V Vol. ra EAST JORDAN. MICHIGAN, SATURDAY. APRfL 10. 1915. No. (5 ATT'Y 1). L. WILSON UNCLE SAM AIDING classes of help, both skilled and un­ ANGER Local Option skilled. All offices are now prepared Charter Amend' LLECTED SUPERVISOR THE UNEMPLOYED to receive applications from employers When you get mad you lose. for all classes of workmen. The pro­ The blood rushes' from your stomach ^ments Carried No Contest On tor Other Offices Makes Headway Department of Labor to Furnish per blanksforuse in making applica­ to your head. Your body Is weakened. In the City. Men to Employers Without tions for help may be obtained from Your brain is packed with blood so it Voters - Endorse Work of the ' A. — Out of Sixteen Counties Voting any postmaster in the United States or can't work right. Cost. from the Distribution Branch. Farmers Keep cool! City Commission. Outside ot the "amendment" proposi­ Fourteen in Dry Column. and other employers needing help tions the only real excitemtnt at the The U. S. Department of Labor has A horse that gets mad and runs away recently extended its system of em­ should communicate with the nearest hurts himself and his best friends. Both amendments to the City Charter election in our city last Monday was The returns from the election last ployment offices so that now there are office addressing: Distribution Branch, A dog that gets mad is shot. met with the Approval of the voters of the contest for supervisor of the third Monday showed a great victory for the branch offices in every important city U S Immigiation Service, at Detroit, Two boxers evenly matched enter our city last Monday, and will be made ward. In the caucus, Mr. Wilson won drys throught the state. Out of the in the United States. These offices Michigan; Chicago, Illinois) or Sault Ste the ring. One gets mad—goes crazy. part of our charter. The City Commis­ out over Freeman Walton, and Free­ sixteen counties voting on the proposi­ have been located centrally in the terri­ Marie, Michigan; stating their repuire- If the other one keeps cool he outwits sion, who were placed in office to man thought he had a come-back. He tion, fourteen swung into the dry tory which has been assigned to them ments in full. An applicant for work the crazy man. further the interests of our city, to­ ran on slips, put up a stiff fight, but column while only two went wet. in order that help may be directed suiting these requirements is then se­ Anger makes your nose red—and gether with our City Attorney, spent a the regular republican rank in the Thirty-three counties in the 'state are quickly to any applicant. The first lected and directed to the position this should he enough to prevent any lot of valuable time in an effort to largest voting precinct in the county now dry and enthusiastics predict a off ice" to be opened by the Coverment offered. woman from getting mad. rectify some errors that were manifest was too large for him to overcome, .Mr. dry state 111 1917 The counties voting was in New Y$rk City. This office has The Goverment extends, its services Also, When a woman is angry she in the original city charter, which was Wilson is an able man, andsthe third dry, and their majorities are as follows: been in operation for a number of years free to all residents of the United ouarrels with her lover, husband or adopted July 24, 1911. These men ward as well as Charlevoix Kou-n'ty 15 Berrien 197 and has proved quite successful Dur­ States, no fee being charged to either her child—and any one of these hap­ have been in daily touch with city af­ fortunate in having men of his ability Kalamazoo 867 ing the early part of the year offices employer or employes. However, no penings is a calamity for a woman. fairs for several years, and, realizing on the Supervisor Board Iron . 546 Were opened in '/one and sub-zones, help will be Supplied where trouble ex­ When a man gets mad he is a wild the need of changing some of the Wm. F. Bashaw of the first ward and Oakland - — , . 73 Chicago being in charge ot a zone with ists between employer and Employee, man. Look at yourself, man. Your objectionable features ot the present Franklin L. Smith of the second ward Calhoun , 535 Detroit and Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, as in the case of strikes, etc , or where face isn't the same face at all. Your charter, presented to the electorate of were returned to the Supervisor Board Tuscola • 1210 kn&wn as sub-zono offices. Trie State such help would in any way interfere mouth is cruel. Your fists are olinch- our city a revision of the charter which James Gidley was elected City Commis­ Mason 149 of Michigan has been divided into dis­ with proper .labor conditions. Where ed. Your body trembles. they sincerely believe is for the best sioner without opposition, and Dwight Lapeer .. 175 tricts and assigned to these three sta­ the employer states his willingness to interests of our citizens In spite of L. Wilson was elected also to the office Emmctt 103 Why, you are a beast when you are tions, the Upper Peninsula being as­ supply transportation', 'every precau­ some bitter attacks made on one of the of justice ot the peace. Eaton 1592 mad. signed to the office at Sault Ste Marie tion possible is taken to insure the ap propositions it is gratifying to know Genesee _ ,. - -- ' 554 It goes this way: Anger—Weak and the Lower Peninsula to Detroit, plicant's safe arrival.at destination. that the voters had confidence enough THE APPLE TREE Lenawee ' 1860 stomach—dizzy head—poor judgment- with the exception of a few,counties in in our city dads and the proposed Sanilac . 927 lost friends—despair—sickness—and in TENT CATERPILLAR the south-western part of the state amendments, to endorse their efforts Alger Tie vote time death. which are more easily reached from WARNING Below is the vote cast on the two The two counties going "wet" were Although it seldom does much harm Chicago. h propositions. in well cared for orchards the tent cat­ Chippewa by 49 and Grand Traverse by All persons having rubbish to dump Our "JITNEY" Offer^-This ind Sc. Registration Amendment erpillar frequently strips the leaves 442 At the time these offices were open­ are hereby notified to place same at r IstWd. 2nd 3rd Total from trees in orchards that are neglect­ ed the efforts of the Department were the city dump and nowhere else within DON'T MISS. THIS. Cut out this directed solely toward supplying fann­ slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Yes 27 52 117 196 ed and, in some parts of the state, be­ APRIL * the city limits. ers with help. Applications for help All dead animals and putrid flesh Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name No 30 -23 44 97 comes a very noticeable feature in the "Men are April when they woo; De­ came m from farmers in all sections of must be buried. Persons placing such and address clearly. You wis) receive"* Taxation Amendment landscape-daring the month of June cember when they wed." Shakespeare. the country, and the hch> was prompt­ matter on the-city dump are liable to in return a trial package containing IstWd. 2nd 3rd Total since its gray, webby nests may literal­ Our loyalty to our sex compels us to ly supplied. Because-of the,-success arrest and fine. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for Yes 28 39 r_J89 156 ly cover the apple trees arid also the take issue with Bill. We do not be­ with which this office has met; the De? By Order of the coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney No 29 35 f 72 136 wild cherry trees which are so numer­ lieve the man lives who is so fickle as In passing, it might bejinteresting to ous in the northern and western parts partment has now ordered that the ser­ . BOARD of HEALTH Pills,, and Foley Cathartic Tablets.— April or so realistic as December. Of vice be extended so as,to' include all Hites Drug Store. our voters to note that a totalof 293 of the State. course, both seasons and men may City of East Jordan. votes were cast on one « the amend,-, ^. The eggs are laid in oval masses upon have been different when William was ments. At the city primary the tota' the smaller twigs during the late sum­ chinning the girls some three hundred vote for city commissioner was 416, mer and fall and the worms hatch as years ago, but his oomparison is wholly WWMWWMWWWWWWW« MWmwwMwmmmwtiM >»»»»%i%»%i%»%*»%%w»»»i%%%»»»»»M showing that 123 voters failed to poll at the new growth is starting in the out of plumb in these days. of political the last election^ Below is the vote in spring. The larvae--^caterpillars) strife and suffragettes.' -Men nrj longer the three wards showing the falling off: ootlect in a crotch up on the branches woo. They are often wooed—and sued; 1st 2nd 3rd and soon begin the spinning of a silken and, while these two accomplices some­ M. ^E. AS H.-L..E Y & CO. On Com'r 100 .116 200 web which is enlarged, as the worms times burden them with household ex' On Amendment. -37- 75 161 increase in size until it may.
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