' ‘ $U THE tißdEatte *6% wa»i:CEP—MALE. SITUATIONS WAKTED-Mat p CHICAGO EMUSEMMU- heu In and wind lUlAcrllue , niieellaami. '* itanuy griping tne bowels TO “ questionof hoar, Watt preienM relieve WANTPD—THE UNDERSIGNED economy, obtain, overture to 1 1 the or- zooftbrio* the D-SAI.KSMRN IN THB COtJfITRT eiTUATION with thebarlwM tte act* shall be moiestaUoa thc mc*t rigid to feed, clothe, (hr grand work of tmildlcg up th® The Martha" phalli give Sensible present* t;e becoming HOPSE--NILSBON good*at wholesalebr i»mplaTj7i per nuwti O havtnffatboinughaequaintorce tree from by the atd educate these children with chestra, under thefacile baton of 1" °°We It t&e and CROSBV OPERA WANTSi«U trade, Uid having facilities forporebat good* FOREIGN. goremtncnL the allowance places and developing the trees* the a) seating. mote thingevery year, partKsolarty bellere best offers hi* oc ulmu of two collars per toeach Iearnitiy waste however, coven op confusion the latneir world.In all cases of dysenwy umoimM iotnI'ricee, eerrict* to the hardwaretrad* o( 1U correspondence week Inmate. wbo firadj economy wWr ttiOtkmar to *• agent There >ball be free bet ween recommend three ores of Us eoil, its forests and Its mines. A The Rataplan dan Dy UilgU'U and happily growinx class A la cbUoren, whether arising from toeing MR, wMAX STBIKOSCn of Mne. theWwt. porchulag A commUniio of ive the Pope and me Cstholie world. that the ram be tomeased to “ ran* expenditures. store ot A. O. Downs Co. thefintappe****** FEW FIRST-GLASS be chareed for rnrchwv made. occlena of each strength and character as Verger, and Vicaxtctnp*' Fjcsl” . Tbe U). came. -rirANTKD—A »taad«rj percent«Ul I>W*. 12. Tf e postal and telegraph offices tothe Vati- dollar* per week. Tory also recommend thatthe a goodplace for ptodent people to go other um W Bm to sell popular »uh*cHpUoa work*, writeforpricer, to ABBOT BASdETT, BoiWßh'.j. shallb« freeof »nm or be appropriated repair*, for tbta will, moreover, be early surrounded bv uale art the introduction, aid Mlaaon paay each bottle. None genome uotrtoo»£ j*b. fc CO.. IttandCiautwl. Maw. _______ Tho Franco-German War. can charge. 110.000 tor. come* upon thetiageand acknowledge the cor- A Paaswa, UPFIKCbIT 13. Papal the balldlng a tchool house, and for the purchase of olher organizations, and oar Slate peopled by audi- simile of Ctnma dealers. B ItR—A SINGLE MAN, A The legates accredited by Pope oialgieeilng which she receives outside w/spper. Sold by allmedicine iUTKO-A ARTEND WANTED—BY YOUNG MARRIED tain- some additional land. Number remain!or,October a procctfi which baa proven eo successful in melody Jewelry for the Holidays. thatwill make blmaelf oaefal about ahotel. No man «f goodi'Oalnea* (o an the same privileges as other uct.it.iß6S. ence. The prelude to Uaaeevi s«»t Nilsson! will be paid. Inquire at Hoorn Poat SITUATION au’dlflcattoi.a. otUo. or DQmbersdmttted Mocc lanteaalarr 13, bneine** Call for Si.iß69.2Se: IViDCoDkia, Minnesota, and Kansas. gives us sa oopattaotty to study pnonnera The approacß of ttc holidays creates a great BToncbUia—Ttie Christina to 13 anvrcapeetvble or addrees, one we?h so. of October her Block, from o'clock. • it. Tte Pontiff'sapltttnal and disciplinaryjuris- Number chl drin admitted since In view of these It would eeem to be And this is import. toe of fancy articles, bat princi- Cough, wreoess of three OMD Office 9K at Wo.8W Tweaty-oecoadat Si. 1669, ss. Number ot dischargedetnee facte. Intie. s maner or no smiU scanty la trade of thU disease are ra trtaia. ONE MAN diction b« tserctsed of codteitby the soldiers dnllea Legis- shows the hair, Is Threat, w BreathS?. SALESMEN—AND Bookkeepers, Six Thousand Prisoners Taken than free October of 4. one of the first of the incoming The first glance gaden pally Jewelry which now in in or Hoarseness, WgctfW KuiJi»"Ar«aE tXTANTKD—TWOthoeauoUv. w«* Paid, at 1W Clerks, Are. Slate. 91,1369,2*. Number soldier* died, immediate and blonde complexion, deepset, light in the baslnesi, spittingof SJS'SsAd 1 W to travel lo &£d is. Number ofchildren discharged, 40. Number of lature to render eulmanuai oval tace. and irtostprofltable season. Some of the jewelry store* Hectic Fever. a tt! Doe.atlh.atJP.ra-* Clak-at. M. A. PAwKES A CO. CITUATIO.V wanted-by a person of Att ecclesiastical meetings a ban be held 51, to same whioh bine eyes of the Scandinavian type. Tbeentranoe It is an Mnmtiuart g« uAIIQC Sooth O twenty-rive rears’ experience mercantilepar- by the Germans at without government permission. children dled.S. Number remaining October aid this colony, and by the act, the has easy, arefairly ahlaxe with ihe Rhtttr of diamond*, somettmea Blood. OPERA HOUSE* —AIST>D-'I"jANTrO 1 BARKER*HR. I MAS is 1870, treasury reports a M might embody liberal policyof grants sim- upon stage shown a graceful, J«* of thfough CROSBY’S H. iu:to,a situation «•aalemsQ loa wholesale hardware, of dignities ATS. The debt a dignified foot- i end, Mirer ware. The QtahHshment " mn oituation. lahooth good* IS. The Domination all benefice*, to be prodded for by already gait,and herpresence behind the aon la Wind Tabes or Airvtr »easets vSlch, pmeciorant FOURTH OBANDRIRSSOSOOSCKKT 10 fo« anwponalble grocery,boot and *hoe, or dry house. Would bn Knits. and omces of the Coorch shall be madewit&ost Jrut thousand dollars ilar to that extended to railroad cor- »s ease ease of Wecdcll AHjman.BtNo. M Lake street, one Ling*. W* l Sd”e Clark-*!.. Room A K.t.iuawlvaa, Unt-claH security, hi*emolover in viewof the highly *at- Usbt perfect of manner, and this m mvpmol «>e on ( govenmt-Dt interfere nee. tho Board ot Trustees porations, encourage other organized bodies and gnccfnlnns and aeml-hsaghßness ot the most elegantly-famished Jewelry houses soppreaseathe Eve’s, Dec. 26,1870, LIGHT WORK IN »10.0U). Address JOHN K P UAUKtS, .care • W. __IT. made, the urgent necessity manner, immediately Monday TUANTKO-4 MEN FOB CT ... Ti isfactorv exhibit and large in- pro- P. Penny. Mate-at, Chicago. __ .'oeEpiscopal oaUia of allegiance to the of of settlers to come and find deeirsble homes of carriage, tendto heighten pumas* beauty, city. The fl'm nsre jast received of city; 111 carpenter*for thecity; »eoalmfaen for King lorexteodicir thefalrtlties the KntghWtowa her from the imported bijouterie of rare,rich, SiUoo,Fever tut Dtfflcniw enema W leTCtt. and pUnto. are ahollabcd. establishing others, it Is el- in tormidst. I which li a beauty from wtiuin, rather than voices of free At HALL. nUoflia: W laborer* for railrotdß. (JITUATIOM WaNTVD-BVA YOUNG AND UN- School, also patrons daces i and easy FARWELL poinla Reports Tpe or Apostolic and “ tney to their Al»o che*i> to all O marr'td n u bar. Confilcihiff Concerning' IS. office Legate. In SicQr. is tobo hoped,that prompt mood in the feattre. Tee second gigarAreveals ft***ho costly patterns, which offer a speedy cure. Sold by all Druggim- lion* South. Hcketa for »ale an, ri -tk. a thorough accountant, abolished. bected. and in of her pewer. Vt« ciann at ptlcea which defy competition. Taeir stock of South, at Itt Sooth laSalleet Irg bad citht year*' practical experience book* . willbe taken *1 the coming session of the maturity She has Speak* aa the Condition of Affairs it. The lonUtQUooa founded Id Rome for iremlsea THE OUT IH BKIEF. of freshness, with artless Jewelryis unparalleled int&e West. TU FORTHKbTAnE kf» oer. Knxllrb. F;onrh and German C*o the Juvenile combined laches' ANTED—PUPILS STUDY abort Its tire fet*t<l**» Address eous*aonof prleeta stall be under the direction he^itgtalauire. ißiopucltj and absence Anna Keg*gemeat* wared after a Mnrfcof office. teletcnw. TYSON. Triboas Around Paris. oi toe of ccnventionUtfT. so Apply ROBT. M. BATES,m Kart Madlton*! Pope, without iateiicrecce from the eecalar Tt Board of Health. Toiuon need to smile ott of her black eyes Paintings. aorta. to uthoMUec. s each man thought smiled Oil TO BY IU.IHQIB. soma*bat that In the audience she TITANTED—A GOOD MAN SELL GOODS Trades. H. A 1 Amid the distracting sounds incident for him. in UKe attracts each who have enjoyed the pleasure of seeing W«mpTo to the city A yonna on. WANTKD-BY ENGINEER to the removal o! the Doortag ot the Board ol manner, Nilsson Those preferred. aod.eonirttT.legitimate. Addreaa and machlnlit- AN >re here:y abrogated. person to her. and tmmtdj&tely places herself In the choice ell paintings of Hr. Denis Qsle atNoa. married man Builnea SITUATION AddrtM ENGINEER. Tribune The Weather at Springfield—Fore* Health office, the sawing and planing ot friendlyrelations to aU. Her simple bright face, Dfc O,Tribuneoffice. wood, 212 State street, Home, willreadi- , ..{tar late Strategical Movements of the (albert’ ot the Chi- giving, the shapeliness and vlgtg youth mher person, 210 and Palmer r «ree, SBS’~& ANTED—IOO SCANDINAVIAN AND GERMAN CITUATION WANTKD—BY A PRACTICAL GERMANY, Oaf-Bnainew the driving of refactory nails, andthe lo a of auction morning at 10 *»!S yetft TVtl & her innocenteyes her smile,glvug ly rememberthe sale this S genta or*in*lo men to learefor Northernl-on- experience. Addreaa Amy of cago Alton Railroad—Report of uproar, of to clear, winnlcg by any business engage- fflSK®A ‘ famille* abare* for TINNER, the Loire. Mecklenburg voice aodlble above the directions constant change of to net face: her o’clock. Those who New York, sole Eastern MJ U» ««»■ WanaTm afew days. to work,either on or Tribune office.
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