VU Research Portal Church Planting Practices among Muslim and Druze Communities in the Near East Porter, G.F. 2018 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) Porter, G. F. (2018). Church Planting Practices among Muslim and Druze Communities in the Near East: A Conversation about Mission in the Light of the Early Church. 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Oct. 2021 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Church Planting Practices Among Muslim and Druze Communities in the Near East: A Conversation about Mission in the Light of the Early Church ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor of Philosophy aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. V. Subramaniam, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit Religie en Theologie op maandag 5 november 2018 om 13.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Grant Francis Porter geboren te Adelaide, Australië promotoren: prof.dr. B.J.G. Reitsma dr. J.A. Kirk copromotor: dr. T.F.T. Noble This dissertation research was completed in co-operation with the International Baptist Theological Study Centre, a collaborative partner of the Faculty of Religion and Theology at VU Amsterdam. Abstract CHURCH PLANTING PRACTICES AMONG MUSLIM AND DRUZE COMMUNITIES IN THE NEAR EAST: A CONVERSATION ABOUT MISSION IN THE LIGHT OF THE EARLY CHURCH This study asks the question, “How do the patterns of mission and church planting among Muslim and Druze communities in the Near East compare with those patterns in the early church movement during the apostolic period?” What led me to ask this research question was a phenomenon I had recently observed. New faith communities based on the claims of Christ were and are still emerging among the Muslim and Druze populations in the Near East, communities that are rooted to varying degrees in the evangelical tradition. However, questions have been raised by other, more established evangelical communities as to the validity and orthodoxy of these new communities of faith. After some further exploration it soon became apparent that little academic research had been attempted to discover how these new communities had formed, what they practiced, and why. Employing Case Study research methodology, this study examined five Christian faith communities (each community as a case) that emerged in Muslim and Druze societies and interviewed leaders and adherents associated with those respective communities. Eighteen semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted. As it appeared that these new faith communities shared the common evangelical view of Scripture as authoritative, not only in creed but also in practice, the thinking of a number of New Testament scholars in the areas of mission and church planting in the early church movement in the apostolic period was utilized as a means to elicit meaningful reflection from the interviewees. Their thinking became a valuable conversation partner, with the new faith communities asking questions of those scholars (in a sense) and being asked questions in turn. This process was conducted in two rounds of interviews. The thesis concludes with critical reflection on the contemporary practice of each of the fellowships, both in comparison with each other and in comparison with the scholarly thinking around the praxis of the early churches. 1 Samenvatting PRAKTIJKEN VAN GEMEENTESTICHTING ONDER MOSLIM- EN DRUZENGEMEENSCHAPPEN IN HET NABIJE OOSTEN: EEN GESPREK OVER MISSIE IN HET LICHT VAN DE VROEGE KERK Deze studie stelt de vraag: "Hoe verhouden de patronen van zending en gemeentestichting onder moslim- en druzengemeenschappen in het Nabije Oosten zich tot die patronen in de vroege kerkbeweging tijdens de apostolische periode?" Wat mij geleid heeft tot het stellen van deze onderzoeksvraag is het volgende door mij waargenomen fenomeen. Nieuwe geloofsgemeenschappen gebaseerd op de aanspraken van Christus waren en zijn nog steeds in opkomst onder de moslim- en druzenpopulaties in het Nabije Oosten, gemeenschappen die in verschillende mate in de evangelische traditie zijn geworteld. Er zijn echter door andere, meer gevestigde evangelische gemeenschappen vragen gesteld over de geldigheid en orthodoxie van deze nieuwe geloofsgemeenschappen. Uit nadere verkenning werd al snel duidelijk dat er weinig academisch onderzoek was gedaan om te ontdekken hoe deze nieuwe gemeenschappen zich hadden gevormd, wat ze in de praktijk deden en waarom. Gebruikmakend van casestudie onderzoeksmethodologie, onderzocht ik in deze studie vijf christelijke geloofsgemeenschappen (elke gemeenschap als een casus) die op zijn gekomen in moslim- en druzensamenlevingen en interviewde ik leiders en aanhangers verbonden aan deze respectievelijke gemeenschappen. Er werden achttien semi-gestructureerde kwalitatieve interviews afgenomen. Omdat bleek dat deze nieuwe geloofsgemeenschappen de gemeenschappelijke evangelische visie, waarin de Schrift als gezaghebbend geldt, deelden, niet alleen in belijdenis maar ook in de praktijk, werd het denken van een aantal nieuwtestamentici op het gebied van zending en gemeentestichting in de vroege kerkbeweging in de apostolische periode gebruikt als een middel om zinvolle reflecties te ontlokken aan de geïnterviewden. Hun denken werd een waardevolle gesprekspartner, waarbij de nieuwe geloofsgemeenschappen (in zekere zin) vragen stelden aan die geleerden en op hun beurt bevraagd werden. Dit proces werd uitgevoerd in twee interviewrondes. Het proefschrift sluit af met een kritische reflectie op de hedendaagse praktijk van elk van de gemeenschappen, zowel in vergelijking met elkaar als in vergelijking met het wetenschappelijke denken rond de praxis van de vroege kerken. 2 Acknowledgements It is with great appreciation and gratitude that I wish to acknowledge my supervisory team, Dr. Tim Noble and Dr. Andrew Kirk, as well as my VU promoter, Dr. Bernhard Reitsma. Thank you for all the many hours you spent sharing your expertise and your godly counsel. In this regard also I would like to thank Dr. Perry Shaw, my on-field supervisor. You started this journey with me when it was just an idea. Thank you for all your very valuable time as we wrestled with making this idea a reality. To my incredible family, especially my children, thank you for all the encouragement you gave along the way - you always believed it would happen. I cannot begin to express the depth of appreciation that I have for my amazing wife, Laura. This thesis would not exist without the many hours of work that she gave to transcribing interviews and proofing the manuscript. Beyond that was her unwavering commitment to be there supporting and encouraging, through the ups and downs. You are the light of my life. And finally to our loving heavenly Father. May this little piece reveal, even ever so slightly, more of what you are doing in this world. Be glorified. Grant Porter Coopersville, Michigan September 8, 2018 3 Table of Contents Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6 Limitations ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Methodological Considerations .............................................................................................................. 13 Methodology Chosen: Case Studies .................................................................................................... 13 Ethical Reflections ............................................................................................................................... 18 Case Study Design and Implementation ................................................................................................. 20 Case Study Design ............................................................................................................................... 21 Implementation .................................................................................................................................. 22 Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 30 Muslim Voices in Context I .................................................................................................. 31 A Conversation with Four Emerging Fellowships of Non-Christian Background
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