Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 1-8-1970 Spectator 1970-01-08 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1970-01-08" (1970). The Spectator. 1188. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1188 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Resignation Confirmed Fitterer to be Chancellor by PattyHollinger five-man Boardof Trustees gov- Editor erningS.U. It wasindicated that The resignation of the Very Rev. John A. Fitterer, the lay membership of the J., S.U., replacement by Board would include both fac- S. President of and his Fr.Ken- representatives. Baker, S.J., officially morning ultyand alumni neth was announced this However, the seating of a stu- during a press conference m the A. A. Lemieux library. dent representative remained The announcement was uncertain. made at 9:45 a.m. by the to "meet critical andimmediate Fr. Baker,40, arrivedon cam- Very Rev. Joseph E. Perri, financial needs and to continue pus yesterday afternoon from J., to serve its students and facul- Spokane's Gonzaga University S. Executive Vice Pres- ty." where he has been influential m ident and Religious Supe- Under Fr. Fitterer's five-year restructuring Gonzaga's Board rior for S.U.s Jesuit Com- presidency the University's fund of Trustees which now includes munity, who said the 47- raising program was greatly ex- lay members. -year-old president resigned panded to meet the growing fi- become the first Chan- nancial crises of private educa- HE WAS introduced to prom- to tional institutions across the na- inent membersof the University cellor of S.U. tion. community at a dinner and so- cial hour last night m Loyola FR. PERRI said Fr. Fitterer THESE ADMINISTRATIVE Hall. would remain chairman of the moves are seen as "Phase I" During the dinner Fr. Fitterer Board of Trustees after assum- m the restructuring of S.U.s announced that Robert O'Brien ing the chancellorship Feb. 1. Board of Trustees and are con- chairman of the Pacific Car and — sistentwith the trendof limiting Foundry Co., had presentedhim photo by bob kegel This is the first time the chair- the powers of the University with a donation of $25,000. NEW PRESIDENT: Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., right, re- manship will not be held by the president. of president. O'Brien heads S.U.s Board cently selected to become the fifth president of S.U., talk- University It is speculated that within Regents. Fitterer, chancellorship, said, year ed with the Very Rev. John A. S.J., and Mrs. The he this academic "Phase II" At this morning's press con- O'Brien, was created by the Board of of this movement will place lay ference Fr. Perri describedFr. Robert wife of the chairman of the Board of Trustees to allow the University members on the now all-Jesuit, (Continued on Page 3) Regents, at a banquet held m his honor last night. Optimism Key Word SEATTLE Among S.U. Trustees by Art Reis Fr. Edmund Morton, Academic The appointment of Fr. Ken- Vice President, Fr. Robert Reb- neth Baker as President of S.U. hahn, Vice President of Student Spectator Affairs, Wood, has brought mixed feelings to and Fr. Francis the University campus and Electrical Engineering Chair- UNIVERSITY many questions. man, commented upon the sud- Some of them were put to den change. members of the S.U. Board of XXXVIII, Seattle, Washington Thursday, January8, 1970 Trustees this week. OPTIMISM was the word of Vol. No. 22 n49*. The Very Rev. Joseph E. the day. In an interview, Fr. Perri,Executive Vice President, Perri tried to explain the change and the optimism. "All jobs are only as effective as the people who fill them. I think that we are fortunate to have two very fine men who Baker ViewsS.U. As Great Challenge will fulfill their jobs well and by Kerry Webster an academic leader, and they Fr. Baker cautioned,however, who will cooperate very closely Executive Editor felt Ihad the qualifications,"he that restructuring of a univer- and work effectively together. Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., named this morning to be- said. sity must be undertaken with "I honestly don't anticipate any great re- come president of S.U., says he looks forward "with While head of the Theology deliberation. problems m this great joy" to becoming department "Re-incorporating the Univer- gard. a "real academic leader for the at Gonzaga, Fr. sity along "I feel that we have actually Universitycommunity." Baker sponsored a sweepingre- the lines of the char- ter we introducedat Gonzaga is strengthened the job of the of- telephone been form of that department's core In a interview haven't involved m past requirements,and helped a very complexand complicated fice of the president by provid- Spokane, 40-year- decisions and find what's imple- ing him a who can from the out ment similar revisions m other legal— process. It is very tech- with man old theologian told The going on." nical Ilearned that much at devote himself almost exclu- BAKER, who has been areas.He was also instrumental sively fund raising." Spectator he felt great en- FR. m therecent introduction of lay- Gonzaga. However, the S.U. to involved m curriculum reform trustees have studied our re- Why was Fr. Baker the man thusiasm for his upcoming and men into the university's Board institutional restructuring of Trustees, and the appoint- sults, and they seem satisfied for right now? assignment. at Gonzaga, said he felt this with them, and they want to "We, the trustees, felt that we background had ment of a student to the Board "According to all the things prepared him of Regents. move m this direction." should look for a president from that are said about college pres- for the type of leadership which outside the University rath- idents," he said, "I should be will be expected of him at S.U. "My understanding, from the NO IMMEDIATE changes, er than from within our own apprehensive. But Ilook at my- "The trustees indicated to me other trustees, is that we want academic or otherwise, are institution, althoughseveralJes- self and Ifind that I'm not. I that one of the reasons they in- to move m these same direc- planned for the near future, uits from S.U. were considered. think it's a great challenge to vited me to take this position tions as soon as we conveniently however. Fr. Baker character- "We felt we wanted a younger come into a place m which you was that they were looking for can at 5.U.," he said. izedhis first few months at S.U. man who had the credentials to as a periodof orientation. fill the role as president at this "I come m as an outsider," particular time," he said. he said, "so the first job Ihave to do m the first couple of SPEAKING from his office m months is to become acquainted Campion Tower, Fr. Rebhahn with everyone and learn the listed some of the reasons he strengths and weakness of Se- felt both a change was made attle U. After Iget adequate and why Fr. Baker was selec- information, then we'll see what ted. decisions will have to be made "Fr. Baker, while being a (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) Jesuit Leaders Praise Fitterer's Contributions The Very Rev. Peter Arrupe, to achieve a balanced budget for General of the Society of Jesus, the University,"said Fr.Kelley. and the Very Rev. John Kelley, Fr. Arrupe sent his thanks for Provincial of the Oregon Prov- Fr. Fitterer's contributions to ince of the Societyof Jesus,have "academic excellence andactual issued a statement commending social involvement" of S.U. He the VeryRev. John A. Fitterer, also noted the formerpresident's S.J., for his service to S.U. dedication m gathering funds Fr. Kelley concurred with the for the University. decision made by Fr. Fitterer Fr. Kelleyconcluded "All pri- and the Board of Trustees to ap- vate colleges m the U.S. are af- pointa newpresident. flicted with the specter of insuf- ficient It be a trag- a funds. would "WITH THE selection of ic loss to this nation theyhad President, Fr.Fitterer, with if FATHER KENNETH BAKER. newly Joseph Perri, S.J.. Executive Vice Presi- new their doors and sys- S.J.. his experience, will be m a po- to close the appointed President of the University, is dent. sition as Chancellor to devote tem of the state education alone greeted at Seattle's Boeing Field by Fr. —photo by bob kegel all his time, energy and talents remained." Campus Looks at it's Gonzaga Views New President by Bruce Countryman As head of the Theology de- University m nearby Pullman, "Full-Time" President Editor, partment, he was also influen- and is the principal organizer by Kathy McCarthy dispute. The Gonzaga Bulletin tial m reforming curriculum re- of weekly theology and philoso- News Editor ASSU president Dick McDer- (special to The Spectator) quirements during the last aca- phy seminars offered to Spo- What difference will a "full- mott feels "students can only SPOKANE, Jan. 6— demic year. He strongly advo- kane area priests. time" academic president make benefit from the change." Father Kenneth W. Baker is cated dropping the 12-hour The- Square-jawed, energetic, and m S.U.? "I'm sure Fr.
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