THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 38: ISSUE 134 WEDNESDAY, APRIL28, 2004 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Saint Mary's prepares for transitio~ President Eldred Mooney anticipates 'bittersweet' leaves behind a changeover to SMC presidency looking forward to it." positive legacy By ANGELA SAOUD After serving as vice presi­ Sainr Mary's Editor dent and associate provost of Notre Dame since 1996, By ANGELA SAOUD Carol Mooney will become the Mooney interviewed for the Sainr Mary's Edimr 11th president of Saint Mary's Saint Mary's presidential posi­ College on June 1, replacing tion last fall. On On May 15 as Saint Mary's Marilou Eldred, who held the seniors walk ofT tlw College's Dec. 26 Saint position for the past seven Mary's Board of S eampus and onto their futures, years. Trustees named ee Also another woman will join them. "My leaving After snven years as president her as the next "Provost Notre Dame president. of the College, Marilou Eldred will be bitter­ searches lor will servn her last ollidal day at Mooney joined sweet," the faculty of Mooney's eommnncement before retiring. Mooney said. "The phrase I've been telling the Notre Dame successor" "I've gotten a law school in people is that it's bittersweet," lot of great page3 Eldred said. ''I'm ready to 1980, became opportunities associate profes- mtim. I'm ready to live a more through normal life. But, at the same sor of law in [Notre Darnel Mooney 1984 and pro- timt~. it's very hard to leave University, Saint Mary's." fessor of law in 1991. In addi­ Observer File Photo and I've made many good Eldred r.amn to the College in tion to her professorial respon­ Saint Mary's College President Marllou Eldred addresses the friends. But at the same time, sibilities, she served as an sophomore class and their parents In fall 2002. Eldred's term I'm very exeited for the endeav­ see ELDRED/page 6 as president ends June 1. ors I am about to take on. I'm see MOONEY/page 8 Notre Dame issues statement on Taco Bell Seeking answers, University puts contract renewal negotiations on hold next fall - but put negotiations response to a letter first sent by received from the Coalition for athlntic department into ar.count By CLAIRE HEININGER on hold due to the failure of Taeo vice president and general coun­ Imokalee Workers and from con­ before coming down on either News Editor Bell officials to provide details sel Carol Kaesebier on March 5. cerned students, as during the sidn. about the Code of Conduct for its Kaesebier e-mailed another copy past month several students "We have to be careful in mak­ Notrn Damn issued a public tomato growers. of the Jetter April 16 after a delivered letters to University ing that judgment," he said. statement Tuesday postponing While he stressed that the spokesperson for Yum! Brands President Father Edward Malloy Though any unfairness on the the rnnnwal of its sponsorship "clock wouldn't start until the Inc. - the Louisville, Ky.-based and more than 120 fasted to part of Taeo Bell has yet to be eontraet with Tam Bnll until the fall" for facets of the renewed company that owns Taco Bell - show solidarity with the tomato brought to light, Storin r.redited University receives specific sponsorship to take effect, Storin said the inquiry was never pickers. Storin said the crux of the students with ealling atten­ answnrs aboi1t the r.ompany's said the University still expected received. the statement was to solicit simi­ tion to the issue. labor standards. a more complete and timely The only response the lar information from Taco Bell in "It remains to be seen whether University spokesman Matt answer from the company. University will consider satisfac­ an attempt to be fair to all sides. all their coneerns were justifind," Storin said the athlntic depart­ "There has to be a point where tory is "a true one," Storin said. "It demonstrates an evenhand­ hn said. "But we admim all their mnnt had been in thn process of we lose patience," he said. "At the very least, we need to get ed, deliberate way of dealing with values and interest in doing that." renewing its existing $50,000 Officials began drafting the the facts." the problem," he said, adding eontrad with loeal restaurant<; - statement late last week after The statement acknowledged that the University must also take Contact Claire Heininger at and nxpanding it to $75,000 by they did not receive a satisfactory the input Notre Dame has the priorities and mission of the [email protected] ND details Juniper plan Lao to request $1 nilllion By SCOTT BRODFUEHRER for program.m.ing fund Senior Staff Writer The University unveiled addi­ By AMANDA MICHAELS tional plans for a new four-lane News Writer road near Ivy Road to handle the traffic created if Juniper Hoad is Outgoing student body presi­ ,. The appointment closed at Tuesday's meeting at dent Jeremy Lao and vice Uttle Flower Catholic Church. president Emily Chin will of a new Executive University Architect Doug present a proposal for a one Vice Praident Marsh unveiled the plans for the million dollar student pro­ new road to the over 50 commu­ gramming endowment and a ). A discussion of a nity members in attendance. The piece regarding the publica­ review reprding road, which will run between tion of Teacher Course whether Un."wt sity Edison and Douglas Roads, is Evaluations (TCEs) at President f.uher similar to two different plans Thursday's Board of Trustees introduced at community meet­ meeting. Edward Malloy will ings in January but contains Lao said he will ask for the mnain as president more specific details. The new programming endowment to road would run through property supplement the 54,,000 dollars • The approval of the the University owns as opposed already granted to the Campus I o.,ar plan. "Notre to taking homes and the project Programming Council (CPC) Dame 2010: IUfilling University Architect Doug Marsh presents a plan for a new would also involve improving for speakers and concerts. the Promise" road to handle traffic that now travels on Juniper at a town Source: Notre Dame MIKE HARKINS/ j meeting at Little Flower Catholic Church In South Bend. see JUNIPER/page 8 see BOT I page 8 News &lnfonnation Observer graphic ' ,- --- -~ I page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, April 28, 2004 =======~======================================================== INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: How MUCH OF STUDY DAYS WILL YOU SPEND STUDYING? Any given Tuesday If anything, it's made me more pre­ dictable. Choose any given Thesday within the past year I can tell you exactly what I've Sean Tweed-Kent Adam Wilson Mary Ann Jentz Josh Frilling Jessica Prlna Lisa Lu done between 6:3(1 p.m. and 4 a.m. I Junior Junior Junior Freshman Freshman Freshman guess that's what Breen-Phillips working as an Knott Knott Badin Sorin McGlinn Assistant News Editor at The "Not much. It's "None. I turn 2 I "How much/ "Negative two., "Hopefully all "From Friday Observer does to a his birthday. , on Saturday., person. say I will do ofthem, but on ... studying Had I initially and how much I probably none., ... yeah!" been asked what actually do are I'd gain at the end of my time in this two different things., position, pre­ Anne IIese dictability would b~ the last thing on my Woolford mind. I never consid­ Senior Staff ered the fact that Writer my roommates would leave an open parking spac·~ in front of our IN BRIEF apartment without my reminding them. I never expected tbat my friends would go out to the bars without asking me along, and I certainly never guessed that Notre Dame graduate and I would have a ThEsday dinner routine soprano Danielle Svonavec at Reekers. Actually, my cooking skills will present a lecture-recital are virtually non-e'listent, so I shouldn't featuring early music by be too surprised br that last one. Monteverdi in the Haggar As I write this. tcnight is my last at Parlor on Saint Mary's cam­ The Observer. Now I'll need a reason to pus tonight from 7 to 8:15 come to the basement of South Dilling p.m. Admission is free. Hall and I can't deny that I'll miss hav­ ing one. Join tonight's Interfaith To be complete!}' honest, I'm surprised Christian Night Prayer for a that I've stuck it ot.t this far. I Coffeehouse, featuring music announced my "retirement" from all from a campus band. The Observer-related duties at the conclu­ event will take place from 10 sion of my term as Saint Mary's editor in to 11 p.m. in the Coleman March. The realization that I would no Morse Lounge. longer have an inc•Jme and the persist­ ence of a certain n·~ws editor were the Notre Dame's chapter of only aspects that prompted me to stay. the computer s.cience honor Without trying tc generalize, I think society Upsilon Pi Epsilon many Observer readers fail to &ppreci­ will honor the top juniors, ate the time and effort that goes into a seniors and graduate stu­ daily newspaper. Before working here, I dents of the Computer too simply picked up a copy each day to HILLARY THORNTONfThe Observer Science and Engineering Irish shortstop Sara Schoonaert tags a sliding DePaul player during a double-header department Thursday. It will flip through on my way to class.
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