GREEK BRIDGE FEDERATION KOUFAKIS EMMANOUIL (1927) STAVROULAKIS NIKOLAOS (1341) CONVENTION CARD SUPPLAMENTARY SHEET (1) MULTI: Opening: 2♦ = 6♥/♠ 6-11 HCP (Weak two in M) or 20 – 21 Balanced Responses: 2♥/♠, 3♥♠ = Pass or correct, 2NT = Relay. After 2♦ - 2NT : 3♣ = max with ♥ (3♦ asks for shortness), 3♦ = max with ♠ (3♥ asks for shortness), 3♥/♠ = min. After 2♦: 4♣ = Bid your suit with a transfer, 4♦ = Bid your suit, 4♥/♠ = To play. (2) GAMBLING: Opening: 3NT = Solid 7 card minor suit, no outside K or A. Responses: 4♣ = Pass or correct, 4♦ = Relay, 4♥/♠ = To play. After 3NT - 4♦: 4♥/♠ = Singleton or void, 4NT = Singleton or void in the other m, 5♣/♦ = no singleton or void. (3) LEBESOHL: After certain bidding sequences 2NT asks partner to bid 3♣ and either Passes or signs off in another suit. (Direct bidding on the 3 level promises values). With stronger hands responder “breaks” the sequence and does not bid 3♣. (4) HAYASHI: After opponents 1NT in immediate position: D = 18+ HCP or 6+ ♣/♦ or 5+ ♣/♦ plus 4♥/♠. Responses after RHO passes are: 2♣ = No interest in M, 2♦ = Interest in M. 2♣ = Both Majors at least 4 – 4. Responses after RHO passes are: 2♥/♠ = to play, 2NT = Relay. 2♦ = 5+ ♥/♠. Responses after RHO passes are: 2♥/♠ = Pass or correct. 2NT = Relay. 2♥/♠ = 5+ ♥/♠ plus 4+ ♣/♦. Responses after RHO passes are: 2NT asks for the m if responder is a passed hand or a relay if not. 2NT = 5+ ♣ plus 5+ ♦. (5) JORDAN: After 1♥/♠ – (D) – 2NT = 10 – 11 HCP 4+ in ♥/♠ (a limit raise in ♥/♠) (Immediate 3♥/♠ = Preemptive). (6) SMITH SIGNAL: While defending: Low – High play in first suit played by declarer shows interest in the lead. (7) ROMAN DISCARDS: While discarding: Odd card is ENC, even card is DISC. When discarding an even card, a low even card shows interest in the lowest ranking suit while a high even card shows interest in the highest ranking suit (just like LAVINTHAL signals). (8) LAVINTHAL SIGNALS: See ROMAN DISCARDS above (7). Applies only in even card discards. (9) SUPPORT DOUBLE: After partner bids ♥/♠ promising 4 cards or more and an opponent overcalls, D shows 3 card support. (10) MAXIMUM OVERCALL DOUBLE: Doubling after an initial overcall shows a maximum of HCP and support for the unbid suits. (11) SNAPDRAGON DOUBLE: When LHO opens the bidding, partner overcalls, RHO bids a 3rd suit at the first level then: D = 5+ cards in the 4th suit plus 2 card support in partner’s overcall (2+ card support if partner’s overcall is in ♦). (12) ROSENKRANZ DOUBLE: When LHO opens the bidding, partner overcalls, RHO bids a 3rd suit at the second level then: D = support in partner’s overcall but no high honor in the suit. Supporting partner’s suit promises at least one high honor. (13) TWO WAY CHECK BACK STAYMAN: After responder bids a M and opener rebids 1NT then: 2♣ = Invitational check back Stayman (except when 3NT is rebid when it invites slam). 2♦ = FG check back Stayman. (14) WALSH: After 1♣/♦ – 1♥ then: 1NT = 11 – 14 HCP balanced and opener may have a 4 card ♠ suit. This way 1♣/♦ - 1♥ - 1♠ shows an unbalanced hand with 5 – 4 in the bid suits or 4 – 4 – 1 – 4 distribution. (15) JACOBY: 1♥/♠ – 2NT = 4+ ♥/♠ support FG (or 15+ HCP with 3+ ♥/♠ support). Responses: New suit at the 3rd level = Singleton, new suit at the 4th level = Void. Rebidding 3♥/♠ = No singleton or void, rebidding 4♥/♠ = No singleton or void and an absolute minimum. 3NT = 15 – 17 HCP balanced. (16) DRURY FIT: After a third seat opening of 1♥/♠ then 2♣ = 10 – 11 HCP and 3♥/♠ support. Responses by opener: 2♦ = 11 – 12 HCP (a normal minimum opening). New suit by responder shows values in the suit. 2♥/♠ = Sub-minimum opening. New suit by responder shows values in the suit. Other bids are FG and show slam interest. (17) KOKISH: After 1♥/♠ - 1NT: 3♣ = 18+ HCP FG with 5♥/♠ and any 4 card suit or 6+ ♥/♠. Responses: 3♦ = Relay. After 1♥ - 1NT - 3♣ - 3♦: 3♥ = 6+♥, 3♠ = 4 ♦, 3NT = 4♣. After 1♠ - 1NT - 3♣ - 3♦: 3♥ = 4 ♥, 3♠ = 6+ ♠, 3NT = 4♣ (No KOKISH with 5♠ and 4♦) (18) PUPPET STAYMAN: After opening 1NT or rebidding 2NT showing a strong balanced hand: 3♣ asks for a 5 card M. Responses: 3♦ = No 5 card M but at least one 4 card M, 3NT = No 5 card or 4 card M. (19) SERIOUS 3NT: After a fit is established in ♥ or ♠ in a FG sequence: 3NT = Serious slam interest with extra values by either the opener or the responder (a Que Bid does not promise extra values). .
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