BE WISE TO ALL ABOUT THE PROVIDENCE BIG GAME 'AROUND TOWN' "SPORT REVIEW" —Pg. 4 —Pg. 5 VOL. XXII, No. 9 — EIGHT PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., JANUARY 13, 1960 10 CENTS A COPY 9th ROTC Ball Set For Feb. 5; Tickets On Sale The ninth annual Military Ball will be held at the Sheraton-Biltmore Ballroom on Friday, February 5. This event, sponsored by the Cadet Officers Honor Club, is the top attraction on the College's social cal• endar. General chairman Thomas* ~ l M Cng ge 1 Gï»y, L c. 1 ' /t S6rViCCS -ill P'<* f've finalists. The of Ralph Stuart and h,s orches- w¡„ be selected a, ,hc tra to supply the music. The bal, Follow¡„g her corona- decorations committee is head- t¡on thc n wi„ of[idaU ed by Ronald Jalbert and Paul receive tne junior pledges int(1 0rcnler the Cadet Officers Honor Club Queen To Be Crowned i by presenting them with a dis- Highlight of the evening will I tinctive blue fourragère, be the crowning of the queen j Bucklin, Moore Are Chairmen A SCALPING? Providence's traveling cheer- Manley, Robert Grathwol and Robert who will reign over the Mili- Don Buckl¡n and Tom „ ing section turns the tables on the Bradley Owens. The action took place during the tary Ball and the final cadet re- c(M,nairmcn ot the tlcket com. University Brave—Joe Summers, left to halftime of the P.C.-Bradley basketball game view and parade in May. The m¡ttee nave ann0lmced that tne right are Donald Brown, Summers, J. R. last month. honor guard for the queen will Dids for ae Ball are now m consist of members of the Per- sale at ^ 50 and ^ shing Rifles Company of Provi- cbascd A 0le HarlanJ Hall der.ee College Joseph Scorpio ; ticket boot„ and from mem. and George Dwyer, co-chairmen IDe r „r [ed „f the Cadet Science Grants Will Inaugurate Friars Formal of the queen committee Officers Honor Club. The co- placed a ballot box on the sec-1 chairmen urge that tickets be ond floor of Harkins Hall. i . Set For Friday bought as early M possible be Experimental Research Program The thirty-second edition All students who are Inter- cause they will be limited, ested in their dates' being queen ^ of the Friar's Formal, spon• R0TC cadets and other are asked to submit a picture | , . ' The National Institutes of Health announced their sored annually by the Friar's lary pers0Ime will wear regula ipproval of the Experimental Honors Research Train- Club for the entire student of her no later than January 29. ¡ tl0n unifornB t0 the formal af ncr Program to be inaugurated at Providence College. body of Providence College, The picture must be placed in i fair. Members of the student Recognizing the urgent need* will be held this Friday night an envelope along with the fol- ¡ body who do not come under in Raymond Hall. or more, well-trained research tions for specialized training lowing: name of candidate, her ! either of these categories will workers in the fields allied to and advanced techniques, Bids for the non-floral address, and the name of her : wear tuxedoes. In keeping with he health sciences, the Insti- Only eighteen students will dance are on sale at $4.00. escort. The chairmen and mem- tradition the Ball will be non- bers of the queen committee floral. utes will support, for five be admitted to the Experimental Favors will be presented to the dates of the students at• ears, a new experiment in the Honors Research Training Pro- tending. mdergraduate training of ex- gram each year. They will be eptionally able students. selected on the basis of balance The dance will be the first all-college formal affair to be Two concentrations will be amonf . e^'io™1 ,a™demiC held in Raymond Hall. Music Tufts Prof. Will Speak, offered, one in Biology, the records in High School, the rec- will be by the 12-piece Billy •ther in Physics and Chemistry omrnendations of their High Thomas Orchestra, who will m students, irrespective of %hool Principals and teachers, play from 9 to 1. The group, heir preference in concentra- their records in the College En- trance oard directed by Tom Turrichi, is ion, will receive broad and in- ? examinations and better known around campus Dr. Gibson Addresses DES ensive instruction in mathe- Pe[?ona^ only as the "Swinging Friars". Count Dillon Gibson, Jr., done at Columbia Presbyterian natics, phyics, chemistry and high scholastic ability but a sin- Medical Center in New York «ology. A generous portion of «re enthusiasm for scientific Chairman George Gunther M.D., Professor of Preventive he student's time will be de- research will be sought for in has announced that tickets Medicine at Tufts University City. Dr. Gibson was attached voted to nonscientific cultural i candidates The grant to Proyi- may be purchased from any Medical School, will address to the Medical Corps of the courses (Foreign Language, dence College from the Na- Friars Club member and will Theta Chapter, Delta Epsilon U. S. Army with the rank of English, History and Philoso- tional Institutes of Health will also be on sale during the Sigma on tonight, Wednesday Captain as Chief of Laboratory evening, at 7:30 p.m. in the Service in Vienna, Austria. ony) t provide tuition and laboratory 10:20 break in the Rotunda fees for local students and as well as in the cafeteria Guild Room of Alumni Hall at A discussion period will fol• The ideal of the program is ^ard and room in addition for during both lunch periods. Providence College. Dr. Gibson low Dr. Gibson's lecture, which 'o move students through their (Continued on Page 2) ! has addressed many responsive will be open to the public. "ducational training at a maxi• audiences in the East and the subject of his coming lecture mum pace commensurate with will be "The Catholic Church I their abilities and health. and Race Relations." Hence, no definite duration will ae assigned to any specific Knights 'Open House' The Rev. John P. Reid, mod• course but, as soon as it is felt erator of the Aquinas Society, ihat the student has received has announced that the regular the maximum benefit from a meeting scheduled for tonight given course, he will move on Attended By PC Men has been suspended, so that to the next more advanced members may attend the pub• whether or not a semester has Mr. H. S. Parker, Grand McGivney of New Haven, Con• lic lecture sponsored by Theta been completed. Knight of the Providence Coun• necticut, as a Catholic Frater• Chapter, Delta Epsilon Sigma. cil of the Knights of Columbus, nal Society for men to provide Dr. Gibson, born in Coving• The curriculum incorporates welcomed a large gathering of care for the widows and orphans ton, Georgia, is a convert to the several innovations. The major Catholic men including many of the membership, to foster Catholic Church, and has been portion of the science class Providence College students to fellowship among the members, active in the cause of inter• work will be concentrated into an "open house" meeting on to aid the cause of religion, and racial justice, very notably dur• the first two years. The final Monday evening, January 11. to perform charitable, educa• ing his residence for six years two years, including the sum• The film entitled "Noble Heri• tional, and patriotic works for while teaching at the Medical mers after the sophomore and tage," the story of the K. of C, the benefit of their fellow men College of Virginia in Rich• junior years will be predom- i was viewed and the purpose of and their country. Today, its mond. He attended Emory Uni• inantly devoted to actual re• the society, its activities and membership — representing ev• versity, Atlanta, Georgia, re• search in the field of the stu• its membership requirements ery walk of life—exceeds one ceiving both his Bachelor of dent's choice. Provision is also were discussed. million. Science degree and his medical made for the temporary trans• The K, of C. was founded in The Grand Knight recently degree from that institution. fer of students to other institu- 1882 by the Rev. Michael J. (Continued on Page 3) His post graduate work was DR. C. D. GIBSON THE COWL, JANUARY 13, 1960 MEMO FROM THE EDITOR: The New York Post, the big city's Science Grants To PC... only "in the red" tabloid, continued (Continued from Page 1) * students from localities at a dis• along its mixed-up way last week. The tance from Providence. Stipends are also granted for summer sheet, which boasts one of the top sports research work. WDOM Plans Modernization staffs in the country (but little else) The accelerated pace and greater intensity of the courses carried a couple of real puzzlers last will require a considerable And Expansion In Near Future week. amount of personal tutorial in- : struction on the part of the pro• "The coming year should themselves of facilities at PC. fessorial staff. For this reason bring significant advances in Several have indicated an ac• One, unfortunately, was an alibying and to allow expansion of the WDOM's operations." According | tive interest and will join research program at Providence j to Kevin Stursberg, news direc-1 WDOM's staff. editorial. The other was the paper's College, one additional staff tor and QXR weekend network i The College Radio Corpora• .coordinator. "Specifically." unsubstantial and undeserved attack on member will be added to each tion will continue to be the of the four science faculties.
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