Index Abandoned: The Story of the Greely Arctic American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 226 Expedition 1881–1884 (Todd), 100 American Society of Bariatric Physicians, Aborigines, 89 101, 145 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 139 American Society of Clinical Nutrition, 69 acai berries, 272 amino acids: amino acid oxidation, 245–46; acidosis, 13, 150–51, 171, 198 animal protein and, 7; arginine, 172; acromegaly, 194 eggs and, 279; in fruitarian athletes, 256; Adventist Health Studies, 42, 43, 104–5, fruit consumption and, 277; IGF1 levels 147–48, 159, 185, 189, 204, 212, 220, 222, and, 196; inflammation and, 150; leucine 228–29 restriction, 234–35; mental illness, 263; aging, 234–35, 263, 269 role of, 240–41, 248 agribusiness, 122 André the Giant, 194 AIDS, 162 anemia myth, 268–69 allergies, 295 Angiology Journal, 174 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 273 animal protein: consumption among Alzheimer’s disease, 41 Tunisian people, 109; consumption American Association of Retired Persons by rich people, 57–58; diabetes and, (AARP), 210, 214–15, 229 146–48; in diets of immigrants, 63–64; American College of Cardiology, 160 health and, 5–7; heart disease and, 12, American Diabetes Association (ADA) diet, 167–72; heterocyclic amines, 191–93; 145, 155 hypertension and, 158–61; obesity and, American Dietetic Association (ADA), 69, 5, 12; organizations advising cutting 139 back on, 140; pancreatic cancer and, 214; American Heart Association, 69, 140, 160, randomized trials involving soy protein 219, 221 and, 173; recommended daily allowance, American Institute for Cancer Research, 8–10, 68; risk of hip fractures and, 267; 139, 140, 208, 216 weight gain and, 111, 184–89. See also American Journal of Cardiology, 106 meat; protein 379 Proteinaholic_4p.indd 379 11/17/15 3:18 PM 380 Index Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, The Beck Diet Solution (Beck), 280 41 Beck, Judith, 280 antiaging research, 234–35 bedridden individuals, protein needs, 252 antibiotics, 13, 62, 65, 172 Beef Council, 46 antihypertensives, 157–58 beets, 194 “appeal to authority,” 141–42 Bellati, Andy, 286 Appel, Lawrence, 224 Belluz, Julia, 124–25 appendicitis, 105 Berrylicious Salad, 312 Argentinian gauchos, 107–8 bifidobacter, 197 arginine, 172 Big Medicine (reality television show), 50, Arizona, 109 116 Arnstein, Michael, 255 biomarkers, 45 artificially sweetened drinks, 153 bisphenol A (BPA), 291 Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities black beans: bean-soaking methods, (ARIC) study, 219 298–99; general tips on cooking, 297–98 athletes, 248, 249–52, 255–58, 270, 277 Black Bean Soup and “Refried” Beans, 297, Atkins diet, 10, 23; Atkins’s death from 318–19 heart disease, 86–87; A to Z Trial, Black Bean Tacos, 315 133–35; diabetes studies and, 154; Blackberry Vinaigrette, 324 meat consumption and, 61; overview Blackburn, Elizabeth, 206, 220 of, 79–86; Paleo diet and, 96; patient black South Africans, 201 use, 177, 180; protein obsession and, 16; bladder cancer, 215 short-term weight loss and, 101; stenosis bloggers, 124–25, 129, 248 of blood vessels, 175; unhealthy aspects blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 235 of, 26 blueberries, 272 Atkins Nutritionals, 93, 164 Blue Zone cultures, 39–41, 103, 223–24, Atkins, Robert, 78, 79–87, 96 278 A to Z Trial, 81, 83, 133–35, 143, 180 The Blue Zones (Buettner), 39–41, 105 Australopithecus, 98 Born to Run (McDougall), 110 Australopithecus sediba, 98 Boston Marathon, 53 aversion/attraction techniques, 282–83 Bowden, Jonny, 166 Awakenings (film), 30 bowel disease, 105–6 bowel flora, 172, 197, 241, 276 Back-to-Nature Muesli, 299 Bradley, Timothy, 270 Baked Apple Pie Steel-Cut Oats, 301–3 Bray, George, 183 Baked Potatoes, 317 Brazier, Brendan, 270 Baked Sweet Potatoes, 316–17 Brazil, 146 balanced Paleo plate, 95–96 Brazilian-born Japanese people, 146 balsamic vinegar, 324 bread, 275 Banting, William, 79 breakfast, 285 bariatric surgery, 22–23, 30–32 breast cancer: earlier menses and, 278; Barnard, Neal, 87, 155 heterocyclic amines and, 192–93; IGF1 beans, 11, 14; bean-soaking methods, 298– levels and, 196; soy and risk of, 278; 99; benefits of, 277–78; consumption by studies, 209–13, 222, 233 Tarahumara Indians, 110; general tips breast milk, 249 on cooking, 297–98; in traditional diets, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 178; weight gain and, 187 149 Beck, Aaron, 280 brittle bones myth, 267–68 Proteinaholic_4p.indd 380 11/17/15 3:18 PM Index 381 Brown Rice, 326 vegetarians, 212–13; whole grains and, Buettner, Dan, 39, 41, 105 275 Burkitt, Denis, 105, 263 canned fish, 111 butter, 129–30, 163–64, 168–69 carbohydrates: benefits of, 5; butyrate and, butyrate, 197 197; demonization of, 70–71; diabetes B vitamins, 276 and, 12; energy and, 4; fat and, 179; Byrnes, Stephen, 87, 91 Japanese diet, 145; obesity and, 12–13; sweet potatoes and, 41; weight gain and, calcium, 267–68 176–177. See also high-carbohydrate calories, 10–11, 187–88, 240–41, 243 diets; low-carbohydrate diets Calories Don’t Count (Taller), 79 cardiac occlusive disease, 86 Campbell, T. Colin, 87, 97, 142, 273 cardiovascular disease, 45, 162, 213, 233 cancer: acidosis and, 198; animal protein carnitine, 172, 196, 279 and, 5, 10; bladder cancer, 215; breast carnivores, 100–101 cancer, 192, 196, 209–13, 222, 233, 278; Carrot Cake Steel-Cut Oats, 303–4 colon cancer, 99–100, 105, 192, 196, Carson, Johnny, 80 201–2, 207–8, 228; dairy products and, casomorphins, 48 13; early diagnostic tools for, 190; effects cassava roots, 178 of plant-based diet on risk factors, 218– cataracts, 6, 43, 263 19; eggs and, 13; epidemiologic advice, CBS News Atlanta, 125 215–20; epidemiologic research on “celebrity” weight-loss surgeons, 116 other, 214–15; epidemiology of diet and, cell death, 195 202–6; epidemiology of the protein/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cancer link, 206–13; fiber and, 233–34; (CDC), 162, 182, 245 genetics and, 190; heme iron, 193–94; “Cheat Day,” 49 heterocyclic amines, 191–93; hormone cheese, 48, 64 plasma levels, 199; IGF1, 204–5, 220, cherry-picking, 142–43 235–36; IGF1 levels and, 194–96; lung chia seed, 275 cancer, 215; lymphatic cancers, 213; chicken, 33, 69, 71, 76, 151, 184, 196, meat and, 13; meat consumption and, 212–13, 229 139; methionine, 197–98; Neu5Gc, chicken skin, 196 199; N-nitroso compounds, 193–94; chimps, 98, 100 Okinawan diet and, 41; other cancers China, 142 of the GI tract, 214–15; ovarian cancer, The China Study (Campbell), 142 222; pancreatic cancer, 214; of the Chinese diet, 58 penis, 200; PhIP, 192–93, 220; plant- Chittenden, Russell Henry, 61–62, 64 based diets and, 43; probable cause, Chocolate Protein Smoothie, 309 191–200; prostate cancer, 19, 121, cholesterol: animal protein and, 171; 192, 195, 196, 203–6, 220, 222, 228; associations with chronic diseases, 26; protein diet and, 25, 62; rates among as biomarker, 45; eggs and, 279; food Argentinian gauchos, 107–8; rates industry and, 121; heart disease and, 136, in other countries, 38; rates of meat 166–67; high-carbohydrate diets and, 12; consumption and, 63–64; reduction levels of Danish people, 101; low HDL in protective bacteria, 197; renal cell myth, 269–70; rates in United States, 166; cancer, 215; role of phytonutrients in recommended daily allowance, 68–69; reducing risk, 200–202; slaughterhouse saturated fat and, 33; use of plant-based chemicals, 199–200; stomach cancer, proteins to control, 173; use of statin 214; thermoresistant viruses, 200; drugs to control, 34–35, 45, 166, 173 Proteinaholic_4p.indd 381 11/17/15 3:18 PM 382 Index choline, 172, 196 53; fructose and, 146; low-carb and low- chronic diseases, 5–6, 62–64, 102, 111, 126, fat diet studies, 154; meat consumption 133, 222. See also specific disease and, 145, 228; Okinawan diet and, 41; cigarette smoking, 119, 227 Paleo weight-loss study, 128; plant-based Cinnamon Almond Muesli (Extra Recipe), diets and, 43; protein diet and, 25, 62; 300 rates among Japanese, 145–46; rates Cleveland, Grover, 58 among Pima Indians, 109–10; rates clotting, 171 among Tarahumara Indians, 110; rates Cochrane Collaboration, 164 in other countries, 38; rates in United Coconut Lime Smoothie, 309–10 States, 10; standard American diet and, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 280 110; stress hormones and, 152; type 2 cognitive dissonance, 74–78 diabetes, 156; whole grains and, 275 Collard Green Wraps, 314–15 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension colon cancer, 99–100, 105, 192, 196, 201–2, (DASH) diet, 160 207–8, 228 “The Dietary Guidelines of America,” Columbia University, 183 140–41 competitive races, 52–53 Diet for a New America (Robbins), 46 confounding variables, 136 Diet for a Small Planet (Lappé), 242–43 Consumer Reports, 151 dieting: eating consciously, 283–84; goals, containers, 291 280–82; journaling, 283; planning meals, controlled intervention, 154 284–86; practice aversion/attraction Cordain, Loren, 94, 97 techniques, 282–83; regimens, 284; role corn, 295 of positive people, 287 coronary artery disease (CAD), 218–19 diet logs, 14, 16, 75–76, 176 cortisol, 152, 171 disease: chronic, 5–6, 62–64, 102, 111, 126, Cranberry Almond Wheat Berry Bowl, 133, 222; infectious, 62–65, 103, 163, 315–16 229, 233; medical view of, 36–37. See also C-reactive protein, 152, 171 specific disease credibility, 132 diverticulitis, 6, 27, 43, 105 Crete, 66 diverticulosis, 6, 262–63 docasohexanoic acid (DHA), 273 Dairy Council, 46 The Doctors’ Quick Weight Loss (Stillman), dairy industry, 121 79 dairy products, 13, 48, 64 Dole, Bob, 69–70 Daniel Fast, 156 Dominy, Nathaniel, 99 Danish people, 101 Don’t Forget Your Fibre (Burkitt), 106 Danzig, Mac, 270 donuts, 177 Davis, Garth, 116 “double blinded” trials, 143 Davis, Robert, 116 Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution (Atkins), 80 de Langen, Cornelis, 106–7 Dr.
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