Journal of the 2015, No 4 – December Papua New Guinea Association of Australia Inc. Patrons:Una Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery,Voce AC, AO (Mil), CVO, MC (Retd), Mr Fred Kaad OBE ISSN: 1442-6161, PPA 224987/00025 ISSN: 1442-6161, PPA PNG Aviation History A Pilgrimage PNGAA to Rabaul Art Show 2015 Patrons:4HQVY.LULYHS[OL/VUV\YHISL4PJOHLS1LќLY` AC, AO(Mil), CVO, MC (Retd) Mr Fred Kaad, OBE Contents 4LTILYZOPWPZH]HPSHISL[VHU`WLYZVUOH]PUNHUPU[LYLZ[ President’s Update ...................................2 PU75.(UU\HSZ\IZJYPW[PVUPZ MYVT1HU\HY` ;OLTLTILYZOPW`LHYJVYYLZWVUKZ^P[O[OLJHSLUKHY`LHY 3L[[LYZ ......................................................3 (UHWWSPJH[PVUMVYTPZH]HPSHISLMYVT[OL:LJYL[HY`H[[OL 75.(((Y[:OV^ ............................6 HKKYLZZILSV^VYVUV\Y^LIZP[L WHAT’S ON? ...........................................6 5VYLJLPW[ZHYLZLU[MVYZ\IZJYPW[PVUZHZP[^V\SKHKK[V V\YWVZ[HNLJVZ[Z Kiap Reunion ............................................6 75.((6ɉJL)LHYLYZ 75.»Z0U[LNYH[PVUPU[V(:,(5 ..................7 7YLZPKLU[ 9V`HS7HW\H5L^.\PULH Andrea Williams *VUZ[HI\SHY`9L\UPVU .................10 Mob: 0409 031889 ,THPS!WYLZPKLU['WUNHHUL[ 0UKLWLUKLUJL+H`*LSLIYH[PVUZ .............12 :LJYL[HY` ,UJOHU[PUN9HIH\S! Rebecca Hopper An Adventure and a Riddle .....................14 A/H 02 9939 1607 4`*Y\PZL[V75.-LIY\HY` .........15 ,THPS!HKTPU'WUNHHUL[ Judo .......................................................21 ;YLHZ\YLY +V\N>VVK The Bone Man of Aitape .........................22 B/H: 02 9956 7500 (7PSNYPTHNL[V9HIH\S ...........................24 ,THPS![YLHZ\YLY'WUNHHUL[ (+PKPTHU»Z+PHY` ...................................28 4LTILYZOPW6ɉJLY 5V[LZMYVT[OL5VY[OLYU;LYYP[VY` ............31 9V`9HUUL` Mob: 0412 556593 4`,_WH[YPH[L3PML ...................................32 A/H 02 9439 4763 Father Gulielmus (Gerhard) ,THPS!TLTILYZOPW'WUNHHUL[ (Gerard) (Wilhelm) Weber SM ..................35 ,KP[VY 75.(]PH[PVU/PZ[VY` ..............................36 +PHUUL.\` Mob: 0414 262 762 Crocodile Prize Winners ..........................39 ,THPS!LKP[VY'WUNHHUL[ Help Wanted ..........................................40 75.((THPSPUNHKKYLZZ! ;OL:OHKV^ZPUT`,`LZ ........................41 PO Box 453 Roseville, NSW 2069 )VVR5L^Z 9L]PL^Z ...........................42 75.((>LIZP[L!0M`V\KVUV[OH]LHJJLZZ[VHJVTW\[LY =\KHSHUK[OL4H[H\UNHUZ¶ .........46 HUK^V\SKSPRLHOHYKJVW`VMHU`[OPUNVU[OL^LIZP[L WSLHZLJVU[HJ[[OL:LJYL[HY`75.((^^^WUNHHUL[ ;OL2\SH9PUN .........................................47 >LLUJV\YHNLTLTILYZ[VWH`TLTILYZOPWMLLZI` The PNGAA Collection ...........................50 direct deposit to the PNGAA account: BSB: 062 009 +VUH[PVUZ[V-Y`LY3PIYHY` .......................50 Account No: 0090 7724 9V`HS7HW\H5L^.\PULH 7SLHZLLUZ\YL`V\PUJS\KL`V\Y4LTILYZOPW5\TILY0[ *VUZ[HI\SHY`975.* ...........................51 ^V\SKILHWWYLJPH[LKPM`V\JV\SKHSZVUV[PM`[OL;YLHZ\YLY I`LTHPS;OHUR`V\ :LU[PTLU[HS1V\YUL`[V75. ..................52 +LHKSPULMVYZ\ITPZZPVUZ[V4HYJOPZZ\LVM >LSJVTL[V5L^4LTILYZ ....................53 <UH=VJL!-LIY\HY` *OHUNLVM(KKYLZZ .................................53 ;VHJJLZZ[OL75.((*VSSLJ[PVUH[[OL-Y`LY3PIYHY`NV[V! Obituaries ...............................................54 O[[W!^^^SPIYHY`\XLK\H\MY`LYTZ\XÅWKM +PZJSHPTLY!<UH=VJLPZWYVK\JLKMVY[OLPUMVYTH[PVUVMTLTILYZVM[OL7HW\H5L^.\PULH(ZZVJPH[PVUVM(\Z[YHSPH 0UJ0[PZ^YP[[LU^P[OJHYLPUNVVKMHP[OHUKMYVTZV\YJLZILSPL]LK[VILHJJ\YH[L/V^L]LYYLHKLYZZOV\SKUV[HJ[ UVYYLMYHPUMYVTHJ[PUNZVSLS`VU[OLIHZPZVMPUMVYTH[PVUPU<UH=VJLHIV\[ÄUHUJPHS[H_H[PVUVYHU`V[OLYTH[[LY /H]PUNYLNHYKMVY[OLPYV^UWHY[PJ\SHYJPYJ\TZ[HUJLZYLHKLYZZOV\SKJVUZ\S[[OLYLSL]HU[H\[OVYP[PLZVYV[OLYHK]PZLYZ ^P[OL_WLY[PZLPU[OLWHY[PJ\SHYÄLSK5LP[OLY[OL75.((UVY[OLLKP[VYHJJLW[ZHU`YLZWVUZPIPSP[`MVYHJ[PVUZ[HRLU I`YLHKLYZ(SZV[OL]PL^ZL_WYLZZLKI`HU`VM[OLH\[OVYZVMHY[PJSLZVYIVVRYL]PL^ZPUJS\KLKPU<UH=VJLHYLUV[ ULJLZZHYPS`[OVZLVM[OLLKP[VYVY[OL75.(( UNA VOCE President’s Update As I write this we have just Currently there is still hope that celebrated Papua New Guinea’s both the artists and their artworks 40th Anniversary of Independence. will arrive to share one week of this The PNG High Commissioner special event. However the issue to Australia, His Excellency of Australian entry visas for Papua Charles Lepani, kindly invited our New Guineans is clearly a massive Management Committee members problem and needs to be addressed. to Canberra to join the celebrations Juli has worked hard to curate the and what a special, memorable 2015 PNGAA art show, sharing her and very enjoyable day it was! As skills and experience to ensure its part of the week of celebrations success. This is greatly appreciated. the PNGAA DVD – KIAP: Stories I am delighted at the positive Behind the Medal was shown at the feedback we are continuing to National Film and Sound Archive receive to the colour issues of Una in Canberra. Voce distributed so far this year Our association commemorated – thank you. It’s clearly a good this special 40th anniversary of move! I thank Dianne Guy and PNG Independence by holding an Greg Leech for the enormous time PNGAA Collection there. It has art show, for two weeks, curated and passion they put in with their been necessary to instigate some by committee member Julianne attention to detail to ensure that criteria for the collection and to Ross Allcorn. The 2015 PNGAA our quarterly journal, Una Voce, is ensure that it becomes more easily Art Show opened at Space 145 a vibrant, fascinating and enjoyable accessible. in Glebe on 12 September 2015 read. Together with our broad We would like the opportunity to and what a buzz there was in this network, Una Voce is a major include your photos and letters in beautiful gallery. A constant stream strength of our association and I Una Voce and on our website so of people were fascinated by the encourage members to share it with please contact Roy Ranney, Dianne artefacts displayed in the windows, their friends and encourage others Guy or myself regarding items. inviting them in to look at the to join the PNGAA. Please read the information about paintings. The quarterly Una Voce packing the PNGAA Collection at Fryer One of the goals of the PNGAA and posting day is a thoroughly Library in this issue. is to promote civil links between enjoyable gathering at Chatswood. It’s a busy time of year coming the peoples of Australia and Last time we had a visitor from up with Christmas around the PNG. The art show set about Lae join us so – if you are visiting corner. PNGAA members have accomplishing this with several Sydney – give Roy or myself a ring the opportunity to attend lunches PNG artists planning to attend as there may be an opportunity to in Perth, Adelaide, Ballina and with their artworks. Workshops, meet other members! Sydney. The annual Christmas involving the PNG artists, were Keep an ear out for a screening of gathering in Sydney is on Sunday planned by Juli. It was an exciting our DVD, KIAP: Stories Behind 6 December at the Killara Golf concept - however, the day before the Medal, coming up at the State Club and we look forward to seeing the artists were due to travel, Library of Queensland early in the you and your friends there. The their Australian visas had still not New Year. PNGAA Management Committee been issued. It was an enormous wishes all our members a happy disappointment to everyone when A meeting was recently held with and peaceful holiday period over they were unable to attend the the University of Queensland Christmas and the New Year. opening of the exhibition and Librarian and the Manager of their artworks did not arrive either. the Fryer Library regarding the 2 | DECEMBER 2015 Letters 75.-SHN At that time our artist-in- Burns’ older brother, the YLZPKLUJL^HZ^LSSRUV^U Artist in Residence at the First of all let me WLYZVUHSP[`.YHLTL9VZZ Department of Information JVUNYH[\SH[L`V\VU[OLUL^ 0OHKHSYLHK`UV[LK[OH[ and Extension Services MVYTH[VMV\YUL^ZSL[[LY [OLYL^HZUV4HKLPU75. +0,:^HZNP]LU[OLQVI I must admit that I had SVNVH]HPSHISLPU[OL[OLU VMKYH^PUN\W[OLSP]LY`MVY become rather attached ;LYYP[VY`VM75.0OHK [OLUL^HPYSPUL>LOHK to the old photo-copied KPZJ\ZZLK^P[O.YHLTL[OL WYL]PV\ZS`OHKTHU\MHJ[\YLK ]LYZPVU[OH[\UKV\I[LKS` ULJLZZP[`MVYHZPTWSLV\[SPUL PU5L^ALHSHUKYVSSZVM[OL ^V\SKOH]LILLUT\JO SVNV[OH[JV\SKIL\ZLKVU UL^SVNV^OPJO^LYLZVSKPU cheaper to produce but L]LY`WYVK\J[HUKJV\SKIL V\YZ[H[PVULY`ZOVWPU)HKPSP more labour intensive than Z[LUJPSSLKVU*VWYHIHNZ (the old Outdoor Theatre). [OPZUL^KPNP[HSS`WYVK\JLK >L^LYLPUÅ\LUJLKI`[OL >LILSPL]L[OH[/HSNV[OVSK version. Such is the price of Z[`SPZLKRHUNHYVV\ZLKI` VMVULVM[OLZLZ[PJRLYZHZ WYVNYLZZ (\Z[YHSPHHUK[OLZ[`SPZLK OL\ZLK[OLZHTLZ[`SPZLK RP^P\ZLKI`5L^ALHSHUK I refer to the article on the IPYKPU[OLKLZPNUMVY[OL 5H[\YHSS`^LKLJPKLK[V WYVK\J[PVUVM[OL75.ÅHN tail of the aircraft. We MVSSV^Z\P[^P[OHIPYK[OH[ VUWHNLVM[OL:LW[LTILY Z\IZLX\LU[S`JOHSSLUNLK ^HZTVZ[HZZVJPH[LK^P[O issue of Una Voce. All that is him on this and he did not PNG. said in the article is true but KPZZLU[TLYLS`NP]PUNOPZ ¶OH]L`V\L]LYWVUKLYLK The Bird of Paradise 4VUH3PZHZTPSLHZVUS`/HS VU^OLYL[OLZ[`SPZLK PTTLKPH[LS`JHTL[VTPUK JHU(Z^LOHKUVVIQLJ[PVU reproduction of the Bird of ZV.YHLTL»ZPUZ[Y\J[PVU^HZ HUK^LOHKUV[YLNPZ[LYLK 7HYHKPZLVU[OLÅHNJHTL [VWYVK\JLHZ[`SPZLK)PYKVM [OLSVNV^LKPKUV[UVYKPK from? 7HYHKPZL/LJHTL\W^P[O ^LPU[LUK[VKVHU`[OPUN Here are the facts. In 1966 [OLIPYKUV^WPJ[\YLKVU[OL HIV\[P[0UMHJ[^L^LYL 0^P[OT`[OLUI\ZPULZZ ÅHNL_JLW[[OH[P[^HZTVYL X\P[LWYV\K[OH[V\YKLZPNU WHY[ULY/HSZL`/HS)`YUL PU[OL]LY[PJHSWSHUL^P[O[OL LUKLK\WVU(PY5P\NPUP0 Z[HY[LK75.7YPU[PUN tail feather curved around to ^HZWYLZLU[H[[OLSH\UJOPUN *VTWHU`:OVY[S`HM[LY[OL LUJSVZL[OL^VYKPUN4HKL VM(PY5P\NPUPPU HUKHZ commencement of business, PU75.VY^OH[L]LY^VYKPUN `V\JHU^LSSPTHNPUL^HZ ^P[OHIP[VMW\ZOPUNMYVT ^HZYLX\PYLK>LVMJV\YZL X\P[L]VJHSVUVYPNPUVM[OL T`VSKMYPLUK)LY[:[\IIZ JOYPZ[LULKP[;OL:X\HZOLK KLZPNU *VJRYVHJO of John Stubbs and Sons, -HZ[MVY^HYK[V[OLKLZPNUVM 0[VVRHUPU[LYLZ[PU[OL /V^KPK[OPZZ`TIVSNL[ [OLÅHN@V\^PSSUV[L[OH[ 7VY[4VYLZI`*OHTILY VU[V[OLÅHN&>LSSPU VUJLHNHPUV\YIPYK^HZ VM*VTTLYJLL]LU[\HSS` ^P[O[OLQVPUPUNVM(UZL[[ PUJVYWVYH[LKPU[OLVYPNPUHS ILJVTPUNWYLZPKLU[VMIV[O HUK;(([VTHRL(PY5P\NPUP KLZPNU[VILWYLZLU[LK[V 7VY[4VYLZI`HUK[OL75.
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