iges INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 12 Pages LX MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH. 28, 1918 NO. 13 isa p3s pi\ |B\ p3j pji |Ej pa rraisa Ra' isa»« |safajpa|ss|sa|EitsiPa|saPaPa|Bal«a I.NFANT SWALLOWS I'lN* 2 The ten months' old daughter of IS DISIRIBUTED IN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kickgraf swal­ W.R.CASK FOR THE BATTLE OF 1918 9 lowed an open safety pin one day last - Kvery nation of any consequence on the face of the globe Is week. It was thought an operation MASON THIS WEEK watching with gravest concern the gigantic struggle that' is now would be necessary, but by means of going on in France. A crisi-s-has been reached. Regardless of the the X-ray, it has been located and it ONTIMIIUTIOX.S I'LT ON \S outcome, the events of the next few weeks will be felt for genera­ n is not expected an operation will be AI'I'KAIi FOR SHOFH AND SCRAPS i:(^UITAllLI'M)A!DIH. tions to come. No country, however small or remote, can escape necessary. OF LE.ATmiORl . its consequences. No individual, however menial, in any country \\ Welcoiim I'lim—•Oixli MINI can escape its Influence. Roy Swniis Will DefiveJeliver CCasa t o« slvid 'I'o I'uy Acwtnling 'J'" A great testing time is.at hand. A time when the true worth (•lirmuiits To Chnii'inau Of His Alillitt. of a citizen can be measured. A time when loyalty resolves itself C'oniiiiittce. into something more than waving a flag and giving a cheer. It's home in City of Nfnson and grim business. France, bleeding and weary, hasTbund it so. Eng­ In the national drive for clothing iMliipH of Ingham iind Vevny land's grand army in the thickest of that awful hell, are experienc- tor the Commission for Relief in Bel­ |) rurnishnd a wu-d this woek -ing its bloody cost. Our own brave boys are in this great battle— gium, no specific call was issued to li cGi'laln JnforniiitiflJi is ask- how many and just where, we do not know. We do know, whatever MFTHODIST IJADIES WILIJ oni; the people of Mason, and as this Is in card Is for llie use of the Co. j their fate, that they are fighting a gallant light, In a far away land. DI.XMOR AT CHURCH. line with the Red Cross work taken i;,i(|, appointed by Gov. Sleep-' Away from home and the loved ones. up by Phil McKernan W. U. C, it. ii.-ionninintc the amount indi- Selects Will Lenve For (Histei- seems fitting that a call shouUrcome It's a challenge to every person at home. This is no time for At from that body. In reply to a letter -liouid pay toward the sup- grumbling, for potty quibbling, whining over more inconveniences. ;{; in Mdiida.v liy Specdil Train- iho various war relief meas- Thirty ToJio. written to Herbert Hoover, chairman Your Uncle Sam has a task that Is taxing every resource. He has of the commission for relief in Bel­ i,h as tliu Red Cross, Y,.M. C. no tlm'e to dry tears and calm fears. Ho is depending on that |ni C., Ijlhorty Bonds, etc., etc. gium, the chairman of the W. R. C. staunch quality of patriotism we have so long held up as character­ Plans are being made by the Boost­ sowing committee received a letter istic of Americans. The time is at hand when wo prove to our Alliep er club to give the selects who leave from the commission giving tlio par­ I'iigo 3 will bo found a full and the looting Hun that our boast is not an empty one. for Camp Custer Monday a rousing ticulars of this work and also some 1.11 ion of tiio purpose of tlie The year 1!)18 will undoubtedly see the turning point in the send off. They are called in here for printed instructions. The commis­ iKilion cards you have been great'contest. Let every man, woman and child In Mason and Ing­ 10 o'clock Monday morning, when it sion does not ask for garments ready III (Hi in this week. If you ham county live up to the reputation established by their forefath­ will be decided who will go as sub­ to wear, but prefers discarded gar­ im sure wliat should be in- ers of '7G, and let not the grayheaded veterans of 1861-65 who stitutes. Many of those called have ments, and new material when pos­ ii niulor tlie several headings, are still wltli us, witness In us a lack of the spirit that carried them been placed in the deferred class, due to agricultural claims. sible, which the women of Belgium iM paKo ;i and (Ind out; The to victory, A fighting, not a faltering spirit; is needed. can make, n.ot only because they can used In Vevay and Ingham THE EDITOR. Phil McKerhan W. U. C. will give earn a little by doing this, but be­ them comfort bags and the Rod Cross hips are ideiUical with those lEi PaV^ Pa f.-a fa isa Pa Pa pa jsa fa r-a Pa Pa p:\ pi\ pi\ pji Pa Pa Pa P-a Pa Pa Pa cause they can in this way keep their II Mason. ladles will give each boy a gift. Mem­ minds occupied. The commission, bers of the Booster club will also _>' owns its own transports, and on ev­ TRACTOR-PLOW PRICE make them a gift. ery one reserves space for the cloth- ;iy ari.orn.oon the city division At noon, th.e Methodist Ladles' Aid fo'r which they are sending out ap­ iiiard called a meeting of vol- society will' give a dinner at the peals. These things are shipped to ranvassers at the Baptist FJl AT $8?5 church, each Booster taking a select Rotterdam and go In beyonA the Ger­ .uid divided the city Into dis­ to dinner. man lines where the Red Cross has.- cards and envelopes enough SHII'All^.XTS.OI-' TllA(TO|{,S Wll-L It Is expected there will be a large STAKT Al'Ulli ISr. has no chance t.o show effective work PI' y their dlst»ict was given LAUNCHED NEXT WEEK OF crowd of citizens march to the depot (Continued on inside) iVasser and the plan explain- with the boys, headed by the Mason |i liairnian L. B. McArthur. Ho (.'oiinty War Prepureihu'ss llourd IJiv VKK.V .1. IJIJOW.V MA.VAflEU OliTICFIW Wli3RF FLKCTIOn FOR City band. Turn out and give the 111 part, "Tlio time has come ceive.s U(t A|i|)li('ntl(>ii.>i—County IIAIMtV no.MI'S AKMENCK. THIO F.N'SUI.NO YllAR. boys a hearty send off. l^emomber iiir liberality of the loyal clti- AUiltmenr Is 15. they leave by special train Monday OF II not be further imposed upon. Si\- Mei'tiuKS .Arrungetl Fur In Conn- Cliiiptvi- Hits TotuI or 80» Men)ber.s— afternoon at 3:15 via Michigan Cen­ .!• relief work bids fair to be Since the War Preparedness Board ly; Mason MeuthiK Wednesday Kv- Ciisli On Hand Amounts to j|tl7.5,:{M tral. Id for months, if not years, and fLKed the price for a tractor and two ' ening at Court Room. firowing Steadily. DIES IN UINGSBORG ii< !ui organized plan t.o make bottom plow at if875 last Wednesday iiizon pay his ,1ust share. We Mr. V. J. Brown, who has charge Tuesday was the annual meeting of MRS. F. B. PIATT DIED AFTKR afternoon; many applications have LOXfJ ILLNESS SUNDAY. .iiidi.wc have such a plan." been presented to the Board and to of the Third Liberty Loan sale for the local Red Cross Chapter and of­ GRAFTER ARRESTED SY lards when filled in will give Ingham county outside of the City of ficers for the ensuing year elected as County Agent Frank Seely. The price Mrs. F. B. Piatt, mother of Mls.s I'ssod valuation of real and of the Fordson tractor, which Is put Lansing has arranged to hold patrio­ follows: SHERIFF CLINE FRIDAY .,1 property. It's NET WOTtTH tic meetings at the following places: Mrs. I. J. Kellogg, president. - "Lydia Piatt, normal critic, died at her out by the Henry Ford and Son com­ home in Laingsburg Sunday, follow­ ll. IN'COMli! o£ the signer. This For L^icke and Leroy, at Webber- Mrs. A. J. Hall, vice president. WAS REriraNfi FOR MO.MOV FOR pany of Dearborn is $750. Prior to ing an illness of several weeks. She Jill. board a basis upon which to the meeting last Wednesday, the vllle 1. 0. 0. F. hall, next Tuesday at Mrs. Charles Bell, 2nd vice presl-' WAR BUNEVOLENCES, •or subscriptions. Spaces for 2:00 p. m.; tor Wllllamston and dent. « was about 87 years old and had been price lixed on the Oliver plow was a resident of Caingsburg for many .md| amounts of contributions ?!I7. This was the price lixed by.the Wheatfield, at Williamston town hall Mrs. A. B. Ball, secretary and During this H. C. of L,, fakirs and imst year are also provided, as Tuesday at 7;30 p. m.; for Leslie, treasurer. years. She is survived by two gratters are becoming prominent in daughters. Miss Lydia Piatt of this III for Liberty Bonds^ Bunkerhlll and Onondaga, Leslie One new member, Mark Harper, this vicinity, evidently bent upon ob­ ' ly-nine per cent .of the people, Co. Agt.
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