RED BANK VOLUME I. NO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER H, 1878. PER YEAR. BED BANK AND VICINITY. Dr. Brown, the veterinary surgeon is The Red Bank correspondent of the M0NM0CTH -COUNTY NOTES. A Horrible Tragedy. NOTES FROM NEW YOBK. AFFAIRS IN NEW JERSEY. dead. Everybody knew the doctor, and Long Branch News says: "Tlie partner- What may yet prove to have been a Fine pictures quickly taken at White whatever may have been his faults, he ship between Messrs. Cook & Clay, of Lots are sold at Asbury Park, Now Now that the election isoverlhecityciin Rov. Ii. J. Andrews, pastor of. tht Foun- & Son's, Red Bank. Jersey, oj'ri what is equivalent to a per- cowardly and brutal murder, but which settle down fnto its usual state of placidity dry M. E. Church, near Mill*ill* *ruth« was good in curing tlie diseases of horses. REGISTER notoriety, has been dissolved. has thus far been called on accident, Mr. Morris Von Brunt hasMosed1 Ins Tho business will lie hereafter conducted petual mortgage—one hundred years; the concerning political nlfairs, and resign it- victim of a rather curious ,»<-cl'lent on This week is recognized as a week of threw the city of Paterson, N, J., into « grocery on Front street. by Clay & Co. Mr.John H. Cook, the purchaser, however, reserving the right self with praiseworthy tranquility tu the Saturday morning last, He wan kindling prayer by the Young Men's Christian As- fever of uxcitement, and at; onco dis- " An organ loft has.been built in the retiringmeinber of the firm, enters imme- to pay the principal at any time; or, ten inevitable. Of course sonin are disap- •;i fire Ih the ntove, and after the J«n»?l sociations throughout the world. Jn Red tracted attention from the nil-absorbing diately upon the study of medicine with per cent, will be allowed for cash.—Adv. pointed and others ^ire pleased with-tlit! tt'as burning well, opened the door ttfid northeastern corner of the Presbyterian Bank an interesting meeting was held on topic of the elections. At eleven o'clock Dr. Conover. Mr. Cook is a young man At the polls in Freehold, on Tuesday, result; but it is to be hoped that the for- put nn some coal, when the flames leaped Church. Tuesday evening. Tho usual exercises in the forenoon smoke was seen issuing with good force of character and inde- Mr. John Taylor, a saloon-keeper, WHS tunnte oneHi who lluA'e succeeded ill at- out and his face was severely burned, Alderman Hoffmire's famous yacht of a prayer meeting were held. Other from the second floor of thG building in pendence of sentiment. He brings to arrested on the charge of bribery. He taining ofllce, will conscientiously en- The turbine water wheel In the grist " Gussie" was placed in winter quarters meetings will be held on the evenings of the rear of 229 Marshall street. The floor the study of medicine a mind as well dis- was taken before Justice Luwre-nee and deavor to discharge the duties devolving mill of this plnro Was stopped twice ku.t on Monday. '-^^^ Wednesday, Thursday and. Friday. A is occupied by William Ralferty, n work- upon thorn without fear or favor of man. ciplined perhaps as that of any young held to bail on bin own recognizance in man employed in the Pussaic Holling week, we believe, by large quantities ot 'Mr. J. B. Grover occupies the De For- cordiaJ invitation is given to the publi le 6usu m ooff l $300500 . to await the action of Mill, who lives with his wife and daugh- Thi' distinguished English prelate, Denn "eels filling tbe'blickets and dogging thujr eest mansion on.Locust avenue, formerly to attend. man in tile vicinity. He will entur o*«J4i f - to await the ncl of the medical colleges In New York at ]"« next Grand Jury.—Deinwrat. ter, the latter two years old. Stanley, after-accomplishing a prodigious action. Some of them art! Very large occupied by Mrs. Bullock. Francis E. Trafloi'd died at tlie resi- eges amount of sight-seeing in a very short Mr. A. -B. Leckeuby, the fancy grass At the time the smoke was'discovered onus and the theory is.lliat they c«rao The wires of the Western Union Tele- dence of his brother, Mr. Chas. H. Traf- the earliest possible opportunity for a time,'has left our shores expressing him- dealer, prepared aui? shipped this week Mrs. RafTerty and her fluid were alono from the brook, as their heads were H|l graph line on Front street are becoming ford, on Friday last. His funeral took thorough course in medicine." self well pleased with the workings of to B. K. Bliss & Son, seedmen, New York, in thu apartments, and their piercing pointed towards the pond.—Hightttowri loosened from some of the poles. place from Trinity Church on Monday The Pleasure Club of Fair Haven gave a grass bouquet. It stood about six feet our|>eculinr American institutions. After Indi'peiHU'nt. a sociable and oyster supper at Van Tine's shrieks attracted the attention of James visiting Boston and other cities lie caini- /Dr. F. T. Chadwick has removed his afternoon, the Rev. Chas. Tibhalls preach- high.and the different colored nnd natu- BY tho blowing off of tlie Snlehl Ptfi- Hotel on Thursday evening of hist week. Murray, who occupies the front building. to New York und wan the honored guest drug business to the store on Broad ing the funeral discourse. A large con- ral grasses were beautifully intermingled byterlun Cliun-li.roof the entire ceiling The night was a beautiful one, and the Hurrying to their assistance he found the of Cyrus W. Field, lie preached throe Btreet formerly occupied by Jos. G. gregation was present, and a great many with each other. Altogether it was the of that line edifice was destroyed, Bet-1 young people of Fair Haven and the sur- door leading to the first floor locked, and tinu's ill (his city to large and apprecia- liagermau. of the family and personal friends of the handsomest bunch of grasses ever seen eral of tin- handsome, stained glasa will' rounding villages enrae, determined on a returned for his keys. By tjjis lime a tive audiences, und numbers of persons deceased followed the remains to the in Asbury Park.—Journal. dows were broken by the falling timbfJH The Young Men's Christian Association pleasant time. The reception committee, number of men had gathered ill the yard, went uway^imable to unin admittance to grave. Interment took place in the cem- The MunaMiuairSwisufe says that Wil- and elate. This church was l of Red Bank has a newly furnished hall, consisting of Messrs. Hurry y. Van Tine, aud when thu door was unlocked rushed the churches in wlikOi he uflli/inted. Ucp- lffMl etery at Kuuison. liam Grant, u gunsmith, mot with quite is entirely out of debt, und has money in James L. Chadwick'and Joseph H. Tay- to the floor above. John Cahill, who reHentative clergymen and layman of the and beautified wUjiin a few Yearn, Tht) a serious accident on Monday afternoon. thu treasury. For several days past the farmers be- lor, fulfilled tluiir duties to tlie satisfac- first ventured into Mrs. RnfFerty's room, various denominations waited upon him congregation wirr Worship in the Court Hu had just repaired a revolver und load- Mr, M. H. Gregory has so far recovered tween Newman Springs 'and Leodsville tion of nil, and made the guests feel i\t wns stilled with the smoke, being restored to tender their good wishes and assuru House until the damage can be repaired. ed it, and, holding it down by his side, from the injuries he received by being have turned out with teams, scoops and homo imih'ediately upon their arrival. to consciousness with no little difllculty. him nf their sympathy and co-operation This repair will be at very considerable attempted to draw the hammer back, thrown out of his wagon a short time shovels for the purpose of cutting down Possibly the hardest work of the evening When the atmosphere had slightly with him in his desiro to elevate the liu- cost. when the load was discharged the hall en- since, as to be able to walk out. the hills on both sides of the river at was done by the managing committee. cleared, another man entered the rooms muil race, in all things pertaining to their, The Kllputrick farm docs not shotv fit tering his foot. The wound is quite Grover's bridge and raising the road on Messrs. l'\ A. Little and F. R. Smith, Jr. and kicked out the window sashes, allow- eternal well being. Kvery one who canii' present any traces of the Grand Encamp- In one of the polling districts in Free- painful, but no serious results are antici- the meadow so.that travelers may pass They had charge of the preparation of ing the wind to blow away the remain- in contact with him was charmed by his ment except the displaced Walls. The hold township fifty-seven more ballots dry shod at high tide. Now the people pated. ing smoke. were found in the box then there wire the supper, nnd-showed every attention large-hearted Christian syiiipathyi which Held in which the soldiers tented, and in of that section want the Freeholders to to their guests. Oysters were in abun- The Freehold I)p»UH'rat sayR : "An at- When the air had become- Huflkicntly could embrace all cla'aM.'ft and conditions which Ihc crowd WIIR largest, now looks votes registered on the book of the poll- give thrill a double track bridge, the tempt was made on Saturday night or ing clerk.
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