1 i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF 1 MIDDLESEX COUNTY 1 AND ,ii,,idgp is flooded with ., iv,i rirkels ...the bogus W00DBRI0QE WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER ,M, so nearly perfect ,„ v will in all probabll- TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR TOWNSHIP „ n, circulation for WOODBRIDGE,.N. J., FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL <), 19S7. PRICE THREE CENTS i d, come. We join the 1 .,.imitv in congratulating' TOWNSHIP CLERK DUNIGAN GIVES OATH OF OFFICE TO KEATING Fvcati ngt Woodbridge^s SYCKLE TO pninv chief....he deserved ,'i,|i(imtment ...The town- iiimmittee is to be com- OPEN NEW SUNK Citizens' Committee ,1 Welcome to Rev. :,,., McC'orrlston, new pas- ,,i si James' Catholic i. Ho will take over his 60 DAYS hire next Sunday....Prin VIERECK. TO MEET WITH SO Demands Resignation Arthur C. ferry will vu nd Barnegat Bay JERSEY GROUP NEXT .uniincr in a new 27 foot WEEK if now being built for lim Garland, of Menlo WOODBRIDGE.—Part 17 013 Commissioners of the breath-taking aerial, -..iiurday, April 17th will be HK; day In Perth Amboy the "Woodbridge Bank Mys- Donato, Aiud and Urban Refu», Demand* Ai Unwar- ,,..t master General Jim Far- tery," was held this week ranted—Committee Threaten to Ask Townahip Council , will dedicate the new with the "South Jersey Bank- To Abolish Fifth Fire District—P*bli»hed Budget At- ,,,i office on that day... Blab- ing Interests" reporting "No tacked As Incorrect, ,, invitations for the af- . I, H. in the malls ...Avenel further progress" and Frank . ^iMlrann are "het up" be- Van Syckle announcing that GRIEVANCES AIRED AFTER MEETING iivr their "honored ffueit" he has received official per- ui ,url, little time at (fcelr mission to start business in A VENKt.—Resolutions, presented by the Citizens" ..,„• list Satlddy night P»- Woodbridge. committee demanding that Patrick Donato, John Urban .i;,,,.,, COVPIHI and BMwp . aiKl John Azud, majority members of the Board of Fire ,-nlitled to a shiny medal Eugene Viereck, receiver of tne i: SOMETHING, for their First National Bank and Trust Co., Commissioners of District No. 5, resign immediately, went firing efforts In handing oat informed a reprsentatlve of this unheeded last night, with the result that the committee i, ,-u hv (he score In Hie n- newspaper that he had expected threatens to go to the Township Commitee requesting that n! r!rui- acslnst tpttitn . a meeting with the "South Jersey tin- fire district be abolished. .vi-1« o men, rldlnc toiettier group" yesterday but that it had " , . The Cjtuen*'Coinroittee, com- i,,I more summonses than been postponed until Tuesday or posed of Henry Mades, chairman; , i.ii.il Issued by the rest of Wednesday of next week. Walter Manaker, secretary; Paul ili p;irtment Sam FtlTett, " I wiU enptst * daUntie deekion from them at that time as to COMMITTEE WILL Solomon, Arthur L. Saywell, E. • n< u.u-d (i. O. P. commit - | Rcrgrr, James J. CroWtey, Mm , nun, who IS In the driver's whether or not they inted to take jLabot, J. M. McAndrews and S. H. : politically, should TAKE 1>P their optlop on the bank build- ing." he said. j Pinkham, presented the three mem i uit.ue of the situation. NOT NAME HEAD» Meanwhile Van Syckle an- bers with copies of the resolution ! IMIIV how politicians nounced the contents of a \elegram demanding their resignation. ept continual pats oo» addressed to him from J. F. T. 0'- OF BUREAU YET • Donato, chairman of the board, K without batting an Cohner, comptroller, which reads emphatically stated: :. Sing endless praiie as follows: KEATING WILL CONTINUE "I will not resign." ;;ciits running Township ' "Woodbridge National Bank, Photo by Woodbrldgp Studio. BOTH POSTS FOR FEW He was followed by John Urban nd you're a "SWELL Number 14,379, authorized to com- md John A*ud who made similar Standing at his desk at police headquarters, Chief George E. flowers on the desk were sent by well-wishers. Keating was svoin WEEKS with capital letters... mence buslnew. Charter will be itatements. Azud justified his posi Keating and Township Clerk B. Joseph Dunigan, show how the oaih into office in the presence of the Township Committee, members of v : L; IS too good for you... mailed to you." ion by saying: ;: minds they are models In making known the contents of office was administered at the former's home Monday night. The his family and close friends an hour after his appointment. WOODBRIDGE. — Who "The committee and citizens of : :ic'ion AND he who of the telegram, Van Syckle said will be Chief George E, Keat- the fifth district should try to rea- WOODBRIDGE.—Before mem- the late Chief James A. Walsh. er, John V. Hunt, Judge Arthur, i in write anything but "We are all organized and ready Woodbridte Product lize what the Board had to con- bers of his immediate family, the Among those present were: Mil. Brown and C. R. Davis. ing'a successor as head of the .'..:,U phrases in their be- The officers of the Perth George E. Keating was born in tend with when they took the Township Committee and close George Keating, Edward Keating, detective bureau? That is : ,. ;. leper They cannot y National bank will act in Appointment No Surprise Woodbridge o-n July 4, 1892 the books over. It took a long time to friends, Chief^rf Police George .£, Mrs. Sena MeGuirk, Mayor August •h just criticism...^ big Woodbridge too. 1 will be presi- KeutLng's appointment was con- son of Peter and Anna (Kenna) the burning question in the straighten out the books and re- Keating was sworn into office by F. Grelner, Committeemen Fred _>•(• up about the unfair- dent, August Stout, vice president sidered a foregone conclusion and Keating. He was educated in the /icinity of police headquart- cords and if this is their apprecia- Township Clerk B. J. Dunigan at Spencer, John Bergen, Charles J. f it all The newspaper- and Allyn Petersen will be tempor- came as no surprise. He was sen- public schools of the township. tion, I wish to thank them." the former's home at 179 Decker Alexander, James Schaffrick, Er- ers these days, i i: • ho two yean ago was a ary cashier." ior officer and next in line for the At the age of 16, "Dick" as he in place Monday night after the Town nest W. Nier and Samuel Farrell, promotion. He had the entire back- popularly called, went to work for Police Commissioner Ernest Nier Urban directing his remarks at so and so, today U a ' Mr. Van Syckle advised this pa- ship Committee at an earlier ses- Miss Ruth Wolk, Elmer J. Vecsey, ing of the Township Committee, the Barter Asphalt Company at has nothing to say on the subject Mades declared that "it was strict- |1 l'.n years from now it per that although he knew the ly a personal grievance on Mr. sion had unanimously named him Windsor J. Lakis, Thomas Patten, both Republican and Democratic! Maurer. He soon developed into a and ventured the opinion "that i, v.a>-versa.,.When will charter had been granted, he could not a thing would be done for a Mades' part." to the position to take the place of Edward Peterson, Michael J, Train members. (Continued on page two) li.iys wise-up to the fact not start before certain require- few weeks." Chief Keating was Donato again took the floor and "we'll- be here when ments had been met. All such re- likewise silent and pointed out that r 1 outlined his position as follows: i. ..:< gone", and forgotten. quirements have been taken care TAKES OATH OF OFFICE LAUDED he had plenty to do to get adjusted "I intend to sit tight This com- li paid Jouph McAndrewi (Continued on page.eight) WOODBRIDGE.—The new- to his new position and at the mittee is unfair and does not re- WOODBRIDGE.—Harold W. BRILLIANT PATRIOTIC CELEBRATION ly appointed chief of police, Continued on Page Eight ('olunla to attend the Avenel present the majority. The commit- Gardner, of Avenel was sworn ire (ommlssionefi meetlnf George E. Keating, was laud- tee came here tonight with this in as Justice of the Peace tor •i night He made a water ed this week by James J. Ma- resolution already drawn to ask the term of five years at the i king up his optnlon and RECEPTION FOR PLANNED BY 1SEUN VETERANS Of l(\ney, head of the New Jersey four our resignations. Regardless County Clerk's office this week. PP<ned to be ccrrsci Nice division of the United States DEATH BLOW IS of the outcome of the meeting, At first it was believed that Secret Service, for the part he .iirk Jo*- The meeting ended they had their minds made up. E. L. Berger, of Avenel was the played in uncovering the n uproar when the Cltl- NEW PRIEST TO FOREIGN WARS, SATURDAY, MAY 29 The whole thing on the face of It winning candidate, but a check counterfeit plant in Avenel. i <'iiiiunlttec stain demand DEALT TO LOCAL is unfair." of the votes by the county re- In a letter addressed to May I Out DonaUi, Atud and lir- JSEL1N.—O:U!> of tli laigest Patriotic celebrations vealed the fact that Gardner or August F. Greiner, Maloney Labat, a member of the "citizens' un ri-stgii Of course the BE HELD TONITE was the victor. ever held in the Township is being planned by the schools, said: unit, stressed the fact that in nis iimmissiuners refused to do opinion, the "Board of Commis- i churches, fire companies and other groups of Iselin in con- "We wish to express our PWA PROJECTS And the battle Is an It sioners did not perform its duties JST.
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