·-cc----;------------~---------·-----··-- TelDPle 3eth El 10 70 Orcba-rd Ave • J..E"MFU .S.EJ.ff-.E( l.flAARY .Prov .l4ence, R. I. Detroit Center Approves Sabbath Program Plan DETROIT - The board of di­ like" activities as smoking and rectors of the Detroit Jewlish Com­ handling of money. They also en­ munity Center unanimously ap­ dorsed the curtailment of such proved this week proposals for center functions as its snack bar, THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. Sabbath programing aimed at shoe shine facllity, massage room ending a two-year controversy and vending machines. VOL. XLV NO. 36 over the issue. The committee then developed The recommendations were pro­ and endorsed Sabbath activities of informal clubs, assembly-type _Organization Asked posed by a Committee for Sab­ bath Programing, organized five mass activities, older adults pro­ weeks ago by Max M. Fisher, presi­ grams, story-tell1ng for children. TCf Advertise And Back dent of the Detroit Jewish Welfare Among the activities urged as pro­ Federation. The plan for the com­ per for the Sabbath were swim­ Jewish Newspapers mittee and the selection of its ming -and informal recreation and members was undertaken by Fish­ athletics. BOSTON - Joseph G. Weis­ er as an interested citizen and not The committee also proposed berg, editor of the Boston Jewish in his capacity as head of the Fed­ that a representative committee Advocate and president· of the eration, which provides a subven­ of religious leaders, educators and American Association of English­ tion for the center's budget. laymen should re-evaluate its pro­ Jewish Newspapers, declared that posed program within the year. national Jewish organizations, The committee began its task by eliminating such "un-Sabbath- Rabbi Eliezer Levine, named to "which spend thousands of dollars represent the Detroit rabbinate, each year for publicity," rarely on the Fisher committee, objected think of advertising in the Eng­ to the proposals drawn up by the lish-Jewish press." Herald To Be Mailed committee and on that basis re­ Some organizations "have even fused to participate in the final entered into advertising competi­ On Friday, .Nov. 24 deliberations. tion with the weekly Jewish papers by actively soliciting ads for their Since Thursday, Nov. 23 ls The Jewish News of Detroit, in own house organs in territories Thank.s&ivin&' Day the Herald an editorial comm!i!nded the agree­ ment on the Center programs. It served by the weeklies from cus­ , Fred Kelman Plfoto issue of Nov. 24 will be malled tomers developed by the news­ on Friday rather than on pointed out that although it is Dedicate Honor Plaque - Shown left to right are Max Al­ doubtful whether any proposal for papers," Weisberg said. Thursday as it UllUally is. The perin, re-elected president; Jacob I. Felder and Max Wino­ Sabbath programing could enroll "Organizational heads, who grad, past presidents and now honorary presidents with a deadline for news will remain would not hesitate to pay enor­ Monday noon and the . dead­ the endorsement of all elements plague that reads "Dedicated to the presidents of the Jewish in the Detroit Jewish community, mous fees for a guest speaker," he line for advertlsinc will remain Home For the Aged of Rhode Island who have served with the agreement "ends a contro­ wrote, "get apoplexy at the Wednesday noon. distinction and Devotion." (See story on page 6). versy" which aroused -deep feel­ thought of buying advertising ings in the community. space to go along with the free publicity they demand. Arrest Three Jewish Leaders In Leningrad Mother Told Debate Brings Arab NEW YORK - Three leaders of ly forced his demotion in 1956 to to Leningrad Jews but also to im­ the Jewish community in Lenin­ the post of deputy chairman." portant foreign visitors who toured Anti-Israel Blast grad have been arrested, and one Between 1953 and 1956 Pecher­ the synagogue which for years has She Must Teach UNITED NATIONS - Another years' imprisonment, after closed sky, according to the correspond­ served as a showplace to tourists." _bitter exchange between Israel trials on charges of being "secret ent, "had succeeded in repairing Evans reported further, that the Judaism To Son and one of the Arab delegations agents" and carrying on "treason­ the premises of the Leningrad Jewish community in Leningrad NEW YORK - A Jewish divor- . took place here last week, when able" activities, The New York synagogue, establishing the ritual was "known for its aggressive cee who became a Christian Scien­ Ambassador Arieh Eshel, Israel's Herald Tribune reported this slaughtering of fowl, and gaining stand and its stubborn struggle" to tist was fined $250 by a New York deputy permanent representative week. offlicial approval for · the baking restore and preserve Jewish tradi­ Supreme Court justice this week 11-nd his country's representative The report was written by Row­ of matzot." tions. "The history of Soviet dis­ who held she had failed to live up in the General Assembly's Special land Evans, Jr., a Washington cor­ In 1957, Evans continued, Pecher­ crimination against Russia's Jews to a seperation agreement to allow Political Committee, clashed with respondent for the Herald Tri­ sky was demoted still further, be­ offers evidence to support the view her 12-year-old son to be raised : Lebanon's Ambassador to Wash­ bune, who returned recently from ing stripped of his deputy chair­ that the Pechersky trial, disclosed in the Jewish faith. manship, but "he continued his for the first time in this report, ington, Nadin Dimechkie. an 8,000-mile tour of the Soviet Justice Thomas A. Aurelio ruled The committee is currently dis­ Union. The arrested men are re­ public pressure for reforms." could be a harbinger of a new Evans reported that Pechersky anti-Jewiish campaign," he that Mrs. Sylvia Gluckstern Glas, cussing the South African Apart­ ported to be Gedalia Rubinovich former wife of Phllip Gluckstern, "was a prominent figure, not only stressed. heid issue, but this is the same Pechersky, former lay chairman owner of a kosher restaurant in group before which, later this of the Leningrad Jewish Com­ New york City, was in contempt month or early in December, the munity; and Jews named Dynkin of court. The couple was married Arab refugee debate is scheduled and Kagnov, whose first names Nathan E. Sklar To Address in 1934, lived together as Orthodox to develop. Speaking in condem­ could not be established by Evans. Jews, and had three children. nation of South Africa's discrim­ According to the correspondent, Annual Pedagogic Conference inatory practices, Mr. Dimechk.le The youngest, Lewis Jay Gluck­ Pechersky was put on trial on or The Seventh Annual Pedagogic and Sisterhood followed by the stern, was awarded to the mother told the committee that Israel, about Oct. 9, his trial lasting four too, practices discrimination, al­ Luncheon-Conference will be held the singing of Hanukkah songs in a 1959 seperation agreement, on days. He had been arrested in on Sunday, November 19th, at 1:00 conducted by Cantor Harold conditioned that the father "shall legedly directing its p o l i c i e s June, accused of "crimes against against the Israeli Arabs "in P .M., at the Temple Beth Sholom Dworkin of Temple Beth El. have full charge• of the religious the State." Pechersky was four education" of the boy "and may subtle and disguished" fashion. auditorium according to an an­ Greetings will be brought by the years "the outspoken advocate of nouncement by the President of President of the Bureau, Irving bring him up in the Orthodox Jew­ Jewish religious life," the report the Bureau, Irving Brodsky. Brodsky. Rabbi Saul Leeman, ish faith, notwithstanding any dif­ Remains of City Found said. He was elected to the leader­ Nathan E. Sklar, Executive Di­ Chairman of the School Council ferent religion which the mother Buried Near Ein Gev ship of the Jewish religious com­ rector of the Jewish Family and will serve as Chairman of the may have." JERUSALEM - The remains of munity of Leningrad in 1953 im­ Children's Service, will address the Conference, which is open In his ruling, Justice Aurelio a great city built at the end of mediately after the death of dic­ teachers on "The Emotional Needs to teachers in all departments and said that each had since remar­ the reign of King David or at the tator Joseph Stalin. Lenlgrad has of Children". Following his presen­ in all nearby communities. Joel ried and that Mr. Glasser "has start of that of King Solomon a Jewish population of 250,000, tation, teachers will divide them­ Sharir, Principal of the Beth Sho­ converted to Christian Science." were reported last week to have but not all of them are 'practic­ selves in accordance with the age lom Hebrew ~hool is in charge of He cited the seperatlon agree­ been uncovered near Ein Gev dur­ inig" or religious Jews. levels they are teaching for a dis­ arrangements for the Conference ment by Mrs. Glasser that she ing recent excavations in the area. Election Approved cussion of the Conference theme. and Avis Jacobson will serve as would not try to teach the boy any A team of archaeologists found The head of the Leningrad Serving as discussion chairmen Secretary for registration. Mrs. other religion. At a trial of a suit the city and reported that one of State Committee for Religious are Seymour Krieger, Primary Philip Nemirow, President of the brought by the father, Mrs. Glas­ the -most remarkable excavation Affairs approved the election of Age Level; Rabbi Saul Leeman, Beth Sholom Sisterhood, is Chair­ ser testified she took the boy to findings was a large Jar bearing Pechersky to the Jewish religious Intermediate Age Level, and Na­ man of the Hostess Committee for Christian Science services every the inscription "leshakya," which leadership, the report emphasized .
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