CURRICULUM VITAE Anna Seim I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of birth September 10, 1974 Civil status Married, two children, born 2013 and 2015 Work aDDress Department of Economics Stockholm University SE – 106 91 Stockholm Telephone Mobile: + 46 70 757 83 99 Email [email protected] Languages Swedish (native) English (fluent) French (good) Estonian (some) II. DEGREES PhD in Economics January 2007 Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES), Stockholm University Thesis title: Real Effects of Monetary Regimes Thesis supervisor: Professor Lars Calmfors, IIES Master of Science in Quantitative Economics June 2000 Department of Economics, Stockholm University 1 III. EMPLOYMENT AND TEACHING EXPERIENCE A. Employment A1. Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer (Current position) Department of Economics, Stockholm University September 11, 2014 - A2. Assistant Professor Department of Economics, Stockholm University December 1, 2011 – September 11, 2014 A3. Post Doc Department of Economics, Stockholm University February 1, 2007–November 30, 2011 A4. Research Assistant Trade Union Institute for Economic Research (FIEF) June 2000-August 2001 B. Visiting positions abroaD B1. Visiting Scholar Department of Economics, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, 2018 B2. Visiting Scholar Department of Economics, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA, 2009-2010 B3. Visiting PhD Student, Department of Economics, London School of Economics, London, England, 2003-2004 C. Teaching experience C1. Supervision of PhD students, 2014- Mathias Pronin (Main supervisor), Expected completion October 2019 Matilda Kilström (Co-supervisor), Thesis defended September 2018 C2. Supervision of numerous Master’s and Bachelor’s theses, 2007- C3. Macroeconomics, 7.5 hp, 2017- Lecturer Master’s Level C4. Intermediate Macroeconomics, 7.5 hp, 2009- Lecturer Undergraduate Level C5. Microeconomics, Karolinska Institutet, 5 p, 2006/07, 2007/08 Lecturer Master’s level C6. Macroeconomics, 10 p, Spring 2000, Spring 2006 Teaching Assistant Undergraduate Level 2 C7. Empirical Methods, 5 p, 2002-2004 Teaching Assistant Undergraduate Level D. Parental leave Full-time parental leave March 2013-Septmber 2014 Full-time parental leave September 2015-September 2016 IV. PUBLICATIONS A. Publications in peer-revieweD journals A1. "Oligarchies and Development in a Global Economy: A Tale of Two Elites" (with Anders Akerman and Alireza Naghavi), Economic Inquiry, 54(1), 229-246, 2016. A2. “Earned Income Tax Credits, Unemployment Benefits and Wages: Empirical Evidence from Sweden” (with Helge Bennmarker and Lars Calmfors), IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 3:26, 2014. A3. "The Global Arms Trade Network 1950-2007" (with Anders Akerman), Journal of Comparative Economics, 42(3), 535-551, 2014. A4. "Democracy as a Middle Ground: A Unified Theory of Development and Political Regimes" (with Stephen L. Parente), European Economic Review, 64, 35-56, 2013. A5. "Pattern Bargaining and Wage Leadership in a Small Open Economy" (with Lars Calmfors), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(1), 109-140, 2013. A6. "Testing the Impact of Inflation Targeting and Central Bank Independence on Labour Market Outcomes" (with Johnny Zetterberg), Oxford Economic Papers, 65(2), 240-267, 2013. A7. "Fiscal Activism under Inflation Targeting and Non-atomistic Wage Setting", Economica, 79, 97-114, 2012. A8. "On Labour Mobility and the Neutrality of Money in Unionised Economies", Economic Modelling, 28(1-2), 396-403, 2011. A9. "The Swedish Real Exchange Rate under Different Currency Regimes", Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 140(4), 2004. B. Monographs B1. Real Effects of Monetary Regimes, IIES Monograph Series No. 57, Institute for International Economic Studies, 2007. C. Working Papers C1. “Income, Education and Democracy” (with Stephen L. Parente and Luis Felipe Sáenz), Research Papers in Economics No. 2019:3, Stockholm University, 2019. Revise and resubmit, Journal of Economic Growth. C2. “Institutions, Technological Diffusion and Economic Performance: A Latent-Class Approach” (with Chih Ming Tan), Department of Economics, Stockholm University, 2019. Submitted. 3 D. Work in progress D1. “Wages and Hours Worked under Collective Bargaining” (with Lars Calmfors), Stockholm University, 2018. D2. "Systemic Risk and Contagion in the Swedish Financial System" (with Marianna Blix Grimaldi), Stockholm University, 2018. E. Other scientific publications E1. Enkla regler, svåra tider – behöver stabiliseringspolitiken förändras? (with Martin Flodén, Morten O. Ravn and Anders Vredin), SNS Konjunkturrådsrapport 2012. E2. “Wage Formation and the Swedish Labour Market Reforms 2007-2009” (with helge Bennmarker and Lars Calmfors), Studier I Finanspolitik 2011/1, Background report to the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, 2011. E3. "Aggregate and Regional Business Cycle Synchronisation in the Nordic Countries" (with Nevena Gaco and Henrik Sikström), SIEPS Report 2009:7, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm, 2009. E4. "Comment on Stefan Niemann and Jürgen von Hagen: Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policies: A Fresh Look at the Issue", Swedish Economic Policy Review, 15, 125-129, 2008. F. Other publications F1. Case study: “Monetary Regimes in Europe Post Bretton Woods”, in International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 9th Edition, by P.R. Krugman, M. Obstfeld and M.J. Melitz, Pearson, 2012. F2. Book review: “Den nya ekonomihandboken”, by J. Ehrenberg and S. Ljungberg, Ekonomisk Debatt No. 7, 2007, 70-72. V. OTHER SCIENTIFIC QUALIFICATIONS A. Invited seminar presentations A1. Brown University, Providence, USA, September 2018 A2. The Greater Stockholm Macro Group, Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2018 A3. Bologna University, Bologna, Italy, November 2010 A4. Tufts University, Medford, USA, December 2010 A5. Universitá Bocconi, Milan, Italy, November 2008 A6. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, February 2006 A7. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, February 2006 A8. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (Nhh), Bergen, Norway, February 2006 A9. London School of Economics, PhD presentation meeting, London, England, January 2006 A10. The Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2005 A11. London School of Economics, Workshop in Labour Economics, London, England, January 2004 A12. Sveriges Riksbank, Stockholm, Sweden, December 2003 A13. IIES Brown Bag Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, various occasions A14. Department of Economics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, numerous occasions A15. Department of Economics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, various occasions A16. The Trade Union Institute for Economic Research, Stockholm, Sweden, various occasions 4 B. Conference presentations B1. Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Manchester, England, August 2019 B2. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade (DEGIT) XVII, Milan, Italy, Sept. 2012 B3. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade (DEGIT) XVII, St. Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 2011 B4. 2nd annual meeting of Swedish Economists, Uppsala, September 2011 B5. Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Glasgow, Scotland, August 2010 B6. 4th Nordic Summer Symposium in Macroeconomics, Helsinki, Finland, August 2008 B7. EALE, Tallinn, Estonia, September 2009 B8. Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Barcelona, Spain, August 2009 B9. Dynamics, Economic Growth and International Trade (DEGIT) XIV, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, June 2009 B10. Workshop on Wage Rigidity under Low Inflation Regimes, SOFI, Stockholm, Sweden, February 2009 B11. 2nd Nordic Summer Symposium in Macroeconomics, Sandbjerg, Denmark, August 2008 B12. Journées d'Economie Publique Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, France, June 2007 B13. ASSET Annual Meeting, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, October 2005 B14. 16th Annual Conference of the EALE, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2004 C. Policy seminars anD participation in public Debates C1. “Monetary Policy 2018”, discussant at open hearing in the Riksdag Committee on Finance, May 2019 C2. Participation in EU-sakråd on the EU fiscal rules, The Swedish Ministry of Finance, August 2017 C3. ”Swedish Fiscal Policy 2015”, Discussant on the report of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, May 2015 C4. ”Behövs det ett mål för offentliga investeringar?”, Sveriges Riksdag, March 2012 C5. ”Enkla regler, svåra tider – behöver stabiliseringspolitiken förändras?”, Various presentations of SNS konjunkturrådsrapport 2012, spring 2012 C6. ”Penningpolitik och finansiell stabilitet”, SNS, November 2011 C7. ”Wage Formation and the Swedish Labour Market Reforms”, The Swedish Ministry of Finance, November 2011 C8. ”Wage Formation and the Swedish Labour Market Reforms”, Finanspolitiska rådet, Maj 2011 C9. ”Sverige och EMU - ett seminarium om eurosamarbetet”, Sveriges Riksdags EU-nämnd och SIEPS, December 2009 C10. “Fiscal Rules and Institutions”, The Economic Council of Sweden, October 2007 C11. ”Finanspolitisk stabilisering, inflationsmål och lönebildning”, The Swedish Ministry of Finance, April 2007 C12. ”Flyr ekonomerna samhällsdebatten?”, SNS, February 2007 D. Editorial Work D1. Associate Editor for The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2018- E. Refereeing E1. European Economic Review E2. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control E3. International Economic Review E4. Scandinavian Journal of Economics E5. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking E6. Manchester School E7. Economics of Governance E8. Economic Modelling E9. International
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