Da Archive Annex of New Links (^^) July 29Th 2017

Da Archive Annex of New Links (^^) July 29Th 2017

Da Archive Annex of new links (^^) July 29th 2017 New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE. If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the incomplete links This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” I found this big honking list of rpgs, that probably means everyone has known about it for ages. It stopped in 2007, it has descriptions and stuff. http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ This one started in 2008 http://www.thefreerpgblog.com/ Special thanks to Mageguru, Decoderfriend, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden, Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, DiosMios, Porthos, The Greyhawk Ranger, Fitz-Empress bani Flambeau, helpful, CityofCarse, donkey, Magister Man, and the entire Anon Brigade. Like Anon says; Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!! This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason! --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b files dot c4tb0x dot moe /1d6m5k.zip TheWiz! Presents The Freebie Collection! 600+ Open Source, Copyright Free RPG PDFs M3G4<dot>EnZed /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg Mageguru's Astoundingly Beautiful and Complete Troves $nip<dot>li /TSRTrov /WOTCTrove /PFTrove /HomebrewDesign - - - Different Worlds #32 ss /file/0ts2ye Insight Core Book and/or Insight Fantasy books https ://www.sendsp ace. com/file/rjnaxx A penny for my thoughts send them some space... /file/7ed3nr Nights o' teh Dinertabel 33-236 /file/ynpfs2 Nights o' teh Dinertabel 237-240 /file/yefilh - - - Wrath of the Autharch http s ://www.a nonfiles.cc/file/e86378ee36ef40054cd8ee14aedf332a Scheme of the Autharch https: //a nonfiles.cc/file/d70b7356b3d459badac3deef84325c37 Aria Worlds and Aria Core zippy: www90. /v/G6WHnlHW/file.html Chill 3e u4er4cl0ud<dot>com /nzs9sql7uf1m Chill - Monsters u4er4cl0ud<dot>com /b11ywkacrwqc Chill - SAVE Society u4er4cl0ud<dot>com /u0whdx61ezr3 Second Tour FNG on s3ndsp @c3 /file/y9sosd Phoenix Command Combat System https ://www. 4sha red. com/folder/gNJwizbr/Leading_Edge_Games.html? detailView=false&sortAsc=true&sortsMode=NAME Cthulhu Hack s3ndsp4c3 /file/1q2vvq Elric corebook send space dot com /file/g4kzk0 Collectanea Creaturae for Fate SS /file/0ahyoh Demon: Earthbound ss /file/rx8poc The Shackled City AP ss /file/2c9shs FLIP MAT - ARCANE LIBRARY m3g@<dot>nz /#!vYkyQYDC!cCBWz3X9-5CyuqhbA97okjI3hHNEMfSnmHXXBPIgS88 PATHFINDER AP #120 - Vault of the Onyx Citadel m3g@<dot>nz /#!OI9SnIRb!szW8XVhOXOrBIiNytKk97gEdGGybqQRX5LcyBrwAKpk PATHFINDER AP #120 - Interactive Maps m3g@<dot>nz /#!nFdCUIzZ!1jLLrZMqOPixybqHrGny1Y3-Q3Ga5DgpZxM6xjwTOKw POSTER MAP FOLIO - Ironfang Invasion m3g@<dot>nz /#!iIFxEAYL!XhD2mxK6LHrLpzEI0Q-IWpRwouj7xvXOFxMmZJX2Sws PLAYER COMPANION - Blood of the Sea m3g@<dot>nz /#!WY0hGKjC!1709i2lALLGV_0UyD2WNLBVQp1FaGEQ7lirpHJ3VltY Splicers send space dot com /file/7yny9u Drakonheim: City of Bones setting book ss /file/6p1d20 Have you tried JDownloader or pyLoad? Both allegedly have workarounds for MediaFire. There's a YouTube tutorial on how to configure JDownloader to download entire folders from MediaFire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF92MTBqkDc [Embed] Baby Bestiary u4er4cl0ud<dot>com aby estiary andbook ol. 1 /bjrrinxi46qz aby estiary andbook ol. 2 /lvd656zy055d Reup of Triniton www30.z!ppysh are<d0t>c0m /v/6nz9uLgR/file.html Goodman Games - How to Write Adventure Modules That Don't Suck upl04dm4n 2203b0e95d41dae5 The World's Largest Dungeon s3ndsp4c3 /file/3hsfmk Hyperborean Mice (published version, 100+ Pages) http s: // www.sen dspace. com/file/z02d49 Worlds Without Master magazine htt ps://www.sen dspace. com/file/ilbqmm Dinky Dungeons & Dinky Dragons The first is old and hard to find. The second is fan-made extension SS /filegroup/a%2BJcw3nwNb5ks8QWgReVUA Maze of the Blue Medusa s3ndsp4c3 /file/18oivt Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkijcm0mhd2y29o/Critical%20Role%20Tal%27Dorei%20Campaign %20Setting.pdf?dl=0 Stellar Adventures for AFF2 s3ndsp@c3 /filegroup/P99MAJg8z8oQAM4cpNy3Fw stealer of souls ss /file/73gdg3 Wayfarers $end$p@ce /file/ekwln5 space of sendology /filegroup/9NvQvUv853jrZ9mSFHMo%2Br3Sg24LRLRR Monsterhearts 2 up the load man /5450f49a1d8528b8 Dan Coleman archive $ n i p (dot) l i /gIMm ? s3ndsp4c3 /file/n4malr Deadlands Noir Core www66<dot>z1ppy5h4r3<dot>com /v /juTmubHP /file<dot>html Black Jade $end$pace /file/4s4tui Covert Ops https://www.sendspace.com/file/d4pw9o Hellas https://www.sendspace.com/file/jtjop9 Sci Fi books ss /file/fxpos3 Deadlands Noir ss /filegroup/QGqBBhA1vaoJI%2FVPj8DzGw How to paint s3ndsp@c3 /filegroup/Es0buGuxpZQpPnfNUcT9Pw Hellfrost Setting Trove $endsp@ce /file/8ah466 Doctor-Who-The-Silurian-Age http://www100.zippyshare.com/v/HDAXallI/file.html http://diybookscanner.org Snip li /Fate-of-the-Norns-Ragnarok Ribbon Drive s3ndsp4c3 /file/5vmogo Goodman Games folder, including up to #5. M3g4 <d0t> ennzee /#F!IDhW0LTS!k-6nnQ3zF8-zf9xZ1ziyiw Goodman Games #6 & 7. The httpS yoU FILE dot IO place (capitol letters are important) /pizqe /fs4i7 Psi Run ss /file/7kkqu0 Killer s3ndsp4c3 /file/08l7a4 Rifts: Megaverse in flames u4er4cl0ud<dot>com /0769hay4xlr6 Don't Walk in Winter Wood https://www.sendspace.com/file/mdaq0x Different Worlds snip dot li /hSX Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition send space dot com /file/y3z530 All things REIGN... https://www.sendspace.com/file/x4948j Blue Rose 2nd edition AGE user5cloud /yf727j86ts7b Space: 1889 The Liftwood Conspiracy https://www.sendspace.com/file/smbf1x Exodus Wasteland Bestiary ss /file/lw9aqd - - - - - - - - - The Two-Headed Serpent for CoC. s3ndsp4c3 /file/h5rfi8 scribd /document/338868518/Judges-Guild-The-Caverns-Of-Thracia-pdf - - - $nip<dot>li FGG - The Lost Lands Bard's Gate (S&W) /18910 Oubliette - Second Edition (BW) /798750 Oubliette - Second Edition (Color) /19425 Paranoia - The Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues Remastered /8219 Uncharted Worlds - Far Beyond Humanity /4629949 Exalted 3e - Strix /1081206 Exalted 3e - Adversaries of the Righteous - Cynis Borok /276410 Exalted 3e - Adversaries of the Righteous - Ragara Feria /206008 Exalted 3e - Hundred Devils Night Parade - Zicnal /311874 - - - Index Card RPG / ICRPG by Runehammer Games / Brandish Gilhelm ss /filegroup/VAaG1Z7mfvDMKl26Kr5uuHRafIDNkDfRqNbj%2FxpOZa4gmPhwpRBDHUqli8lKR4on %2BA%2BeNEUxpA6ue8kvbMiXpg SotDL Freeport modules M3g@ of the Enzee /#!siIxxLCS!_04Jw7uf1V-0vxJsf1jR7vKE8LdpJgCFxm4sOcIqFx0 Cypher stuff? ss /filegroup/a1DOXiG1ouz8k5KolMFzyw 87.5 Grimtooth M3g @ /#F!WRQnUIJQ!RWEzUCE1dTTxdQDLkHvNfg!vQQGwIoJ Spectre Operations miniatures game rulebook s3ndsp @ce<d0t>c0m /file/qpej66 Degenesis: The Killing Game ss /file/pnlme8 Portal Rats s3nds4c3 /filegroup/d%2F%2Bd%2F2NE1kJZXsYxrXWAaQ Blade and Bone s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/2j7PXN2hWe9rhpldmvGoATcC0KlXW87O Kobold's Guide to Gamemastering sends pace dot com /file/swa2od warhammer adventure https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/7582/warhammer-adventures A Sundered World up10ad mb dot com: dw.php?id=1500312854 Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting from Green Ronin S3nd 5p4ce /filegroup/oG53Ys%2BhTZ4XwCgemkD1xg Empire of the Petal Throne S3nd 5p4ce: /file/ktju5f Fantasy AGE Core, GM kit and Titansgrave ss filegroup/maJjfOrICSYOjAmM2ir547G9bNlYzHTD Bestiary /filegroup/a1DOXiG1ouz8k5KolMFzyw $nip<DOT>li /KHAN !!! Assault and Dossiers ss /filegroup/CmrWqNQiVqCPJ1dHclEDZw BRP4 send space dot com /filegroup/TclqNZCmD2wg7EzP %2Bqc3YU5lhEpla450cnH95c2aCYwYVjx5%2B4y6jSwxMhyQm%2B1lGDgiLEn0MCQ9hO %2FQXklJBAZcvyk7kdRM Book of Skelos M3G@ /#!ly43lDyY!cVAXY3svp-R-v4-1RL1XFC2R13_uziFBMuGdZw6ruQs Stormbringer by Chaosium send space dot com /filegroup/31SZcOIHhlWr1HB0oB8O90472zKi0fBVQ18t4MFt6VmUJslaEMVZLUNkV3Y3FTu9 /filegroup/pdijvb5yxqzd8rcrI9h7FA Crypts and Things s3ndsp4c3 /file/ue3ejw Corum: Heroic Adventures Across the World of the Five Planes send space dot com /file/hxbunm Supplement upl04dm4n FORSLASH 55fee28bdc6c3501 Five Core 3rd edition ss /file/h6lb3b !ndy ss /file/vvh3bf velvet glove SS /file/rn3dct Downfall https://www.sendspace.com/file/e472ug Hero System 5th Edition https://mega.nz/#F!Ym5RHIJL! Qk1NgisxONlZbCQdbNYBZg Hero System 6th Edition https://mega.nz/#F!06Q2kY7I! r2JY-moVxFUGl90w6LDa2A Wine and Blood Queen of the Labyrinth Battle of Thermopylae Mythos Core Setting Mythos Hero's Guide Ultimate Mass Battle Guide Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide /filegroup/5fIH52KJ55%2FkNre04StDtj%2F%2FqhozABmuZiNMXeb9mQBKgs9u4XGc2UAzPG18efAz /filegroup/2i16eJDhvR3t2y4dI8BTEk8KoatcpFWo%2BpyTAIHhk2s Tails of Equestria additions: /filegroup/TTM7V8aCFtERapJYpSN873q%2BEmPlqCG3 Vaginas Are Magic m3g4 <d0t> ennzee /#!BLhlRZzS!tYe88W-bvLyU_hlCIoyghfJlUbM-Kfs3GilpNnvcy9M Hackmaster 5E trove: 5n1p <d0t> Li /vTwG Aerial Reaches: SS /file/vlflt1 GURPS Discworld 4th edition

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