------ - ---- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 39: ISSUE 133 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM BOT report to address 'Issues of Equality' Students Welcoming Environment for proposes expanding the Cnnter Student Needs and the granti­ By MADDIE HANNA All, Part II: The Solution," for Social Concerns seminar ng of ofl'icial club status to a avvarded A~sm:iate News Editor offers conerete answers to programs, hiring a graduate student group devoted to dis­ questions on how to combat student to organize the oll"orts cussion between gay and Stnadfast in tlwir pursuit of the prnvailing racist, hntero­ of the 350 students who apply straight individuals. inerPasing diversity awareness snxist and snxist attitudes that yearly to the Diversity To fight sexism, tho report Fulbrights at Notn~ Damn, student body the report authors say current­ Education program and imple­ supports changes to the cur­ president Dave Baron, former ly exist at Notre Dame. menting a Diversity rent Freshman Orientation prnsidnnt Adam Istvan and for­ "We made a eonseious effort Designation Requirement. program events - which it By MEGAN O'NEIL mnr vie11 pr.osidnnt Karla Boll not to prioritize the topics of The section on heterosoxism says can be "juvenile and Saint Mary's Editor will addross the Board of raeism, heterosnxism, and sex­ calls homosexuals Notre hypersexualized" - as well as Trustnos Thursday, giving a ism (over uno another(," Bell Dame's "invisible minority" the addition of a poor-to-peer Distinf,'ltishing themselves from pr11snntation based on solu­ said. "Each are present on and recommends the mandato­ information program coordi­ thousands of' undergraduatns tions to tho conceptual prob­ campus and each harrns eer­ ry training of resident assis­ nated through Contemporary around the eountry, Saint Mary's lems featured in their winter tain individuals on a personal tants, a voluntary peer ally Topics, an increase in available senior Nina llnlman and Notre BOT rnport. level and everyone in a com­ program, the allocation of dorm 24-hour soda! space and Dame senior Erin Mai were Tho rww report, nntitled munity level." office space for the Standing awarded Fulbright Teaching "Issues of Equality: Creating a Hogarding racism, the report Committee on Gay and Lesbian see REPORT I page 4 Assistantships this semnster and both will pursue their projeets abroad in (;ermany alter f,'radua­ tion. llelman. a mmmunieation stud­ ins and German major who has Saint Mary's remembers Malloy German rool<; and family living in Colonge, Germany, is excited about her upcoming project said. "Saint Mary's hasn't abroad. She studied in lnnsbruck, By NICOLE ZOOK known any other (Notre Austria hnr sophomorn through Assistant News Editor Dame( president for 18 years. tho Notre Dame program and so that's quite a long time. decided to apply li1r the Fulbright Students going all the way award with the erwouragenwnt of During his 18-year tenure back have known him as Saint Mary's German profnssor as University President, president of Notre Dame." Marianne Hahn. Father Edward Malloy helped Egan, who is also adjunct "It is aetually kind of' amazing implement many signil"icant faculty at the University, said that someone from Saint Mary's changes not only at Notre he felt Malloy had a profound got it because (the Gnrman pro­ Dame, but personal impact on the many f,tramj is struggling right now and also at the See Also Saint Mary's students he not a lot of peopln are interested in University's came into contact with over it," llnlma.,u said. sister sch­ "Father Edward the years. In hnr junior year, thn (;ranger native lwlpnd organizn a eonfnr­ ool, Saint Malloy: "I think for our students Mary's. he's probably a figure of ence with Notrn Dame Professor Saint Ma­ University inspiration, a figure that's a Denise Della Hossa. The nvnnt W<L'i entitled "Women and tlw Nation: ry's admin­ President national and even an interna­ istrators tional figure," he said. "Our 18th Century Cnrman Women's and profes­ 1987-2005" students, even though we're Writing" and attracted women from all ovnr thn world. sors said pullout across the street from Notre Malloy has Dame, know about and I Ieiman, who hopes one day to impacted admire Father Malloy." go into publie broadcasting in the College since he first took Others commented on thn Germany, will bn teac~hing English office in 1987. development of' relationships to middle school- and high school­ aged studnnl<;. Observer I Photo "lie's been a c<instant fig­ between the two institutions University President Father Edward Malloy and former Saint Mary's ure," religious studies President Mar11ou Eldred fostered good relations between the schools. endowed chair Keith Egan see MALLOY/page 10 sec AWARDS/page 8 University integrates Tenants cautious of deposit losses service into courses By JARRETT LANTZ News Writer ty activities. A<; tlw year comes to an eml, many Hy KATIE WAGNER At lnast 41 percent of stu­ Notre Dame studenl'i am taking advan­ Nrws Writt·r dents at Notre Dame have tage of their last opportunities to host participated in one or more parties in their housns and apartmenL<;. Thn University offered CBL courses by the time But many oll"-eampus studnnl<; also lind I :1CJ eommunity-based tlwy graduate, according to themselves driving to tlwir local hard­ learning classns in tho tlw esc. ware storn to pick up plaster, paint and 2004-05 school ynar, an The School of earpet shampoo to make tlwir apart­ inernase by l R in just two Architneturo, Law School, ment or house look like new. years, according to tho Mendoza College of "We've kept our house in vnry good Cnntnr for Social Coneerns Business, College of Science mndition," said Hamin Saghali, a Notre~ (CSC). and First Year of' Studios all Damn student living on St. Peter's Notre l>amt~'s community­ ol"l"nr CBL courses. The Street for tho past year. "We arn going based learning courses College of Arts and Letters to repair what we need to in ord(lr to (CBI.s) are often snrvice­ offers the most - 6R differ­ try to get as much of our deposit back basnd, moaning they ent courses this year alone <L'> possible." rnquire students to engage - with the majority under When one first rents a house or in some form of meaningful the theology department. apartment, they must put down a secu­ sorvicn to tho community to According to U.S. News & rity deposit to proadivnly pay for any receive erndit. Others World Heport's 2004 edition damages incurred during their stay. involve direet eontaet with of America's Best Colleges, When the tnnanl<; leave, the deposit members of the community Notre Dame ranks among is generally refunded if no damage W<L'i through dialogue, participa­ the top 20 sehools in done to the apartment or homo. tion, analysis and observa­ Turtle Creek Apartments, above, has historically had the tion of' partieular communi- see CBL!page 6 highest security deposits of any off-campus housing complex. see DEPOSITS/page 8 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, April27, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS SUMMER? Seniors, farevvell Seniors: Thanks for being our dormmates, our roommates, our teammates, Brian Hightower Nicholas Shaneyfelt Julie Hynes Matthew Flynn Juan Mendoza Patricia Alvarez our classmates, our dinner dates. Thanks for welcoming us to cam­ sophomore freshman sophomore freshman sophomore sophomore pus freshman Alumni O'Neill Howard O'Neill Dillon Pangborn year with open Megan O'Neil arms, open "Eating steaks.,, "Becoming a hearts, and open "Taking some "Blading, "Going to "Absolutely , ears. Thanks for Saint Mary's summer classes beaching and Alaska., nothing and it's beach bum. helping us loft Editor and bumming bumming everything I've our beds, and for easing our parents' fears. around." around." dreamed of" Thank you for great SYRs, regat­ tas and chariot races. Thanks for introducing us to dorm life and put­ ting us through the paces. Thanks for escorting us to The Show and leading us to Rally. Thanks for handing us another beer when our stomachs began to dally. Thanks, seniors, for passing on the football cheers and singing with IN BRIEF the marching band. Thanks for screaming during the second quar­ 2004 U.S. Professor of the ter for the freshman class to stand. Year Rhona Free, Notre Dame Thanks for linking arms and alumna and professor of eco­ singing the alma mater. Thanks for nomics at Eastern Connecticut dancing a clumsy jig, e~ery son and University, will give a lecture daughter. entitled "Tsunamis, Cincotti, We thank you repeatedly for and Silk Sarongs: Bringing wearing you heart on your sleeve. Life to the Classroom and the Your energetic and mirthful atti­ Classroom to Life" from 3:30 tude will be missed when you leave. p.m. to 4:45 todij,y in the Thank you for you kindness, your Hesburgh Center auditorium. encouragement, your love. Thank The lecture is sponsored by you for pushing us when we needed the Kaneb Center for Teaching a little shove. and Learning. Thanks again for countless mid­ night trips to Reekers and LaFun. Rebecca Paul will give a Thanks for telling us to eat two graduate recital from 4:30 cheesy slices when we only needed p.m. to 6 Friday in Leighton one. Concert Hall in the DeBartolo Thank you for convincing us to Performing Arts Center. The study in China, Italy and Brazil. event is free and open to the Thanks for sharing your worldly public, but tickets are experience and a once-in-a-lifetime required.
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