# *—» FAR NORTH AIR MAIL .— ■■■ ... EDMONTON. Alta.—'The first step I Radio to the Northwest Territories Use Brownsville Herald Merchandise — Features open Today’st* Mrs. Wagner | j _Rentals J with a of post offices has 21 Miscellaneous SUNDAY, 4 string SEPTEMBER (Central and Eastern Standard Time) come with the announcement that Classified Ads Miscel. 65 Houses I'rograms subject to change. Daytime. (Daylight time one hour later.) an air mail service may be opened RESTAURANT FIXTURES and 54 For Sale —All New Head programs to key and basic chain or groups thereof unless sped- Of to the far north, including points on good location for sale; also barber FURNISHED also neG; coast to to Get Results Apartments; coast (e to cj designation Includes all available stations. Great Bear The lake Frank FIVE FOOT poultry wire; new Lake. region shop fixtures, Phillips, sar. four room house; twelve room lay in* Associated Press) (HORSING) three thirty nine roll water pipe; is populated with miners after ra- Benito D120 boarding house; tourist NBCWEAF NETWORK Cent. East. roofing bought and sold. cottages; Church dium pitch-blend. The planes will Classified rates art: galvanized office rooms; restaurant — 6:00— 7:00—Morning Muslea'e—wabe Group location. •ASIC East: weaf wtlc to a 20 words or leas, one insertion. .40c Auction Sales, Harlingen, Texas. (key) weel 7:00— 8:00—The Junior attempt operate on regular Phillips San Benito. wtag wcah wfl wfbr wrc Bugle Hardware, |^J*r wilt wgy 8:00— 9:00—The Madison schedule. Over E14 wrcaa wtam Singer* dally 20 words, one Insertion Dll* i^ten wrwrj waai; Midweet: 8:30— 9:30—Salon Orchestra wc,l k*d woc-who wow wdaf (Special to the Herald) per word . 1c tj!1*! 9:00—10.00—Children's flour — wabc Business Services 4 CANADIAN — wtmj More than six thousand locations 55 Boats & Accessories FOR RENT—One NORTHWEST only: Mahoney A Carlile. Songs SAN BENITO, Sept. 3 —New of- Subsequent Insertions run con- of nicest S room kitp webc clct I _—-- wday l.'yr ckgw of n the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian houses tn — 9:30—10:30—The Voice St. Louis 22 secutively. per word I San unfurnish- BOUTH wrva wptf wwnc wta wjax ficers of the Federated Missionary Beauty Shops He Benito; 10:30—11:30— Reis and Dunn—c to c oceans have been found to have Minimum 10 words fishing out- at wria-wsun wiod wsm wrac wsb wapi WILL SELL cypress ed; reasonable rate. Write P. 10:45—11:45—Deutsch Orchestra—c to c wsmh w Societies of San Benito were In- I of more than 6000 feet. and ail kvoo wlaa depths — motor trailer; O •fW* wky bap kprc 11:15—12:15—Radio in SPECIAL Steam By month, pn word 30c I board boat, Box 1144 or phone 339. San ^oal ktba ktha Education—toe Croquignole 11:30—12:30— Faculty Recital—c to c stalled in ceremonies conducted by ends for I m fine shape. A good bargain. Be nil o. kdyl kclr kghl waves, ringlety $*’5o. No classified advertisement ac- <1 EfPiJ.^iTA,N~ltoa (AFTERNOON > Lola The body of a full-grown ele- or D126 _ PACIFIC—kgo kfl kaw komo kpo Mrs. Payne, retiring presi- waves 25c ex- for leas than 40c Phone 926 937. khq 12:00— Min. Men—c to o Artistic finger by cepted | *eca kex kjr kga kfsd k-.ar kgu 1:00—Thirty dent, on the lawn of the First phant contains about 70 gallons of FOR RENT—Residence newly fin- 12:30— 1:30—Organ Recital—c to c perienced operators. Amaya s Shop. church. Baskets of pure oil. LOCAL READER RATES 60 Flowers ished; close ll rooms. Robert <HOR.VI.VCJ 1:00— 2:00—Symphonic Hour—« to e Methodist Phone 1605. D117 Seeds, Plants, In; Cant. East. 2:00— 3:00—Cathedral Hour—c to c flowers added to the attractive- Runyon, 812 St. Charles, Phone LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Readers, per Inch 11 23 •:°0— 7:00—Melody Hour—east only 3:00— 4:00—Irene Beasley—c to c 00 cash for 1 K*»J- ness. — ■■ —" PAY $2.'t Dill mrnrnmmmm ■ ■mi— — Second and third 3 WILL 7:00— with Trio 28 Moving, Trucks, Storage days, Ho per 8:00—Balladeera Mrs. D. O. E3 7:30— Woodwinds N6C-W J NETWORK Wagner, incoming word; fourth, fifth and piano Call 1233 V sixth — 8:30—Sparklet* Sealed will be received days FOR RENT 3 room Alden Base made a talk in whicn proposals cottage, • Edktna, BASIC CHAIN—East: wb«* president, AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, 800 3o per word; 7 consecutive ■ :w— wj* <ke>) by the City of Brownsville, Texas days kitchen and 9:00—Gordon String Quartet wbia wbai wham kdka wlw; she of the service which the WANTED certified citrus trees a* bathroom; fronting ■ wgar wjr spoke Washington. Moving and crating 2 word *:30—The Southland Sketched until 10 o'clock a. m. September Ho per per day. grammar school on J5— Midwest: wcky kyw kfkx wenr wls societies to render Ls‘. Ninth street; • of hope during Phone 421. U66 price. Smith-Dulaney Company, :0O—10:0<^—impre»a-on» Italy kwk kwer koli wren wmaq 17th, 1932 for the furnishing of very low rent. Phone nine. E3 o the Nat L Bank D97 9:30—10:30—Major Bowes—c to NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — WtmJ coming year. 2500 ft* 2 1-2 Inch Standard Thread To Insure publication on tbs tame Bldg. 10:30—11:30—Legion of The Lost Other new- officers are Mrs. W. Legal notices 1c per word each in- wiba kstp webc wday kfyr ckgw cfcf Fire Hose. 5 ROOM furnished 11:00—12:00—Marimba Band—Also c wrva wwnc wis Coupling MASON TRANSFER CO. sertion. house; frlgid- SOUTH -♦ wptf wjax R. Brown, vice president; Mrs 61 Wanted Miscellaneous aire. 11:30—12:30—Great Composer*— c to e wsm should be Can be seen after wfla-wsun wtod wmo wsb wapi Proposals submitted lay. classified ads must be In the -__- Saturday. Jesse Thompson, treasurer; Miss Contractors for Missouri (AFTERXOON t wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre on basis of c sh In ten office by 10 a. m. on week days, 1625 Grant or P'.one 1360. the days cows woal ktbs kths Flora Stookey, secretary; and Mrs Pacific Ry. and 4 m. for DODGE SEDAN—trade for •H=30- 1:30— Moonshine 4 Honeysuckle ; after delivery, or on terms, and by p. Saturday Sun- — MOUNTAIN—I.o* kdyl kghl J used furniture Chev- 2:00—Wayne King Orch. kglr E. Bell, reporter. addressed Pick and service lay's paper. or late model FOR RENT 3 room cottages on 1:30— PACIFIC — kco kfi komo to the City Secretary, up delivery Forum—c to o COAST kgw formal the rolet truck and difference. 2:30—Sunday The part of program of All Kinds Check ad when It pay 3rd A St. Francis on 2:00— 3;00—Jane Froman—c to c khq kpo kr*a kex kjr kga kfsd ktar City of Brownsville. Texas. Hauling your first ap- streets; pave- was followed entertainment as the Herald Is not Frank Phillips, San Benito. D121 and •:IS— by — ment; water, con- 3:15— Elisabeth and Vaa, Piano* (HORNING) By order of the City Commission 1105 ADAMS ST. PHONE 139 pears respon- light gas 2:30— 3:30— Le : numbers a solo by sible for more than one incorrect nections with Trio Charmante—eaal Cent. East. including piano of the City of Brownsville. Texas, Packing of All Kinds water heater tank. Mrs. Bruce B. Clark; reading insertion. 62 Let’s Telephone 1190. CBS-WABC NETWORK 6:00— 7:00—Tone Pictures—east only by this first day of September, A. D. Swap D93 7:00— 8:00—NBC Children's Hour Jean vocal trio Misses — Brady, BASIC CHAIN East: wabc ! by 1932. NOTE: All Classified Advertising If (Key) 8:00— *:CO—Modern Instrumer’ahst* EIGHT ROOM wade woko wcao waab wnac Barbara, Barrier, Maud Nosier and on a Cash Basis. 5 H. P. engine and belt to HOUSE with two- wgr wkbw | 8 30— 9:30—Fiddler* Three A Piano H VAN HORN. Strictly pump wkrc whk ckok wdre wi mule. car garage. All modern 8:45— 9 45—A Soig for Today, Orasn Dorothy Glyn Ward with Mrs trade for gcod work horse or convtn- yrjas wean wfbl w-j I wtnal; Midwest: City Secretary. Phone No. 8 and ask for Miss lences. 9:00—10:00— Mcrrny Muslcjle, Venal Cecil Morris accompanying, read- Financial Box 115. Olmito, : Close in. Phone 1270. wbbm wgn wfbm k:nbc wcco kinux 9-2-10t-4457 j Classified, she will take Tex._E5 10:00—11:00—Co H'.rt Organ P't til u.... your ad. EAST AND CANADIAN — ing by Miss Helen Margaret Hanch- wpg wph 10:30—11:30—« rnner ’Cellist give helpful suggestions If wanted, wlbw whec wfca Idyll*. wlbs wore cfib ckac 11:0O—'2:00—E b'leal Dr:mi <1 T-n ey, violin solo by Miss Margaret and tell you what the ad will coat. — F-—» DIXIE wgst wf.«a wbre »bt wdod 41 11:30—12 30—Clyde rorrr's Saxophor ?» Mac Rhoades, solo by Sara Ped- Real Est. Loans Then later In the day a boy will Rentals r knox klra wre-c wlac wdsu wtoc krla FOR RENT call on you with the bill and you wrr ktrh ktsa waco wdbo (AFTERNOON > raza, a Spanish hymn by Vicenta Announcements kfjf wqam I him.
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