THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VETERANS OF THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE, INC. VOLUME XXIX NUMBER I THE ARDENNES CAMPAIGN FEBRUARY 2010 U.S. TROOPS FIGHT AT ELSENBORN RIDGE BY RALPH E. HERSKO • P a g e 16 VETERANS OF THE Madeleine Bryant >CAUFORNIA> HOWA* STATEN ISLAND |S2) SOUTHCENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA (4S) FRESNO (S) IOWA (34) WiWam Abell 917-299-9766 George F. Schneider 717-464 9442 BATTLE OF THE BULGE, Associate Memt>er Arthur Steffenser^ 559-266-2997 (Chapter no longer functioning 297 Clarke Ave 237 Willow Valley Dr Doris Davis 7469 S C edar Ave Staten Island. NY 10306 Lancaster. PA 17602-4782 INC. Fresno, CA 93725-9749 Associate Member HAWK6YE STATE (44) P.O. Box 101418 Hiirotd R. Lindstrom 51S-278-0081 GENESSEE VAUEV ($7) LEHIGH VALLEY (55) GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON, JR. (13; Tw o Y ears: 4105 75th St. (Chapter no longer functnning) Morris D. Melz 610-252 3694 Arlington, VA 222KM418 Chapter is now defunct Stewart G. Piptjr D«‘S M oines. lA 50322-2551 125 Richard Garr Rd 703-528-4058 Easton. PA 18040-6916 26th Infantry Division •MARYLAND-DC* GOLDEN GATE (10) MiVRYIJVND/D.C. (3) MID-HUDSON VALLEY (49) READING (641 Bert Rice Doris Davis 650-654-0101 John R. Schaffner 410-584-2754 Duncan Trueman 845-986-6376 George Moore 610-582 8690 889 Bauer Dr Associate Member 1611 Miller Rd 29 Overlilll Ln 207 Shockley Dr Published quarterly, THE San Carlos. CA 94070-3613 BULGE BUGLE is the official John R. Schaffner Cockeysville.MD 21000-1013 Warwick, NY 10990-3317 Birdsboro. PA 19508 106th Infantry Division SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA (16) publication of the Veterans of *MASSAC HUSETTS* LONG ISLAND (63) CUMBERLAND VALLEY (6) Gordon Heame 818-784-8980 O n e Year: L/JMAR SOUTTER/CENTRAL William H. Mueller1i1&-731-2488 John W. Fague 717-530-8817 the Battle of the Bulge. 4363 HayvenhurstAve MASSACHUSETTS (22) 27 Eve Ln 306 Lurgan Ave Robert F. Phillips Encino, CA 91436 Jo h n E McAutiffe 50M-754-7183 Levittown. NY 11756-5S11 Shippensburg. PA 17257 Publisher/Chief Editor; 28th Infantry Division 425 Pleasant St. SAN DIEGO (SI) Worcester. MA 01609 •NORTH CAROLINA* *RHOOE ISLAND* George Chekan Robert Rhodes R obert D. Schrell 858-274-5738 NORTH CAROUNA (») RHODE ISLAND (24) 2530 San Joaquin Ct 9th Infantry Division Ass<x:iate Member CAPE COO & THE ISIJVNDS (S8) WfHiam R. Strtekland 910-897-8295 Manuel Ribeno 401-253-7369 San Dtego. California 92109 Contributing Editors: Michael A. Riz;:o (Chapter no longer functioning) 471 Turlington Rd 50 Greyk>ckRd Robert F. Phillips 18th Infantry Division Dunn. NC 28334 Bristol. Rl 02809-1631 •CONNECTICUT 28th Infantry Division • •••• •NORTH DAKOTA* •SOUTH CAROLINA* CONNECTICUT YANKEE (40) •MICHIGAfJ* NORTH DAKOTA (20) SOUTH CAROLINA (7) Historical Research: HISTORICAL FOUNDATION: Richard Egan 203-634-0974 W EST MICHIGAN (23) Hanry Swendson (Secretary) 701-567-2308 Leif E. Maseng 803-782 $696 79 Alcove St John D. Bowen President: Alfied H M Shehab James E. Wibby 231-938-2995 P O B o x 55 4602 BeNeflekl Ln Meriden. CT 06451 Associate Member 38th Cavalry Division 4449 Audubon Dr Hettinger, SD 58639 Columbia, SC 29206-5695 Trsverrie CMy, Ml 496116-3887 •COLORADO* •TEXAS^ ROCKY MOUNTAIN (39) GREAT LAKES (21) •OHIO* GREATER HOUSTON (27) A. W ayneR eM 719-598-2234 (Chapter no longer functioning) BLANCHARD VALLEY (42) (Chapter is furKtioning- PO Box 7247 ELECTED OFFICERS: Richard H. Switzer 419-435-5277 please advise contact again. i Colorado Sprmgs, CO 80933-7247 VBOB PAST PRESIDENTS: •MISS SSIPPI* 4361 N U.S. 23 Clyde D. Boden* 1981-84 MISSISSIPPI (33) Fostoria. OH 4483-0 BEN FREEMAN (37) P resid en t: •DELAWARE* Robert J. VanHouten*1984-86 Mimnirg Cooper 60V825-4479 ^resklent's name needed) Demitri "Dee" Paris BRANDYWINE VALLEY CHAPTER (86) 76 Fern Valley Rd OHIO BUCKEYE (2») Charles Gafteney 302-762-3023 9th Armored Division George Chekan 1986-88 Srar)don. MS 39042 John Kalagklis 330-492-2214 907 Shipley Rd 2545 58th St NE 2003-05 Wllrnngton, DE 19803-4927 Ex(>cutive Vice President: •MIS:>OURH Canton. OH 44721-3451 ALAMO (46) Ralph Bozorth William T. Greesnville* 1988-90 G/kTHWAY (25) (C hapter no longer funcUonir>g) W Kent Stephens 61»-344-1616 GEN. 0. D. EISENHOWER (35) Darrell Kuhn* 1990-92 •FLORIDA* Associate Memt>er 1C7 Bluffview Lane Richard M. S hape LONE STAR (SO) William R. Hemphill* 1992-93 CENTRAL FLORIDA (18) Vice President/Membership: CoHinsville. IL 62234 211 OakcrestCt Charies J. Kam 214-324 9200 William P. Tayrnan 1993-94 Contact: Rotierl L. Stevenson 407-644-9997 Russells Point, OH 43348-9508 8042 Hunnicut Rd 2133 Lake Dr A. W ayne Field •NEW JERSEY* Dallas TX 75228 Grover C. Twiner* 1994-95 Winter Parit. FL 32789 6th Amnored Division PliTER F. LESUE, JR. (S4) NORTH COAST OHIO (36) Stanley Wojtusik 1995-97 Goraid E. Mount 97:1-697-5875 Frederic H. Harf 440-234-5732 •VERMONT-NEW HAIMPSHIRE-MAINE* Vice President/Chapters: FLORIDA CITRUS (32) 4C OM Hoop Pole Rd 323 Westbridge Dr TRI-STATE (17) 2006-07 GerakJ V Myers 863-686-2121 Thom as R. Cham bers Oiik Ridge. NJ 07438 Berea. OH 47017 1562 Edwanj Deverell 603-48S-7464 9th Armored Division George C. Linthicum* 1997-99 320 E Palm Dr 12 S tevens Dr Vice President/Military Affairs: John J. Dunleavy 1999-2001 Lal(eiand. FL 33803-2650 FORT MONMOUTH (SS) ALTON UTSENBEiRGER (67) Hookset, f4H 03106 Ecward Turrell 73:»-264-5447 Rrchard H. Wheeler 614-267-7478 INDIAN RIVER FLORIDA (41) Alfred H. M. Shehab Louis Cunningham 2001-03 3 C hestnut Dr 191 E Royal Forest BIwl •VIRGINIA' John Gaynor 321-549-3529 38th Cavalry ‘D eceased Hiiziet. NJ 07730 Columbus. OH 43214-2125 NORTHERN VIRGINIA (15) 901 Culpepper Ave (Chapter no longer functioning) Palm Bay. FL 32909 T reasu rer: FORT DIX/MCGUIRE i^FB (60) Neil B. Thom pson Lkiyd Orth 85<i-235-0504 •PENNSYLVANIA* SOUTHEAST FLORIDA (62) 1G Locust Ct DELAWARE VAUEY (4) CRATER (43) 740th Tank Battalion George Fisher 561-585-7086 Miiunt Laurel. NJ 080 &4 Stanley wojtusik 215-637-4191 S. W. Georye, Jr. 804-526-6725 3456 S Ocean Blvd «503 Corresponding Secretary: CHAPTER PRESIDENTS 9639 Wissinorrang St 101 H anover Ave Palm Beach FL 33480 Mary Ann D. Bowen •ALABAMA* SOUTH JERSEY (61) Philadelphia, PA 19114 Colonial Heights, VA 23834 GEN. GEORGE S. PATrON, JR (11) Giis EF>ple (VP) 60<M63-9690 Associate Member Vernon Miller 205-951-0265 GOLDEN TRIANGLE (48) 45 S Desea Dr SUSQUEHANNA (1») •WASHINGTON* Fred D. Partis 352-589-2109 Re:ording Secretary: 140« John W esley Dr Ciipe hlay Court Housi. NJ 08210-2041 G eorge K. W aters 717-488-6311 NORTHWEST (6) 22 Turquoise Way Binnngtiam. AL 35210-2203 303 Honesdale Rd Arthur P Mahler 425>74e-3923 Eustis. FL 32726 John D. Bowen W aym arl. PA 184'^2 1821 122nd Ave SE Associate Member •ARIZ'^NA* •NEW YORK* Bellevue. WA 98005-4623 FLORtOA SOUTHWEST CHAP TER (87) ••• •• ARIZONA (26) CliNTRAL NEW YORK (2) W ESTERN PENNS YLVANIA (24) S/incent Runowich 727-323-3793 Leo Hoffman 480-654-6374 (Chapter no longer functioning) Leroy SchaNer 724-238-2297 •WISCONSIN* 4063 10th Ave N Administrative Director: 5735 E McDowell *211 1839 Route 259 NORTHERN WISCONSIN (1) St. Peterstdjrg, FL 33713 Nancy Monson 703-528-4058 Mesa.AZ 85215 Bolivar, Pennsyh/ania 15923 (Presklent's name needed) MI3HAWK VALLEY (2 1) •INDIANA* SOUTHERN ARIZONA 153) K< nne1h H. Rowland 31‘>-736-5836 OHIO VALLEY (31) NORTHERN INDIANA (30) George W McGee 520-298-3220 1£50 Hertimer Rd *106 Pete Yanchik 724-375-6451 Frank W. Dudash 219-663-5064 783C E Hampton St Utica, NY 13502 1161 Airport Ro CONTACT THE CHAPTER IN YOUR ^REA. 775 S av an n ah Dr TRUSTEES: Tucson. AZ 85715-4214 Alkjuippa. Pa 15001 YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID. Crown Point. IN 46307-5255 HUDSON VALLEY (59) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO START A •BELGIUM* Al an Atwell 5111-371-8449 CHAPTER IN YOUR AREA, LET US KNOW, CENTRAL INDIANA (47) Three Years: 6TH FUSILIERS OF BELGIUM (38) 9 3reenlea Dr WE’LL SEND YOU NECESSARY DETA LS. (Presklent's name needed) J David Bailey Marcel D’Haese Clifton Parte. NY 12065 106th Infantry Division Boulevard du Suverain 49 Box 4 1160 Brussells. Belgium n-IE BULGE BUGLE February 2010 IRS the eight years of delinquent and long overdue IRS 990 President's forms with our hope VBOB will not be charged with monetary Message penalties because of past failures. We have removed the unnecessary items from paid storage reducing that cost by one-half Bozorth accepted and is reviewing 12 large boxes of records to determine which must be retained and which can be destroyed. Demetri “Dee’ The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Institute at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, accepted much of the materials from Paris that storage bin. John Bowen, secretary and associate member is cataloging the books which will be offered to Carlisle and VBOB had a productive year in 2009 and most of the the National Archives for use by historical researchers and credit goes to the associate members of the Executive authors. Council. They are dedicated, hard working and willing Tlirough diligent computer research, John Bowen has volunteers. Without them we could not have conducted our discovered scores of life members who are no longer living programs nor completed our projects. but their death had not been reported. As a result, we can And yet we have five or six members who are opposed to discontinue mailing The Bulge Bugle. This search will associate members holding office.
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