US010177690B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 177 ,690 B2 Boyd ( 45 ) Date of Patent: * Jan . 8 , 2019 ( 54 ) DEVICE AND METHOD TO GENERATE AND USPC .. .. .. 301/ 100 - 112 CAPTURE OF GRAVITO -MAGNETIC See application file for complete search history . ENERGY ( 56 ) References Cited (71 ) Applicant: Michael Boyd , Soquel , CA (US ) U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 72 ) Inventor: Michael Boyd , Soquel, CA (US ) 5 , 126 , 561 A 6 / 1992 Nakazawa 6 ,073 , 486 A 6 / 2000 Packard ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this 6 ,359 ,433 B1 3 /2002 Hillis et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6 ,956 ,707 B2 10 /2005 Ottesen et al. U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days. ( Continued ) This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer . FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS RU 2007119441 A 11 / 2008 (21 ) Appl . No. : 15 / 130 ,813 WO 2010010434 AL 1 /2010 ( 22 ) Filed : Apr . 15 , 2016 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65 ) Prior Publication Data U . S . Appl. 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Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 4 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 t rigonit DO VAXMANYA FIG . 4 (Prior art) 424A 426 4024 420A 428 1 941 422 4248 YYYYYY 4 028 4208 FIG . 5 (Prior art ) U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 5 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 W anna . ODO www M GE.FIG FIG.6C 99999999999999 .. WX00000www Woodcocoon wwwwww so000 www www . body0004 wowowote * * WA 909 * * * * * w ww . M www . wow000.000 fromDefect'sEdges, FIG.6A *** * * 000 M ** FIG.6B FIG.60 13.MR U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 6 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 * * . * . * . * * * * * * FIG.7C XXXXXXXXXXX www * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * * * * UUUUUUU . * * * * . 2us 200mV FIG.7A 1260 630 FIG.7B 13.PZT 10us .50V U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 7 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 13.MR V WWW 2us100mV FIG.BA . * * * * * 13.PZT FIG.8B * * * * * * 10us.50V U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 8 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 . : : : : : : . " , " s " : " " , " " , " , " , " . ' , , ' ' , ' 1 ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' . V . X . wwwwww . - . :. : . : . : . : :: :: . : . : . : . , . : . : . : . ' . ' . ' . .' .' ' . STOMA . FIG.9 . .. DO000 VUO RO ! M 100nV 1us signalsfrombump fromdefect'smass Electromagnetic defect'sedges Gravitational inductionsignal U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 9 of 47 US 10 , 177 ,690 B2 SO FIG.10 X 13.MR * 203n signalsfrompit 1us inductionsignal defect'sedges Antigravitational frommissing mass Electromagnetic U . S . Patent Jan . 8 ,2019 Sheet 10 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 42200 AntigravitationalInduction 1oox-20020,* FIG.11 ORTOOW2/ongmunjondung jeuongengvorjanpur ex U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 11 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 nfringementeringpermisfummeforming i M A . anfinnurfemmefemmefrangementene . OS A SIS ? . 13 .MR mengurangan 1 FIG . 12A - . -& . Y - minimo fun for infinition in haging that toping the in thing the in mentre win the in and front the from fram them 001: 4 - - 13 .MR + - - iiifiimariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LINK offronta ivi minimariinimariin V FIG . 12B U . S . Patent Jan. 8 , 2019 Sheet 12 of 47 US 10 ,177 ,690 B2 1300 ?????????????????????????????????????? ULLYLYLLE ANYA ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? . FEN . 454KHz22uSecor45.periodtotalofdelayrenormalizationfora 1000mx10umPitR=1.3925"500ips 25 renormalizabilityofnon-timeperiodthemaximumThe anti-gravityis2.1uSecpropogationdelay+199uSec FIG.13 AN Y ??????????????????????????????????????? RR ? NAVARRAW ???????????????????????????????????????? 1uSecis2.signal signalsfrompit TA 5NS 0.50V Antigravitational propogation delayed Electromagnetic defectsedges U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 13 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 MF) OPZTGlide*Cor.(MP) Neor.( 128 54 192 . e FIG.14A SECTORO 256 448 320 324 U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 14 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 MP) +Cor.(MP) Neor(.= O=MSsignal 13.MR 128 192 Derer SECTORO 256 FIG.14B pen 448 1 320 324 U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 15 of 47 US 10, 177, 690 B2 SC .01 WK . WWW Www KhWh WHILE Added Will FIG .15A Scratch Width 95nSecx 1104 ips * 25 , 400 lumin 2 . 664 um 13 .MR 50 : 15 . NAN f . 318 . 970 US 144 sweeps ; average lo high Sigma period ( 2 ) * 69 . 4 ms 53 . 8 106 . 8 15 . 6 pkpk ( 2 ) 299 . 2 mV 205 . 6 329 . 7 11 . 7 203 . 6 mv 69 . 239 . 6 16 . FIG . 15B U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 16 of 47 US 10 , 177 ,690 B2 NP .01 FIG . 16A 13 .MR - - water. * - * - rommel 14-12 AL kwVU - AAL. Very/ */P - / SA - r - / - / - 6019 SW 3 FIG . 16B U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 17 of 47 US 10, 177, 690 B2 NB .01 WIB WWW BI WEIHIN WWW FIG . 17A 13 .MR 20 us SO rov FIRE + * * tazi2 FIG . 17B atent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 18 of 47 0 B2 1800 SINI* * * ! * * * * * * 184 ADRIA 17!! , 187 AY 01 M * . WANIE MAN :3 AvvakiYA*vv-vVXVPA 186 1 WWW At t butikkvili FIG . 18A 21 . SULL reverALSAMY *747ZAPIIRAPPARA AN:-/3 V WWWWW YWISKAKKU FIG . 18B U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 19 of 47 US 10, 177, 690 B2 WSHAT 184 KINN FIG . 19A ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? H 24 27:11 1 . it wwwwww2mirn* MASAKAN ALAM MALAY MPPUVA w FIG . 19B U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 20 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 women . 13 .GM motor wwww w coolic . .. : : * * * .2 . F 13 . IMS balansen FIG . 20 U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 21 of 47 US 10 , 177, 690 B2 2340 2342 2122 * ** 2146 2148 ** 444444444444 2194 2114 2150 2148 2118 2120 2116 ON 2140 2112 2144 W XXX 2138 * .::. * ** * ** * * * FIG.21 2332 2332 21 2104 2126 2128 2138 21422142 2102 2111 2146 2106 2124 2100 2136 2130 2134 U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 22 of 47 US 10 ,177 ,690 B2 $ ** 5177**** itinuturi WU * ***** * 7 * *sit interior De . ** priesteriorida af* *Termát FIG.22 *** * * * ** * * ** * * *fat s 564766* *** * * Nano-bumps&pits **** * *** * 1 U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 23 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 * . * . * . ' . ' . ' . ' . srn' * * 13 : ne FIG . 23A U . S . Patent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 24 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 Pit GMR and PZT Sensors1 . readback signal . - 2020 - FIG . 23B atent Jan . 8 , 2019 Sheet 25 of 47 US 10 ,177 , 690 B2 FIG.24 2402 2412 2408 FocusingLens 2400 2406 2401 2410 atent Jan .
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