to » NEW JERSEY COURIER PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. » Y « * r 1 2 . 0 0 3 C a n i a a C o p y ESTABLISHED I 860 TOM RIVER, M. J., FRIDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 5. ISIS VOLUM 68 NUMBER 40 T o m s River Hotels Still Open; Wait PUTTING THEM IN CLASS ONE Two Killed When Train Ran Down BA R BOARD RM'LAMftKH iJoseph Farrell. Decision of Court r * r k CD» URANBEKKY BLOOM JOE THOMPSON NAMED FOR KILLED BT FRONT J H l » RANT KEGINTRANTA H*fe rredtn Advisory Hoard Ernest Section HandCar __ ------- I Applegate. George Bell Jr.. Henry M IMPORTANT JOB IN TRENTON «I i-K rnii (D I RT TO UKAI The war Kuard has been busy the > Hintons, Samuel E. Sprague. Harold THREE OTHER* JUMPED , r t u r n o r a m on Jt'i.T u Cap* Cod. Masaachueetls. tb* great- Joseph M. Thompson of New F.gypt rsi of all cranberry centers, tears past two weeks rn lissln s regia-1 E. Morey, Hans Anderson. Willard AND SAVED THEIR LIVEN trants and several daye tble week re- Hendrickson. Ksymond Howard. Geo. aud Tonis River, who for the post four SotwXbaiAndl'U: tb* votere of Dover that It has a repetition of laat year's years ha» been Deputy County Clerk, calamity, In that lla yield Is practi­ examined a large number, The ta- |C. Johnson. Rost O. Miller, l^roy Taking a rhance on ihe 11.26 train iu»n>li.|. decided that the llveueod classification and ro-e gam I nation i Fra ice Frank A. Buchanan. Leroy on Tuesday was rhosen Director of cally killed by a frost that hit the being late on Monday, July I, cost b«r law Juno came as the result of the new order Qrsrt, Adolph Krouee, Elmer Er- Inspection of institutions for the new must go, and the eel 17, Cape on June 19-10. last year an K. two of the Central railroad sertlotl or thirty day» aflor the election on thal all unmarried men aud all mar rlckeon, James K ('oner Jr., Leslie J. Depart mem of Charities aud Correc­ early September frost caught the tions o f Ihe state, when that new de­ gang at Toms River, Peter Donahue May 29. u <b* day on wblcb they tied men with no children should he Flynn. Waller George Weeton. Ed­ and Augustus McDanieD. tbelr lives, Cape berries and look nearly 75 per ehoved up to class one. 01 those re partment wa» organised The place ta »bould cloao, they are still open. In cent of them, leaving a comparative­ ward M. Mangold, Waller 0, Shoe­ »hen the train came around the curve i m tpnee Interested most In the ho- examined 8 were qualified for air- one of Importance, aa It makes hint ly small crop for the entire country maker. George Spit*. Ollbert F. Ebner. and struck the handcar un which they art re- vice; 26 were referred to the advtaory ¡Henry C. Robertaoii. Israel Horner! 1 '" • fe t o r *[■ Chariharttahle, penal lel» boaatlnc that they will and a consequent blah price, Tlte were. Three other member# of the upon. and that the election will board at Lakewbod for further exam- Thomas J. Graham. amtcorrectlonal Inatltutlo >f the limit) Wurehtitit, Mass , Courier, an author­ section crow, Foreman Russell Bry­ a»lde. Hut they are open today Inatlon today; 15 were passed for | {{ejected: Italie Reeves Parker, law •tale for the department. The salary bo ity oil all matters connected with the ant. Britton (’ . Benson and Fred Al- b»ve boon »Inre last Friday, be- limited service, and 19 were again re- j Datbow, Wilbur Gasklll, Josppli J. | la 13000 a year, plus expenses He a ialibi'it) industry on thf Cnpe. wive; teraon, jumped and saved their lives. ^tu»e Juatlce Samuel Kallacb »ranted | Frank, David L. Mayen, Benjamin : ean retain hl> home in New Egypt, aa Just as the cranberry growers were It not he for him lo It was McDaniels’ first day on the a »ta>. setting aalde the reault of the Those accepted were; Charles R. , Church*ood Mathis. Harry Edward will necessary I have an office in Ihe Statehouar. section, he bavin* just started to election until the Supreme Court on congratulating UmmMlve. that they I I^om pte Jr.^ Lakewood; Oliver B. I Pharo. ThomaV EdwIn'briiroR ~Ed“ "Joe" Is well equipped for the new work for the railroad thal morning. July I », »ball decide a certiorari "•Jre “ i?1yJJin there ' I‘* ne’ U h *wood: John Weslay Hantll- gar Parvln Uwronce, William Ford, Donahue’s daughter, Katharine, woe lod. on Ihe night of June 1-21 ther lon, Benjamin Harrison Sherman. Lester Jones Cowperthwatle, Itay- job, uml his Oeean county friends bruuahl by the botelmen. to review pn the train lhat killed her father. came one of the severest spring ,ro*la wtlford A. Chafey, George Mason. I mond Johnson. Anoangelo Aulfero [ ( which takes In most everybody in [he election The seel lon crew had been working that this section has known foryesrs; j Clifford Applegntc Penn. Leroy Giber Carl TUlhault, hsroiu l-ercy UaakUI. the county! arc gratified at hie 1« lug juatice Railscb will decide the I-a ter reports of the frost damage | „ „ „ Edward L Gant John G Teat W au.r »elected for Ibis responsible position. on the line near what ta known aa point r»iaed on Friday laat by Judge Ice House Curve, because when the lo Indicate far greater Io m i»» to j Accepted for limited aerrlce: Frank | Horner Jamen John ffrrtckaon. | He spent a long little In the House of old millpond wa* filled up on the Berry. r*pre*entina George W. Hol­ the cranberry growers than was a q g * a|u. Hsrry Lawrence Elberaon, i On Tuesday next. July 9 one while Representatives In Washington, galn- man Jr. aud the other licensees, who I lug much knowledge of men and Davenport branch, there was tor fire! believed. The damage Is ! ! Harry J. Stackhouse, Robinson J. | man Is sent to Camp Humphries. Ac- years an Ice bouse standing there. have asked to have the election de­ exceed anything previously known in Bennett (thta Barnegat boy bad been, cotlnk. Va. The man selected Is Char- things front coming In contact with clared Invalid. Juatlce Killirb reserv­ .he history o f the cranberry business „ Du WIJ honfe ). George [ le.t K. I.eCompte J r . o t LskewoSd I people from all over Ihe nation. Hla The train due al Toms River al 11.26 Is a mixed freight and paaaenxer ed decision after hearing the argu­ The frost was really n f . 1 ?* I Mann*. Edwin Herman Bonner.Jobn On July 16 a colored man goes In . lodge work has taken him to every ment on Friday. Thoae w h o beard the bloom on the bogs was at least : Wesley Taylor, Granville Manning corner of New Jersey, and he prob- train from Lakehurst down, and gen­ camp, and on July 23 another white erally ha# somewhat of drllltug at argument and Juatlce Kallacb'a ques­ days earlier than usual and the bud* j prtCe, Samuel Benj. Gasklll, Nicholas matt. > ably ha» a« wide an aequalntance tion* and commenta, agree with the were well developed It la generally Thomas Rappelyea, Julius Holier, Ar- ! with men of action In this state aa Lakehurst before starting out. conse­ botelmen In thinking It quite prob­ Max Samuel, colored, sent to Camp t any mail in public oltii •< or In nubile quently is xenerklly late. This time believed that practically all blosaoma (hur Rtdpr Luker, A|vln Cunningham, Dlx a few weeks ago, has been reject­ able that the election will be net that were not protected by water on (.au| Harold Leslie Hagaman. Thom*» life. Toms Ittver people will be sorry Foreman Bryant took the chance ed by the physicians there. that It would be late again and that aalde; though of courte the action of the night of June 20 have been de ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ! lo see Joe leave Ibis town after four Juatlce cannot be ascertained In ad­ stroyed. The flooded bogs, those that j years hete. but are glad to know that they could get down to town ahead of vance. and this gueaa may be wrong. were entirely Immersed seem to bav i elm tire to show his ability It. Accordingly the car was pul on tbr Meantime the bar« continue to do bus­ escaped damage, though It was feat- will be of greater service to track and they started. One of the iness as before. ed the water would Injure the blos­ W.S.S. Drive a School of Patriotism b**“'*the state. Hr begin;: hla new work on men said they had covered the dis­ There were three points raised by som* and many refrained from Hood­ MonJay next, July 8. tance between two telegraph poles and halfway to ibe third, when the Judge Berry Ic behalf of the hotel ing fully on that account. MADE STRENUOUS CAMPAIGN THESE WENT OVER THE TOP When the appointment of Mr train came rushing around the curve. men. In asking that (hi reault of the Growers »ay that they never knew FOB W. S. S. IN THIS UOUMTI IN THE W. S. S. CAMPAIGN Thompsou wa» announced and Coun election be aet aalde; such a frost to come at a time when ty Clerk Ernat found be had a va Homebody yelled “Jump” and three of 1.
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