Bush Tours Bay Area

Bush Tours Bay Area

20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Oct. 20. 1989 MISCELLANEOUS TAG I TAG TAG TAG I CARS I CARS CAMPERS/ I FOR SALE SALES SALES SALES SALES I FOR SALE FOR SALE [^ T R A ILE R S COVENTRY - Moving! GREAT for Christmas, 2 NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ MANCHESTER-53 Ham­ MANCHESTER - Satur­ CHEVROLET. 1984 Cava- OLDSMOBILE 1974 Cu­ 1980 Midas Motor home. 20" Dirt Bikes, excel­ Furniture, toys, books, eral Statute 23-65 prohibits lin Street, Saturday, day and Sunday, 9am - ller Wagon, good con­ tlass. Runs good. 24K, air, needs minor lent condition $45. Coll lots of miscellaneous the posting of advertise­ October 21,9-5, Rain or ?. Rain or shine. 39 dition. Many extras Needs exhaust work. repair, must sell. 649- 643-0727 o tte r 5. Items. October 21 - 22. ments by any person, firm or shine. Eldrldge Street.______ $2,500. 643-2108. $325. 649-4914, before 9977. Rain date October 28 corporation on a telegraph, SLIDING gloss door and MULTI-FAMILY tag AUCTION-DesIgn com­ OLDSMOBILE 1981, Cu­ 1pm. -29. 59 Fleldstone Lane, telephone, electric light or When you have some- screen 6 toot. $100. Col power pole or to a tree, sale. Corner of East munity offering tlass Supreme. 2 door, Coventry. Route 44 to new tires, high miles. thlng to sell, find a cash 643-0727 o tter 5._______ Northtleld Road, first shrub, rock, or any other Field and North Field new_sed office furni­ natural oblect without a w rit­ 649-9977. buyer the easy w ay... with CO FFEE table $30. 2 end right on Fleldstone. Streets. O ctober 21st ture. October 21, 9-12, ITRUCKS/VANS ten permit for the purpose of and 22nd, 9am - 5pm. 30 Arbor Street, oft CHEVROLET 1981 a low-cost ad In Classi­ tables $15each. Hoover FOUR family tag sale, protecting It or the public and I FOR SALE fied. 643-2711. upright vacuum $5. Sky TAG sale and crafts- Capitol Avenue, Chevette, 2 door, 4 O ctober 20th and 21st, carries a fine of up to $50 for H artford. blue O rie n ta l rug 6x9. eoch offense. Saturday and Sunday, speed, excellent trans- 1974 G M C Truck. 250, 6 9am - 3pm. 75 East portatlon. 649-9977. Patio table and um­ Middle Turnpike. Fur­ FLEA Market - Monday, 9am-4pm. Corner of cylinder. Asking $450. brella. Assorted house­ niture, linens, mlscel- Thursday, Friday, Hebron and Brian PONTIAC Grand Prix, C all after 4pm. 649-3237. MISCELLANEOUS Drive (rear). hold goods. Dining loneous. Priced to sell. 5pm-8pm. Saturday, 1981, automatic, V6. CHEVROLET P ic k u p , AUTOMOTIVE room light fixture $5. 9am-5pm. 41 Purnell $1,200 or best. C all 649- I GARAGE sale - October BUCKLEY School Fair- CARS 1986, 21,000 o rig in a l 643-9603. Place._______________ 1698. 21st and 22nd, 9am - 250 V e rn o n S tre e t, FOR SALE miles. $6,000 or best E N G IN E -351 Cubic Inch, 3pm. 276 Hackmatack E S T A T E /T a g sale - 25Vj Manchester. October DATSUN-1978, 810, 240Z offer. C a ll 649-1698. Ford, V8. $100. 643-7063. Street, Manchester. Eldrldge Road, Man­ 21, 10am-2pm. engine. $695. 643-4971 CHRYSLER L e B o r o n - I TAG Large 2 family, an­ chester, Saturday, Oc­ after 6 p.m.__________ 1983 4 cylin de r, 5 speed, tiques, clothing, house­ tober 21st, 10am - 4pm. CARS m C A R S SALES___________ I CARS standard. Good condi­ YUGO-1987, best offer. I hold Items, lewelry, Rain or shine. Furni­ FOR SALE tion. Negotiable. 646- Selling for parts. Call FOR SALE 1 2 U FOR SALE collectibles and much ture, antiques, brass Eileen 643-5269. MANCHESTER, 766 Hlll- more. __________ bed, mirrors, china, 1313. stown Road, Saturday glass, silver, country, 9am - 3pm. Multi- Want to sell your car? For original paintings, fam ily. Household, quick results, use a lov/- Christmas tree and baby Items, girls 0-3. cost Classified ad. crystal decorations. Rain date Sunday. USED CARS CARS f m ! CARS H ey, H D FOR WLE 1 2 U FOR SALE [2 1 1 FOR SALE UNDER .............. ....... ta k e a YOU GET ALL THIS look a t "Two roundtnp FlattrliPH lpr lU m ild tickets to ony Delto th is ! city in the continental U.S or ^5000 Nassau or Bermuda 1983 POhrriAC FIREBIRD TransAm, Clean #2147 $4495 with the purchase of any new Cutlass 1985 MAZDA GLC 4 Door #2131 $3495 Supreme, See 1984 SUBARU WAGON Low miles #1982 $4495 Saturday, Oct. 21,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents dealer for details. 2.8 V6 AT/OD Lugg. Carrier 1983 NISSAN SENTRA WAGON clean #20S6 $2795 •Tilt Wheel 1988 FORD FESTIVA Like New #2069 $4995 Pulse Wipers 1988 SUBARU JUSTY Low Miles #2084 $4995 BUY&FLY Conv. Group CutbssSupreme Us Deiia Airlines Body Side 1985 PONTIAC FIERO Nice #2019 $3995 Molding BUSH TOURS BAY AREA 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL Low Miles #2118 $2995 New 1989 Door Edge Guards 1983 TOYOTA TERCEL Auto, Nice $3995 —Stories on page 3 i Cutlass Supreme Power 1986 NISSAN SENTRA 4 Door, Clean #2126 $3995 Antenna 1-Series Demo •Cruise SPECIAL OF THE MONTH • Electric $ Rear Defog. HARD TO FIND Power Locks 1983 GMC SUBURBAN 9 PASSENGER * inc'u(3 os Factoty r?eDoto Of As Low As 6 9% A PR Financing & Windows ■ Alunninum V-8, Automatic, Air, Cruise, Wheels Two-Tone Low Miles, Extra Clean, Stock q |^|_y Point #2088 $7495 ‘Roily Inst. Panel • 10 PRE-OWNED ‘Leather Wrapped NlANO-ESTERHCfNCA Steering Wheel HONDAS IN STOCK — V BOB BILEY CARS COMING IN 24 ADAMS ST. When We Put Our DAILY! Name On It-You Can OLDSMOBILE MANCHESTER, CT 06040 Depend On It! 259 Adams Street, Manchester (Exit 62 off 1-84) Member CT. Volley ono ^ Western MA. Olds Dealers. / B 4 9 - I 7 4 3 6 4 6 -3 5 1 5 UULjyyLIUUULJUIJUIJJIJUULIUULIUUUUUI JUUJUULJUIJU ------- “□□□□□aaaaaaaaaaaoaai---------- ~aqqgqqgqc __— laaaQggaagaggggai -------a g g a a g a a a r ________ jaaoaooaqq[ aqqaqqqqqqgqqqr- MERCURY qqqqqgqqqqqqqr iqqqqqqqqqqqqr agqqc iqqqqqqgqqgqr laqqc jqqqqqqqqqr^ — qc iqqqqqqgqqc LINCOLN nqqqqqqqgfi ^jqqqqqqqf^ iqgqqqqoE' jqc iqqqqqqg gqqc FORD • MERCURY • LINCOLN q q q q q r gqqc ________ lUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUJU qqqqqQ S a q ? SaBBaaanBBOBBBBLIUUUUUULJUl________________oBBOBOBaagB*ir-inr-innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni^pnnnnnijnnnnnnnr q q q q g gqqqqiiqgqqi aqgSqqqqqqqqqqmSSSSqqq iqqqqgqaqqqqqqqqqqqqqqgqggqqqqqqqqqi--------------- laqqi qqqcr Sqqqriqqqqi iqqqqqqqqqqqgqq^qggqqgql ‘—’^-agggggqqqqggqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqgi____ laaqqqqqqggggail^Bgqqqqi— gqqqqp qqqQ gqqqqi —^qqqqqqqqqqqr — qq&_ jqqggc ___j qqqqt qgqgqqqqqqqqqqqgaaaai^^^^H59Qr nqqqqp iqqqqqqqqi Sqqqqc____________igqgqqqqqqtaqqqqc aoqqqqqqqqi nqqqp □ □ c aqqqqi — ag q q q r aqqqqgqqqggqqqqqqqqqc, aqgqqqi------- nqqL qqg jqqqq saggqgqqqqqqqqgqqqgqqc ir„-.nnr^ , iqqc air iq q q r aqqqqi iqqgqgqqqqqqgqQqc gqc iqc aqqql nqc 191 laqqqqqqqqr jqc |q q Iqqqr----- qqo iqqqqqc , OQU _____ iqqqp Reginald Ptmo/Mancbeaier Fterald gqqqqqc oqqqqqqqu iqqqqgjIJlJuqqqqqaaqi: nqaaaqaqaaqaaqaqqqc WET WEATHER WRESTLING — Rich Cook, who found it fun to wrestle in the rain on the Cook lives at 391 Hartford Road and Laponte nqqaaqqqqqqaaaqqac S aqqqqqqaqqaqaqqqc on top, and Conrad Laponte are two friends ____ ^aaaqqqqqaqqqqaaac playground of the Washington School Friday. at 95 Cedar St. Both boys are 14. CALL NOW FOR' iqqgqqqqaaaagqqqaqqaij 9L-, — _=rzzrz“3aqgagqqD q q L ULTRA FAST gaaaaqaqaaqqqggac qqqi__, 3qqc^ -------aqqqqqagaqaaac qqqqql_ jqqqc CREDIT Iqqqqqg -------^□□□□Esaaaaqc qqqqqqq^____ iq q q g g q q q q q q q c iqqqqqqqqqqqi - la c ----- ^aaaqqc iqqqqqqqqqqqc‘ APPROVAL ^qqc Downpour causes flooding, outages iqqqqqqqg iqqqqqg— [qc qqqqi— _ q c qqqgi 228-1022. .jq q c qqqr ____ Hi q q q c By Rick Santos record for rainfall for the date. Flash qqr qqqqqqaeiiqqqi -□ □ q c pany spokesman John Gustavsen. North­ the branch blew off the lines, and there­ iq r BRAND ~iqqqqqqqqqqqi_ jqqg □ □ □ □ c Manchester Herald flooding was reported throughout the east Utilities could not locate a problem □I naaaqqqqqqqqi______ ^qgqqqql__ . h a s e _ j g q q q c fore was not found. ,. i » L P U P £ ‘ a fQ q q q q q c state. NEW 1989 -□□□□□□qqqqLoqqqqqqqqqqqqai____ ^ q q q q q q c with lines and is investigating the pos­ In Bolton, about three or four of the qqqqqqqggqqqqi-----------qq q aaqqqql m q q q q q q q c □I ________________ jqqqqqqgqqi Friday’s torrential record-setting rain Bolton Fire Chief James P*rcuss said sibility of an underground cable fault. flooded basements were on Hebron Road, Mercury Tracer^^^™™®®oqqqqqqqqqqqqqaaqqqqqa .□ □ □ □ □ □ □ c □□□aaaaoaciaaaaaciaaaaaDaapualDDO WtO- - jo a a o a a a c caused heavy flooding and power outages the deparunent received reports of about About 1,200 Northeast Utilities cus­ and the depth of the water ranged from STOCK ‘((9041 gqaaaaqqqqaqaqaaqaaaaqqqaqqqaqqf -Ol^'d iq c z ~ z z z z z naaaqaaaqqagqqqaaaaaaqaqqaqqqqqc in Manchester, Bolton and Coventry as 10 or 12 flooded liasements. tomers in Bolton were without clccU'ical two to six inches, Preuss said. a a q q q q q q q q q r------------------------------------ _____ iqqqqi ----- □□□□□□□□ well as vehicle breakdoivns throughout “A lot of these were because people power from just after 4 p.m. to almost 8 School Road was under water, he said, _____________________________________ iqqqqqqaBefqgqqqgqqmQ ____ iqaaaaaqqqi g g g q q q q c the area, public safety officials said. lost power, and their sump pumps didn’t p.m., Gustavsen said. aoqqqgqqqqqqqaqqqqqqqgqqgqqqgqqqqqr iqqaqqaaaqqqagi adding this is not unusual during heavy gqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqagqqqqgqqi ^igaqqaaai--------- The National Weather Service reported work,” he said. He said the cause of the outage was not qqqaqaqqqqqqqqqQqqqqqqqqqqgqgqigqi D " rain, he said. nnnnnnnntjanannnnnnnnnnnnnnQtJBa^- that the rainfall for Friday was almost About 1,100 Northeast Utilities cus­ detected, and the company is assuming a South Coventry Fire Chief Michael ^6987 oaaqqqgg«BBiigqggqaqqggqqqqgqqi qqqggi^^^^^Egqqqqqqqaqqgqgar Jfq q q c equal to the amount expected for the en­ tomers in Manchester lost power from branch fell on electric lines, causing them S Iq q q q c ■□1 qggil^^^^^i^Bgqqgqqqqqqqr^~ aqq qc tire month and the 3.2-inch total set a about 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

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