Volume XXII No. 28 Hometown Newspaper for Glen Cove, Sea Cliff, Glen Head, Glenwood, Locust Valley and Brookville Week of 3/14/13 75C Sea Cliff Meets the Candidates By Carol Griffin Landmarks Preservation Commission Sea Cliff Civic Association held its annu- she has begun the process of schedul- al Meet the Candidates Night on March ing public meeting to discuss the diverse 12 at the Village Center with Civic Asso- views of the residents on trees and the ciation President Ann Di Pietro opening part historic architecture plays in Sea the program. This year the candidates Cliff. are Mayor Bruce Kennedy running for She said the other part of her experi- his third two year term as mayor, Trustee ence comes from working with the May- Carol Vogt also running for her third two or and other trustees and village staff on year term as village trustee and Ed Lie- issues such as a Cell Tower proposal, berman running for trustee for the first change in the leaf collection system and time. An uncontested Village election working on a budget that came in under will be held on Tuesday, March 19 from the tax cap and allowed the Board to 12 noon until 9 p.m. hold the line on taxes while improving services, creating a new web site and fix- Trustee Carol Vogt ing miles of roads. Trustee Vogt said she is running Even during Hurricane, the village for her third term because although she and public works pulled together and thinks a lot has been accomplished since found resources to meet several diffi- she took office, there is still unfinished cult challenges and as a result the Board projects that she wants to complete and added new emergency procedures for the Sea Cliff Candidates: Edward Lieberman, Carol Vogt and Bruce Kennedy unresolved issues she can help to resolve future. However, there is a lot more to (photo by Carol Griffin) given her experience in her liaison as- do Vogt said, such as complete the work signments that include the beach and the on Village Hall/Senior Library, build and for the betterment of the community. Beach Committee and he is running for construction of the Arts Gazebo, renova- refurbish the Children’s Library and fin- He believes that his personal and trustee because he loves the people of tion of the Beach Pavilion and the beach ish the review of the Building Depart- professional experiences and commu- Sea Cliff and he enjoys it. parking lot. ment and Village Code. nity service has provided him with the She said she started a Beach Council sensitivities and practical experience of Bruce Kennedy that coordinates efforts of the beach. She Edward Lieberman governing which will serve all the peo- In his statement Mayor Bruce Ken- said her work as liaison to Senior Ser- Trustee candidate Ed Lieberman ple of Sea Cliff. Liberman has served as nedy said he enjoyed the past 4 years vices has focused on the Senior Survey thanked everyone. He noted that Sea Cliff President and on the Board of Directors being mayor of “the finest community to determine the best way to serve senior recently lost past Mayor Norm Parsons of the Lion’s Club for many years. As a ever to exist.” He said a lot has been residents, and finally getting a new se- and he hoped that when elected he can defense attorney, he has worked in the accomplished in a short time during a nior bus. As liaison to the museum she live up to Parson’s standards. He said at prosecutor’s office correction unit and historic economic crisis. He said he has has worked to promote its activities and first people didn’t know him. When cam- as a defense attorney he is someone who its renovation. As the representative of paigning he said he told people how he wants to help people. MEET continued on page 2 the Tree Committee and liaison to the loves to do community service and work In Sea Cliff he has served on the Elected Officials Continue To Press Albany For LIPA Solution North Shore School Board Presi- taxes from the decommissioning of the dent, Carolyn Mazzu Genovesi accom- Glenwood Landing LIPA plant. Mayor panied by Sea Cliff Mayor, Bruce Ken- Kennedy said, “It was my pleasure to nedy, Sea Cliff Trustee and Legislative represent my Sea Cliff constituents in Action Committee (LAC) Chairperson, this important trip to Albany. I was very Thomas Murphy, Gold Coast Library pleased to witness all of the positive re- Trustee, Miles Sibell, School Board lationships and progress School Board Trustee, Thomas Knierim, and LAC Li- President Genovesi has forged while aison, Igor Webb, visited officials in Al- representing the community over these bany to discuss the ramifications and the past 18 months.” need for a State solution for the loss of continued on page 2 North Shore School Board President, Carolyn Mazzu Genovesi accompanied by Sea Cliff Mayor, Bruce Kennedy, Sea Cliff Trustee and Legislative Action Commit- tee (LAC) Chairperson, Thomas Murphy, Gold Coast Library Trustee, Miles Sibell, School Board Trustee, Thomas Knierim, and LAC Liaison, Igor Webb to discuss the ramifications and the need for a State solution for the loss of taxes from the decom- missioning of the Glenwood Landing LIPA plant. Page 2 Gold Coast Gazette Week of March 14, 2013 MEET continued from page 1 village is looking to other bags. Someone asked if there were any presented balanced and reserved budgets plans to open the public rite away on The classic movie “Wings” takes that have kept spending at bay. He said the Boulevard. The person was told the when he took office in 2009 the budget resident alongside the rite away planted flight at Chaminade High School! was $5.2 million dollars and today four bushes and developer who owns the ad- years later, the budget is only $5.3 mil- joining property put a fence there which In the history of the Academy, there lion, which is only a 2.9% increase when the Village has to address. have only been two silent films to win costs of pensions, health insurance, and Someone else asked how a trustee this prestigious award. "Wings" and workmen’s compensation have soared at gets liaison assignments. Ed Lieberman "The Artist", which won last year. This a rate of 15-20% annually. “If other mu- said out of interest, he has looked into action-packed thriller takes place dur- nicipalities and districts were as fiscally being a liaison to local business given his ing World War I with Rogers, Arlen and responsible as Sea Cliff Board of Trust- prior volunteer services to organizations. Cooper as the pilots. The director, "Wild ees, there would be no need for a prop- Carol Vogt said, in many respects liaison Bill" Wellman, acquired his nickname as erty tax cap. Despite this tremendous choices come down to what kind of time a fighter pilot during WWI in the Lafay- curb on taxes, we have not cut any ser- the trustees have to offer. ette Flying Corps in France. Wellman vices. We have simply spent smarter… Another question inquired about knew first hand about dog fighting with by more aggressively looking for more what future capital improvements are enemy pilots. For the dog fight scenes competitive bidding on everything from planned? Mayor Kennedy said the com- in "Wings" he had cameras mounted on garbage disposal to roadwork, to office pletion of the restoration of Village Hall, the planes to film these daredevil, heart- supplies to liability insurance.” The re- two new and improved garbage trucks, stopping exploits with stunt pilots that sult is Standard & Poor’s increasing Sea for which the Village will float a bond actually crashed many of the planes in Cliff’s bond rating to AA+” to cover the cost of at $80,000 each the film for the story line. These daring Phase I rehabilitation project at and renovation of the children’s library, stunt pilots with amazing skill and ex- Village Hall has been completed and which will cost about a half a million pertise knew how to escape these realis- complete renovation/enlargement of the dollars. The cost is too much for now, tic fiery crashes. This was a film made Beach Pavilion that includes building but a new HVAC system is being con- with no special effects! a much larger and modernized kitchen, sidered and a bathroom, which will pos- On March 23rd at 7 PM at Chami- This film is rated "E" for everyone. and sound equipment in the Arts Gazebo sibly come from a grant. In conclusion, nade High School in Mineola, the 1927 It is a film for grandparents, who will re- has been accomplished. The downtown the mayor said they are still planning on Academy Award-winning silent movie member seeing silent films with live mu- area of Sea Cliff has more restaurants, a sewer line down Sea Cliff Avenue. The classic “Wings,” directed by William sical accompaniment, their children and shops, and galleries and investment of Village plans to apply for a federal grant A. Wellman, starring the “It Girl,” Clara their grandchildren. It's an 'edge of your property owners into the building is on for that project. Bow, “Buddy” Rogers, Richard Arlen seat' thriller that was made eighty-six the upswing, said Kennedy. Another resident questioned Sea and Gary Cooper, will be presented with years ago without the use of computer The professional staff at the DPW Cliff’s low recycling rate. He was told LIVE theatre organ accompaniment graphic which is both entertaining and has a greater sense of pride in the com- smaller businesses don’t do much recy- by world-famous organist, Bernie An- a great opportunity to see these classic munity and the morale is excellent said cling.
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