Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.145 of the workers or their families, shall (i) Fire protection equipment and appa- be provided in connection with all food ratus. [Reserved] handling facilities. There shall be no (ii) Danger. Safety cans or other port- direct opening from living or sleeping able containers of flammable liquids quarters into a kitchen or dining hall. having a flash point at or below 80° F, (3) No person with any communicable table containers of flammable liquids disease shall be employed or permitted (open cup tester), excluding shipping to work in the preparation, cooking, containers, shall be painted red with serving, or other handling of food, food- some additional clearly visible identi- stuffs, or materials used therein, in fication either in the form of a yellow any kitchen or dining room operated in band around the can or the name of the connection with a camp or regularly contents conspicuously stenciled or used by persons living in a camp. painted on the can in yellow. Red (j) Insect and rodent control. Effective lights shall be provided at barricades measures shall be taken to prevent in- and at temporary obstructions, as spec- festation by and harborage of animal ified in ANSI Safety Code for Building or insect vectors or pests. Construction, A10.2±1944, which is in- (k) First aid. (1) Adequate first aid fa- corporated by reference as specified in cilities approved by a health authority § 1910.6. Danger signs shall be painted shall be maintained and made available red. in every labor camp for the emergency (iii) Stop. Emergency stop bars on treatment of injured persons. hazardous machines such as rubber mills, wire blocks, flat work ironers, (2) Such facilities shall be in charge etc., shall be red. Stop buttons or elec- of a person trained to administer first trical switches which letters or other aid and shall be readily accessible for markings appear, used for emergency use at all times. stopping of machinery shall be red. (l) Reporting communicable disease. (1) (2) [Reserved] It shall be the duty of the camp super- (3) Yellow. Yellow shall be the basic intendent to report immediately to the color for designating caution and for local health officer the name and ad- marking physical hazards such as: dress of any individual in the camp Striking against, stumbling, falling, known to have or suspected of having a tripping, and ``caught in between.'' communicable disease. (b) [Reserved] (2) Whenever there shall occur in any camp a case of suspected food poison- [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 ing or an unusual prevalence of any ill- FR 49748, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5322, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9239, Mar. 7, 1996] ness in which fever, diarrhea, sore throat, vomiting, or jaundice is a § 1910.145 Specifications for accident prominent symptom, it shall be the prevention signs and tags. duty of the camp superintendent to re- (a) Scope. (1) These specifications port immediately the existence of the apply to the design, application, and outbreak to the health authority by use of signs or symbols (as included in telegram or telephone. paragraphs (c) through (e) of this sec- [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 47 tion) intended to indicate and, insofar FR 14696, Apr. 6, 1982; 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, as possible, to define specific hazards of 1984; 61 FR 9238, Mar. 7, 1996] a nature such that failure to designate EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 63 FR 33466, June them may lead to accidental injury to 18, 1998, § 1910.142 was amended by removing workers or the public, or both, or to paragraph (a)(4), effective Aug. 17, 1998. property damage. These specifications are intended to cover all safety signs § 1910.143 Nonwater carriage disposal except those designed for streets, high- systems. [Reserved] ways, railroads, and marine regula- tions. These specifications do not apply § 1910.144 Safety color code for mark- to plant bulletin boards or to safety ing physical hazards. posters. (a) Color identificationÐ(1) Red. Red (2) All new signs and replacements of shall be the basic color for the identi- old signs shall be in accordance with fication of: these specifications. 455 VerDate 13<AUG>98 00:26 Aug 25, 1998 Jkt 179111 PO 00000 Frm 00449 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179111T.XXX 179111t PsN: 179111T § 1910.145 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7±1±98 Edition) (b) Definitions. As used in this sec- (6) Safety instruction signs. Standard tion, the word sign refers to a surface color of the background shall be white; on prepared for the warning of, or safe- and the panel, green with white letters. ty instructions of, industrial workers Any letters used against the white or members of the public who may be background shall be black. The colors exposed to hazards. Excluded from this shall be those of opaque glossy samples definition, however, are news releases, as specified in Table 1 of American Na- displays commonly known as safety tional Standard, Z53.1±1967. posters, and bulletins used for em- (7)±(9) [Reserved] ployee education. (10) Slow-moving vehicle emblem. This (c) Classification of signs according to emblem (see fig. J±7) consists of a fluo- useÐ(1) Danger signs. (i) There shall be rescent yellow-orange triangle with a no variation in the type of design of dark red reflective border. The yellow- signs posted to warn of specific dangers orange fluorescent triangle is a highly and radiation hazards. visible color for daylight exposure. The (ii) All employees shall be instructed reflective border defines the shape of that danger signs indicate immediate the fluorescent color in daylight and danger and that special precautions are creates a hollow red triangle in the necessary. path of motor vehicle headlights at (2) Caution signs. (i) Caution signs night. The emblem is intended as a shall be used only to warn against po- unique identification for, and it shall tential hazards or to caution against be used only on, vehicles which by de- unsafe practices. sign move slowly (25 m.p.h. or less) on (ii) All employees shall be instructed the public roads. The emblem is not a that caution signs indicate a possible clearance marker for wide machinery hazard against which proper precaution nor is it intended to replace required should be taken. lighting or marking of slow-moving ve- (3) Safety instruction signs. Safety in- hicles. Neither the color film pattern struction signs shall be used where and its dimensions nor the backing there is a need for general instructions shall be altered to permit use of adver- and suggestions relative to safety tising or other markings. The material, measures. location, mounting, etc., of the em- (d) Sign designÐ(1) Design features. All blem shall be in accordance with the signs shall be furnished with rounded American Society of Agricultural En- or blunt corners and shall be free from gineers Emblem for Identifying Slow- sharp edges, burrs, splinters, or other Moving Vehicles, ASAE R276, 1967, or sharp projections. The ends or heads of ASAE S276.2 (ANSI B114.1±1971), which bolts or other fastening devices shall are incorporated by reference as speci- be located in such a way that they do fied in § 1910.6. not constitute a hazard. (2) Danger signs. The colors red, black, and white shall be those of opaque glossy samples as specified in Table 1 of Fundamental Specification of Safety Colors for CIE Standard Source ``C'', American National Stand- ard Z53.1±1967, which is incorporated by reference as specified in § 1910.6. (3) [Reserved] (4) Caution signs. Standard color of the background shall be yellow; and the panel, black with yellow letters. Any letters used against the yellow background shall be black. The colors shall be those of opaque glossy samples as specified in Table 1 of American Na- tional Standard Z53.1±1967. (5) [Reserved] FIGURE J±7.ÐSLOW-MOVING VEHICLE EMBLEM 456 VerDate 13<AUG>98 00:26 Aug 25, 1998 Jkt 179111 PO 00000 Frm 00450 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8006 Y:\SGML\179111T.XXX 179111t PsN: 179111T Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.145 NOTE: All dimensions are in inches. Tag means a device usually made of (e) Sign wordings. card, paper, pasteboard, plastic or (1) [Reserved] other material used to identify a haz- (2) Nature of wording. The wording of ardous condition. any sign should be easily read and con- (3) Use. Tags shall be used as a means cise. The sign should contain sufficient to prevent accidental injury or illness information to be easily understood. to employees who are exposed to haz- The wording should make a positive, ardous or potentially hazardous condi- rather than negative suggestion and tions, equipment or operations which should be accurate in fact. are out of the ordinary, unexpected or (3) [Reserved] not readily apparent. Tags shall be (4) Biological hazard signs. The bio- used until such time as the identified logical hazard warning shall be used to hazard is eliminated or the hazardous signify the actual or potential presence operation is completed. Tags need not of a biohazard and to identify equip- be used where signs, guarding or other ment, containers, rooms, materials, ex- positive means of protection are being perimental animals, or combinations used. thereof, which contain, or are contami- (4) General tag criteria. All required nated with, viable hazardous agents. tags shall meet the following criteria: For the purpose of this subparagraph (i) Tags shall contain a signal word the term ``biological hazard,'' or ``bio- and a major message. hazard,'' shall include only those infec- (A) The signal word shall be either tious agents presenting a risk or poten- ``Danger,'' ``Caution,'' or ``Biological tial risk to the well-being of man.
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