4 i .** V- i '* BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 6 NO. 28 14 Pages Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida, Thursday, June 8, 1961 TEN CENTS COPY ; ;_••'..,;"fBldg.Permits Show Steady Ceremonies Sat. Will "*» Increase Building permits for 1961 have shown a slow but steady upward trend. May figures are the high- Dedicate Interchange est for the first five months of the year. Total building permits issued in May, 1961, were City Authorizes CD foBoca Toll Plaza Will Be $910,850. Other months of this year were: January, 12th fl $622,525; February, Buy Emergency Vehicle O Sunshine Pkwy. $882,650; March, $732,- The new Boca Raton After the ribbon-cutting 350, and April, $718,700, Purchase of a civil de- fense emergency vehicle interchange on the sun- ceremony guests will be making a total for the year shine State Parkway will invited to visit the various to date, $3,867,075. for Boca Raton was autho- rized by the city Commis- open to traffic Saturday Parkway facilities. Total permits issued for when John M. Hammer, the same period in 1960 sion Tuesday night. Refreshments will be chairman of the Florida served. was $5,994,727 with Col. Martin P. Kora, the State Turnpike Authority, city's director of civil de- The Florida turnpike was $753,642 permits issued officiates at the tradition- opened to traffic on Janu; in May, 1960. fense, asked for the vehi- al ribbon-cutting ceremony. cle in a persona] appear- ary 26, 1957, and is con- For May, 1961, there The opening ceremonies sidered one of the best were 40 one-family resi- ance before the commis- sioners. The vehicle will will begin at 2:30 p.m. Sat- superhighways in the U- dences, $645,900; one cost a total of $6,200, of urday when a color guard nited States. It is one of multiple dwelling, $160,- which half will be paid by from Boca Raton's Ameri- the safest roads in Flori- 000; St. Joan of Arc Paro- the Federal gsvernment. can Legion Post raises the da. chial School, $80,000; and Col. Korn said that at fl ag at th e tol 1 s tation. The Parkway, sometimes 14 additions and altera- Hammerwill make a ded- referred to as the "Bob- Making an interesting pattern on the Florida Landscape, the new Boca Ra- tions, which includes present the city's CD or- ton Interchange on the Sunshine State Parkway will open to traffic at 2:30 p.m. ganization "does not even icatory address and pre- Tail Turnpike" stretches pools, etc., $24,950. sent awards to individuals Saturday. John M. Hammer, chairman of the Turnpike Authority, will officiate have a screwdriver" and from Miami ot Fort Pierce, that the emergency vehicle and firms who played an 108.8 miles. at the ribbon cutting ceremonies. The toll station is at the lower right corner important role in the es- of the picture. Public Forum would solve many prob- Construction work on lems. He pledged that a tablishment of the new in- tiie Parkway began in July On Swimming command car and other e- terchange. of 1955. It was built at a quipment will be obtained Scheduled to receive a- cost of about $470,000 a without cost to the city. JOHN M. HAMMER wards from the Turnpike mile. Other major turnpi- Fiscal Agent To Handle Pools Tonight Alo o in cl ud ed in Fom 's Authority are the Arrida kes range from above this Boca Raton residents, report to city commission- Corporation and Milton N. figure to many millions of both with and without ers was announcement of Water-Sewer Weir Sr., president and dollars per mile, in ex- swimming pools in their the appointment of Fire chairman of the board of treme cases. back yards, will attend Lieutenant Sal Matteis and Awards Won Boca Raton National Bank. The Boca Raton inter- Improvement Bonds the free public pool forum Detective Lieutenant Char- Comer J. Kiroball, board change will be the twelfth charman of Arvida is ACCEPTED the propo- tonight at the Boca Raton les McCutcheon as deputy Boca Raton's Water De- on the Parkway. Sale of the proposed ca- er a period of a good directors of civi] defense. partment and Sewer De- scheduled to receive the pital Improvement bond is- years. Each of these is- sal to hold an option from Hotel Cabana Club. award on behalf of his cor- Frank Bobrytzke & Co. on The forum, sponsored The present organization partment last week won MOTORCADE sue will be turned over-to sues has been successfully also includes a "crash second place awards in poration. The Chamber of Com- the firm of Sullivan, Nel- marketed and at an inter- Florida Inland Navigation by the Boca Raton Cham- The Boca Raton Cham- District land if Bobrytzke's ber of Commerce and lo- squad" of five volunteers the state competition of merce is organizing a son and Goss of West Fata est rate favorable to-the to cope with emergency the Florida state Board ber of Commerce president motorcade to the cere- Beach. city." bid of $25,000 to purchase caJ merchants, pool build- Charles E. deVault will the land is accepted by ers and maintenance situations. of Health. monies officially open- City Commission Tues- Boone noted that the ca- also present an award to ing the new Boca Raton FIND. The city is interes- firms, is designed as an "The Civil Defense or- Boca Raton was in Arvida. day voted to accept the pital Improvement pro- ganization in Boca Raton " competition with other Interchange on the Sun- firm's revised proposal gram "is designed to meet ted in the area as a recre- educational program built f The Rev. Albert G. Ship- ation site of the shores of around safety and enjoy- Col. Korn said, "is des- complete lime softening shine State Farkway. and execute the agreement the needs of this city for tined to become the finest treatment plants and sew- horst, pastor of the First Persons interesting in with the fiscal agents. The many years to come." LaJteWyman. ment of swimming pools. Presbyterian Church, will SET June 27 as the date Charles deVault, pres- organization of its kind in erage plants in the 10,000 attending the ceremonies revised proposal repre- Additional comment on country." to 25,000 population give the invocation. are asked -to join the sents a reduction off of the improvement program for a public hearing on a ident of the Chamber, <will The traditional ribbon- resolution to abandon cer- serve as master of cere- Other items included in class. motorcade. Cars will as- some $4,000 from the orig- and a breakdown of the cutting ceremony will mark semble after noon on tain streets in the area monies for the program, Col. Korn's report inclu- It was the only city in the official opening of the inal proposal. cost figures is printed on ded the volunteering of all the state to win two Saturday on Camino The proposed bond issue, the editorial page of to- which has been re-platted Panelists on the pro- $313,276 interchange. as Lake Rogers Isles. gram have been allotted vehid es of members of the awards. Real ' between Dixie which would-be subject to day's Boca Raton News. Builders and Contractors Invitations have been Highway and Federal READ for the first time five minutes each to dis- William R. Prendergast sent to dignitaries and referendum, calls for a In other action at Tues- Assn. for emergency use is director of public Highway. With police es- long-range spending and day's commission meet- anordinance creating liens cuss swimming pool fi- leaders from around the for lot clearing in Area 11 nancing, construction, and plans for me estab- works, William Eddinger cort, the cars will leave development program to- ing; the city: State of Florida. )Members at 2:10 p.m. Saturday in Boca Raton Hills. equipment, maintenance lishment of the city indus- is superintendent of pub- of the Florida State Turn- taling $4,266,000. OPENED bids for instal. trial area as a self-suffi- lic utilities, Gus Hager is and arrive at the toll Commenting on the sel- 1 ation of air conditioning ACCEPTED a cDrrected and chemicaJs. Also on pike Authority will be pre- assessment roll for sani-the program is a discus- cent unit to cope with e- chief water plant operator sent. plaza in time for the ection of the fiscal agents, equipment in the new offi- mergencies within the area. and Harry Parks is chief 2:30,p.m. ceremonies. Commissioner Courtney C. ces in the Roadman Build- tary sewers in Boca yil-sion of pools by repre- The Boca Raton Cham- las. A public hearing on sentatives of the City sewer plant operator. Boone noted that the same ing of the City Building Bomb Scare Proves Hoax ber of Comirerce and the firm has "been retained as Department. The bids were the roll last week brought Fire Department, Water Arvida Corporation are as- Fox Declares June fiscal agents by Boca Ra- referred to City manager errors to light and a total Department and the Coun- Two reports of a "bomb Jaycee's Plant sisting the members of the Recreation Month' ton for a number of reve- William Lamb for his stu- of24 corrections were sub- ty Health Department, scare" in the First Bank Florida state Turnpike Au- nue certificate issues ov- dy and recommendation. sequently made. Poolside demonstra- of Boca Raton Tuesday Sale Fri.-Sat. thority in arranging the de- June has been proclaim- PLACED on first read-tions include resuscita- proved to be false alarms.
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