The Palmetto Patriot Winner of the Grahame T. Smallwood Award at the 120th Annual Congress Best in the National Society for State Societies of more than 500 members with a publication of more than 10 pages Host Society 2014 National Congress Greenville, South Carolina 1775 1783 THE SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETY of the SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2013 Issue 4 Winter 2013 Organized April 1889 Kings Mountain: The celebration that almost wasn’t By Mark C. Anthony heritage organizations from even NSSAR Historic Sites having a location to conduct the an- & Celebrations Chairman nual celebration. Beginning on Friday, Sept. 27, The question was first asked at the I emailed Compatriot Jim Cook in Fall Leadership Meeting, “What will North Carolina from the Fall Lead- the anticipated shutdown of the Fed- ership Meeting in Louisville. Jim eral Government mean for the an- has served as the North Carolina nual Kings Mountain Celebration?” chairman with me being the South It was a good question that need- Carolina chairman for the past few ed immediate attention since “zero years. I asked him to start thinking hour” was only three days away, and about possible alternative locations the planned celebration was only six for the Kings Mountain Celebration. days after that. Among the possible alternatives were By way of background, the plan- the gravesite of Col. Frederick Ham- ning for the 2013 Kings Mountain bright, ancestor of former President Celebration had already taken into General Ed Butler among others, account one major change with re- Kings Mountain State Park, adja- spect to the location of the headquar- cent to the National Military Park, ters hotel for the event after more and downtown Gaffney, South Caro- than 10 years at the Super 8 Hotel in lina, where Gen. James Williams, the Gaffney. highest ranking American killed at In addition, the South Atlantic Kings Mountain, is buried. KINGS MOUNTAIN COMMEMORATION — President General Joseph Dooley (center) with District Meeting, which is normally Downtown Gaffney was quickly SCSSAR Secretary Mark Anthony (left) and SCSSAR President Carroll Crowther at the 233rd conducted on the afternoon before chosen as the most logical location anniversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain commemoration Oct. 7. [Photo by Janet Norris] the celebration, was being moved to given its proximity to the new host the day of the celebration to accom- hotel and the gravesite. Contact with modate the travel schedule of Vice city officials quickly obtained agree- The South Carolina Society PRESORTED STANDARD Sons of the American Revolution President General Randy Moody. ment in hosting the event, but with US POSTAGE PAID Both of these changes were met some limitations on activities given Address Service Requested with a positive attitude and great ac- the short time frame before the cel- PERMIT NO. 920 ceptance by those who normally at- ebration. COLUMBIA, SC tended the celebration. In fact, the The primary limitation was that change in host hotels was universally the Color Guard would not be al- greeted with enthusiasm even before lowed to parade since the normal the actual stay. process for obtaining a parade per- Now a new wildcard was intro- mit took two weeks. Thus, plans were duced at what was practically the last announced that the alternate loca- moment. This wildcard would effec- tion for the celebration would be at tively prevent the NSSAR and other See Kings Mountain, page 11 will be submitted closer to the date of the Congress. 2014 National Congress Update 8) A venue for the Volunteer Re- By Mark C. Anthony tlefields. A decision on the catering and we received an enthusiastic en- ception has been finalized. This is an Host Society Chairman company is expected by the end of dorsement from Chairman Grassl at event on Thursday, July 17, to thank The 2014 Congress is now eight the year. the Fall Leadership Meeting in Lou- each volunteer for their help. It pro- months away! Since the last issue of 3) We have met with the National isville. vides an opportunity for the volun- The Palmetto Patriot the following de- Park Service to begin coordination of 5) A vendor and prize have been teers to meet the national leadership velopments have taken place: the tours at Kings Mountain, Cow- finalized for favors that will be pre- of both the SAR and the SAR Foun- 1) Requests for proposals have pens and Ninety Six. Final plans will sented to each lady in attendance dation. been received from four local char- be made at a meeting scheduled for during the Ladies Luncheon. 9) A contract has been negoti- ter bus companies. The proposals are February. 6) A contract with the organist for ated with the Holiday Inn Express & currently being reviewed by the Na- 4) Peter Grassl, National Congress the Memorial Service is currently in Suites at 407 N. Main St., Greenville tional Office, and a final decision is Planning Chairman, visited Green- negotiation and should be completed (one half block from the Hyatt) for expected before the end of the year. ville in late September and con- by the end of the year. use as an overflow hotel. This ho- 2) A number of local catering ducted meetings with the host hotel, 7) The City of Greenville has been tel is also recommended for the SC companies have been contacted con- church where the Memorial Service contacted concerning a parade per- Society volunteers. The room rate is cerning providing the barbecue meal will take place, and Convention & mit for the procession from the hotel $124 plus tax ($1 less than the Hy- during the Saturday tour to the bat- Visitors Bureau. The visit went well, to the Memorial Service. The permit See 2014 Congress Update, page 3 Page 2 Winter 2013 The Palmetto Patriot Remember our pledge to SAR: From the President’s Desk “We the descen- dants of the Do we take the SAR pledge seriously? heroes of the American Rev- My message this issue is short, but his shoe on the lectern, and said: until you will finally wake up and olution who, by I hope thought provoking. Today we “Your children’s children will live find that we have won. We won’t have their sacrifices, face an entirely different threat than under communism. You Americans to fight you; WE WILL SO WEAKEN established the our Patriot ancestors faced. Only 54 are so gullible. No, you won’t accept YOUR ECONOMY, until you fall like United States years ago, Nikita Krushchev stood communism outright; but we keep overripe fruit into our hands.” of America, re- Carroll Crowther before the United Nations, banged feeding you small doses of socialism Does any of this sound familiar? affirm our faith in the princi- ples of liberty and our Constitutional Thoughts on Government Republic, and solemnly pledge our- selves to defend them against every foe.” Each individual of the society has a right to be protected by it in the The next time we say the pledge, seriously think about what we say. enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property, according to standing laws. Do we mean it? He is obliged, consequently, to contribute his share to the expense of this protection; and to give his personal service, or an equivalent, when necessary. But no part of the property of any individual can, with justice, be taken Carroll Crowther from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of SCSSAR President the representative body of the people. In fine, the people of this common- wealth are not controllable by any other laws than those to which their The PalmeTTo constitutional representative body have given their consent. PaTrioT The Palmetto Patriot is published four times a year by the South Carolina Society John Adams, 1776 Sons of the American Revolution © 2013. Website www.scssar.org Subscriptions are sent automatically to members of the SCSSAR. SCSSAR 2013 Americanism Update President: Carroll Crowther The following are the cumulative Americanism Contest results through Nov. 15. Senior Vice President: Daniel K. Woodruff Low Country Vice President: Paul Grier Chapter Americanism PG Streamer PG Cup Categories Midlands Vice President: Doug Doster Daniel Morgan 5,950 3,850 157.63 15 Piedmont Vice President: Norm Pigeon Col. Robert Anderson 5,587 5,385 188.27 15 Pee Dee Vice President: Fredericke Oakes Gov. Paul Hamilton 2,861 1,250 62.84 14 Upstate Vice President: Greg Greenawalt Cambridge 1,146 1,500 65.84 12 Vice President for Chapter Renewal Major Gen. William Moultrie 981 890 13.39 10 and Revitalization: Bob Krause Gen. James Williams 916 250 47.01 11 Vice President for Chapter Formation Battle of Eutaw Springs 802 1,223 66.63 13 and Development: Redding I. “Rick” Corbett III Col. Thomas Taylor 645 355 9.59 9 Secretary: Mark C. Anthony Dr. George Mosse 600 220 19.95 10 Treasurer: Greg Ohanesian Col. William Bratton 487 380 31.87 11 Registrar: John T. Smith Gen. Francis Marion 410 250 37.80 8 Genealogist: John Marker Lemuel Benton 380 1,720 17.06 6 Historian: J.D. Norris Matthew Singleton 350 110 16.29 7 Chancellor: Bryan Caskey Gen. Andrew Pickens 305 170 15.45 6 Chaplain: Lawrence Peebles Col. Joseph Kershaw 211 215 35.16 7 National Trustee: Douglas B. Doster Godfrey Dreher 185 370 18.30 7 Alternate National Trustee: Mark C. Henry Laurens 0 50 0.63 1 Anthony South Carolina Society 22,626 24,780 NA NA * 12 categories must have points for a chapter to be eligible for consideration for the national President General’s Cup contest. Palmetto Patriot The following goals have been established: (1) each chapter recording 1,000 Americanism points, (2) each chapter recording points in 12 of 16 categories and (3) each chapter presenting a Flag Certificate.
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