FTD ED: DEATH, JOY, AND the houghton CHRISTMASTIME OPINIONS, P. 6 r I . ALBUM REVIEW: vi 15 4 .5 FIVE IRON FRENZY FEATURES, P. 5 0 M C. -- D.. STAR ARTIST OF THE WEEK: CAFFEINATED CREATIVE JANE STAIRS FEATURES, P. 8 FEATURES, P. 5 Houghton College's Student Newspaper Since 1909 December 13 2013 Vol. 112, NO. 12 College Receives Congratulations, December Graduates! NetVUE Grant LEAH WILLIAMS Houghton recently received a $50,000 grant for networking for vo- cation in undergraduate education. This grant was given to Houghton by the Council of Independent Colleges, a group of which Houghton has been a part for many years. This grant is intended to help colleges who wish to expand on their vocational programs and services. "The overall goal of this grant is to help transform our au- thentic but often informal mentoring for vocation, said associate dean for academic affairs Mark Hijleh. Along with Mark Hijleh, the grant team which will be providing leader- ship to this initiative includes Robert Pool, vice president for student life; Professor Rich Eckley; Dan Noyes, executive director of alumni rela- tions; Brian Reitnour, career services coordinator; Michael Jordan, dean of the chapel; and Mark Hunter, CASA director. See NETVUE page 3 KATHRYN-ROSE MELLO Men's Basketball to Houghton and Play Against Division I Indiana Wesleyan LJ Pursue Partnership STEPHANIE FORD ple in parallel roles at the institutions potentially visiting the other campus, leading workshops in their expertise, Houghton College signed a mem- and dialoguing with each other. She orandum of understanding (MOU) said, "The goal is for them to help us with Indiana Wesleyan University move faster and with greater mag- (IWU), beginning dialogue about nitude than we could on our own." their future partnership. Through this IWU could assist Houghton with on- partnership, Houghton hopes to de- line and adult education coursework, velop online and adult education and templates, and curriculum. see Houghton thrive in this 21 st cen- This partnership will not, howev- tury's changing world. er, involve a merger between Hough- IWU president David Wright and ton and IWU. President Mullen said, ATHLETICS.HOUGHTON.EDU President Mullen signed the MOU on "This will not affect the governance Current roster for the men's basketball team November 18, 2013. The MOU sim- of our institution, it will not affect ply indicates that Houghton and IWU our affiliation, and it's not going to GRETCHEN REEVES essarily a discouraging fact. "The per- will be discussing this partnership. affect our athletics." The partnership ception that Division III is not serious Specific proposals will be presented would merely be drawing on the two This winter break the men's varsi- is an incorrect perception," said Skip December 20th. institutions' collective resources. ty basketball team will be up against a Lord, executive director of athletics, "There's a really strong sense Houghton College's original mis- competitive rival, Radford University, stating that the top 15-20 schools in right now," said President Mullen, sion when it began in the 1880s was in their upcoming game on Monday, Division III are competitive against "that we both have something to to make high quality, Christian edu- December 30th. Radford, a Division bottom-tier schools in Division I. "Of contribute to one another." IWU has cation affordable and accessible to I school, will be the first Division I course, they want to bring in some- strong, established online and adult students. President Mullen said, "The school the team has played since their one where there's a higher probabil- education programs, and it hopes to mission is the same, but the media- game against SUNY Buffalo in 2010. ity to win, he added, but maintained develop in global education and ser- tion of that mission cannot stay the Although Houghton is currently a Di- that this is still an opportunity for the vice, areas considered to be some of same because the world is changing. vision III school, athletics faculty are Houghton's strengths. quick to point out that this is not nec- President Mullen envisions peo- See BASKETBALLpage 3 See PARTNERSHIPpage 3 A A .0 . .A 45 0, AA' :... .0 ... 2 I NEWS DECEMBER 13, 2013 WORLD // World Leaders Pay Respects at Mandela's Funeral 1 December 8 at the age of 95 after a ters from around the world, includ- ous corruption scandals, upsetting 4 4 1 persistent lung infection. ing U.S. President Barack Obama, many South Africans who view According to the Washington Palestinian Authority President Mah- him as a fraction of the man that Post, huge crowds of mourners filled moud Abbas, and British Prime Min- Mandela was. Undeterred by the Rf a soccer stadium in Soweto, South ister David Cameron. According to booing, the BBC reports that Zuma Africa where together they sang and the BBC, Obama, who was cheered stated that Mandela was "one of a clapped, memorializing Mandela as a as he took the podium to offer a eu- kind...a fearless freedom fighter racial healer, a figure so humble and logy to Mandela, remarked that "we who refused to allow the brutality transcendent that he felt comfortable will never see the likes of Nelson of the apartheid state to stand in with rich and poor, young and old, Mandela again. While I will always way of the struggle for the libera- black and white. The service lasted fall short of Madiba [Mr. Mandela's tion of his people." Additionally, for four hours with many emotional clan name], he makes me want to be Zuma announced the renaming of tributes and joyous song about a great a better man." Cuban President Raul a number of public buildings. This leader lost. This all happened during Castro, whose brother Fidel showed includes the Union Buildings in the an intense rainstorm which, accord- much support for Mandela's anti- capital Pretoria, where Mandela ing to tradition, symbolizes the pass- apartheid cause, also stated during will lie in state until December 13, ing of a great leader into the afterlife. his eulogy address that Mandela was which will soon be known as the The venue of the memorial ser- the "ultimate symbol of dignity and Mandela Amphitheatre. vice, Soweto, is symbolic for many the revolutionary struggle." Other The ceremony concluded with a South Africans. The Washington Post mourners included many celebri- speech by South African Archbish- writes that Soweto was the site of the ties, such as Charlize Theron, who LUKE LAUER op Desmond Tutu, who asked the 2010 World Cup tournament and the was born in South Africa, along with crowd to rise to their feet for a final last time Mandela was seen in pub- Bono, Oprah Winfrey, Peter Gabriel, tribute. On December 15, a state CALEB JOHNSON lie. Moreover, Soweto was a formerly and Sir Richard Branson. funeral for Nelson Mandela will be segregated township that was at the While President Obama may have held before his body is interred in a Dignitaries from around the center of anti-apartheid protests in been cheered, the warm welcome family burial plot. * world flew to South Africa on Tues- the 1970s and 1980s, a fitting place was not spread to current South Af- day, December 10, to commemorate for South Africans of all backgrounds rican President Jacob Zuma, who the life of former South African and color to unite to mourn a leader was booed and jeered as he prepared President Nelson Mandela. Man- who fought against this segregation. to give his closing address. Accord- dela, instrumental in ending apart- Among the mourners were over ing to Reuters, Zuma's government Caleb is a senior international heid policies in his country, died on ninety presidents and prime minis- is currently in the midst of numer- relations and history double major. .. 7 think more activities planned "I would love to see the old on the weekend would be a milkshakes come back to Big good idea because it seems like Al's because the new ones are a lot of on-campus events occur a hollow shell of their former on Fridays and tend to overlap, selves. And I would love that Mr. but then when it comes to Satur- Professor Lipscomb's chapel days and Sundays, people often blog be revived in some way. go off campus because there's not much to do." --Luke Rosamilia, sophomore LUKE LAUER --Lindsey Hawkins, junior LUKE LAUER "Students should be What changes "1 would like to see more allowed to park at the art history classes like bank for ten minutes to would you like the history of graphic use the bank without design and the history getting a ticket. It's ab- to see on of interior design. Stuff surd." like that." campus next --Billy Marshall, senior --Hayley Day, junior sennester? . LUKE LAUER LUKE LAUER '1 guess if theret one "Trays in the cafeteria." change I'd wanna see on campus... I think Houghton --Caleb Johnson, senior needs a really big spiritual revival to get itself back with God." --lan Patrick, freshman LUKE LAUER LUKE LAUER DECEMBER 13 2013 NEWS 1 3 BASKETBALL from page l PARTNERSHIPyrompage j part-time students, and among adult UP. learners. I see online and adult edu- In Houghton's case, a "modest cation opening more access points to men's team. sum, as Lord described, was provid- That is what this moment is about at Houghton students." The chance to play against a Divi- ed to the college by Radford to cover Houghton." President Mullen believes Hough- sion I school is considered a beneficial travel and lodging expenses. As the Developing Houghton's online ton needs to face the realities of this and constructive one.
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