CIRCULAR ECONOMY / COMPETENCE CATALOGUE TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE Introduction . 2 RESEARCHERS COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL Attila Marton . 4 Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen . 5 Jesper Clement . 6 Kirsti Reitan Andersen . 7 Luise Noring . 8 Maria J . Figueroa . 9 Sarah Netter. .. 10 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK Krist V . Gernaey . 11 Lene Lange . 12 Lisbeth M . Ottosen . 13 Maj Munch Andersen . 14 Simon Bolwig. 15 Stig Irving Olsen . 16 Thomas Fruergaard Astrup . 17 COPENHAGEN UNIVERSITY Emil Engelund Thybring . 18 Karsten Högh Jensen . 19 Klavs Martin Sörensen . 20 Lars Stoumann Jensen . 21 Lisbeth G . Thygesen . .. 22 Niclas Scott Bentsen . 23 Niels Fold . 24 Sören Sörensen . .. 25 Sune Tjalfe Thomsen . 26 Susanne Sørensen . 27 Thomas Nord-Larsen . 28 Tonci Balic-Zunic . 29 Wender Bredie . 30 CASES Gate 21 . 31 Capital Region of Denmark . 32 The City of Copenhagen . 33 Tarpaper Recycling . 34 CIRCULAR ECONOMY / COMPETENCE CATALOGUE 1 A FLOURISHING RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY INITIATIVES AND PROJECTS 2 CIRCULAR ECONOMY / COMPETENCE CATALOGUE INTRODUCTION Circular Economy represents great potential in view to developing and testing the most promising terms of new economic opportunities, techno- research and innovation schemes in the area of logical innovation and sustainable development Circular Economy . in Europe . Copenhagen EU Office welcomes the introduction of Circular Economy as a crosscutting Moreover, the Capital Region of Denmark and area of priority across EU policies, and we will con- many of its municipalities are interested to be- tribute to unleash its potential . come test beds for Circular Economy projects and would like to upscale existing projects on a larger The Capital Region of Denmark hosts outstanding European scale . Therefore, this publication also research institutions that conduct excellent re- includes descriptions of four promising projects; a search in the area of Circular Economy with front- cross-regional case, a regional case, a municipality runner researchers from University of Copenhagen, case and a business case in order to illustrate the Technical University of Denmark and Copenhagen potentials of concrete Circular Economy projects . Business School . The readers of this publication are invited to con- This publication maps the competencies of this tact the researchers directly in order to explore flourishing research environment on Circular avenues for future cooperation . The reader is also Economy . You will find profiles of 27 researchers welcome to contact Copenhagen EU Office with and their core competencies in relation to Circular any inquiry . We will be happy to help you . Economy . They conduct research in areas such as the sharing economy, consumer behaviour, smart cities, life cycle assessments, biomass and bioenergy, waste management, eco-innovation, green chemistry, climate mitigation, food security, renewable resources, hydrological processes, water resources as well as plant nutrients . The researchers are interested in working together with decision makers, academic institutions, com- panies and public institutions in Europe with a Lasse Holm Grønning lgh@cphoffice eu. / +45 2999 7878 Mette Buskjær Rasmussen mbr@cphoffice eu. / +45 5144 6810 Lea Stoustrup Brandt lsb@cphoffice eu. / +45 45 11 02 96 CIRCULAR ECONOMY / COMPETENCE CATALOGUE 3 RESEARCHER / CBS ATTILA MARTON Professional profile Most recent/relevant publications Mr . Marton’s research is mostly based in the social 1 . Marton A ., Constantiou I . and Lagoudakos G . study of technology, information systems research (2017): Openness and Legitimacy Building in and organization studies . In particular, he is re- the Sharing Economy: An Exploratory Case searching on the implications of technological Study about CouchSurfing . 50th Hawaii Interna- developments on social institutions such as (a) tional Conference on System Sciences (HICSS): Memory institutions (e g. digitalization of libraries, Waikoloa, Hawaii . archives, and museums), (b) Sharing (e g. sharing 2 . Marton A ., Constantiou I . and Thoma A . (2015): economy) and (c) Organizations (e g. algorithmic Sharing Economy: Moving beyond Economic hierarchies) . He has been collaborating with re- Institutions? 31st Colloquium of the European searchers from the London School of Economics, Group of Organization Studies (EGOS): Athens, Gothenburg University and Aalto University . Greece . 3 . Kallinikos J ., Aaltonen A . and Marton A . (2013): Scientific contribution to the Circular The Ambivalent Ontology of Digital Artifacts . Economy challenge MIS Quarterly 37(2):357-370 . Mr . Martons contributions rest on his expertise on the social impact of new information technologies Key members of research group and the emergence of the sharing economy as Professor (MSO) Ioanna Constantiou and Professor a hybrid form of interaction combining altruistic Virpi Tuunainen . openness and self-organization with egotistic profiteering and firm-based management . Hence, his research can contribute lessons and pitfalls learned from the sharing economy applied to the circular economy . Most recent/relevant projects 1 . Sharing Economy – ITM Research Theme (2016-) 2 . Open Big Data – ITM Research Theme (2011-2016) 3 . The Information Growth And Internet Research project (TIGAIR) (2006-2012) PROFILE OF RESEARCHER TITLE: Associate Professor UNIVERSITY: Copenhagen Business School UNIT: Department of IT Management EMAIL: am .itm@cbs dk. PHONE NUMBER: +45 38 15 38 15 4 CIRCULAR ECONOMY / COMPETENCE CATALOGUE RESEARCHER / CBS ESBEN RAHBEK GJERDRUM PEDERSEN Professional profile Most recent/relevant publications Mr . Pedersen is conducting research in the areas of 1 . Pedersen, E .R G. ., Lauesen, L .M . and Kourula, A . corporate sustainability, corporate social respon- (2017): Back to basics: Exploring perceptions of sibility, non-financial performance measurement, stakeholders within the Swedish fashion indus- sustainable business models and business para- try, Published in Social Responsibility Journal doxes/tensions . 13(2):266-278 . 2 . Pedersen, E .R G. ., Gwozdz, W . & Hvass, K .K . (2016): Scientific contribution to the Circular Exploring the Relationship between Business Economy challenge: Model Innovation, Corporate Sustainability, and • Knowledge of new business models for sustain- Organisational Values within the Fashion Indus- ability . try, Forthcoming in Journal of Business Ethics . • Knowledge on the analysis of the institutional 3 . Andersen, K .R . & Pedersen, E .R G. (2015): Sus- environment for corporate sustainability . tainability Innovators and Anchor Draggers: • Knowledge on management and organisation Results from a Global Expert Study on Sustain- of corporate sustainability . able Fashion, Published in Journal of Fashion • Knowledge of the use of business cases and Marketing and Management, 19(3): 315-327 . other accounting tools in organisations . (ABS=1, BIB=1, Google=10) . 4 . Pedersen, E .R G. & Netter, S . (2015): Collaborative Most recent/relevant projects Consumption: Business Model Opportunities 1 . Sustainable Business Models (SUSTBUS) . Online and Barriers for Fashion Libraries, Published in Video Education Modules on Sustainable Busi- Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, ness Models . For: ERASMUS+ 19(3): 258-273 . (ABS=1, BIB=1, Google=18) . 2 . The DRIP Partnership: Water Efficient Food Production . Business models for water efficient Key members of research group solutions . For: Innovation Fund Denmark . Kirsti Reitan Andersen, Sarah Netter, Wencke 3 . Big Data for Shared Value . How to use data for Gwozdz and Ana Lucia Diaz Schiavon . better population health . For: Region Zealand (FIERS) . 4 . Mistra Future Fashion . Sustainable business models for the fashion industry . For: the MISTRA Foundation . PROFILE OF RESEARCHER TITLE: Professor (mso) UNIVERSITY: Copenhagen Business School UNIT: Management, Society and Communication EMAIL: ergp .msc@cbs dk. PHONE NUMBER: +45 38 15 27 41 CIRCULAR ECONOMY / COMPETENCE CATALOGUE 5 RESEARCHER / CBS JESPER CLEMENT Professional profile Most recent/relevant publications Mr . Clement is the Head of the Decision Neurosci- 1 . Halloran, A ., Clement, J ., Kornum, N ., Bucatariu, ence Research Cluster (DNRC), the home base for C ., & Magid, J . (2014) . Addressing food waste projects in the borderland between brain research reduction in Denmark . Food Policy, 49, and consumer behavioural research . He holds a Part 1, 294–301 . https://doi org/http://doi. PhD in marketing in visual attention and design . org/10 1016/j. .foodpol .2014 09. 005. DNRC and Mr . Clement contribute knowledge on 2 . Sönnichsen, Clement and Kornum (2017); In- human perception and response to visual stimuli . novation Broker in a Circular Economic Context, The contribution includes experimental research Conference paper at “Opening the Bin” . and tests with eye-tracking, EEG and GSR . Previous project experience comes from being part of the Key members of research group leading team in the FairSpeak project at Copenhagen • Niels Kornum, Associate Professor, Department Business School (2007-2012) . of Marketing Sönnich Dahl Sönnichsen, PhD fellow, Depart- Scientific contribution to the Circular ment of Marketing . Economy challenge • Insights into consumers’ response to new ways of market products and services • Consumer behaviour Most recent/relevant project 1 . Supervisor for PhD scholarship in Marketing and Circular Economy (2016-2019) . PROFILE OF RESEARCHER TITLE: Associate Professor UNIVERSITY: Copenhagen Business
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