Kolekcja RPG ROK NUMER # TYTUŁ TYTUŁ ORYGINALNY LINIA WYDAWCA ISBN WYDANIA KATALOGOWY 1 Hell 4 Leather (druk) Hell 4 Leather - Adrian Sprysak 2014 b/d b/d 2 Terminal Space - - Albert Rakowski 2010 b/d 978-1-4710-5440-2 3 Bandits & Battlecruisers - - Albert Rakowski 2012 b/d 978-1-300-65035-5 4 Perilous Ages - - Albert Rakowski 2016 b/d b/d 5 Puppetland (reedition HC color) - - Arc Dream Publishing 2016 APU9000 978-1-940410-22-7 6 Apocalypse World Apocalypse World - Argent Mark Games 2013 b/d 978-83-937982-1-6 7 Tales of Enthropy - - Creativia 2017 b/d 978-1547207879 8 3:16 Carnage Among the Stars - - Cubicle 7 Entertainment 2009 CB75300 978-1-907204-10-4 9 Hospiterror - - GameOx 2007 b/d 978-83-925898-0-8 10 Krwiożercze Duchy (broszura MC) Murderous Ghosts - Gindie 2016 b/d 978-83-64805-54-7 11 Krwiożercze Duchy (broszura gracza) Murderous Ghosts - Gindie 2016 b/d 978-83-64805-53-0 12 Trucizna Poison’d - Gindie 2017 b/d 978-83-64805-78-3 13 Grimtooth’s Ultimate Traps Collection - - Goodman Games 2015 GMG3488C 978-0996181303 14 Judges Guild Deluxe Collector’s Edition, Volume 1 - - Goodman Games 2017 GMG4614 978-0997473896 15 Adventurer’s Almanac - - Goodman Games 2017 GMG4373 9781946231116 16 The Dungeon Alphabet 4th printing (real leather edition) - - Goodman Games 2018 GMG4385U 978-0-9856811-4-2 17 Dziedzictwo Imperium - - Jakub Zapała 2010 b/d b/d 18 The First Fantasy Campaign - - Judges Guild 1977 b/d b/d 19 F'dech Fo's Tomb - - Judges Guild 1981 790 b/d 20 S/Lay w/Me (cz-b) S/Lay w/Me - Kuźnia Gier 2014 b/d 978-83-64473-06-7 21 S/Lay w/Me (kolor) S/Lay w/Me - Kuźnia Gier 2014 b/d 978-83-64473-18-0 22 Freemarket (box) - - Luke Crane / Jared Sorensen 2010 b/d b/d 23 Dogs in the Vineyard - - Lumpley Games 2004 b/d 0-9769042-0-9 24 Fajerbol - - Łukasz Kołodziej 2017 b/d b/d 25 Wiatyk - - Maciej Gajzlerowicz 2015 b/d 978-83-89765-98-7 26 STALKER gra fabularna (ebook) - - Mateusz Jańczyk, Marcin Segit 2015 b/d 978-83-937834-0-3 27 STALKER gra fabularna (hc) - - Mateusz Jańczyk, Marcin Segit 2016 (b/d) b/d 978-83-937834-0-3 28 Aphalon: Świat Księżycowego Ostrza - - Multi Medium 1995 b/d 83-903729-0-8 29 Charakternik - - Paweł Branecki 2012 b/d 978-83-934795-0-4 30 Ścieżka (wyd. II poprawione) - - Radosław Czerniak 2009 b/d b/d 31 Dungeon World - - RNDM Games / Piotr & Krzyś 2012 b/d b/d 32 Arkona - - S.PRINT 2003 b/d 83-919901-0-9 33 Zły Cień: Kruki Urojenia - - Szaman 1995 b/d 83-903557-0-1 34 Groty i Giganci - - Szymon Piecha 2018 b/d 978-83-948403-2-7 35 K1: Sunken City (First Print) - - TLB Games 2016 b/d b/d 36 K1: Sunken City (Deluxe Print) - - TLB Games 2016 b/d b/d 37 K1: Sunken City (Colector’s Print) - - TLB Games 2016 b/d b/d 38 Trójca - - Tomasz Popielarczyk 2009 b/d b/d 39 Bullwinkle and Rocky Roleplaying Party Game (box) - - TSR 1988 1035 0-88038-569-3 40 Oko Yrrhedesa - - Wydawnictwo MAG 1995 b/d 83-86572-16-7 Marcin 'Seji' Segit – kolekcja RPG Strona 1 z 20 17.04.2021 Kolekcja RPG 41 Poza Czasem - - Wydawnictwo Menhir 2004 b/d 83-89765-00-4 42 Kiedy Rozum Śpi Don't Rest Your Head - Wydawnictwo Portal 2009 b/d 978-83-60565-18-0 43 Cold City Cold City - Wydawnictwo Portal 2010 b/d 978-83-60-525-24-1 44 InSpectres InSpectres - Wydawnictwo Portal 2010 b/d 978-83-60-525-27-2 45 Honor i Krew Blood & Honor - Wydawnictwo Portal 2011 b/d b/d 46 Palace of the Vampire Queen V2 (reprint) - - Pacesetter Game & Simulation 2012 3009 b/d 47 Reformator - - Svenska Kyrkans Unga 2018 b/d 978-91-87839-13-09 48 Słowianie - - Hengal 2018 b/d 978-83951967-1-3 49 Fours - - Trollhalla Press 2019 b/d b/d 50 Aria Roleplaying - - Last Unicorn Games 1994 LU 1001 0-9645903-0-1 51 Grimtooth’s Lair (reprint) - - Goodman Games 2018 b/d b/d 52 Woje Miodomiła - - Ragana 2013 b/d 978-83-932946-0-2 53 The Cthulhu Alphabet (foil cover) - - - 2019 GMG4387M 978-1950783311 54 Palace of the Vampire Queen (reprint) - - Precis Intermedia 2019 b/d b/d 55 The Dwarven Glory (reprint) - - Precis Intermedia 2020 b/d b/d 56 The Misty Isles (reprint) - - Precis Intermedia 2020 b/d b/d 57 Ostrza w mroku Blades in the Dark - Stinger Press 2020 SP0001 978-83-63698-82-2 58 Dallas - - SPI 1980 2990 b/d 59 Adventures in Fantasy - - Excalibre Games 1979 b/d b/d 60 Bloode Island / Shriek - 1PG Deep7 2003 DSV400 0-9710820-0-6 61 2300 AD: The Canon on CD-ROM - 2300 AD Far Future Enterprises 2005 0230 1-55878-230-3 62 The Rogues Gallery - AD&D TSR 1980 9031 0-935696-18-0 63 Wilderness Survival Guide - AD&D TSR 1986 2020 0-88038-291-0 64 Dungeoneer’s Survival guide - AD&D TSR 1986 2019 0-88038-272-4 65 Return to the Tomb of Horrors (box) - AD&D TSR 1998 1162 0-7869-0732-0 66 Monster Manual (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D Wizards of the Coast 2012 02400000 978-0-7869-6242-6 67 Dungeon Master's Guide (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D Wizards of the Coast 2012 02390000 978-0-7869-6241-9 68 Player's Handbook (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D Wizards of the Coast 2012 02410000 978-0-7869-6243-3 69 Unearthed Arcana (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D Wizards of the Coast 2013 A35730000 978-0-7869-6444-4 70 Dungeons of Dread (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D Wizards of the Coast 2013 A45350000 978-0-7869-6461-1 71 Against the Slave Lords (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D Wizards of the Coast 2013 A45360000 978-0-7869-6462-8 72 Fiend Folio - AD&D TSR 1981 2012 0-935696-21-0 73 Monster Manual II - AD&D TSR 1983 2016 0-88038-031-4 74 Deities and Demigods (2nd print) - AD&D TSR 1980 2013 0-935696-22-9 75 World of Greyhawk - AD&D / Greyhawk TSR 1983 1015 0-935696-23-7 76 Greyhawk Adventures - AD&D / Greyhawk TSR 1988 2023 0-88038-649-5 77 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill - AD&D / Ravenloft TSR 1986 9181 0-88038-233-4 78 Ravenloft - AD&D / Ravenloft TSR 1983 9075 0-88038-042-X 79 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (reincarnated) - AD&D 1e / D&D 5e Goodman Games 2019 GMG50003 978-1-946231-80-2 80 Rozkładana Osłona Mistrza Podziemi Dungeon Master Screen AD&D 2e TM-Semic 1995 9263PL 83-96-187-79-4 81 Karty cech postaci Character Record Sheets AD&D 2e TM-Semic 1995 9264PL 83-86187-76-X Marcin 'Seji' Segit – kolekcja RPG Strona 2 z 20 17.04.2021 Kolekcja RPG 82 Podręcznik Gracza Player’s Handbook AD&D 2e TM-Semic 1995 2101 83-86187-73-5 83 Księga Potworów Monstrous Manual AD&D 2e TM-Semic 1996 2140PL 83-86187-83-2 84 Przewodnik Mistrza Podziemi Dunegon Master Guide AD&D 2e TM-Semic 1996 2160PL 83-86187-80-8 85 The Complete Psionics Handbook - AD&D 2e TSR 1991 2117 1-56076-054-0 86 Tome of Magic - AD&D 2e TSR 1991 2121 1-56076-107-5 87 Council of Wyrms - AD&D 2e TSR 1994 1107 1-56076-857-6 88 Player's Option: Combat & Tactics - AD&D 2e TSR 1995 2149 0-7869-0096-2 89 Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns - AD&D 2e TSR 1995 2156 0-7869-0168-3 90 Player's Option: Skills & Powers - AD&D 2e TSR 1995 2154 0-7869-0149-7 91 I, Tyrant - AD&D 2e TSR 1996 9521 0-7869-0404-6 92 Player's Option: Spells & Magic - AD&D 2e TSR 1996 24163 0-7869-0394-5 93 The Illithiad - AD&D 2e TSR 1998 9569 0-7869-1206-5 94 Campaign Option: Council of Wyrms Setting - AD&D 2e TSR 1999 TSR11383 0-7869-1383-5 95 Reverse Dungeon - AD&D 2e Wizards of the Coast 2000 TSR1392 0-7869-1392-4 96 Player's Handbook (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D 2e Wizards of the Coast 2013 35740000 978-0-7869-6445-1 97 Dungeon Master Guide (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D 2e Wizards of the Coast 2013 35760000 978-0-7869-6447-5 98 Monster Manual (Premium Ed. Reprint) - AD&D 2e Wizards of the Coast 2013 35750000 978-0-7869-6446-8 99 The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga - AD&D 2e TSR 1995 9471 0-7864-0116-0 100 Sword and Crown - AD&D 2e / Birthright TSR 1995 3102 0-7869-0176-4 101 Birthroght Campaign Setting (box) - AD&D 2e / Birthright TSR 1995 3100 0-7869-0143-8 102 The Sword of Roele - AD&D 2e / Birthright TSR 1996 3118 0-7869-0374-0 103 The Ruins of the Undermountain (box) - AD&D 2e / Forgotten Realms TSR 1991 1060 1-56076-061-3 104 Fires of Zatal - AD&D 2e / Forgotten Realms TSR 1991 9333 2-56076-139-3 105 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (box) - AD&D 2e / Forgotten Realms TSR 1993 1085 1-56076-617-4 106 Undermountain: The Lost Level - AD&D 2e / Forgotten Realms TSR 1996 9519 0-7869-0399-6 107 Planescape Campaign Setting - AD&D 2e / Planescape TSR 1994 2600 1-56076-834-7 108 Harbinger House - AD&D 2e / Planescape TSR 1995 2614 0-7869-0154-3 109 Realm of Terror (box) - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1990 1053 0-88038-853-6 110 Touch of Death - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1991 9338 1-56076-144-X 111 Night of the Walking Dead - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1992 9352 1-56076-350-7 112 Van Richten’s Guide to Ghosts - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1992 9355 1-56076-351-5 113 Forbidden Lore - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1992 1079 1-56076-354-X 114 Castle Forlorn - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1993 1088 1-56076-645-X 115 Van Richten’s Guide to the Lich - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1993 9412 1-56076-572-0 116 Masque of the Red Death - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1994 1103 1-56076-877-0 117 Van Richten’s Guide to the Created - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1994 9417 1-56076-819-3 118 The Nightmare Lands - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1995 1124 0-7869-0174-8 119 When Black Roses Bloom - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1995 9476 0-7869-0101-2 120 Requiem: the Grim Harvest - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1996 1146 0-7869-0431-3 121 Ravenloft Campaign Setting 2e: Domains of Dread - AD&D 2e / Ravenloft TSR 1997 2174 0-7869-0672-3 122 Nowe Światy I - Adventurers Fajne RPG 2014 b/d 978-83-64473-16-6 Marcin 'Seji' Segit – kolekcja RPG Strona 3 z 20 17.04.2021 Kolekcja RPG 123 Adventurers (edycja rozszerzona) Adventurers Adventurers Fajne RPG 2014 b/d 978-83-64473-14-2 124 Nowe Światy II - Adventurers Fajne RPG 2014 b/d 978-83-64473-23-4 125 Aftermath! 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