Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:233 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes MONDAY . MARCH 27. 2017 -Hamal 07, 1396 HS Pakistan has started the fencing Momand Agency on Saturday. routes along the Line last month deadly attacks in the country. The work along the Durand Line with Gen. Bajwa quoted in a report by which remained closed for nearly Pakistani officials claimed that the the country’s officials saying the VOA said the fencing work has a month. attacks were plotted and carried step has been taken to prevent the started in Momand Agency and The Pakistani Prime Minister out by the militants stationed in- movement of the militants to the Bajaur since the two areas are most- Nawaz Sharif last week ordered to side the Afghan soil. Meanwhile, tribal regions of the country, it has ly affected by the militant groups. immediate reopen the routes be- the Afghan officials have long op- been reported. The latest move by the Paki- tween the two countries. posed with any work along the The Pakistani Army Chief of Staff stani military comes as tensions Pakistan closed all travel Line as they insist that the two General Qamar Javid Bajwa re- remains high between Kabul and routes between the two countries countries have not reached to an portedly visited the working site Islamabad over the closure of the last month following a series of agreement in this regard. (KP) CHINA : Meshrano Jirga chairman per house chairman said recent vis- gional countries are also suffering Fazl Hadi Muslimyar on Saturday its of government officials, negoti- from terrorism, drug trafficking and said terrorism would engulf other ations and signing of different other similar problems, so we to- countries if needed steps not tak- agreements between the two coun- gether should fight against these en against states supporting terror tries further cemented friendship problems and resolve them our- groups. Muslimyar said this while between China and Afghanistan. He selves,” he said. Muslimyar said addressing the Boao Forum for an- added a free trade zone (FTZ) sug- 20 terrorist groups including nual Asia economic conference in gested by China’s President Xi Jin- Daesh or so called Islamic State Hainan. The conference was at- ping in 2013 would connect large (IS) were fighting in Afghanistan tended by Chinese deputy prime number of countries through land and killing innocent people. How- need China’s support in education, minister, Nepal prime minister, the and sea if implemented. “The sec- ever, he said all terrorist groups fortunately many Afghan youth president of Madagascar, the pres- ond plan is the route that would were trained, equipped and resid- are busy in higher education in The call for more troops has come ident of Micronesia, vice-president pass from China in the Central ed outside Afghanistan. “It is not major Chinese universities,” he when recently US has decided to of Myanmar and leaders from some Asian countries, we believe imple- far when other regional countries said, adding many culturists, aca- deploy about 300 US marines to other countries. Muslimyar said mentation of the two plans would would also burn in the fire that is demics, journalists, archeologists Afghanistan’s embattled southern Afghanistan had still the prestige revive the historic role of Silk currently burning Afghanistan if and civil society activists from Helmand province as part of a of connecting Central Asia, Mid- Road,” he said. “We need a perma- the states supporting terrorism are China had visited Afghanistan in NATO mission to train and advise dle East and South Asia. The up- nent peace in the region, our re- not controlled,” he said. “We also the recent years. (Pajhwok) local forces. The soldiers will train and advise Afghan security forces pushing back against Taliban fight- ers who have taken most of Hel- mand after the end of NATO’s combat mission and withdrawal of most US forces from the province in 2014. Almost all of the Hel- mand’s districts, expect for the provincial capital, Lashkargah, are either heavily embattled or fully controlled by the Taliban insur- gents. Recently local officials said that the Taliban has captured San- AT Monitoring Desk The Sunday Times of London. gin, a strategic district of Helmand “This is where the war against ter- province on Thursday. According KABUL: General John Nicholson, rorism started on 9/11. Failure here to them, the Afghan security forc- US top commander in Afghanistan would embolden terrorist global- es have retreated from district to has requested for more troops to ly.” Nicholson will ask for addi- avoid civilian casualties. Provin- prevent the country from becom- tional troops at NATO Summit in cial council member, Bashir Ahmad ing a safe hideout for the Islamic May with the backing of US De- Shaker said, “Afghan security forc- State (IS), which is also known as fense Secretary, James Mattis and es retracted from Sangin and it took Daesh terrorist group. He said that National Security Adviser H.R. them three days to move to Shak- the US and Europe need to send McMaster, the report said. Cur- er Shila area, they left behind mil- 5,000 more forces to Afghanistan. rently, 8,400 US troops and 5,000 itary equipment which were not “We cannot afford to walk away troops from other NATO coun- usable and were destroyed by the from Afghanistan,” Nicholson told tries are stationed in Afghanistan. airstrikes after they left the area.” KABUL : The European Union (EU) anti corruption campaign put the judiciary on agenda for its an- nual anti corruption drive from today (Sunday) till April 2 focus- ing on judicial corruption in the country, said a statement from the EU mission on Sunday. Afghan's saw the judiciary as the most cor- rupt part of public administration in Afghanistan. Therefore the EU in Afghanistan again put corrup- tion in the judiciary on the agenda of its annual anti-corruption cam- paign. "The Afghan people cry for justice and rule of law. The need AT Monitoring Desk Moreover, the protesters for reform is long overdue. Al- KABUL: A large number of Af- passed a resolution and submitted though we have seen some im- ghan nationals based in Europe, a copy of the resolution to the provements in the justice sector – staged a peaceful demonstration in European parliament. in the Attorney General's Office front of European Parliament The resolution claimed that with the Anti-Corruption Justice building in Brussels against the vi- Pakistan had provided safe sanc- Centre -it is very clear that reforms olation of Afghanistan’s sovereign- tuaries to terrorist outfits and con- are too slow,” read the statement. ty by shelling of Pakistan’s rock- tinuously supporting various ter- It added ending impunity was the ets into the eastern Nangarhar and rorist groups as its strategic assets. way to end corruption. However, provinces. “Pakistan has turned to be a the justice system itself was cor- Shan Pacha Shinwari, leading cancer and if not restricted the en- rupt. The judicial system must the protest, told Pajhwok Afghan tire world would suffer,” the reso- clean up its own ranks and bring in News that the Afghans based in lution said. The resolution de- new staff in through merit based different European countries and manded the European Union and recruitment. “Today the judiciary people from Pakhtunkhwa took its parliament to declare Pakistan is too often a tool for the powerful part in the protest. a terrorist state and impose eco- and rich and it is not serving ordi- He said the protest was aimed nomic, political and military sanc- nary Afghan citizens who suffer at condemning Pakistan’s rocket tion. They also emphasized to from injustice fed by corruption," shelling into Afghanistan territo- stop Pakistan from violating Af- says EU Special Representative in ry, claiming that the neighboring ghanistan territorial integrity in line Afghanistan, Ambassador Franz- country had been supporting ter- with the bilateral security agree- Michael Mellbin. (Pajhwok) rorism against Afghanistan. ment with the United States. MONDAY . MARCH 27, 2017 AFGHANISTAN TIMES NATO troops race winter to give Afghan forces a morale boost The target is behind a slope, the advance is unprotected: crawl, fire! Italian instructors in western Af- ghanistan have been using the rela- tively quiet winter to bolster Af- ghan troops against the Taliban. The war-torn country's security forces are being killed in horrific numbers as they grapple with a militant resurgence, raising ques- tions about how much more they can endure. But under the banner of NATO's Resolute Support mis- sion, Italian forces at Camp Arena in Herat province are racing the coming spring to give their Afghan counterparts a fighting chance. The Taliban are the main enemy in Her- at, which borders southern Hel- mand, apex of Afghanistan's opi- um production and most of which is controlled by insurgents. The strategic district of Sangin fell on March 23, another setback under- scoring the militants' growing strength. Criminal gangs master- minding trafficking and smuggling operations to neighbouring Iran are equally feared. Confidence, says Camp Arena base commander Gen- challenge both the Taliban and eral Claudio Minghetti, is key. elected government of Afghanistan "The main message to the soldiers in other regions. So the drug trade is that they are in much better con- in Nangarhar, which is vulnerable dition and better equipped than the to terrorist capture, should be a enemy, which is of paramount im- priority for eradication. This will portance for their morale." Accord- deny its use for financing to both ing to US watchdog SIGAR, casu- the Taliban and Islamic State.
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