April 20, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E693 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Today, will billions of dollars available in stu- age or the value of the dollar. While these are URGING THE CONGRESS AND dent aid from the Federal government, State certainly significant, nothing is more important THE PRESIDENT TO INCREASE governments and institutions of higher edu- to the success and future of our Nation than FUNDING FOR THE PELL GRANT cation, children from high-income families con- our children. AND EXISTING CAMPUS-BASED tinue to enroll in college at almost twice the As a father of two young boys, I am aware AID PROGRAMS PRIOR TO FUND- rate of children from low-income families. For of the many responsibilities and challenges ING ANY NEW EDUCATION INI- many of these families, the cost of college is that face parents today. Jill Wieland went TIATIVES the overwhelming factor in their decision to above and beyond those expectations by act- forego a college education. ing as an excellent mother to her own children HON. WILLIAM F. GOODLING In 1997, we helped the President enact tax while also providing leadership for other chil- OF PENNSYLVANIA credits related to postsecondary education for dren through Sunday School and Girl Scouts. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES middle and upper income families. At the Furthermore, since 1962, Jill has been a foster Tuesday, April 20, 1999 same time, we voiced strong concerns about parent for the Children's Home and Aid Soci- the need to continue making substantial com- ety of Illinois where she has cared for over Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in mitments to the Pell Grant Program in order to 100 children. support of a House Concurrent Resolution that assist those students from low-income families Again, I would like to congratulate Jill on calls on the Congress and the President to who would not receive any benefits from the being named ``1999 Illinois Mother of the work together to increase funding for the Pell new tax credits. Unfortunately, the President's Year.'' She has not only had a positive impact Grant Program and existing campus-based request to increase the maximum Pell Grant in the lives of many children, but has also student aid programs before funding new edu- by $125 dollars is not the substantial commit- made a significant contribution to society. cation initiatives. ment I had in mind. f This resolution establishes two priorities for In addition to the Pell Grant Program, this higher education funding. The first priority is resolution supports increased funding for the TRIBUTE TO CHIEF ROBERT J. increasing the maximum Pell Grant awarded PIZZUTI to students from low-income families to campus-based student aid programs. While $3,525. This amount represents an increase of Pell Grants open the door to postsecondary $400 to the maximum grant award and would education for many students from low-income HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. be the largest increase since the inception of families, it's the campus-based programs that OF NEW JERSEY the program in 1972. provide these same students some degree of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES choice in selecting a postsecondary institution. The second priority involves increased fund- Tuesday, April 20, 1999 ing for the existing campus-based student aid After years of double-digit increases in the programs. These programs provide financial cost of a college education, the maximum Pell Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to aid administrators at colleges across the coun- Grant no longer covers the cost of attendance pay tribute to Chief Robert J. Pizzuti of try with considerable flexibility in the pack- at most public 4-year institutions in the coun- Montclair, New Jersey, an outstanding indi- aging of financial aid awards that best meet try. However, a Pell Grant coupled with vidual who has dedicated his life to public the needs of their students. awards from the campus-based programs service. He will be honored this Friday, April 9, The Pell Grant Program is one of the largest goes a long way in reducing the amount a stu- 1999, by parents, family, friends, and profes- voucher programs in the country and it is con- dent needs to borrow in student loans in order sionals for his 43 years of outstanding con- sidered the foundation program for all Federal to pay the bills for tuition and room and board. tribution to the community through his out- student aid. Students eligible for a Pell Grant The campus-based student aid programs standing leadership of the Montclair Fire De- can use that money to attend one of more also require institutions to provide matching partment. Chief Robert Pizzuti personifies pub- than 6,000 postsecondary institutions in the funds in order to receive funds from the Fed- lic service through his true commitment to fire- country. eral Government. The $1.5 billion dollars de- fighting and the people of Montclair, New Jer- The Pell Grant Program was created in voted to the campus-based programs last year sey. 1972 and the goal of the program was simple. leveraged almost $400 million dollars in addi- Robert J. Pizzuti was born on Willow Street Congress wanted to assist students from low- tional aid to college students across the coun- in Montclair, New Jersey on the first day of income families who would not otherwise be fi- try. These are fundamentally sound programs January, nineteen hundred thirty five. He at- nancially able to attend a postsecondary insti- that have served our nation's college students tended Immaculate Conception School in tution. In the first year of the program, 176,000 well for the past three decades and we should Montclair from first grade until eighth, where students received Pell Grant awards. For the consider them a higher education funding pri- he then attended Montclair High School, upcoming academic year, almost 4 million stu- ority. where he graduated in 1952. After graduating dents are expected to receive Pell Grant I urge my colleagues to support this resolu- from high school Chief Pizzuti fought in the awards. Of these students, 90% have family tion and the higher education funding priorities Golden Gloves as a Welter Weight, weighing incomes under $30,000 and 54% of those it establishes for the Congress and the Presi- in at 147 pounds, where he was very success- families have incomes under $10,000. I be- dent. ful winning a numerous amount of awards. In lieve we can all agree that the Pell Grant Pro- f 1953, he joined the armed forces and served gram continues to serve the vital purpose for for the next two years as a soldier in the which it was originally created. TRIBUTE TO MARTHA JEAN Army. While there he attended a leadership Why increase the Pell Grant maximum by ``JILL'' WIELAND school at Camp Chaffee in the state of Arkan- $400 dollars? In real dollars, the appropriated sas. Chief Pizzuti was released from the Army maximum individual grant, adjusted for infla- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS on September 13, 1955. tion, has decreased 4.7% between 1980 and OF ILLINOIS In June of 1956, Chief Pizzuti took his first 1998. At a time when yearly increases in col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fire Exam and passed scoring the highest lege costs have greatly exceeded the rate of grade on the exam. He was officially sworn in inflation, as well as family earnings, the Pell Tuesday, April 20, 1999 as a firefighter on August 1, 1956. Chief Grant has covered less and less of a student's Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise before Pizzuti has continued to serve on the cost of attendance. Although all students and you today to congratulate a constituent of Montclair Fire Department for 43 years and their families suffer as a result of exorbitant in- mine, Martha Jean ``Jill'' Wieland, for being has performed in a variety of positions. He creases in the cost of attending college, stu- named the ``1999 Illinois Mother of the Year.'' was sworn in as Lieutenant FireFighter on De- dents from low-income families suffer the most Often today our Nation measures success cember 10, 1968, then as Captain on March adverse consequences. by the level of the Dow Jones Industrial Aver- 6, 1980. He was sworn in as Deputy Chief · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 20, 1999 FireFighter on August 14, 1984, then as Act- ida in 1982 and went on to serve as a pilot of IN HONOR OF THE FIRST YEAR ing Chief on October 1, 1990. Finally on July military aircraft for 20 years. He was commis- ANNIVERSARY OF THE MONT- 1, 1991, Mr. Robert Pizzuti was sworn in as sioned as a second lieutenant in the United GOMERY COUNTY HOSPITAL DIS- Chief Robert Pizzuti of the Montclair Fire De- States Marine Corps in 1980 and was as- TRICT EMERGENCY MEDICAL partment, and it is in that capacity in which he signed to VMGR±352 ``Raiders'' El Toro, Cali- SERVICE has served for the last eight years. He is a fornia, VMGR±152 Okinawa, and Battalion 7th member of the F.M.B.A. and is also the Ser- Marines, Camp Pendleton, California. Having HON. KEVIN BRADY geant at arms of the Chief's Association. transferred over to the Navy side as a lieuten- OF TEXAS Chief Pizzuti has been acknowledged by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many groups over the years for his civic ant in 1987, he went on to serve with VQ±3 awareness; the March of Dimes, Christ ``Ironman'' Barbers Point, Hawaii, PMRF, Tuesday, April 20, 1999 Church, the Borough of Glen Ridge, the New Barking Sands Hawaii, and VQ±3 ``Ironman'' Mr.
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