Vicenza and Darby Military Communities www.italy.army.mil November 10, 2017 | Vol. 50 | Issue 19 What’s Inside BOSS program wins Army award Recreation, was on hand program, said BOSS leaders. by Karin J. Martinez 2 Outlook Editor to accept the honor on be- "We submitted our award Why poppies half of the local program. entry and hoped for the best," BOSS Vicenza had to said Sgt. Dallas Henry, former on Veterans Day? VICENZA — The Vicenza Better compete first at regional BOSS Vicenza president here Opportunities for Single Soldiers pro- level, Installation Man- who was recently selected to gram received first-place honors at the agement Command-Eu- move to the IMCOM-Europe 3 annual National Recreation and Park rope, against 11 other BOSS representative position. "It's an Vicenza, Darby to be pilot Association conference that took place programs. After taking the regional title honor to receive an award that showcases Sept. 26-28 in New Orleans. for superior achievement, the team's en- what we do." locations in Armywide Vicenza's BOSS program claimed the try was submitted at Army level. In addi- The first-place honor includes a $2,500 health initiative "Best in Army" award for Excellence in tion to the 12 BOSS programs in Europe, cash award which, said Spc. Patty Sam- Army Recreation 2016-2017. there are 48 in the continental United ples, new BOSS Vicenza president, will Jimmy Roddy, director of Sports, Fit- States and 35 others in OCONUS. To go back into the local program. ness and Aquatics for U.S. Army Garri- take top honors is indicative of a strong 5 son Italy's Family and Morale, Welfare & See related story, page 9 Health & Wellness 6 Reinforcing stability effort in Lake Chad Basin Choosing apps for children The emergence of several extremist groups has fueled instability in the region. 7 USARAF is there to help. Retiree Appreciation Day by Sean Kimmons 8 Army News Service Fun-filled Halloween WASHINGTON — United States Army Africa is boosting its security efforts across the Lake Chad Basin this year to 10 deter extremist groups and help embold- Out & About en nations in the distressed region, the acting commander said. A lifeline for many in the region, Lake Chad has drastically shrunk due to inef- ficient damming and irrigation methods. Today, the lake is just about 10 percent of what it was in the 1960s. Second Lt. Michael A. Goss, center, platoon leader in 327th Infantry Regiment, "That's putting a lot of stress on the live- 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), discusses squad-level tactics with Gabonese counterparts during Exercise Judicious Activation in Libreville, Gabon, in July. United lihood of the 40 million people that live States Army Africa is boosting theater security cooperation activities across the in that area," said Brig. Gen. Eugene J. continent, particularly in the Lake Chad Basin, to further support host nation countries. LeBoeuf, acting USARAF commander. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Alexandra Hays) The emergence of extremist groups Marathon, Florence such as Boko Haram, Islamic State of gistics and counter-improvised explosive themselves," the general said in an inter- Iraq, and the Levant group in West Af- device training to host nation militaries. view at the Association of the U.S. Army rica linked to an ambush that killed four In fiscal year 2018, the command ex- Annual Meeting and Exposition. Special Forces Soldiers Oct. 4, has also pects to conduct 271 such activities — a One such mission is at Contingency 12 fueled instability. 20 percent jump from the year before. Location Garoua in northern Cameroon, FMWR activities Roughly 7 million people are now in- This is in addition to its four major Ac- where a U.S. Army-led task force is using ternally displaced or refugees in the area, cord exercises and routine medical readi- unmanned aerial vehicles to deliver ISR a number that continues to grow on a dai- ness training events. About 80 percent of capabilities to the Cameroonian military November is ly basis, LeBoeuf said. the upcoming activities will involve the to support its fight against Boko Haram. Native American To help stabilize the region, the com- countries in the Lake Chad Basin: Niger, Many USARAF activities on the con- mand is increasing its theater security Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon. tinent fit into the unit's priority of setting Indian Heritage Month cooperation activities, which can range "That's where our focus lies — primar- the theater, intended to make it easier for from providing intelligence, surveillance ily in building that capacity for our host Did you know? and reconnaissance support as well as lo- nations to be able to do those operations See STABILITY, page 4 The Sequoia tree is named in honor of the Cherokee leader Sequoyah, who helped his people develop an alphabet. Get a grip: Half of the names of the states in the USA are derived from Put on winter tires Amerindian words, such as Arizona, Connecticut, Kentucky before snow falls and Missouri. VICENZA — The U.S. Army Garrison The word “barbecue” is from Italy Directorate of Emergency Services the Arawakan Indian language reminds community residents that all meaning “framework of sticks." motor vehicles, including motorcycles and four-wheel-drive vehicles, must Native Americans have been have clearly marked winter or all-season living on the American continent tires when there is black ice, snow, slush, since about 12,000 B.C. They ice or frost on European roads. were not a single nation but a That means it is time to change summer rich variety of cultures, peoples, tires to all-season or winter tires. and languages. (from www.factretriever.com) See TIRES, page 9 Opinion & Editorial U.S. Army Europe Commander Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges U.S. Army Africa Commander Brig. Gen. VFW honors tradition of poppies Eugene J. LeBoeuf USAG Italy Commander by Rex W. Shuey Jr. and Publisher Veterans of Foreign Wars Col. Erik M. Berdy VICENZA — Each year on Veterans USAG Italy Public Affairs Supervisor Day, millions of paper poppies are hand- James E. Brooks made by veterans as part of a therapeu- Outlook Editor tic rehabilitation program. Distributed Karin J. Martinez throughout the United States, the dona- tions given in exchange for the poppies Public Affairs Staff are used to support hospitalized and dis- Laura Kreider Chiara Mattirolo abled veterans. Aaron P. Talley This year, VFW Post 8862 will be dis- Anna Terracino tributing poppies in front of the Post Ex- Mark Turney change on Caserma Ederle Nov. 10 and The Outlook is an authorized publication supporting the USAG Italy command Nov. 11. information program as provided by AR Poppies became a symbol of wartime 360-1. All editorial content of the Outlook is death based on a poem called “In Flan- prepared, edited and approved by the USAG ders Fields” written by Lt. Col. John Mc- Italy Public Affairs Office, Unit 31401, Box 10, APO, AE 09630, located in Bldg. 10 on Crae, a Canadian military surgeon, about Wearing poppies in honor of America's war dead is traditional for Memorial Day and Caserma Ederle in Vicenza, Italy. the sight of the brilliant flowers growing Veterans Day. Members of VFW Post 8862 will have a display and poppies at the PX on a bloody World War I battlefield. The on Caserma Ederle Nov. 10 and 11. (VFW courtesy photo) Contents of the Outlook are not necessarily the official news of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Second Battle of Ypres took place in the Government, the Department of Defense, province of West Flanders, Belgium, and gland and Australia to honor the sacrifice practical means of assistance to veterans Department of the Army, Installation the casualties were many, the destruction of lost soldiers. and ensured a steady, reliable source of Management Command-Europe, U.S. severe. In 1921, the American Legion Auxil- poppies. Today, veterans at Department Army Garrison Italy or U.S. Army Africa. In 17 days of battle, heavy artillery iary established the poppy program and of Veterans Affairs medical facilities and The Outlook accepts submissions. Call uprooted the soil, causing poppies lying in August 1922, the poppy was adopted veterans’ homes help assemble the pop- the editor with questions at DSN 637- dormant in the field to bloom in great as the official memorial flower of the pies, and each year the VFW distributes 8031, comm. 0444-61-8031, or submit numbers across the war-torn meadows. Veterans of Foreign Wars at its national roughly 14 million worldwide. via email at [email protected]. A submission does not guarantee publication. Moved by the display of life anew jux- convention in Seattle. This was the first The VFW celebrates the 85th anniver- Submissions may be edited at the discretion taposed against the carnage of war, Mc- nationwide distribution of poppies ever sary of the poppy as its official flower of the Public Affairs staff. Crae penned the poem to honor the sac- conducted by any veteran organization. this year. Courtesy photo in Table of Contents rifice made by the soldiers who lost their In 1923, faced by a shortage of poppies While profits from donations have lives there. from French manufacturers, the VFW helped countless veterans and their wid- The poem has made the red poppy the relied on New York florists to make up ows, widowers and orphans over the national symbol of sacrifice and remem- the difference. The shortage was a huge years, the poppy itself survives as a per- brance of those lost to the ravages of war setback, however, and led to the idea by petual tribute to those who have given since 1919.
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