Volume 25, 2010 A Review: The Use of Livestock Protection Dogs in Association with Large Carnivores in the Rocky Mountains1 C. Urbigkit1,2 & J. Urbigkit2 1 Corresponding Author: [email protected] P.O. Box 1663, Pinedale WY 82941, 307-276-5393 1 Acknowledgement: The Wyoming Wool Growers Association supported this literature review. M. Jimenez provided assistance with reviewing an earlier draft, as did B. Reece. 2 The authors are western Wyoming sheep producers. Summary searched for alternate methods of predator control at the same time efforts were initiated to protect large carnivores, such as Livestock protection dogs (LPDs) in the United States grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and gray wolves. LPDs of several have helped to protect livestock herds from certain predators, breeds were imported into the United States under an organ- but expanding large-carnivore populations pose new chal- ized program in the 1970s, and use of these dogs as a non-lethal lenges, and the number of LPDs killed by large predators is tool has since expanded (Dohner 2007). LPDs have proven to increasing. We conducted a literature review to identify LPD be effective in reducing predation to livestock herds, including breeds that may be more suited for use around large carnivores, cattle, sheep, and goats, from various species of predators such as gray wolves. The use of spiked collars to increase the (Andelt 2004), but expanding populations of large carnivores survivability for LPDs in areas of coexistence with large carni- provide new challenges. Livestock producers in areas with large vore populations is also discussed. This paper advances the carnivores are experiencing similar problems, whether in the adoption of techniques and LPD breeds used outside of the United States or in other countries, including Finland, where United States in areas where large carnivores exist with live- there are no LPD traditions (Otstavel et al. 2009). Agricultural stock production. producers in the western United States have the highest Key Words: Bears, Carnivores, Livestock, LPD, Protection reported economic losses due to wildlife damage, and those Dogs, Wolves losses occur on the patchwork land ownership of public and pri- vate lands (Messmer 2009). Introduction Effective management of predator damage at the edges – defined as the intersections of carnivores, people and livestock The traditional use of livestock protection dogs (LPDs) has – are where efforts now need to be focused, using methods that been pivotal to the historical coexistence of gray wolves (Canis allow the coexistence of livestock and large predators (Shivik lupus) and domestic sheep (Rigg 2001) in Europe and Asia, but 2006). While some advocate the adoption of new strategies and the use of LPDs in the Rocky Mountains of the United States approaches to address wildlife damage concerns (Messmer is a relatively new venture. Most modern LPD use in the Rocky 2009), we advocate the adoption of ancient approaches for use Mountains originated after the 1970s passage of the Endan- in this new world of large-carnivore recovery. gered Species Act and the concurrent ban on the use of most Western Wyoming provides a natural laboratory for the poisons on public lands (Feldman 2007). Livestock producers study of conflict with large carnivores, since it contains reintro- ©2010, Sheep & Goat Research Journal Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 25, 2010 1 duced gray wolf and recovering grizzly sheep inventory is found in the western have a strong flocking instinct, which bear populations amid livestock produc- states, and an estimated 25 to 30 percent helps in guarding against predation. tion. As these species have reached bio- of all sheep in the United States graze on Each herd, usually consisting of about logical recovery goals and expanded their public land allotments (National 1,000 ewes and their lambs, will have ranges, conflicts with livestock have esca- Research Council 2008). Some range two to five protection dogs (Andelt lated (Sommers, et. al. 2010). Various sheep herds spend nearly all year on pub- 2004). The sheep herd spreads out up to methods to reduce conflict, both lethal lic land, grazing in lower-elevation about one-square mile to graze during and non-lethal, have been used. While deserts free of deep snows in the winter, the day, but bed together in a tighter smaller predator species, including the moving to higher-elevation mountain group at night (P. Arambel personal most common and most serious predator pastures as the snow melts in the summer. communication 2-21-2010). of livestock in the western United States, Sheepherders live in wagons alongside Range-sheep producers in western the coyote (Canis latrans), are subjected the herds, with camptenders checking on Wyoming have individual ranch opera- to numerous control methods, recovering them every few days and bringing sup- tions, with changing LPD populations. populations of large carnivores are plies to the herders. Similar to nomadic For example, one sheepman might place granted special protections that limit the cultures in other areas of the world, range five dogs with each band of sheep, and methods of control. sheepherders in the western United three bands are trailed to separate moun- In general, as these rare, threatened States also practice transhumance, mov- tain pastures. Some bands may retain all or endangered species populations ing herds with the seasons and using their dogs, while other bands may gain or recover, managers seek more sustainable LPDs to protect them (Gehring et al. lose dogs, so that one band may have two management options rather than auto- 2010). Herds graze over hundreds of dogs and another may have seven. In matic lethal control when conflicts arise. miles of range and often go unnoticed by other cases, the dogs associated with each Effective conflict management seeks to the public although their grazing prac- band may not see other LPDs until late in prevent or reduce the frequency or sever- tices are regulated by federal agencies the fall, when the sheep come off the ity of conflicts; deal with the individuals (Urbigkit 2008, National Research mountain and the dogs converge at sort- that cause the conflict (most often Council 2008). Most range- sheep opera- ing pens. The dogs belonging to one through removal); and increase toler- tions utilize land that is primarily ranch will travel with their sheep herds ance for carnivores (through education, unfenced and unimproved, that involves to a shared winter range, where herds and compensation, harvest, etc.) (Sillero- long-distance movements from season to dogs from other ranches are encountered Zubiri et al. 2007). season and requires on-site herders (some from Utah, Colorado, Idaho, and All control methods, lethal or non- (National Research Council 2008). Wyoming). The LPD population con- lethal, will fail at some time, in some sit- The LPDs live with the herds full stantly changes as the dogs mature, are uations. Control methods are simply time. Most herd’s sheep are highly gre- hurt or killed. Some dogs may leave their tools in a toolbox, that when used help garious western, white-faced sheep, pri- herd to go with an adjacent herd, and to reduce the amount or severity of con- marily of the Rambouillet breed. They owners will switch ownership of dogs, flict. One of the most important tools for resolving conflict is lethal control. Shivek (2006) noted that to ensure the successful reintroduction of some preda- tors, it may be necessary to lethally con- trol them. Shivik (2006) called the use of LPDs “old technology of special note due to its recent popularity,” while adding that guardian animals may be useful in a theoretic way as “continued understand- ing of their training and use may result in what amounts to the ultimate disrup- tive stimulus device.” Western Wyoming’s pattern of land ownership includes the majority of acreage administered by federal agencies, with most of the remainder held in pri- vate ownership as ranches. The lowest elevation of this arid region is about 5,500 feet, and large acreages are needed to provide enough forage for cattle and Two Akbash females (yearling female on left, her five-year old mother on right) at sheep operations. Thus, most of the play. Akbash have proven to be effective at guarding herds in large carnivore ranches graze their herds at least a por- country, but the use of spiked collars on these dogs may improve their ability to tion of the year on federally administered survive aggressive encounters with wolves and are used in their country of origin land. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s for this purpose. Photo by Cat Urbigkit. 2 Sheep & Goat Research Journal, Volume 25, 2010 ©2010, Sheep & Goat Research Journal “borrowing” studs for breeding. No spe- cific breed is maintained in this natural- breeding program, but the most fit dogs breed (males fight for breeding rights) and only the strong pups survive. It has been reported that the most common LPDs used in the United States are Great Pyrenees, Akbash and Komon- dor, with Anatolian Shepherd, Maremma, Shar Planinetz used to a lesser extent (Andelt 2004). These dogs usually weigh from 75 to 100 pounds, and have been very successful at reducing preda- tion from coyotes (Andelt 2004). The need to achieve a balance of human contact with LPDs, so the dogs are bonded to their sheep while capable of being handled by their owners, was This adult male Great Pyrenees livestock protection dog shows the battle scars of discussed in early bulletins for agricultur- previous predator encounters. Great Pyrenees dogs often do not survive their alists in the United States (Green and encounters with wolves. Photo by Cat Urbigkit. Woodruff 1983, Green and Woodruff 1990). Other early LPD researchers in the United States advised that LPDs attacks on LPDs are only a fraction of all Materials and Methods should be left to bond with their animals, wolf-caused deaths, since many LPDs with little human contact (Lorenz and will simply disappear, with their fate We conducted a literature review of Coppinger 1988).
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