June 3, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13831 The Clerk read as follows: gentleman’s language might be more Is a separate vote demanded on any Modification to amendment No. 2 offered confusing. amendment to the amendment re- by Mr. GOODLATTE: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. By the same ported from the Committee of the In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- token, unless disapproved within 180 Whole? If not, the question is on the serted, insert the following: days of passage, because your argu- amendment. Page 51, beginning on line 1, strike ment applies just as well. The amendment was agreed to. ‘‘Albermarle’’ and all that follows through Mr. GOODLATTE. If the gentleman ‘‘Virginia’’ on line 4 and insert ‘‘Amherst The SPEAKER pro tempore. The County, Virginia’’ would yield, I don’t think the gen- question is on the engrossment and Page 51, beginning on line 7, strike tleman is going down the right track third reading of the bill. ‘‘Albermarle’’ and all that follows through because the gentleman who owns this The bill was ordered to be engrossed ‘‘Virginia’’ on line 10 and insert ‘‘Amherst land is still living, and it’s my under- and read a third time, was read the County, Virginia, and those parcels in standing that he’s going to convey the third time, and passed, and a motion to Rockbridge County, Virginia (subject to the land in a testamentary document, and consent of the local unit of government), reconsider was laid on the table. therefore, to try to set a date for the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. owned by Mr. J. Poole, described as East 731 action by the board seems to me to be BALDWIN). Without objection, the title Sandbridge (encompassing approximately trying to put the cart before the horse. 4.74 acres) and East 731 (encompassing ap- of H.R. 1385 is amended to read as fol- I believe that I must insist, myself, on proximately 5.12 acres)) .’’. lows: my own unanimous consent request. The Acting CHAIR. Is there objection Mr. MORAN of Virginia. The gen- To extend Federal recognition to the to the modification? tleman makes a legitimate point, and I Chickahominy Indian Tribe, the Chicka- Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Reserving will withdraw my reservation. hominy Indian Tribe—Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rappahannock the right to object, my concern with The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- this modification is only one; not the Tribe Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, and tion, the amendment is modified. the Nansemond Indian Tribe. specificity of the modifying amend- There was no objection. ment, but it’s subject to the approval The Acting CHAIR. The Chair recog- f of Rockbridge County. What does that nizes the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. b 1415 mean? Does there have to be some for- GOODLATTE). mal legislation passed by Rockbridge Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Chairman, GENERAL LEAVE County? Is it the County Board? Do with that modification, I would urge Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, I ask they have to pass formal legislation my colleagues to support the amend- unanimous consent that all Members and by when? ment. And I do believe that this is a may have 5 legislative days to revise I would be fine with it up to the ap- good and effective way to address the and extend their remarks and include proval part, but I don’t know what the concerns that I raise and were raised extraneous material on H.R. 31. approval part constitutes. by Congressman PERRIELLO and Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Mr. GOODLATTE. If the gentleman gressman BOUCHER in my conversations BALDWIN). Is there objection to the re- would yield, the consent of the local with them and my staffs conversations quest of the gentleman from West Vir- unit of government, to me, would mean with their staffs about the impact that ginia? the approval of the Rockbridge County this could have on these particular lo- There was no objection. calities. And, therefore, I would ask my Board of Supervisors by way of an ordi- f nance or some other measure that they colleagues to support the amendment, would pass, a resolution, approving the as modified. LUMBEE RECOGNITION ACT action taken. If the gentleman has I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, pur- The Acting CHAIR. The question is some perfecting language, I’m cer- suant to House Resolution 490, I call up on the amendment offered by the gen- tainly willing to consider it. the bill (H.R. 31) to provide for the rec- tleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE), Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Would the ognition of the Lumbee Tribe of North as modified. gentleman accept language that said, Carolina, and for other purposes, and ‘‘unless disapproved by the Rockbridge The amendment, as modified, was agreed to. ask for its immediate consideration in County government’’? the House. In other words, I hate to have it so The Acting CHAIR. The question is on the committee amendment in the The Clerk read the title of the bill. that the Rockbridge County govern- nature of a substitute, as amended. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ment can just decide to sit on this in- The committee amendment in the ant to House Resolution 490, the definitely. But if they specifically, nature of a substitute, as amended, was amendment in the nature of a sub- through their County Board, dis- agreed to. stitute printed in the bill is adopted approved it, then I guess that would be The Acting CHAIR. Under the rule, and the bill, as amended, is considered acceptable. But I don’t want to give the Committee rises. read. the kind of leverage where inaction Accordingly, the Committee rose; The text of the bill, as amended, is as might preclude this from occurring. and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. follows: Mr. GOODLATTE. Well, if the gen- DOYLE) having assumed the chair, Ms. H.R. 31 tleman would yield further, I take the BALDWIN, Acting Chair of the Com- gentleman’s point. However, by the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- mittee of the Whole House on the State resentatives of the United States of America in same token, we would have to have of the Union, reported that that Com- Congress assembled, some kind of a date by which they mittee, having had under consideration SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. would have to act in disapproval, be- the bill (H.R. 1385) to extend Federal This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Lumbee Rec- cause otherwise they could disapprove recognition to the Chickahominy In- ognition Act’’. some time well into the future. So I dian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian SEC. 2. PREAMBLE. think that the appropriate step here Tribe-Eastern Division, the Upper The preamble to the Act of June 7, 1956 (70 would be to adopt this amendment Mattaponi Tribe, the Rappahannock Stat. 254), is amended as follows: with the unanimous consent modifica- Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Na- (1) By striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of each tion, if no one objects to that, and then tion, and the Nansemond Indian Tribe, clause. the tribe would then proceed to go to pursuant to House Resolution 490, she (2) By striking ‘‘: Now, therefore,’’ at the end the Rockbridge County Board of Super- reported the bill back to the House of the last clause and inserting a semicolon. visors and ask them to approve this. If (3) By adding at the end the following new with an amendment adopted by the clauses: they refuse to approve it, they would Committee of the Whole. ‘‘Whereas the Lumbee Indians of Robeson and still have the opportunity to come The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under adjoining counties in North Carolina are de- back in the future and ask them for ap- the rule, the previous question is or- scendants of coastal North Carolina Indian proval at a later date. Whereas, the dered. tribes, principally Cheraw, and have remained a VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:46 Sep 12, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 6333 E:\BR09\H03JN9.001 H03JN9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 13832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 June 3, 2009 distinct Indian community since the time of con- ing the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (25 all, the Lumbee Tribe has managed to tact with white settlers; U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) or under any regulations maintain their sense of community and ‘‘Whereas since 1885 the State of North Caro- thereunder promulgated by the Secretary or the provide some services to their citizens. lina has recognized the Lumbee Indians as an National Indian Gaming Commission. This is a testament to the fact that Indian tribe; ‘‘SEC. 5. (a) The State of North Carolina shall ‘‘Whereas in 1956 the Congress of the United exercise jurisdiction over— the Lumbees have a functioning gov- States acknowledged the Lumbee Indians as an ‘‘(1) all criminal offenses that are committed ernment worthy of Federal acknowl- Indian tribe, but withheld from the Lumbee on; and edgment. Yet the Lumbee people still Tribe the benefits, privileges and immunities to ‘‘(2) all civil actions that arise on, lands lo- do not have the government-to-govern- which the Tribe and its members otherwise cated within the State of North Carolina that ment relationship they deserve. At no would have been entitled by virtue of the Tribe’s are owned by, or held in trust by the United time has the Department of the Inte- status as a federally recognized tribe; and States for, the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, rior ever opposed Federal recognition ‘‘Whereas the Congress finds that the Lumbee or any dependent Indian community of the for this tribe based on the belief that Indians should now be entitled to full Federal Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.
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