t m ir t y -s i x i3IanrlTP0lpr lEnrning lIrraUii WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1968 Most Manchester Stores Are Open Tonight Until 9 O’Clock A bout T o w ^ Project 68 . Sojourners Night will be ob­ Aveiofe Dailr N«t Press Rmi served by Friendship Lodge of Ball Tickets The Weather Masons at the Masonic Temple For Tke Week Ended tomorrow. Grand Master Gall Jane 1, INB Smith and other Grand Lodge Now on Sale Fai^ tonight. Low in 60*. Fair officers will visit for the third Hlanrljpfitpr lEupntttg UpraUi tomorrow. H i^ in low 90s. anniversary celebration of the Tickets are now on sale .for 15,055 lodge. A dinner is at 6:30, and the Project 68 Charity Ball spon­ Hanehetner 4 City of ViOagm Charm the program of the evening will sored by Brotherhood In Action include a Masonic play. Dress (BIA) Sept. 21 in the State Ar­ VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 210 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER ,CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1968 ASvettWac SB A mpb t l ) for Friendship officers is busi­ PRICE TEN CENTS ness suits. mory, according to John Fitz­ patrick, chairman of the ticket Manchestter Gnuige will meet committee of the ball. at Orange Hall tonight at 8. Proceeds of the ball will ben­ ’The chaplain is in charge of efit Camp Kennedy, a summer M APLE D EN S E T S - Priced the Caldor Way! the lecture theme, which will camp for retarded children. BIA be “Memorial Night.” A baking is a Manchester organization of i contest will be Judged and win­ ners announced. Members are Kennedy Dies, asked to bring articles for the auction table.' Mrs. Anne Young Gets Navy Grant is in charge of refreshments. Paul J. Frankenberg, son of Dakota Council, Degree of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Franken- Pocahontas, will meet tonight barg Jr. of 33 Brent Rd., has at 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall, 489 been selected by the U.S. Navy Main St. Nominations for new Burial to Be to receive a four-year scholar­ officers will be taken. A social ship to the University of t'exas, and, refreshments will foilow Austin, which offers the Naval the meeting. Reserve Officer Training Corps ONROTC) program. He is a sen­ The fourth annual New Eng­ ior at Manchester High School. land Tall Cedars Sunday will llie scholarship will provide be on Aug. 18 at Cathedral of tuition, textbooks, laboratory the Pines in Rindge, N.H. Dis­ At Arlington fees, a travel allowance, and a trict 16 Tall Cedars forests, in­ subsistence allowance of $50 per cluding Nutmeg Forest of Man­ month. chester, will be hosts. Further During the three summers details will be made known LOS ANGELES (AP) — Pierre Salinger, former presi­ dy and wounded five other peo­ preceding his sophomore. Jun­ closer to the event, it is re­ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, dential press secretary, said the ple early Wednesday as the sen­ ior and senior years, Franken­ ported. felled like his President body would lie in state Friday ator and his siQiporters cele­ at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in b ra te victory in the California berg will participate in training John Fitzpatrick brother by an assassin's cruises of six to eight weeks The Ladies Auxiliary of Man­ New York City. presidential primary. bullet, died early today.. A reQuiem mass will be held each. chester Chapter of the Disabled the B'nal B’rith, the Knights of The Los Angeles sheriff’s of­ His mourning family there Saturday morning. Salin­ fice refused to say whether Sir­ Selection for the program is American Veterans will meet Columbus and the Masons. prepared to take his body' tonight at 7:30 at the VFW Handling ticket sales for the ger said Kennedy would be bur­ han had been advised that Ken­ based on academic excellence home to New York, across led late Saturday in Arlington, nedy was dead. and college board scores, extra­ Home. The pajst commanders different BIA organizations are: will meet at 7 preceding the the nation Kennedy had across the Potomac River from curricular actlvltltes, physical Stanley H. Rosenberg of Charter Sirhan, a Jordanian who had regular meeting. Oak Chapter, of B’nai B’rith, hoped to lead as President. Washington, where an eternal been living in Pasadena, was standards, and evaluation of Marshall Hodge, Friendship Custom covered in And on Saturday, the senator flame flickers in memory of described by those w)io knew motivation and' leadership po­ The Manchester Auxiliary of Lodge of Masons, Frank Gakel- is to be burled in Arlington Na­ John Kennedy, daln four years him as a man Inflamed over tke tential. Child and Family Services of er, Manchester Lodge of Ma­ your choice of prints tional Cemetery, probably at and seven months ago. hostilities between his hatlve Upon completion of the Connecticut will have its annual sons; and Charles Rathbum o f|| or tweeds. Northern the hilltop plot a^ich is the rest­ In preparatiem for Kennedy’s state and Israel. A former em­ ing place of his brother, the late NROTC program and gradu­ meeting and election of officers Campbell Council, Knights of ^ hardwood frames. last Journey, a post mortem was ployer said he might have been ation from college, Frankenberg tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. at the Columbus. || John F. Kennedy. underway at Good Samaritan ■ enraged by Kennedy’s past will be commissioned as an en­ home of Mrs. Marte, 176 W. mmaaiimmmaiimiimmmhMmsmittm Hospital in downtown Los An­ words of suplwrt for Israel. Last September the funds rais- ^ geles. sign in the Navy or sis a second Vernon SL Members are re­ ed by ticket sales for the Project ^ OthM Stories on Page 11 Kennedy’s mother, Mrs. Rose lieutenant in the Marine Corps. minded to bring sandwiches. 67 Charity Ball, along with dona­ YOUR CHOICE President Johnson, the man Kennedy, was told of the death Dessert and beverages will be who succeeded President Ken­ served. tions from patrons and program of her son by a niece, Ann Gar- Mayor Lindsay Speaks advertising, raised $7,000 which ^ 3 Po. Grouping Robert Kennedy, 42, never re­ nedy, issued a proclamation gaa. She was at Hyannls Port, paid for a large clothing store | gained consciousness, never calling for a national day of. Mass. Mrs. Kennedy—who had At Miss Porter’s School Members of St. Bridget Ros­ at the Mansfield State Training^ Sofabed • Chair • Rocker showed signs of recovery after a motuming for the senator pext campaigned for Robert in the FARMINGTON (AP)—May^ ary Society 'Will meet tonight at savage burst of revolver fire Sunday. , ^ or John V. Lindsay delivers the 8 at the W. P. Quish Funeral School. The Manchester Busi-p or presidential primaries—went to ness and Professional Women's | sent a bullet plunging into his Gov. Ronald Reagaji'declared mass at St. Francis Xavier commencement address today to Home, 226 Main St., for a recita­ 5 Pc. Grouping CALDOR EACH Our Reg. brain—at the pinnacle of his a state of mounUpg in Califor­ Church.. „ tion of the Rosary for the late Club worked with the BIA in | ICss Porter’s School graduates. that effort. own campaign for the White nia, for the pQrtbd through the ’The senator’s father. Ambas­ Including his 17-year-old daugh­ Joseph Falkowski, whose wife • Sofabed • Matching Chair House. senator’s fQneral. Shortly after the clothing store | PRICED GROUP sador Joseph P. Kennedy, was ter Katherine. is a member of the society. Kennedy, his pregnant wife, As Keiuiedy died, the man ac- opened May 12, BIA announced! 2 Step Tables • ('ocktail Table 159 not awakened immediately to be The mayor ■was expected^ bo Ethel at his bedside, died at c u s ^ of shooting him was un- told of the death. be accompanied by his wife, , Members of St. Margaret it had chosen Camp Kennedy fo rf 1:44 a.m, PDT, lltUe more than dpr heavy guard at a downtown Circle, Daughters of Isabella, this year’s work. Leaders of the! Mrs. Kennedy had talked by Mary, at the 11:30 a.m. cere­ 24 houra after the assault at the prison hospital, held In $260,000 telephone with Sen. Edward M. who were unable to pay respects BIA hope to raise enough funds! .Twin Siae Ambassador«Hotel. , bail for a court appearance mony at the First Church of to pay for such new things at Kennedy, D-Mass., the family’s Christ (Congregationallst). this afternoon to the late Joseph I Kennedy’s body was t^ iie which had been scheduled Mon­ Falkowski, whose wife is regent the camp as a gahg washer to I Colonial or Modern 4 Nylon Caatera Flaatie or Brasa Adjustabie^Tllto lone surviving eon, who w as.at Katherine, the eldest of the flown from Los A n g eles^ Mew day. Robert’s bedside at the end. of the circle, will do so tonight allow more children to wash up, | York later today on .a ' jet air- ' Slrfaan Bishara Sirhan was ac­ lindsays’ three daughters, plans climbing eQuipment in the play-1 Kennedy was surrounded by to attend the University of Penn- during calling hours from 7 to plane provided Jiy the White cused of wielding the .22-callber 9 a t the W.P. Quish BHineral ground, and a fireplace to allow | P.i.Lmps Bed Frames H^dboards Foot Stools House. revolver which cut down Kenne­ (tSee Page T w ^ e ) sytvania in the fall. John Jr., Home, 226 Main St. more cookouts at the camp. 8, is the couple’s only son.
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