The News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association Issue 121 matrix September / October 1996 £1.25 David Pringle ADecade of Clarkes • on Colin Greenland ~~z.~ Steve Jeffery Gwyneth Jones Mary Gentle John Jarrold Paul Kincaid remember Paul J. McAuley Richard Evans Rachel Pollack Geoff Ryman on the Chris Terran ~ Editor 9 Beechwood Court Back Beechwood Grove leeds, UK lS42HS John Ashbrook ~ Media Dave Mooring ~ Cover Hexaped Paul Hood ~ Photography Roger Robinson Chris Terran Chris Terran ~ Design, Production Friday 1 November 1996 ~ NeX1 Deadline BSFA Me.mt..,skip go COS1SCI81*~i1r!orUK,.~sC12!or ........ageo Ul.memDerslllpClllO 0ver56ilsrill.s ElII'ope[23SO elsewne,.E23SO$lllTilctmil,1 [:J:lumail Cheques~~iIblfloBSFALld .... IIOII'USrnemDerlhip(~u.fI.S, go PilulEllllinl/fi ~iIts,iidG'esldlilnges,lItIW~ 82Kelw'1ROiId,NtwCubllooglonlliinWlglonSpii memblts WatWI.$.. CV327TO ({J 01926335564 US Averc .:. ~1~~~.entuPClle.net nts AJUS~.014248Wilrtdsa-""Dtln:lIl,AI-'3213,U.SA issue 121 $.351Ull_.S45 .... PiIyiill1l1kl seplOClI996 CyCllllrM(E1SFA) BSFAA.......~ ""_,__ 060~Roiicl.FClIlI.eskNlW'll,CT19W ({J 013032529:5 News to- 03 -+ the happening world * ab.J!kf<'.s,CQaplIl!lIk.<:O.lIk BSFAj,_~_,_ Mailbox r-I 06 -i is anybody out there? o 82K.... Roiid.NtwCuttwlglan,l.NnwIgIanSpii. WiIIWb CV327TO BSFANewsr- 07 -i read me first ({J 01926335584 * b.ll.n<j'etfentetprISe,lIft Recent And Forthcoming Books to- 08 -i turn over a new leaf Om.... go CafolAnn(k.., Richard Evans Remembered r- 11 -i mary gentle and Tht8SFAlwnllng~oup$ ~ Flal3141I'nnotsA..,..,..fUHU5JDl john jarrold ({J 014324!l4045 taphorfenterprllf.net * .... ADecade Of Clarkes to- 12 -i colin greenland Awil'ds go Key McVelgtl Ten years of the steve Jeffery ~ 3iFnRoiid,/4In1hotpe,Cumb'liI,LAiiOF Arthur C. Clarke Award, gwyneth jones ({) 01539562883 pondered on by winners, paul kincaid Vector go TonyCulien judges, and the paul Jmcauley o 16WlIiIYW'sWily,ClllllclInTown,londorl,NW10)(E administrator rachel pollack ({J 01i138i2JO.t geoff ryman * <j' ....,teh...ylil.i1ynet.ea. FlIiIlUorM R' AndrewElutltl The MKS System r- -i maureen kincaid speller o AiI13.28lOUllSlrffl.HIA,HU31lY 15 ({J 01482229168 * •.•. butlerten9Iuh.llull .•e.uk Independence Day to- 16 -i john ashbrook and go <>-yDiilllln andy mills 05lyllonlRoiid.~O<ifSfll.8H118SN ({J 012025796-40 American Gothic r- 17 -i andy mills Ra¥!fws 0' P,y1(ir'lQi:l o 6Oeo..m.mouIhRoiicl.FobsknI.KlrtCT19SAZ Mining david pringle ({J 013032SZ939 The to- 18 -+ * IIks.J!kf<'lX.CQaplIlIM.<:o.ak int!?Z»~ interviewed F_ 0' CiIrolAmGrten o Aal3.1.IPrnc:e$A_ ...... I«J5Xll Videos: r- 21 -+ john ashbrook to 01"8249i1045 Johnny Mnemonic, Judge Dredd * lletilpl!orflot.rpnn.oet 0' JulleV_ o 42WaIgriI... StrMlNtMillldA...,....HIA.I«J521T Events Diary +- 22 -+ what a con lOIIdorI~rrP.ulKood Vector Back. Issues +- 23 -+ bargain basement ({J0162181~ PublooIyIPrornolO'll rr Ct.l~E1MIey8Mar1tPIu........ Members' Noliceboard +- 23 -+ buy me, sell me f'ut1IieiIlJ<ImMiiIllQlll" 0' S1e¥eJeflery Skull Crackers to- 24 -+ roger robinson Brlll.hSCI.nc.FIClIonA..OClallonlld Big -i aleph sits on mars Registered in Engliln . U ited by Guaranlel, Company No, 921 SOO Butt +- 24 Registered Addle..: 60 r mouth Road, Folkestol'>ll, Kent, CT19 5AZ. Prinlll<! by PDC Co poi t. 11 Jellrills Passage, Gulldford. GUI fAP CopyrighteSSFAI996 InO"nduillcop h arelhepropertyottl\elu1tlOf,ilndedilOf Viewse pre sedaJeflOlfl&C8S.SllrllylhoseoltheBSFA tSSN03073335 -news------------------ Startog Guil~ Ansibit reports thai StDriog magazine has agreed to pay eleven artists a totalo/SJO,oo:l for"breachofropyrightandunfairrompeti· tion in respectofa set of 42 'trading cards' 1996 Hugo Awards published in \993 without their permiss.ion~ The artists involved were Ron Miller, Don Dizon, David A. Hardy, Den Ellis, Chesley Bonestell, Don Davis, Ludek Pesek, Rick NOVEL Stemback, Adolf Schaller. Joe Bergeron, and Neal Stephenson The Diamond Age David Egge. The suit was settled on 16/uly NOVELLA Allen Steele "The Death of Captain Future" Savoy Blues More legal news from Ansibll concerns NOVELETTE Manchester's Savoy Books, victims of much James Patrick Kelly "Think Like a Dinosaur" police interest over the yean. The company lost its High Court appeal for the right to SHORT STORY trial-by-jury over whetherromics seized by the Maureen F. McHugh "The Lincoln Train" police in 1991 - including Lord Horror and Mtng Imd fcktr - are obscene. Parliament has NON-FICTION BOOK been assured by legal officers that 'serious' John Clute Sciellce Fictioll: The Illustrated Ellcyclopedia publishers will always get a jury trial in DRAMATIC PRESENTATlON obsceruty cases if lhcy wish; but Savoy, apparently, aren't Sl.'rious enough. "The Coming of Shadows" (Baby/oil 5) PROFESSIONAL EDITOR Gardner Dozois Australia in 99 The 1999 Worldron will be held in Melbourne. PROFESSIONAL ARTIST Australia, and the guests will be George: Bob Eggleton Tumet, Grtgory Bm/ort! and Bruce: GilltSpie:. Melbourne won the vote at LACon ORlGINAL ARTWORK Ill, which will doubtless make the following James Gurney Dillolopia: Tile World Bel/eath year's Olympics in lhe same city seem like a SEMI-PROZINE beach barbie. The voting was as follows: Australia 808, Zagreb in Croatia 158,Alcatraz Locus (ed. Charles N. Brown) 19,misclO FANZINE Contact: UK agent is Martin Hoare, 45 Ansible (ed. Dave Langford) TilehurstRoad,Reading.RGlm FAN WRlTER Dave Langford AI On Hold FAN ARTIST Themuch-anoopated Slanley Kubrick film AI has been delayed again by other projects, William Rotsler though filming has now started. Based on Brian A1diss's 'super-roys last All Summer Long",andwithscripthelpfromlanWatson and Bob Shaw, the film will feature much This year's Hugos were presented at LACon III in Los Angeles, on 1September. A state-of-lhe-artromputeranimation total of 939 valid ballots were cast; the full voting figures will appear in the next Issue. Coming Attractions British intert"St was limited to John Clute and the ever-reliable Dave Langford, who New TV shows in the US autumn schedules now has thirteen Hugos and is searching for a cure for triskaidekahugophobia. It's indude a number at X·FillS dones, as well as a new show from the series' creator Chris the first time Ansible has won at a non-UK Worldcon, and the first time John Clute Carter. Milltnnillm. This concems a telepathic has won an unshared Hugo. rop pitted against an evil cabill bent 00 ensuring thedestructiOll of the world by the Stephen Baxter's The Time Ships came second in the Novel category, but he did year2OOJ,andstars LanceHenriksen.DtrpIW collect a Seiun Award (the Japanese equivalent of the Hugo) for Time/ike Infillity, is about alim DNA transplanted into humans presented in the same ceremony. Also given out was the John W. Campbell Award to extend their lives, DIrk Skits claims that the aliens amongst us killed Kennedy, and Thl for the best new writer (not to be confused with the John W. Campbell Memorial BurningZorrtisapot-pourrisimilartoTht Award - see over), which went to David Feintuch. DultrLimits. ThtStntintl is about amp with superhuman powers, wltile Profiltr is ­ The first appearances of the short fiction winners were: Steele's "The Death of daringly - about a ftmAlt cop with super­ Captain Future" in Asimov's, Oct 95; Kelly's "Think Like a Dinosaur" in Asimov's, Jun human powers. And apparently &YU'llch 95; McHugh's "The Lincoln Train" in TIle Magazine of Ffllltasy and Science Fiction, Apr NighlsistransmutingilselfintoanX·C/onttoo, 95. rompletewithvampiremennaids. Expect one or moreover here next year: you havebeenwamed. ,The Retro Hugo! were pl'esented for the first lime at LACon III, awarded for Mrn«lI'IlElC ~ (Mm & F.l/lTI$' STUDIES): Marlnt Walf'lef FIDflIIhll8ll.ilst III hi Bb'!df workS which should have received a Hugo 50 years ago had the Hugos been FilIfYTalesartdTIHWTllllers The Awards lt1emselves are small inscribed statuelles 01 a seated lion, 'intended 10 around then. NlMl: IUK Aslmov T/lilMJIlIpaterincorpClfatedrno FoundallOflartdE~) evoke thoughts of, but not otlicially named aller, Asian from C. S. Lewis's 'Namia' NlMlLl:GeorltltOfWllltAnmaIF.", books', NOm.Em: Murray Lelnll., "f~sl Contact" $HalT STOIlf: Hal Clement "Uncommon Sense' "AI the memorial evenl for Gollancz's Richard Evans in the Princess Louise pub in Dl\.I.lIAllCPRESOOATlOltThllPictureofDorianGray London on 16 August, ~ emerged thaI etlorts are under way to endow an annual Pll(J'ESSIlJlW.EllIICl'I:JohnW.Camp~ell,Jr prize in his honour, for authors who have done good work without gaining much PllOfES5IONAI. NHIST: Virgil Anlay recogn~ion,Contact:JohnParker,45FitzroyStreeI,London,W1P5HR. FANZIE;VoO::eoflhrllmagl-NaIton(ed.FOIltstJ.Aellerman) F WIlTU:FO/l'estJ.Acllerman ,Nominations for the 1995 World Fantasy Awards, to be pl'esented at the World F ASlt'lSl:WllllamRolsler FanlasyConvention in Schaumberg, Illinois Rotsler becomes the first winnef of the same Hugo twice in lhe same year NlMl.:JamesP Bla-,1odc~itheBIIIJs()IEatlh;Vil:tamChana-aRlldE.tmI, POIiIIgRai'!;Ni ..... Kirild Hollman 1hII $iIenI SIrIIIlgIh ot Sl\lIIes. Graham Joyce Rsquiem; T,m POW81'S Expilali<ltr "FIRST I'D LIKE TO THANK, ,, Oart;CM$tophtrPnesl"""PItIs~ • Stephen Baxter won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for The TIme ~oYElLl: ~ KiriQ Hollman "Home FO" CIv1~tmas" (F&SF Jan); U,s.,Oa 1<. Le OWl "Elhef Off" lAso'mov'sNov);JonattlanLethem"T/IIIlnstpidProru(I'IolJonalhanHomebom'IFvI Ships, given on 12 July al the (unfortunately dry) campus 01 the University 01 Spec!f\M'IISj, nm Powers WhMl ThIly Ale Hid; MichaIII Mar5hall
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